Alliance name tag colors

  • ive seen some topics asking for alliance members names to have a different color. i didnt think it mattered much and agreed with the thinking you could just get to know your allies before any battles.

    then the other day i formed an alliance coming up to galleon at an outpost. as soon as we did another brig sailed into us and attacked as our fresh allies were turning in loot. it was chaos and i didnt know who to kill. it ended up working out but if they simply had a blue name id known who to kill and who to protect. i think this is a good idea.

    i know some like that there is a potential to sneak into someones alliance. to this i can only say maybe make the names very light blue that why you can only really notice if youre paying attention. if youre just standing around chatting and someone darts by you may not catch it.

  • 20
  • I agree with this idea wholeheartedly.

  • @solestone563412 @Nexrum my pirates! yah i think it would make more cohesive units. along with alliance discussion id add a way to contact your allies from far away. something to relay simple messages. 'lets meet up' 'come to me' 'im under attack' something like that.

    ive seen someone suggest you do it at the voyage table and they get a note on their voyage table and a bird circles their ship to alert them to this note.

  • @revanjstone I would have to disagree and you already know all the reasons it seems.

    All hell broke loose because you didn't know how edit who to attack and thats the point. Thats the whole point.

    See the issue with alliances mainly is that no one bothers to learn who is on the other crew and what they are wearing. You guys all assume "OH hey we are allied now thats good enough" no. Did you even bother to meet the other crew? Try to remember what they were wearing? Ask the other crew to maybe wear a certain piece of clothing so that everyone knows who is part of the alliance?

    All the tool are there.

  • @xultanis-dragon "Hi I'm a pro player who can remember everyone's super long gamertags within a matter of seconds and when I sail around the Sea of Thieves and crash into two boats I can tell exactly which 4 people are on my team and which 4 people are the enemy. Also, everyone in my alliance also has a photographic memory so that we never accidentally kill the wrong person."

    Seems legitimate...

    I think the "you don't know how to attack" point is garbage. It's hard enough trying to remember my friend's gamertags sometimes and being expected to remember 4 new people's gamertags after only playing with them for a few minutes is a big stretch. I've been in a fight before with two people with Boba_Fett in their username and only a few different numbers, so I had to kill them both because I didn't know who was who.

    Not everyone wants to spend time staring at other people's outfits and trying to remember their gamertags. We just want to play the game. Simply changing allied player's gamertag colours is much easier and isn't too difficult for the devs to do. Why you would disagree with changing allied player's gamertag colours is completely beyond me. And "not knowing how to attack" has nothing to do with getting confused over who is on your team and who isn't.

  • I'm honestly still torn about that subject (as I have been since the Alliance system was put into place). I initially thought it could be good to have blue names for alliances, but then also love the natural mystery, and room for intrigue and sabotage, that comes with not giving us such a clear visual indication.

    Honestly, I find myself agreeing with @Xultanis-Dragon. This game is more of a world. And on these adventures, it would be cooler, and potentially more fun, if we are better served by using our wits, and our social customs, to become familiar with the crews of our alliances. I haven't done too many alliances, myself, beyond teaming up with another ship who I interact with enough... but, it sort of fits the theme of the game. If you don't bother to become more familiar with your temporary allegiances... more chaos may ensue.

    Pirate captains should provide proper crew introductions, after all! :D

    Oh, also, @JediMasterFraze, I suspect Xultanis may have meant "who" to fight, and typo'd "how" to fight.

    Still, I do understand the reverse argument. I can see it both ways on this subject, but I always differ to making life more difficult for us pirates, lol.

  • @pdt-mindstream Your points are good but my main issue is that if someone gets off of SoT and a new player joins, and they aren't aware of the alliance, they could start killing people in the alliance because they haven't checked with the other players first and they don't have blue nametags to show they are friendly. Also, when versing full Pirate Legend crews, they usually have their purple and gold attire or ghost clothes which make it harder to differentiate who is who in battle.

  • @jedimasterfraze said in Alliance name tag colors:

    @xultanis-dragon "Hi I'm a pro player who can remember everyone's super long gamertags within a matter of seconds and when I sail around the Sea of Thieves and crash into two boats I can tell exactly which 4 people are on my team and which 4 people are the enemy. Also, everyone in my alliance also has a photographic memory so that we never accidentally kill the wrong person."

    Seems legitimate...

    "Hi I'm a bad player who just assumes that everything should be done for me because I'm allergic to effort."

    I don't make alliances. On the rare chance that I do I meet the whole crew, I don't just sail by, hoist and flag, and then sail off. I put work (I know a hard concept to learn but you should figure it out) into finding out who is in my alliance. After I figure out who they are I let them know a simple rule. We won't go on their boat unless they ask, we won't let them on our boat unless we ask. Guess how often I've had problems with sabotage on my boat. ZERO.

    What about the ships that join the alliance from the other ships? Guess what? Same rules apply. We don't trust them. They do not come near our boat, they don't climb our ladder.

    My ship gets kegged? We kill any white name trying to climb up our ladder. When my ship is being put into a defensive position we kill anything that has a white name, I don't even care if I know the name from my "photographic" memory. The only people I trust is my crew.

    I think the "you don't know how to attack" point is garbage. It's hard enough trying to remember my friend's gamertags sometimes and being expected to remember 4 new people's gamertags after only playing with them for a few minutes is a big stretch. I've been in a fight before with two people with Boba_Fett in their username and only a few different numbers, so I had to kill them both because I didn't know who was who.

    @PDT-Mindstream was right I meant "who" to attack not "how" to attack. Corrected it. For you though I'll just assume you don't know how to attack either.

    Where you killed both guys named Boba_Fett. GREAT. Thats what you are suppose to do. When everyones dead you can tell the guy. "Hey I'm sorry I just wasn't sure so I had to play it safe." I've never had anyone get angry over that.

    Not everyone wants to spend time staring at other people's outfits and trying to remember their gamertags. We just want to play the game. Simply changing allied player's gamertag colours is much easier and isn't too difficult for the devs to do. Why you would disagree with changing allied player's gamertag colours is completely beyond me. And "not knowing how to attack" has nothing to do with getting confused over who is on your team and who isn't.

    "Not everyone wants to spend time staring at other people's outfits and trying to remember their gamertags" - So you want to be lazy? You deserve to lose your loot if your alliance gets sabotaged.

    The reason why they should never change it is this game is based around Thievery and cunning. You get good at doing it and defending against it. Its suppose to be a game where sometimes its a battle of wits over anything else but you don't want that. There's suppose to be a downside to everything and being weary if the guy climbing your boat is part of your alliance or not is one of the downsides.

    "We just want to play the game." No you want to play a completely different game obviously. You want Sea of Friends. Go find it or make it.

    @jedimasterfraze said in Alliance name tag colors:

    @pdt-mindstream Your points are good but my main issue is that if someone gets off of SoT and a new player joins, and they aren't aware of the alliance, they could start killing people in the alliance because they haven't checked with the other players first and they don't have blue nametags to show they are friendly. Also, when versing full Pirate Legend crews, they usually have their purple and gold attire or ghost clothes which make it harder to differentiate who is who in battle.

    Aren't aware of an alliance? If someone joins your ship you let them know hey we have an alliance going. If you fail to mention that and the guy goes on the killing spree than you need to be better at relaying information. Its suppose to make it harder to differentiate who is who. Learn and adapt.

  • @revanjstone said in Alliance name tag colors:

    ive seen some topics asking for alliance members names to have a different color. i didnt think it mattered much and agreed with the thinking you could just get to know your allies before any battles.

    then the other day i formed an alliance coming up to galleon at an outpost. as soon as we did another brig sailed into us and attacked as our fresh allies were turning in loot. it was chaos and i didnt know who to kill. it ended up working out but if they simply had a blue name id known who to kill and who to protect. i think this is a good idea.

    i know some like that there is a potential to sneak into someones alliance. to this i can only say maybe make the names very light blue that why you can only really notice if youre paying attention. if youre just standing around chatting and someone darts by you may not catch it.

    Never could figure out why we have player names attached to us when we're not in a group or alliance..

    A good solution is to make non-allied players simply not display name and this actually eliminates some gamer toxicity that can occur by having displayed names.

    However while in an alliance the "allied players" could appear in the typical white like they do presently with the only change being non-allied players no longer show tags to eliminate "other" problems that presently can take place, but could no longer take place after such a change.

  • @revanjstone Maybe it was with me! xd it happened to me recently.
    Two things are urgently needed:

    • different color to alliance members
    • Include in the menu "crew" the names of each player
  • No Support!
    Would seriously harm encounters and emergent gameplay and make things less immersive.
    Some of the most fun I've had has been when alliances aren't paying proper attention and I've been able to launch a surprise attack, or even get out of a sticky situation because they didn't realize I was the enemy and waited with taking shots at me until I was out of range.

    If players want to simplify telling friend from foe, then they could do like they did historically and agree on visual identifiers such as a uniform or specific piece of clothing everyone agrees to wear.

  • @swimplatypus7 interesting solution!

    im glad people are having a good discussion on this. my main argument against the whole 'get to know your allies' was that we were attacked right as we allied up. and i allied cause they were docking and that means free loot haha. i guess its a fairly rare circumstance but i also believe spy work in alliances is fairly rare too so idk which should outweigh the other.

    I use alliances very often so I def have a lot invested in this issue.

  • @revanjstone Deactivating friendly fire is also necessary, it is frustrating to be in a raid or fight and to be limited so as not to damage your alliance partners.

  • @quietrobot said in Alliance name tag colors:

    @revanjstone Deactivating friendly fire is also necessary, it is frustrating to be in a raid or fight and to be limited so as not to damage your alliance partners.

    Nothing wrong actually with friendly fire; it keeps players observant.

    Even skeletons suffer friendly fire, I regularly utilize that feature to solo skull forts.

    Additionally you can always keg your self and ship mates. I don't have a problem with it overall because I learn the appearance of allied players and avoid shooting / slashing them.

    Itself the few points of skill this game has presently.

  • @revanjstone

    Someone in the fleet I sail with had a very good suggestion which doesn't require any changes to the game - you could ask alliance members to either equip all the same title or zero title, if it's an instance where you think there'll be some confusion over who is alliance crew or not, particularly at forts etc.

  • @xultanis-dragon #colourednametagsmakeeverythingeasier

  • @jedimasterfraze said in Alliance name tag colors:

    @xultanis-dragon #colourednametagsmakeeverythingeasier

    Colored Alliance tags should never be in the game. Being able to pull off shenanigans is so much more fun and balanced than you guys asking for easy mode.

  • @jedimasterfraze said in Alliance name tag colors:

    @xultanis-dragon #colourednametagsmakeeverythingeasier

    Which is true, but would also remove my ability to sneak on board, earn the trust of an alliance and try to steal their loot as I am not part of either crew. Recently I was able to sail a long at the end of an Athena mission, helped with getting there and take off with the legends chest while my own crew swept by the island to pick me up. Believe I was sailing with them for 30 mins without them having a clue.

    I try this more often and is incredibly hard to pull off. One mistake, one death and you just spent 30 mins helping out a different crew.

    This is why I am against it.

    @quietrobot said in Alliance name tag colors:

    @revanjstone Deactivating friendly fire is also necessary, it is frustrating to be in a raid or fight and to be limited so as not to damage your alliance partners.

    Make me immune to your damage and I can wreck havoc on your ship without you being able to do anything about it.

    The abuse potential is off the charts, learn to not just slash away at everything mindlessly and it is easy enough to fight along other crews.

    This will never be a good idea.

    Btw. I personally uphold, when in doubt shoot policy, just don't use cannons or barrels as those are assaults on my home (ship) and I will not be able to forgive.

    Usually I also uphold the don't board unless invited rule.

    Though I have been betrayed when dropping my guard as my crew does not always agree to my strict policies or I am just goofing around too much.

  • Rare needs to just turn off the name tags for people not in ur alliance. problem solved. if ur in an alliance, name tags.. not in an alliance, no name tags. None of this seeing people underwater cus their nametag bs.. here i am attempting to sneak up to an enemy ship and they spot me cus there is a big nametag above my head.

  • Joe said in a recent stream that they had talked about it but never gone any further because he and they like the confusion it can cause in battle with people going 'Sorry! I thought you were from the brig...'

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