Pirate Bling - One Shot Cosmetic Upgrades

  • What if you could spend gold on single server instance cosmetics above and beyond what's available to own?


    Ghost Flames
    Ghostly green glowing flames that dance and burn along the edges.
    Sails (They whip and trail in strong wind) 750 gold
    Hulls (A virtual conflagration at the waterline) 1000 gold
    Cannons (including trailing, fiery arcs) 500 gold
    Personal Pirate (Your basic green burning pirate from hell) 500 gold.

    Pall of the Dead
    A horrid look of rot, death and despair actually shrouded in inky, billowing darkness. Downright skeletal.
    Sails (Basically skellie ship with extra shadow) 750 gold
    Hulls (Basically skellie ship with extra shadow) 1000 gold
    Cannons (including trailing necrotic arcs upon firing) 500 gold
    Personal Pirate (zombie flesh, missing teeth, pupiless eyes, etc.) 500 gold

    The Drowned
    Seaweed and bloat. Fish parts and tentacles, etc.

    Celestial Flare
    Bright motes of energy and light. Sparkly and fun.

    The Devil's Flames
    Burning red of lava and flames. Don't worry. They're not hot.

    This idea stemmed from another thread wanting to give value to loot, but in my opinion it's a good one all by itself. So many people have vast hordes of gold and nothing to spend it on. This would provide a fun, worthwhile gain and possibly give incentive to care about loot again.

    To be clear, this kind of bling is over and above anything you could buy as clothing and regular ship cosmetics. Real exciting visuals.

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  • You could actually broaden this idea to include fully new ship designs (of the same stats). Make your sloop a sleek, Mediterranean Corsair, or your galleon a Dragonship from the east.

    No changes to mechanics. Just a fun new visual. All for the low cost of 5000 gold.

    You MIGHT give legends the possibility of buying the new skins permanently, for the right, exorbitant price, though this would go against the gold sink idea.

  • @captain-arcanic Very nice some of these ideas would also go well with Adornments and Ornament loot idea giving ship and pirates temporary VFX and SFX rich cosmetics. I hope we can get one of our community members to draw some of these idea's.

  • @enf0rcer I've been thinking about trying to draw some of them, but then thought: the people of Rare probably want to make their own designs.

    Not sure what I'll be doing this afternoon. Perhaps I could give it a go.

  • @ottersteeth said in Pirate Bling - One Shot Cosmetic Upgrades:

    @enf0rcer I've been thinking about trying to draw some of them, but then thought: the people of Rare probably want to make their own designs.

    Not sure what I'll be doing this afternoon. Perhaps I could give it a go.

    Man go for it. Rare could use the inspiration there no harm in drawning a visual aid. Heck if i had that kind of talent i would have put up Boat Loads of drawings. Pun intened.

  • @captain-arcanic these are the kind of cosmetic options legends need - things that actually change the figure of a player or their ship, not just the paint job.

  • Quick sketch of a redesigned "Corsair" sloop.

  • Asian Galleon

5 out of 8