Reconnect Option

  • Literally just spent an hour hiding on a gallion at a fort, killed all 4 members and stole their loot. 2 minutes later i get disconnected and cant rejoin. Spent time/alot of effort and this happens. 60$ game with no rejoin is laughable.

  • 7
  • @notyerpalguy


  • @swimplatypus7 Didnt realize being a pirate was a bad thing. We shouldn't pvp and take peoples items? Not really the point im making but still a reconnect button should obviously be available.

  • @notyerpalguy i feel you. i came her for a similar case. this is the secound time that i spend an hour fighting a fort. hid the key since i wasnt sure i could beat a galeon alone. waiting in golden sands and the secound im on open sea to get back on there i get allmondbearded. pls add rejoin in case of dc or freeze/crash. maybe auto anchor and give every empty ship a 5 minute timer.

  • @notyerpalguy said in Reconnect Option:

    @swimplatypus7 Didnt realize being a pirate was a bad thing. We shouldn't pvp and take peoples items? Not really the point im making but still a reconnect button should obviously be available.

    You couldn't reconnect to your crew or you we're alone? If you we're alone how do you imagine trying reconnect to the server you just left? Rare will need to keep the ships on server and reserve a space for you, it just doesn't make sense.

  • @bundui why doesn't it make sense? It's a common feature in many multiplayer games because unlike SoT they don't expect players to have stable 100% connection to the game.

    I talked about this in threads like this but I'll give the short version:

    Whenever a player is disconnected or leaves a session, they have 5 ~ 10 minutes to reconnect to their previous session, they get a main menu prompt that tells them they can reconnect or they can disconnect from their old ongoing session, during this their ship will have dropped anchor if there are no active players on the ship in the time the disconnect happened. If they don't do anything during the 5 ~ 10 minute gracetime choosing not to reconnect, their session automatically drops and their ship scuttles and frees the server slot.

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