Too Many Captains

  • This is going to be a feedback discussion about the new state of the game going forward from season 7. Obviously the captaincy update has brought a lot of changes, but I don't think players are going to realize exactly how much it changes.

    From now on players who have ridden the seas, raised the money, and put the work in will be able to captain a ship. But what that truly means is that players who have actually gotten the hang of the sea of thieves played a few quests, crashed a few ships, and sank a few skeletons will now be starting over on their own. Their crew will be if not populated by friends they have met along the way, mainly players who have not already put the work in and gotten their sea legs. So you will almost always have newer players, Griefers who can target any and I mean anyone with a captained ship, and players who are just going to log in for a short journey. So the state of the game going forward is that experienced players will now be ferrying around newer players or having voyages ruined by players more often than getting a combined group of the community. Therefore there will be too many captains and not enough sailors.

    Anyway, that is my two cents on the matter. But I think the community should come up with a way to combat this new environment because as time progresses this will only get more and more consistent. The option to "Play With Friends". Should be left out of this discussion to keep it within the overall state of the public community of Sea Of Thieves.


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  • @crowofstyx5569 said in Too Many Captains:

    So you will almost always have newer players, Griefers who can target any and I mean anyone with a captained ship, and players who are just going to log in for a short journey. So the state of the game going forward is that experienced players will now be ferrying around newer players or having voyages ruined by players more often than getting a combined group of the community. Therefore there will be too many captains and not enough sailors.

    I don't understand this. I understand a lot of experienced players wanting to do things on their ships instead of doing them on non-captained or other captain's ships. That would just be somewhat of a waste of a session with the new milestones being what they are.

    I do think if they nerf some of the milestones needed to max out a ship, or come up with a way for groups of people to co-own ships then that would solve some of the problems I think you're mentioning.

    But I don't get why you're referencing 'ferrying new players'. Is that something you're doing?

  • I also don't understand what you are trying to say?

    Crew's that regularly sail together aren't suddenly going to all go solo so they can focus on their own ship. They will either have one ship with one captain or just take it in turns to use their own ship, or just sail with whoever's ship logged on first.

    I'm not going to sacrifice sailing with my regular crew for the sake of a few ship milestones.

  • I also don't understand the purpose of this thread. Most players who play regularly are going to stick together and help each other earn the milestones. My friends who populate my crew regularly only play when I'm on. So most likely they won't purchase a ship to captain because it would be a waste of money for them but they will certainly sail with me to help me get the milestones. If you have friends that suddenly abandon your ship because they only want to captain their own ship, I'd question that friendship.

  • Commit to someone/something or go solo.

  • Season 7 is the solo sloop buff we all wanted, by forcing everyone to run their own ship now the sea is full of solo sloops. Much easier to sink everyone. Although I do miss sinking gallys

  • @crowofstyx5569

    Put me in the camp that is confused by your post. If I ignore the "play with friends" option then I don't see much changing regarding "public" crews. LFG or "open crews" tend to be less experienced and having a captain may even elevate them a little. Solon players will continue to use solo. And friend, the thing you wanted to ignore, will figure out their own dynamic.

    Yes, this will change the game. If it didn't then what's the point of a new feature.. But I don't anticipate the decline in average skill at sea that you are predicting.

  • It's an odd blend of setting up an extreme grind and then supporters of it telling people to approach it as casuals.

    Crews are difficult to find and even more difficult to hold together. Anything that puts more weight on that struggle is something to be concerned about imo.

  • @pithyrumble said in Too Many Captains:

    Commit to someone/something or go solo.

    Life Coaching by Pithy

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