What about reducing all ships speed ?

  • @targasbr said in What about reducing all ships speed ?:

    @meurtrisseur I already think the opposite, they should increase the speed. there is nothing more boring than riding a galleon against the wind...

    I dunno, try being the sloop that the Galleon is chasing ;)

  • @meurtrisseur how come you mention it was a family game including young kids? It is PEGI 12.

  • @boxcar-squidy disse em What about reducing all ships speed ?:

    @targasbr said in What about reducing all ships speed ?:

    @meurtrisseur I already think the opposite, they should increase the speed. there is nothing more boring than riding a galleon against the wind...

    I dunno, try being the sloop that the Galleon is chasing ;)

    Just go against the wind. Sloops are fastest than galleons against the wind. Galleons are fastest than sloops in the wind.

  • @meurtrisseur It's a no from me, given the size of the map I feel the speeds are pretty well balanced.

  • @meurtrisseur said in What about reducing all ships speed ?:

    @ghostpaw a dit dans What about reducing all ships speed ? :

    @meurtrisseur Yes, you can move faster through the water by not sailing against the wind (who disputed that?), but you have considerably more distance to travel as a result. You do not travel fast enough to make up that difference. Time = distance/speed. You can simply sail from point A to point B against the wind, or (as you suggest) sail from point A to point C before finally tacking to B to avoid sailing against the wind. Even though you are going slower sailing directly from A to B, you have less distance to cover. This is basic stuff. The length of any side on a triangle is less than the sum of the other two sides. For example, if your upwind objective is 10M away, and you decide to tack your way there by using right angles to get the most out of the wind, you will have to travel 14M to do it (8M + 6M for example). Currently in SoT, you do not travel fast enough (40% faster in the previous example would only break even) by tacking upwind to make up the difference. Also, just as sailing in real life, you lose time and speed each time you tack that has to be made up as well.

    Your pathetic try of teaching such a basic mathematic theory is as boring as ludicrous. You really think you're the only one having eventually passed elementary school here or what ?

    I've tested it, you go faster by sailing upwind means you buy time on the long run by doing it in sot, the longer the distance of the voyage the more time you buy. You being unable to do it properly in the game, or for real for what I care, does not mean you're right.

    Wow. They tried to explain to you that it seems your idea isn't great and everyone agrees that ships shouldn't be slowed down to make it easier to steer, which is probably one of the worst suggestions I've seen on this forum and trust me, I've seen a lot.

    Don't attack people who give you structured and informed feedback on your posts because for every one of them there is going to be ten more who just shoot you down with no solution.

  • @targasbr said in What about reducing all ships speed ?:

    @boxcar-squidy disse em What about reducing all ships speed ?:

    @targasbr said in What about reducing all ships speed ?:

    @meurtrisseur I already think the opposite, they should increase the speed. there is nothing more boring than riding a galleon against the wind...

    I dunno, try being the sloop that the Galleon is chasing ;)

    Just go against the wind. Sloops are fastest than galleons against the wind. Galleons are fastest than sloops in the wind.

    Woosh - that was the sound of the joke going over your head.

    You see he said sailing into the wind on a Galleon was boring. Then I said try being on the sloop. Implying that the only reason the Galleon was going into the wind was to chase a sloop. I.e the Galleon has a choice, the slooper does not. Ah forget it, you should never explain a joke..

  • @boxcar-squidy It was a good joke.

  • @Boxcar-Squidy I think you're smarter than that, but anyway, I'll explain:

    If you need to run away from someone, escaping to an island does not make any sense, they will see you going to the island and they will chase after you anyway. So if you're on a sloop, running away from a galleon, going up against the wind until they give up makes sense. Over time, the distance between you and them will make them stop them following you.

    When you are doing, for example, a Athena mission. You have already made all the islands to the south, and you need to go north to continue. The wind is against, going towards the south, it does not make sense to sail towards the wind if you need to go to the opposite side.

    Got it?

  • @targasbr They were making a quick joke. I assure you @Boxcar-Squidy knows this stuff.

  • @ghostpaw I think I'm so traumatized by the meaningless requests in this forum that I think everyone is serious these days.

  • @targasbr Agreed. It has been a rough time lately!

  • @targasbr I know the feeling.

    Don't worry, you were giving good advice. I was just trying to interject with something humerous.

  • This will come off as blunt, but a kids inability to navigate, steer, and control sails isn't my problem. In fact, anyone who has difficulty with these actions, not just kids. Their is so much open water here, having to take longer to get from island to island sounds really dull. It already feels like a crawl when their is no wind.

    This game already has the tools to control your own speed. If a ship is going to fast for oneself to control properly, then just raise the sail a bit. When our crew gets into a fight we raise certain sails, so we can maneuver better, and get cannons on them with a lot more ease. The complexity of having to raise sails for tighter turns, is awesome. Mastering these intricacies of sailing, defines the difference between the mediocre and the exceptional.

  • @boxcar-squidy I'm really sorry dude. These forums are driving me crazy.

  • This is the worst suggestion I have ever seen on these forums. I really mean that from the bottom of my heart.

  • @meurtrisseur

    I believe this was tested and discussed at beta/launch and people came to the conclusion beating doesn't improve speed vs just sailing into the wind (especially with perpendicular sail the way it is now).
    While you may gain a minimal amount with effective tacking, having a crew that can manage that is rare, and not worth the trouble.

  • @meurtrisseur I don't see why ship speed needs any tweaking at all

  • I don't get what's so difficult to understand that reducing ships max speed (well, down to 0.75 is probably too much of a nerf, but down to 0.90-0.85 would be certainly better) would force more canons focused sea battles, since ships would flee less rapidly from one another when actively engaged. The actual time during ships would be able to fire at one another, according to the fact one is not trying to evade, would be obviously longer.

    Also less max speed would mean less brutal ramming (the easy boarding tactic) leaving most people more time to react in order to position themselves as to adjust their fire. This way sea battles overwhole quality would be better, they would be more about firing at each other and less about ramming or fleeing away.

    You guys are actually really funny claiming the current build of the game is set to suit skilled players, whereas it's precisely the opposite. Current high speed ships allows to correct sailing mistakes way easier than slower speed ships.

    As for most replies about me not understanding the basics, being a usual victim or not being able to sail properly with the current build of the game, I got only one answer : can't wait to see you at sea.

    The very only "good" point which has been brought up against my suggestion is the voyage time, yet again this is a strictly pve focused point of view, whereas my suggestion is obviously a pvp one.

  • @meurtrisseur said in What about reducing all ships speed ?:

    I don't get what's so difficult to understand that reducing ships max speed (well, down to 0.75 is probably too much of a nerf, but down to 0.90-0.85 would be certainly better) would force more canons focused sea battles, since ships would flee less rapidly from one another when actively engaged. The actual time during ships would be able to fire at one another, according to the fact one is not trying to evade, would be obviously longer.

    Genuinely I'm not sure it will - reducing the ships speed equally simply means the same level of evasion from all vessels, as they will still all be able to escape at the same rates comparable to one another... just slower.

    The very only "good" point which has been brought up against my suggestion is the voyage time, yet again this is a strictly pve focused point of view, whereas my suggestion is obviously a pvp one.

    In which case we are hindering one side of the playerbase to suit another matey.

  • @sshteeve said in What about reducing all ships speed ?:

    @meurtrisseur said in What about reducing all ships speed ?:

    I don't get what's so difficult to understand that reducing ships max speed (well, down to 0.75 is probably too much of a nerf, but down to 0.90-0.85 would be certainly better) would force more canons focused sea battles, since ships would flee less rapidly from one another when actively engaged. The actual time during ships would be able to fire at one another, according to the fact one is not trying to evade, would be obviously longer.

    Genuinely I'm not sure it will - reducing the ships speed equally simply means the same level of evasion from all vessels, as they will still all be able to escape at the same rates comparable to one another... just slower.

    Exactly what I was going to say. If you change the speed of all ships by the same factor (0.75 or whatever) then theoretically your'e not really changing much at all.

  • @meurtrisseur tbh rammers should be an easy win. Just keep some anchor balls handy. Wait until the last possible moment before impact then hit them with an anchor ball. There are few things as hillarious on the sea than a Galleon of rammers, stopped in their tracks, standing on the prow with what I must assume are some very confused looks on their faces as we sail around them putting holes in their boat.

    That's how I deal with them and it cracks me up every time.

    I personally wouldn't be in favour of your idea, I like how things are now. It would probably achieve what you are saying, ship battles would go on longer and require more cannon shooting. I worry that they'd become tedious though, it's already a slog against an equally matched crew when both ships are sitting on 300+ of each resource.

  • I am not sure why we would want slower speeds. As for family or younger players. My kids play, and they, like me, want faster ships. They play "Cars" and other games where the speed of the game is much faster than anything we get in SoT. The only time speed is an issue in game is when you have full wind, and heavy waves. Then you simply have to stay on top of the wheel to course correct. Otherwise, I would rather have faster ships than slower ships. Getting from one side of the map to the other is very tedious and takes upwards of 10-20 minutes if you don't have wind. That is a lot of down time just sailing. Now, there are distractions along the way if you chose to participate, like the Meg or skellie ships, but those only increase the amount of time spent sailing from one location to another.

    @Goedecke-Michel I know that the game rating is what it is, but Rare are not the ones that set the rating. Joe Neate has said multiple times they designed the game to be family friendly. For them, they are all about kids playing the game.

  • @sshteeve a dit dans What about reducing all ships speed ? :

    @meurtrisseur said in What about reducing all ships speed ?:

    I don't get what's so difficult to understand that reducing ships max speed (well, down to 0.75 is probably too much of a nerf, but down to 0.90-0.85 would be certainly better) would force more canons focused sea battles, since ships would flee less rapidly from one another when actively engaged. The actual time during ships would be able to fire at one another, according to the fact one is not trying to evade, would be obviously longer.

    Genuinely I'm not sure it will - reducing the ships speed equally simply means the same level of evasion from all vessels, as they will still all be able to escape at the same rates comparable to one another... just slower.

    The very only "good" point which has been brought up against my suggestion is the voyage time, yet again this is a strictly pve focused point of view, whereas my suggestion is obviously a pvp one.

    In which case we are hindering one side of the playerbase to suit another matey.

    So basically, you think that if, for example, you're driving at 150 km/h on a highway and passing a car which is going at 135 km/h (10% slower) you will not cross the car faster than if you're driving on a road at 100 km/h and passing a car going at 90 km/h (10% slower speed).

    You guys are ridiculous, like already stated by Mr elementary school above, speed is related to distance and time, meaning the faster you go the less time you will have to fire canons balls at other ships when you cross their path.

    PS : if you choose a 4 m long car, first example (150/135) you will pass the other car in roughly 1 sec, whereas in the second example (100/90) you will pass the other car in roughly 1.4 sec.

    If you insist I wouldn't mind devs to slower acceleration too anyway.

  • @meurtrisseur I don't think you understand the basics of naval combat. What is preventing you from just raising your sails? Why is that so hard to grasp? If you want to slow down and improve your maneuverability, raise your sails. You don't need to nerf all the ships to slow down. Changing the top speeds won't significantly affect the speed ratio between ships. If you're in a chase situation, both ships will be going as fast as they can, which means your relative speed will be almost nil. If you're locked in close naval combat, neither one of you will be going anywhere near top speed. You'll be turning and vying for position, probably while either sending or defending against boarders. Lowering the potential top speed of ships simply won't give you any appreciable advantage. In fact, it will decrease your options. I can't for the life of me imagine how you think this is such a great idea.

    I'm not at all in favor of increasing ship speed, either. I think the balance is pretty much right.

  • @meurtrisseur If you feel like you are passing by your targets too quickly, why are you resistant to raising your sails just a tad?

  • @ghostpaw a dit dans What about reducing all ships speed ? :

    @meurtrisseur If you feel like you are passing by your targets too quickly, why are you resistant to raising your sails just a tad?

    This is not the point, point is to force having more crossing time between ships to fire at each other without breaking the current balance of the game, considering the obvious fact one ship will more likely be reluctant to it thus try to evade.

    This is not a thread about 2 crews in the mood of properly fighting each others to the death, but more about the usual sea fighting/chasing encounters anyone experience while playing the game.

  • @meurtrisseur I think I’m getting it now. You want to make it easier to catch and sink crews trying to avoid combat. You figure if you can get more cannonballs off, you have a better chance of sinking them before they can get away. Basically, you want to slow things down to compensate for your lack of skill.

    Sorry, the answer is no.

  • @genuine-heather a dit dans What about reducing all ships speed ? :

    @meurtrisseur I think I’m getting it now. You want to make it easier to catch and sink crews trying to avoid combat. You figure if you can get more cannonballs off, you have a better chance of sinking them before they can get away. Basically, you want to slow things down to compensate for your lack of skill.

    Sorry, the answer is no.

    The suggestion is still the same as my quite clear OP, you having the need of 2 pages of "debates" to eventually barely understand it is no one else fault but yours. Bytheway, you're saying no to this since your very first comment, so no need to come in again and again, especially with no more constructive comment than poor simplification just to add another... no, we get it.

    This suggestion has always been about making sea battles more about canon firing rather than attempt to board, evasion, fire a few shots, evasion to repair and so on.

    This is not about making sea battles easier but to change the current meta which is stupid.

  • @meurtrisseur said in What about reducing all ships speed ?:

    @genuine-heather a dit dans What about reducing all ships speed ? :

    @meurtrisseur I think I’m getting it now. You want to make it easier to catch and sink crews trying to avoid combat. You figure if you can get more cannonballs off, you have a better chance of sinking them before they can get away. Basically, you want to slow things down to compensate for your lack of skill.

    Sorry, the answer is no.

    The suggestion is still the same as my quite clear OP, you having the need of 2 pages of "debates" to eventually barely understand it is no one else fault but yours. Bytheway, you're saying no to this since your very first comment, so no need to come in again and again, especially with no more constructive comment than poor simplification just to add another... no, we get it.

    This suggestion has always been about making sea battles more about canon firing rather than attempt to board, evasion, fire a few shots, evasion to repair and so on.

    This is not about making sea battles easier but to change the current meta which is stupid.

    And here I was just thinking you were doing well not to resort to insults (for a change) in your response to me. You are not being nearly as clear as you believe you are.

    The community here is actually being quite patient with you. No one has pointed out any of the issues with your earlier example with ship speeds. Try reigning the attitude in a little. You will have better results.

  • @genuine-heather said in What about reducing all ships speed ?:

    @meurtrisseur I think I’m getting it now. You want to make it easier to catch and sink crews trying to avoid combat. You figure if you can get more cannonballs off, you have a better chance of sinking them before they can get away. Basically, you want to slow things down to compensate for your lack of skill.

    Sorry, the answer is no.

    And I'm guessing they want to fight ships that have no interest in fighting back?

    There are legit reasons for not wanting a fight, besides being averse to it - maybe very low on supplies, clearly out-gunned, carrying cargo too valuable to lose.

    If I player wants to fight, they won't run. Speed has nothing to do with it.

  • @realstyli said in What about reducing all ships speed ?:

    @genuine-heather said in What about reducing all ships speed ?:

    @meurtrisseur I think I’m getting it now. You want to make it easier to catch and sink crews trying to avoid combat. You figure if you can get more cannonballs off, you have a better chance of sinking them before they can get away. Basically, you want to slow things down to compensate for your lack of skill.

    Sorry, the answer is no.

    There are legit reasons for not wanting a fight, besides being averse to it - carrying cargo too valuable to lose.

    Did they carry it in from another game? ;)

  • @realstyli a dit dans What about reducing all ships speed ? :

    @genuine-heather said in What about reducing all ships speed ?:

    @meurtrisseur I think I’m getting it now. You want to make it easier to catch and sink crews trying to avoid combat. You figure if you can get more cannonballs off, you have a better chance of sinking them before they can get away. Basically, you want to slow things down to compensate for your lack of skill.

    Sorry, the answer is no.

    And I'm guessing they want to fight ships that have no interest in fighting back?

    There are legit reasons for not wanting a fight, besides being averse to it - maybe very low on supplies, clearly out-gunned, carrying cargo too valuable to lose.

    If I player wants to fight, they won't run. Speed has nothing to do with it.

    This is a ridiculous statement for if a ship have more time to shoot, the other will have the same time to shoot either. Ships willing to evade will be able to the very same way as currently : turning and going away which bytheway negates shots for they tend to all end as miss.

    Actually reducing max speed would more likely facilitate escape since players would have less occasions to engage but engagements would last a bit longer, leaving more time for shooting.

    @ghostpaw a dit dans What about reducing all ships speed ? :

    @meurtrisseur said in What about reducing all ships speed ?:

    @genuine-heather a dit dans What about reducing all ships speed ? :

    @meurtrisseur I think I’m getting it now. You want to make it easier to catch and sink crews trying to avoid combat. You figure if you can get more cannonballs off, you have a better chance of sinking them before they can get away. Basically, you want to slow things down to compensate for your lack of skill.

    Sorry, the answer is no.

    The suggestion is still the same as my quite clear OP, you having the need of 2 pages of "debates" to eventually barely understand it is no one else fault but yours. Bytheway, you're saying no to this since your very first comment, so no need to come in again and again, especially with no more constructive comment than poor simplification just to add another... no, we get it.

    This suggestion has always been about making sea battles more about canon firing rather than attempt to board, evasion, fire a few shots, evasion to repair and so on.

    This is not about making sea battles easier but to change the current meta which is stupid.

    And here I was just thinking you were doing well not to resort to insults (for a change) in your response to me. You are not being nearly as clear as you believe you are.

    The community here is actually being quite patient with you. No one has pointed out any of the issues with your earlier example with ship speeds. Try reigning the attitude in a little. You will have better results.

    Rofl, you're quite a clown aren't you ?

    You're patronizing me with your elementary level maths knowledge, pretending like your quoted friend I understand nothing neither to maths nor to sailing ingame or for real, and yet you now come begging for explanations about very basic maths.

    Who's insulting who, I'm not wondering personally. Next time, rather than trying to brag out about your blatantly low maths skills, meanwhile thinking others are mere idiots, maybe ask for more explanations instead.

    @nabberwar a dit dans What about reducing all ships speed ? :

    This will come off as blunt, but a kids inability to navigate, steer, and control sails isn't my problem. In fact, anyone who has difficulty with these actions, not just kids. Their is so much open water here, having to take longer to get from island to island sounds really dull. It already feels like a crawl when their is no wind.

    This game already has the tools to control your own speed. If a ship is going to fast for oneself to control properly, then just raise the sail a bit. When our crew gets into a fight we raise certain sails, so we can maneuver better, and get cannons on them with a lot more ease. The complexity of having to raise sails for tighter turns, is awesome. Mastering these intricacies of sailing, defines the difference between the mediocre and the exceptional.

    This is all about feelings for ships are currently strinking fast : I've estimated sloop's max speed at roughly 25-30 km/h, which is astonishing for such a ship.

    I think devs should add sounds as some small animated ropes on sails for players to understand they are going really fast, for I understand in wide open sea one can't really tell his actual speed.

  • As this post is devolving into personal attacks I am wondering if it is time to lock the thread @Deckhands @Quartermasters?

  • @nofears-fun a dit dans What about reducing all ships speed ? :

    As this post is devolving into personal attacks I am wondering if it is time to lock the thread @Deckhands @Quartermasters?

    Or maybe moderating people blatantly despising me since beginning while leaving the thread open for people actually willing to participe constructively instead.

  • @meurtrisseur

    I think devs should add sounds as some small animated ropes on sails for players to understand they are going really fast, for I understand in wide open sea one can't really tell his actual speed.

    I mean their is already some ways to tell if max speed relative to wind is achieved. The sails will Billow and a sound plays.

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