Been advocating for SOT since alpha but it's very hard under these conditions.

  • I had a lot of fun playing shrouded spoils Tuesday night, hunting skele ships, killing megs, and making friends. Decided to play again tonight and invited my gf to give the game another shot given how much more there is to experience.

    Here's how it went, we sailed across the literal entire map trying to get to a pirate ship cloud experienced no ships or anything along the way. Finally get there and this was the battle...

    Short vid.

    Two skele ships come up and proceed to curse our boat permanently with the anchor drop cannon ball until we ran out of boards and get hit off the boat in our scramble. literally could not raise anchor and get out of there or even position for shooting. was just sitting there till we died, bailing water for more than 5 minutes strait with zero options. I really don't think locking a ship down till it inevitably dies is a good design decision. Maybe I can convince gf to play in a couple more months.

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  • @aetherbones Ah i saw your vid and your Problem wasn't your Anchor your sails where up and while yes the CCB had dropped your Anchor the next one they hit you with raised it agian. If you had simply drop your sails you could have moved and dodged the next attack. The CCBs which are the Rigging ball and the Anchor Ball which effects the Sails and the capstan repectively both act as a toggle up to down and vise versa.

    Second Issue Is you went to fight a fleet of ships with a Sloop unprepared. You were not well stocked nor skilled enough to succed as you had no plan nor stratergy. The Fleets where designed for muitiple ship crews to take on and can be a bit of a challange for a full semi decent Galleon crew even when stocked.

    My suggestion is you go and learn and practice the new content Frist as by meeting and playing and Learning from a more experiance salior.

    You literally started out by diving into the most difficult area of the game completly unprepared. Unfortunately SoT puts up no signs on difficulty of encounters it's up to you to learn from your experiance.

    If you have some difficulty i reccomend asking in the forum frist as they are many here that will gladly help. If you like I can help you.

    I'm not Saying the game has doesn't have fualts. The CCBs are a topic of disscusion which you can check on my post called Counter Play Which goes into detail about what you describe.

  • @aetherbones I'm sorry to say, but @ENF0RCER is on the right track here.

    Your video clearly shows the anchor being up. Your sloop is even turning, very badly I might add. Your bow was facing the skeleton ship the entire time, turning at the exact same speed as they were circling around you.

    I fully understand you are upset, but this one's all on you for not paying attention.

    Take all the advice @ENF0RCER has given you, it's great advice! From asking for help on the forums to being prepared to actually do such a fight. It's not uncommon to go through 100 planks while doing these for inexperienced crews.

  • Ahoy there @aetherbones !

    As someone that has been advocating the game since alpha you should have know better than to go for the skelly cloud. This seemed to be just wave one of many and you already ran out of resources on this one. Although the battle is possible with a duo, it's probably the hardest thing currently in the game. You'll need to bring enough resources, know the battle, have good communication and know what to do when someone is knocked off the ship.

    If you want your gf to play the game, just own up to your mistake. Let her know that even a great captain sometimes makes mistakes and that you might have sailed your ship into a battle that was doomed before it even began. Whenever she's willing to give it another shot, focus on doing some voyages and hope to see a Kraken, Megalodon or a single skeleton ship along the way. Those encounters will be easier to handle than the skeleton cloud.

    Fair winds to you on your next voyage good sir!


    Captian FishSt1ck

  • @fishst1ck I just imagined a town announcer / messenger giving out this message in public. It was glorious to read it like that!

  • It really is the true "end game" content at present - try it with a small crew and it will take an age to complete.
    @LucianSanchez82 and I had a go duo the other night and eventually we simply ran out of time (think we had 2 waves left to complete.)

    I would have scuttled to a new server that had a fort active and shown her the new forts that keep popping up.

  • I will say that it seems like skeleton ships are stocked with a single random type of curse cannonball, and some of them are a bit overzealous on firing them so if you end up with a bad one (like the anchor, sails or jigball) you aren't going to have a good time.

    If the types were randomized between shots and the frequency on some of them not so bad it would be much better.

  • It's post like this that have me secretly cheering for the skellies.
    Poor skeletons have been getting abused since before launch. That's the price you pay when your the villian.

    Every time the devs give the skellies a new toy to bring to the table I rejoice.
    For every track sprinter that has to tote a powder keg, or eyeless aimbot Eye of Reach sniper, and now the captains that helm their boats with unnatural agility and speed, I raise my tankard and chuckle.

    We all sail on a sea of salty tears, so to all my skeleton adversaries:

    If were not crying your not trying, keep bringing the pain.

  • Pay a bit more attention to the anchor during a battle against the anchorball wielding ships. They will shoot your ship a second time and raise the anchor back up again. That is your opportunity to move.

  • @aetherbones Not going to echo the other posters because I agree with them.

    It takes a skilled crew to take out waves of skeleton ships, especially on a sloop. I have done it when I was semi experienced and even then I had over 200 cannon balls, wood and 100 bananas.

    Fighting skeletion ships I would much rather deal with those curses than jigballs and sleepers, you actually had a chance, but there were too many fundamental mistakes.

    My advice is listen to the posters and be better prepared, focus on the loan skeleton ships sailing around the world, once you get those down easily, only then would I try again on a sloop.

    Happy Sailing!

  • @enf0rcer I'm glad it acts as a toggle, the thing was for a solid 5 minutes as soon as a curse cannon ball wore off, another hit. so my anchor was always down.

    I'm familiar with ship battle, sunk 6 yesterday. I know we wouldn't be able to take 2 ships in one go. I just wanted to mess around and if it got tough we'd run away, or sink so be it. but we were literally hit with a acurse cannon ball every 10 seconds dozens and dozens of times. If you pace it out, you can keep a ship anchored forever.

    I'd much rather had done a lone skeleship to show her that feature, however we literally sailed around the map and did not see one. total play time was 1 hour 20 minutes and that vid was about it. saw 1 other sloop crew. It was the most barren ive ever seen the seas.

  • @aetherbones Oh my. I have to agree with @ENF0RCER and other posters here. Your anchor isn't down the whole time, your sails are up and you're in a continuous spin and not returning cannon fire. That's a recipe for disaster, I'm afraid. Next time, drop your sails and aim your cannons onto their cannons to try to kill the skellies and give yourself a break from the barrage. Never spin in a circle with your sails up while being circled by ANY ship... AI or player ship. You're essentially a sitting duck.

  • Get better at the game. If you want to do it on a skele ship, atleast have one person on the ship that’s experienced- I watched you drop the anchor at 4:50 and not even realize it, and then a skele ship hit you with an anchor ball and brought it back up for you and you got mad because it “lowered your anchor”. Learn how to play the game and practice on reg skele ships before you do the skele cloud- also remember to drop your freaking sails @AetherBones

  • @aetherbones

    You can't just bring boards and balls to a ship raid event, you need kegs just as much because of those cursed cannon balls VS 2 ships. You need to send over a kegger in every bit the same way as you need to use balls to sink em.

    Why? because the ship event will cost you roughly on average 300 to 350 cannon balls and about 100 to 200 boards depending on how things go.

    If you use kegs then you can actually reduce that number quite a bit because the kegs are efficient at removing the repair skeleton warriors that would be slowing your progress.

  • @mortarchelle Check the vid guys, you can see multiple instances of the anchor getting dropped the instant the curse wears off, I eventually realize about the sails and put em down, we move 5 ft and the anchor drops once again and I never get a chance to raise it again.

  • @aetherbones said in Been advocating for SOT since alpha but it's very hard under these conditions.:

    @mortarchelle Check the vid guys, you can see multiple instances of the anchor getting dropped the instant the curse wears off, I eventually realize about the sails and put em down, we move 5 ft and the anchor drops once again and I never get a chance to raise it again.

    When the effect wares off it doesn't raise your anchor it just allows you to interact once agian with your capstan if the anchor is down then being hit with another curse ball will instantly raise it. The only thing the CCB is doing is removing the player abilty to interact with the capstan. Also since there were 2 players on the boat one should have attempted to board the skellies and take out the cannons while the other player dedicated them selves to repairing the ship.
    There where things that could have been done in that senario that would have lead to a successful escape. They just did not have the knolwage, stratergy or skill to succed. Althou thats not to say CCBs aren't flawed but what the OP is disscusing here only touches on this and is not a good argument or example of this.

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