Another 2 hours 'wasted' playing solo-sloop on this game!!!!

  • Don't know why I even bother trying to play solo.... dug up loads of chests had a nightmare against overpowered skellies on the island and then attacked by a brig who can DEFINITELY sail quicker than sloop into the wind so really wondering what the point of this game is for solo players... Answer NONE!!!

    Ive played since day one and am now a Pirate Legend but keep making the mistake of wanting to play this game on my own... RARE why dont you ever listen to all the solo-sloopers and throw us some kind of sweetner... Just something to make this game fairer for solo players????

    I thought the sloop was supposed to be unbeatable into the wind... It isnt so as soon as some [Mod Edit - Swearing] crew who just want to rob other players start chasing, you may as well quit the game!!!

    Its so unfair and woundn't be too bad if youre matchmaking service didnt suck!!!

    Please, please, please re balance the game a littlw for solo-sloopers. It really spoils the fun...

    Btw, game is sooooo much easier with a crew of 4 which is how I normally play but we're decent players who don't go out of the way to rob other ships(especially smaller ones). We only attack if attacked first.
    Sea of Thieves single player = 1/10 ----- Multiplayer 9/10


  • 43
  • I completely agree. Sloops IMO should be considerably faster than all other ships. That is the point of them but atm bigger ships means more sails meaning more everything. The current response people give is "you can out turn them" but I dont think thats really enough most the time.

    My personal suggestion as another slooper myself is the following. When you spawn go to an outpost immediately and grab a few bombs. If you start being chased by a brig or gally start dropping the bombs off behind your ship into the water. If they run into these with their ship they blow up and do massive damage to their boat. If they turn to avoid these bombs they lose a lot of speed and time.

    Another great trick is turning tightly around and through things like rocks. Your turn radius is rather awesome while the bigger ships are slug bugs. If you practice these 2 things you can make these PvPers life hell. I cant count how many time I get guys screaming through their megaphone in game at me cussing me out because I keep bombing them.

  • @paul-hurst Personally, i got to pirate legend playing 90% solo. It really does suck. Every time there is a commited galleon it’s impossible to board, kill, cannon, repair, and steer at once. Open crew also sucks just a much. Personally, i am very experienced and believe i’m pretty talented at the PVP aspect of the game. I can go agaisnt a default galleon that is absolute trash and still loose. Its very unfortunate, and sadly i dont think Rare can even do anything.

  • @beanmariocow I hardly ever solo sloop. I was filming video the other day and a galleon taunted and attacked me. They turned off and went to the fort. I pestered them for a half an hour by sailing around and attacking them and killing anyone who board.

    It was a bit of a challenge, having to repair my ship, kill boarders, fire cannons, but in the end I sunk them. Solo sloop is definitely hard mode, for an average player I would recommend running.

    I have out ran brigs on a sloop (not since this patch) when I was new and playing with my wife, the only time I feared other ships was another sloops. /shrug.

  • Why dont you just solo in a brig? Your less likely to get messed with than in a sloop. And since your so sure it's faster into the wind you'll have that as well. Most people on these forums need to spend a minute to figure things out instead of complaining to get things changed.

  • Please stop complaining

  • @bonko40 said in Another 2 hours 'wasted' playing solo-sloop on this 'plucking' game!!!!:

    Why dont you just solo in a brig? Your less likely to get messed with than in a sloop. And since your so sure it's faster into the wind you'll have that as well. Most people on these forums need to spend a minute to figure things out instead of complaining to get things changed.

    That's not a bad idea, solo brig isn't that hard.

  • @paul-hurst said in Another 2 hours 'wasted' playing solo-sloop on this 'plucking' game!!!!:

    Btw, game is sooooo much easier with a crew of 4 which is how I normally play but we're decent players who don't go out of the way to rob other ships(especially smaller ones). We only attack if attacked first.
    Sea of Thieves single player = 1/10 ----- Multiplayer 9/10

    Yeah that's the point, it isn't a single player game, nor is it advertised as such! Sea of Thieves is a fantastic multiplayer game and the challenges are balanced for multiplayer play styles. Solo slooping is understood to be the "hard mode" of the game and should be something that you do once you've become much more experienced. I'm surprised that as a Pirate Legend you can still have this much frustration over it.

    When you choose to solo sloop, you choose to accept the responsibility of being able to defend yourself from full crews, and be aware enough of your surroundings to flee if you need to. You choose to accept PvE challenges as they are balanced for people playing in crews. I personally have never had as much trouble solo slooping as people seem to complain about. I find it really easy.

    Sounds like there needs to be some leg work done by the player to study and think through the challenges they're up against rather than asking the developer to make it easier for us! Rare can't keep catering to the solo play style. We'd be in for a very watered down, unchallenging game if they move that direction.

  • if you have specific suggestions, feel free to voice them in a calm and logical manner. This kind of vaguely complaining post provides little to no constructive feedback.

  • The only thing I can say is play to your strengths.
    Having a small ship means you can hug islands closer and cut corners easier. There isn't a good way of making the sloop better that doesn't make it almost too good. Also if your running into the wind, jump off the front of your boat and swim under to their ship and drop their anchor.

  • Going straight into the wind is all well and dandy but if a bigger ship zig zags and tacks their sails accordingly and you don't adapt, they will catch up, fair and simple.

    As others mentioned, you can jump and try to drop their anchor, or try to bomb them. You can do anchor-turns and go a totally different direction and scr*w them over. The sloop is more nimble, try to pass near rocks, close to islands.

    I'm sorry but that's another case of people not correctly using the game mechanics at their disposal and stomp their feet yelling "no fair!" Playing 1 vs 2/3/4 will never be fair, be creative.

  • If you play a sloop solo you automatically set your difficulty to hardest. If you lose your loot, or sink, that's the game - don't come here and just complain. This was never intended to be a "solo experience" game.

    Use the friends play free option to recruit some buddies. My wife and I take down galleons all the time in our sloop, though that probably has more to do with the influx of new players who have no idea what they're doing. ;)

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  • @paul-hurst disse em Another 2 hours 'wasted' playing solo-sloop on this 'plucking' game!!!!:

    Sea of Thieves single player = 1/10 ----- Multiplayer 9/10

    This is a multiplayer game...

  • @fenderbendur dijo en Another 2 hours 'wasted' playing solo-sloop on this 'plucking' game!!!!:

    If you play a sloop solo you automatically set your difficulty to hardest. If you lose your loot, or sink, that's the game - don't come here and just complain. This was never intended to be a "solo experience" game.

    Use the friends play free option to recruit some buddies. My wife and I take down galleons all the time in our sloop, though that probably has more to do with the influx of new players who have no idea what they're doing. ;)

    Haters of this game always sail alone... This is a SOCIAL game! its a waste of your time on this game to sail alone, because u may get bored of it faster.

    By the way... im sailing since february, and I only sail alone when im really breaking real desire to sail.

    Anyway most times making galleons run... sorry, not enough skill to sink them fastly...

  • As someone who solo sloops very often, it IS hard, but there's nothing wrong with it and nothing needs to be fixed. You just need to get better at solo slooping.

    Unless you are godly at PvP, expect to lose in combat. Expect that larger ships WILL target you, because it's easy loot. I have a few suggestions that might improve your solo sloop gameplay, but honestly if you are a Pirate Legend, then you should already know this stuff.

    -Turn in loot VERY frequently
    -Avoid Order of Souls quests
    -Avoid quests that linger close to a Skull Fort
    -Always make sure your boat is ready to leave (raise sails and raise anchor right after you anchor for a quest)
    -When being chased, do NOT sail with the wind. brigs and galleons have more sails than a sloop, and the more wind sails can catch, the faster a boat can go. Its better to sail away from the wind when being chased in a sloop, because sloops can move faster than brigs and galleons without wind.

    My only real complaint that I have with solo slooping is actually when fighting other sloops. You can't really win a fight with another sloop when they have one person on repairs/cannons while the other steers. Feels bad, but again, I don't know how they would fix this nor do I think it's really necessary. Just unfortunate.

    If you can't handle the stress of solo slooping, then don't do it. Its not for everyone. It doesn't mean the game needs to change.

  • @paul-hurst
    Hello Mr Hurst , i'm not going to bomb you with the fact that the Solo Sloop is the hardest way of playing SOT . Many said this before and you as a Legend know this too but....Are you sure that this Brigantina was playing fair?...Last night we were annihilated by another brigantine...Nomatter what we did ,they could gain on us and they always seem to find us nomatter where we spawned...Soon everything became clear: they could teleport , doublegun hopefully for the last day and couldeven become invisible apart from their gamertag...In other words hackers were ruining our game over and over again...This had nothing to do with skill, this was just sad...

  • @cpt-flamebeard How about he doesn't because it is truthful the sloop solo is god awful because there is no defense against poor design and pvp players who just want to consistently hassle solo sloops!
    you can only hope that they are brain dead and can sink them

  • @cpt-flamebeard said in Another 2 hours 'wasted' playing solo-sloop on this 'plucking' game!!!!:

    Please stop complaining

    Completely agree, first the double gunners now the super fast brigs all pc players i'm sure.

  • i think you are just bad at sailing directly into the wind, you dont want to allow them to be able get the wind. oh and maybe its because you arent directing your sails the right way, when going directly against the wind you need your sails going directly against the wind to go full speed. thats probebly why lol

  • @new-world-clogs i have been solo slooping and im lvl 43 on most things now and so far its beeen easy peasy. i rarely get sunk while i have good stuff, i dont even know if someone has actually ever sunk my ship and taken everything on my ship, maybe back in the early days. oh and this isnt my first pirate either, its my third. my first pirate i never solo slooped though, but with my second one i did and my third i am, and i think solo slooping

  • Solo sloop is difficult, and you need to be prepared for that. I got the game when it first came out and specialized in solo sloop all the time. It's the perfect way for you to work on fast operation and tactics of sailing, and you are always going into situations knowing you have a distinct disadvantage. Get good enough and a sloop can pick on even fully crewed galleons, I know having done it. Brigs are still quite dangerous though, if crewed well.

    Get good enough doing solo sailing, and then hooking up with a regular good crew puts the game into easy mode.

  • I've made about 50k the last 2 days sailing solo on the sloop. it's not hard but it's not always guaranteed you cash in everything you find.

  • also if you are having issues with people chasing you, drive against the wind in a straight line, grab a tnt and jump off the front of the ship, then wait for the other ship to come pick you up and blow them up, if you dont have any tnt board them and drop their anchor. it really isnt hard, being chased is the easy part. chasing is the hard part

  • this game is designed for groups not for solo players...

  • I x box player i sink 90% galeons solo. Then i run no one can catch me.
    Stop cry and learn the game.

  • @monger-of-war thanks for the bomb tip!

  • Haters of this game always sail alone... This is a SOCIAL game! its a waste of your time on this game to sail alone, because u may get bored of it faster.

    I don't hate the game and I mostly play solo in the sloop, I find it fun, high risk high reward, and the sense of always checking over your shoulder, really helps to make you more alert, love it

  • @targasbr if its a multiplayer game why are the only things attacking me krakens, ghostships and megs. im tired of running in to them every 15 mins. it was fun at first because i thought these were rare encounters. now thei are just anoing af.
    i like the game and the multiplayer aspekt but the servers are to low pop for my opinion.

  • The point for a solo player in a sloop?

    challenging HARD MODE!

    Thats why with the new upcoming possibilty to choose cross play or not. That i will stick WITH crossplay. This Xbox controlled pirate likes them challenges.

    Solo sloop with cross play will be Epic mode :D Awesomeeee

  • This is your quote: "The game is sooooo much easier with a crew of 4 which is how I normally play but we're decent players"

    You state that you are a decent player but can't solo a sloop successfully... just putting that out there.. don't play solo sloop and come to the forums complaing.. learn the sloop adapt and be better!
    I solo sloop and have only 1 thing I find difficult.. that is that Rare have made the solo life too f*****g easy.. Nerfed the kraken 😂👾 it was too easy to solo sloop before the new update!

  • @vorondil1 said in Another 2 hours 'wasted' playing solo-sloop on this 'plucking' game!!!!:

    if you have specific suggestions, feel free to voice them in a calm and logical manner. This kind of vaguely complaining post provides little to no constructive feedback.

    Thanks for everyone for their comments on here. Some have been super helpful... I'm now 90% sure that my sails weren't optimally set against the wind, hence why they caught me.

    Also props go to the guy who commented suggesting to solo a brig myself. I went back in and had a go... Yes its a lot more difficult than the sloop... but not impossible and it feels like it would deter some sloop PVP'ers which is helpful. I am going to put some time in on solo-brig from now on!

    I am not saying the game needs nerfing for the benefit of solo players. The danger of the seas is definitively one of the most defining and visceral aspects of SoT. Take it away and the game would be utter garbage. Lets be clear, I'm not saying that at all. I am actually asking Rare to look at the solo-play experience and take a fresh approach with it. Of course I understand this is heavily weighted to multi=play crews but there needs to be some way of scratching the SoT itch when your crew-mates are unavailable.

    In game matchmaking is absolutely rubbish, you waste hours trying to join a crew who aren't just fooling around or ones where no-one talks and theres no team play at all. its a problem for every multiplayer game out there so I'm not surprised this issue blights SoT 'matchmaking' either.

    As I pointed out originally. When I saw how the 3v1 out end... I did try to loudspeaker them to ask for an alliance. Hoping they may go for that but when one ship is intent on chasing another, there's only ever going to be one outcome really as far as that goes so I'n my experiences at least, the ally feature isn't much use to solo-sloopers in a situation like that but it does bring me on to my third point nicely...

    I started this post by quoting another poster... I completely agree... Just moaning and complaining has a limited value beyond showing the community just how frustrating and demoralising my solo-play game experience has been since launch (I had 4 months 'off' until my mate bought his copy then we both grinded our way to Pirate Legends). So I've put some thought in and maybe have a suggestion that I'd like to share with the community and encourage the devs to consider.... Here goes...

    I agree that altering the balance of play is not likely to be a wise move as it would negatively effect the game fro brig and gally crews so I think the solution lies elsewhere.

    How about introducing a LAND BASED faction for solo-players that allows some in-game interaction with multi-player crews but one which isn't combat dependent... How about some kind of resource gathering / preparing / activity that would allow SP players to set up on Islands to TRADE their own commodities? This could fit very well with the rumoured 'fishing' activities, effectively allowing players to trade resources such as collected items and bottle quests etc... Maybe also allowing 'trinket' dealing and some other little 'on the side' economy mechanics....

    Solo players could set up shops on any island of their choosing with pop-up stalls. This would also give crews a reason to visit islands aside from when they are merely 'questing' there (In my opinion, this needs to be encouraged where at all possible).

    This game differs so much in experience for solo-play, 2,3 and 4 crew teams and I genuinely feel that an improvement like this for solo players would be fantastic, especially as it wouldn't nerf the experience for other players either.

    How many people, like me, who usually crew up to play would value some LAND BASED solo play branch? I suspect it would inject a whole new layer of interaction into the game... For everyone...


  • @paul-hurst If you are a legendary pirate, you must know the real importance of powder barrels and their effectiveness!

    Every night, I play for 2 hours solo (my friends are not connected) and I am pursued almost every time. I can say that 3 times out of 4, I run the brig (the galleons is more complicated I admit ^^)

    You have to take the reflex before playing to take 30 min to take a lot of resources and lots of barrels of powder.
    Most of the followers are not very smart and they follow you just behind you on the same line, this is one of the biggest mistake of debutant! when we follow a boat it is not behind.
    Just leave the boat, jump in the water with a barrel, activate the wick when you are on the scale and BOOMMMMM you kill the pilot + another pirate, all alone, the last will not repair!

    And if he repairs, you have to do it 2 or 3 times (that's why you need lots of barrels ^^)

    Most of the time they will not have boards :)

    And you will be quiet >>>>>> For a little bit of time :)

    I hope I helped you mate !! :)

  • @monger-of-war excatly!! The best WEAPONS are the barrels :)

  • @paul-hurst dijo en Another 2 hours 'wasted' playing solo-sloop on this 'plucking' game!!!!:

    Don't know why I even bother trying to play solo.... dug up loads of chests had a nightmare against overpowered skellies on the island and then attacked by a brig who can DEFINITELY sail quicker than sloop into the wind so really wondering what the point of this game is for solo players... Answer NONE!!!

    Ive played since day one and am now a Pirate Legend but keep making the mistake of wanting to play this game on my own... RARE why dont you ever listen to all the solo-sloopers and throw us some kind of sweetner... Just something to make this game fairer for solo players????

    I thought the sloop was supposed to be unbeatable into the wind... It isnt so as soon as some [Mod Edit - Swearing] crew who just want to rob other players start chasing, you may as well quit the game!!!

    Its so unfair and woundn't be too bad if youre matchmaking service didnt suck!!!

    Please, please, please re balance the game a littlw for solo-sloopers. It really spoils the fun...

    Btw, game is sooooo much easier with a crew of 4 which is how I normally play but we're decent players who don't go out of the way to rob other ships(especially smaller ones). We only attack if attacked first.
    Sea of Thieves single player = 1/10 ----- Multiplayer 9/10


    Sloop is the faster ship... Against wind. More sails, more speed with wind. If you're a PL and don't know this... Well. You should know that solo slooping is the "hard mode" of the game too. Nothing that's not already said in a million threads about this. Stop complaining and get some frinds on board. Pirates steal loot, it's a possibility the game offers you as well. Make a good use of your sloop capabilities to make others crash or just avoid them. Pass near an Outpost, jump with a chest or whatever, deliver it, back to ship. Repeat. That's what I do when I dont want to fight back, and usually works. I don't know, it's not like you ain't got options at all. Just use your head, you got it for a good reason.

1 out of 43