[Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.

  • Yet another example of Rare backtracking to add to the list as the uncompromized Crossplay is now being compromised.

    I mean i can understand why they would need to do this. for Arena mode as it is a competitive experiance ,but why then add it to Adventure Mode?

    Also i'm fine with K/B mouse support on console i think thats great. Why not add that frist before making crossplay optional so console player can actually see what it is like to play with that control shceme to learn the pro and cons so a much more objective discussion could be had.

    Current list of things Rare has Reversed on:

    Uncompromised Crossplay
    Competive Play
    Sepreate Servers/Modes
    AI Ship threats

    Whats next?

    Safe Zones
    PvE only Servers/Story Mode
    Loot boxes

  • Can we also get pc users to be able to choose to play with only pc users as well? I play on pc and like a good challenge instead of constantly running into casual console players that dont want anything to do with pvp. I think that being able to condense pc users would help us enjoy the game much more

  • @himwhoeatstime PC players populating this game on the increase as a result of popular streamers playing the game means there will be plenty of PC players for you to play Sea of Thieves with so the lack of some Xbox players who opt out, wont change this in any way for you.

  • @enf0rcer said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    Yet another example of Rare backtracking to add to the list as the uncompromized Crossplay is now being compromised.

    I mean i can understand why they would need to do this. for Arena mode as it is a competitive experiance ,but why then add it to Adventure Mode?

    Also i'm fine with K/B mouse support on console i think thats great. Why not add that frist before making crossplay optional so console player can actually see what it is like to play with that control shceme to learn the pro and cons so a much more objective discussion could be had.

    Current list of things Rare has Reversed on:

    Uncompromised Crossplay
    Competive Play
    Sepreate Servers/Modes
    AI Ship threats

    Whats next?

    Safe Zones
    PvE only Servers/Story Mode
    Loot boxes

    All of the above. Diagenes is going to pop out his grave with his lamp in a minute and resume his daylight search for an honest man.

  • @himwhoeatstime said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    I can honestly say if I had known this was coming 3 weeks ago, I would not have purchased this game, even though it looks fun as hell on Twitch. This would have put a hard stop on that purchase.

    Optional Crossplay is not crossplay. I am one of the people who tried Sea of Thieves because certain streamers (PC gamers) are promoting the hell out of this game.

    Rare, this is a perilous road you're heading down. Your game is growing in popularity because of PC gamers promoting your game. It's working. It is unique. It is really crossplay. If you want the Twitch guys to ditch this game and drop it back down to 2k nightly viewers, then by all means, implement optional cross-play.
    Ok couple of things here. 1st it's still cross-play, whether optional or not. 2nd, I'm sorry you are disappointed with your purchase and now realizing you won't be able to merc XB players as much as you saw in the streams. 3rd, yes the game is growing in popularity, PC popularity, because of the advantages. Since we are making statement without statistics, I will say that the xbox player base is declining because of the unfairness. While I am sure that Rare wants the game to remain popular and be played by many, they have stressed their desire to have a solid player community. That simply isn't there anymore. If it continues to go this way, you won't have cross-play much anymore. You'll just have PC play as Xbox'ers leave the game. Then you will truely see server issues.

  • [Mod edit - post removed, inflammatory and unconstructive.]

  • @arecbalrin

    Ahoy mate, as mentioned in the first post in this mega thread, discussions will still be moderated according to forum rules which includes :

    Derogatory Language
    Name calling, personal attacks and using derogatory language against Community Members, Rare Employees, Global Moderators or Deckhands is not acceptable. Using such language will result in a warning, then temporary ban from the Forums and a final warning. If the action is persistent or increasingly aggressive, a permanent ban from the Forums will be issued.

  • @arecbalrin said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    [Mod edited]

    Nothing, because they wil be happy sucking in fair environment. Beat me in balanced competition and I'll give you props and share a grog with you afterwards. Never been about K/D ratios, or ships shunk, or loot captured. It's been about fair play.

  • @katttruewalker That is the point, the solution is not to divide, it is to give everyone the possibility of playing with the device that they like the most.
    I respect your opinion, but if we supposedly divide by disadvantages, the list is large and will worsen in the future.

  • @dekeita said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    I have no issue with crossplay options for Arena.

    And not knowing how exactly this is going to be implemented yet, I'm not sure how it'll all shake out in the end. But I will say now, if the crossplay servers in adventure mode end up feeling like its a vast majority of experienced gamers who want to fight always, I will quit the game.

    The whole draw of the game to me is that we're all in it together, I love running into random kids and families and all sorts of different types of people.

    Seconding this. Think about the PC gamer demographic. Most of them are competitive and take games very seriously. While I tend to prefer sinking and taking loot in most cases, I'm not necessarily interested in this being the type of people I encounter on the seas at all times. I engage in and appreciate all kinds of player behaviors.

    Besides, I have my times where I like to gather loot in a ship decked out in ghost cosmetics and find a new unsuspecting player and gift them the best haul they've ever had. I doubt I'll be able to do much of that if the player base is allowed the choice to split itself like this.

  • @lonegoatknifer said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    I wonder if the console only servers will be more aggressive since everyone in a party won't be able to hear game chat. Or if more people will use game chat when approaching other ships.

    The fact that this is even a conversation shows why crossplay as it is now has been an issue. Just one of the inbalances in the game. I think it will go back to switching between the two, or at least that's what I do most of the time anyway.

  • @cokney-charmer said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @himwhoeatstime PC players populating this game on the increase as a result of popular streamers playing the game means there will be plenty of PC players for you to play Sea of Thieves with so the lack of some Xbox players who opt out, wont change this in any way for you.

    This does not solve the server migration problem. That has less to do with how many players you can be matched with but the proportion of them once this is implemented. Server space will have to be shuffled around more if a large enough number of Xbox players opt-out of crossplay.

    Rare have deliberately opted to favour a majority of the playerbase over a minority, failing to heed any concerns from that minority(oh the irony, given that intro). Will they compensate the PC players by given them an opt-out of server migrations? Not a word from Joe about it, which surprises me as he made out that they had thought 'very carefully' about this.

  • I think we're in danger here of seeing this as an Xbox / PC divide when in reality it will eventually be Xbox + kb/m, Xbox + controller who play with friends with other inputs and on PC, Xbox + controller who prefer crossplay plus PC players.

  • @cokney-charmer quoted:

    Joe remarking how an abusive act that victimised a player lead to the culprit being punished

    Actually, what Joe said was that the victim had been banned. I am sure that was not what he meant; but that is what he said.

    -- PedanticPete

  • Congratulations on finding a wedge issue to force Rare to work on. Being the only PC player in my regular crews (and taunted several times during PVP encounters because I "play on XBox". That's right. I have sooo much of an advantage with my old PC.) it will now be a choice for them to leave their gaming session and progress (if started on a controller only session) to allow me to join, or stop sailing with me. I guess I can do what some have suggested and go play with randoms.... Yay... I haven't had to experience a 1 in 20 decent random crew in 10 months. I am sure it will be just as fun now as it was then. Or maybe I can find new people that I like to sail with that are ostracized too. Because finding a crew that works well together is a simple task.... What's next? Separate servers by country so that you don't have to listen to a different language?

    Deep breath....

    I will wait to see how this all turns out. But I can't wait for all those that bemoaned the "unfair PC advantage" and demanded optional cross play in a game that was made SPECIFICALLY FOR CROSS PLAY to find out that there are simply better players out there. To all those that are getting their wish to divide the community... Hear the Athena chest being turned in now... "We shall fail together"

  • @arecbalrin it is a work in progress, which Joe also stated today, they are working towards implementing it. As an Xbox player we too also suffer from the constant annoying server migration issues, that is something also requiring addressing but that needs a new thread so its not buried either in the angry posts here or lost in the debate about crossplay.

  • @surveyorpete erm not how I took it at all, a video showing the victim being attacked and a ban took place, pretty sure it wasn't the victim who was banned and the context was obvious really.

  • @katttruewalker said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:


    Ahoy mate, as mentioned in the first post in this mega thread, discussions will still be moderated according to forum rules which includes :

    Derogatory Language
    Name calling, personal attacks and using derogatory language against Community Members, Rare Employees, Global Moderators or Deckhands is not acceptable. Using such language will result in a warning, then temporary ban from the Forums and a final warning. If the action is persistent or increasingly aggressive, a permanent ban from the Forums will be issued.

    [Citation need]
    I have directed no name-calling, personal attacks or derogatory language at any other person. I have had these directed at me recently, with no action from you. That you can't be trusted to distinguish between clear breaches of the rules and what I have posted has been a theme I have tried to advance in my contributions to discussion on this topic today. I am open to dialogue on how I can improve my interactions with other forum users, privately or publicly, I will not however accept defamatory characterisations of myself which includes me being given opinions I do not have or words shoved in my mouth.

  • This is the wrong decision. This is more about being a bad sport and unable to say good game rather you win or lose. It is a problem in real life competition and most prevalent in online PvP games.

    Best response is to make no changes at all. Rare please keep true crossplay alive. If you are truly concerned about the Arena mode, then implement it there only. Leave the Adventure one big sea for all pirates to sail together on no matter how they command the helm of their ships.

    “The greatest test of courage on earth is to bear defeat without losing heart.”

    ~ Robert Green Ingersoll

  • @chronodusk said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @dekeita said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    I have no issue with crossplay options for Arena.

    And not knowing how exactly this is going to be implemented yet, I'm not sure how it'll all shake out in the end. But I will say now, if the crossplay servers in adventure mode end up feeling like its a vast majority of experienced gamers who want to fight always, I will quit the game.

    The whole draw of the game to me is that we're all in it together, I love running into random kids and families and all sorts of different types of people.

    Seconding this. Think about the PC gamer demographic. Most of them are competitive and take games very seriously. While I tend to prefer sinking and taking loot in most cases, I'm not necessarily interested in this being the type of people I encounter on the seas at all times. I engage in and appreciate all kinds of player behaviors.

    Besides, I have my times where I like to gather loot in a ship decked out in ghost cosmetics and find a new unsuspecting player and gift them the best haul they've ever had. I doubt I'll be able to do much of that if the player base is allowed the choice to split itself like this.

    Thank you for playing that way. Unfortunately, from what I have come across, you are in the minority. Yes it's a pirate game, yes it's PvP, but doesn't mean you can't have some moments of taking care of your fellow pirate. Some of the best times I have had have been helping new players out and seeing the happiness when they get loot and buy new stuff.

  • @katttruewalker said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    I think we're in danger here of seeing this as an Xbox / PC divide when in reality it will eventually be Xbox + kb/m, Xbox + controller who play with friends with other inputs and on PC, Xbox + controller who prefer crossplay plus PC players.

    Well that is happening because Rare has set it up that way.

  • @x-crowheart-x said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    This is the wrong decision. This is more about being a bad sport and unable to say good game rather you win or lose. It is a problem in real life competition and most prevalent in online PvP games.

    Best response is to make no changes at all. Rare please keep true crossplay alive. If you are truly concerned about the Arena mode, then implement it there only. Leave the Adventure one big sea for all pirates to sail together on no matter how they command the helm of their ships.

    “The greatest test of courage on earth is to bear defeat without losing heart.”

    ~ Robert Green Ingersoll[link text]([link url]([link url]([link url]([link url](link url)))))

    Yo chief, it's a game.

  • I understand the cross-pay issue is still a huge worry for all of us, considering that the population will be split up.

    I'm going to leave the sentiment on the back- burner for now, because we still have an amazing game to play. From one pirate to another, have ye faith that the game will be what know it to be after this update.

    Enough with the worrying. We won't know until after the patch, and unfortunately thats the only way for us to tell if the split will damage the game.

    Hold onto your hats

  • @coralyew4453664 They have actually said that they have banned the cheaters and that it has been a really really small portion of the playerbase. Don't generalize so much. So I don't know where you are getting your information.

    You are getting your own playerpool, there is not really any point to be so negative against PC players, you are just acting like the worst of us are :)

  • @ogdirtyape said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    Congratulations on finding a wedge issue to force Rare to work on. Being the only PC player in my regular crews (and taunted several times during PVP encounters because I "play on XBox". That's right. I have sooo much of an advantage with my old PC.) it will now be a choice for them to leave their gaming session and progress (if started on a controller only session) to allow me to join, or stop sailing with me. I guess I can do what some have suggested and go play with randoms.... Yay... I haven't had to experience a 1 in 20 decent random crew in 10 months. I am sure it will be just as fun now as it was then. Or maybe I can find new people that I like to sail with that are ostracized too. Because finding a crew that works well together is a simple task.... What's next? Separate servers by country so that you don't have to listen to a different language?

    Deep breath....

    I will wait to see how this all turns out. But I can't wait for all those that bemoaned the "unfair PC advantage" and demanded optional cross play in a game that was made SPECIFICALLY FOR CROSS PLAY to find out that there are simply better players out there. To all those that are getting their wish to divide the community... Hear the Athena chest being turned in now... "We shall fail together"

    So here's the thing. By what you said, it's become such a disadvantage for xbox players that your friends would rather bail on you then deal with it? That should indicate how much of an issue it is for xbox players. I hope that they will stay with you, as I will with some of my PC friends when they are on. If not, look me up, I'd sail with a PC player in crossplay even at the expense of getting merc'ed. Just maybe not ALL the time.. LOL.

  • @tuukkatl said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @coralyew4453664 They have actually said that they have banned the cheaters and that it has been a really really small portion of the playerbase. Don't generalize so much. So I don't know where you are getting your information.

    You are getting your own playerpool, there is not really any point to be so negative against PC players, you are just acting like the worst of us are :)

    Its a 15 minute old troll account, likely from a previously banned user.

  • @d3adst1ck said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @tuukkatl said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @coralyew4453664 They have actually said that they have banned the cheaters and that it has been a really really small portion of the playerbase. Don't generalize so much. So I don't know where you are getting your information.

    You are getting your own playerpool, there is not really any point to be so negative against PC players, you are just acting like the worst of us are :)

    Its a 15 minute old troll account, likely from a previously banned user.

    Could be. Still felt like answering.

  • @snowfire said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @x-crowheart-x said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    This is the wrong decision. This is more about being a bad sport and unable to say good game rather you win or lose. It is a problem in real life competition and most prevalent in online PvP games.

    Best response is to make no changes at all. Rare please keep true crossplay alive. If you are truly concerned about the Arena mode, then implement it there only. Leave the Adventure one big sea for all pirates to sail together on no matter how they command the helm of their ships.

    “The greatest test of courage on earth is to bear defeat without losing heart.”

    ~ Robert Green Ingersoll

    Yo chief, it's a game.

    I know that mate. Need to tell that to the ones that think that they cannot play with PC players. That must have optional crossplay.

  • @enf0rcer said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    Yet another example of Rare backtracking to add to the list as the uncompromized Crossplay is now being compromised.

    I mean i can understand why they would need to do this. for Arena mode as it is a competitive experiance ,but why then add it to Adventure Mode?

    Also i'm fine with K/B mouse support on console i think thats great. Why not add that frist before making crossplay optional so console player can actually see what it is like to play with that control shceme to learn the pro and cons so a much more objective discussion could be had.

    Current list of things Rare has Reversed on:

    Uncompromised Crossplay
    Competive Play
    Sepreate Servers/Modes
    AI Ship threats

    Whats next?

    Safe Zones
    PvE only Servers/Story Mode
    Loot boxes

    So. non-Arena is not competitive? ship to ship battles? hand to hand? none of that is competitive? If that is the case, then why do players use any exploits or advantages that they can? Just for the fun of it? I don't sail to feel the breeze in my slowly fading hair, I sail to win some loot and have some fun competitive battles.

  • @d3adst1ck no its happening because some PC players are reacting this way. If it wasn't an issue RARE would not have considered and acted on it some 10 months since release. It is a positive thing where everyone can still win if it is done right, but it hasnt happened yet, and its still being worked on before implementing it.

    Its designed to make as much of the community happy as can be, and it deserves a chance to happen

  • [Mod edit - removed, unproductive.]

  • @arecbalrin said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    Question: what will they demand next when they realise they still suck at the game?

    Private servers (aka PVE servers) have been requested for some reason in this mutliplayer game since day 1... They will be the loudest voices here soon.

    I mean SOLO servers... Not private alliance ones... They would be welcome.

  • @oneeyedjack44 The Arena is not Rare adding competition.

    The Arena is Rare removing competition from the open-world and ghetto-ing it to keep the PvP riff-raff away from the pleasant adventure nobility.

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