My favorite way to shake thieves off my tail

  • This technique is good for crews low on cannonballs or experience fighting back, or if you just want your pursuers off your tail without firing at them.

    Head for the edge of the map and be prepared to bucket. Before the sea turns red, slow down. Let them think they're catching up. Dropping your sails and turning as they're flying towards you full speep can usually send then right past you, further into the dangerous waters.

    90% of the time, they won't be prepared. Their hands will be full of cannonballs instead of wood. They'll be watching you, not the map. As you raise your sail to turn, they'll speed up.

    More often then not, I've had the silly pirates behind me fly past me into the point of no return. While my crew has buckets ready, they're firing at us and their boat is filling with holes and water. They'll be rushing to fix their boat and it'll buy you precious time to escape, whether they sink or survive!

    Executed right, this is one of the most satisfying ways to sink a ship in my opinion. The most fun, though, is slowing down your ship before you get to the red sea. Let them think they'll get close. Pull out your megaphone and shout, "OVER HERE!". Drop your sails again before they can get close. Put your loot on the back of your boat to keep them lured in, if you're feeling really confident. Teasing them into chasing you faster puts their guard down! Do it right, and you can escape without firing a single canon.

    Good luck!

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