What sort of pirate are you? How do you approach the Sea of Thieves?

  • Hi, i'm interested what sort of pirates are here and how do you approach the Sea of Thieves?
    Feel free to share your way to play and approach the game, what goals you have or if no goals at all what are your incentives to login and play?
    What do you prefer doing, how do you treat other players, do you roleplay, do you have an immersive or rather rational gameplay style?
    How important is progression and how important is the sandbox aspect?

    I seem to be rather special, because I would like it completely without levels and quests, but more things and mechanics like messages in a bottle for example.
    All-time I login I don't have any goal, I do what comes by or what comes to my mind spontaneously. I for sure do the commendations of events if possible , but I never strived for anything or grinded.
    I play the game and gold and rep comes by the way and then i maybe buy new cloth.
    I like doing forts when there is a little thrill of pvp around.
    I like pvp most of the time, i never get bored about digging out chests.
    I also like to idle around sometimes and just sail or sneak up or run away and see how well the others play to catch me or what do they do if we attack, because they look "aggressive" :-)
    I really like SoT, it's my absolute favorite and only online game since release, because of the horizontal progression is only about cosmetics, so to me this is completely optional and doesn't force me to play "efficiently" or restrict me in the way i cannot partake, because i lack a level, reputation or whatever?
    This is the key feature and core design i like the most, because imho other it only would separate people and make a job of it.
    I like to interact sometimes and met all sort of people from all over the world from age 12 to 58, friendly, aggressive, neutral, griefing, but also respectable foes with honor. Very few toxic and immature players.

  • 26
  • Currently slowly making my way to Athena 10, but am always glad to be distracted from that when new commendations come along.

    Our approach is always friendly. Whether we're trying to form an alliance or out for some PVP we're always respectful. Astonishingly it's actually alright to have a friendly rivalry with another crew - win or lose, we're always happy to compliment the other crew and give a "well played" before we part ways.

  • Golden Rule: Never Trust ANYONE
    Rule #1 There has to be Profit or Gain from how I play
    Rule #2 There is no point in "having fun" if there is no Profit or Gain from it.
    Rule #3 If it isn't fun I won't play it.

  • @stundorn depends most of the time I try to PvP other times I wanna hoard chests but if say like the other day u board my ship with out anyone noticing and we got 30k onboard and wanna make a alliance even if it's against better judgement based on me being the only one being pirate legend I'll walk up and kill you on principle so the depends I'll also proceed to keg knowing they are out for blood while the rest of the boat wants to run even if it means we lose. So the I intend to enjoy myself

  • I'm a competitive, PVP heavy grinder who happens to love newer players and likes to protect the white sails bobbing about in the grand bathtub of sea of theives. I gift athenas voyages and help the new generations of swabs rank up when I can. I try to be as 'legendary' as I can with a taste for the theatrical but when it comes to rival legends... All their base belong to us...or I die trying.

  • I'm just friendly, however being passive has not helped in any PVP situation so i'm always inexperienced. I usually solo sloop a lot too and if i'm ever in a crew i just follow whatever they do in terms of being passive or aggressive. I'm usually playing this game to get limited time cosmetics and commendations, so far I've got all event items and i'm only missing one bilge rat commendation. I also usually swing in the directions of merchant, because its animals and i like animals which seems to confuse a lot of people because its the most hated faction. I have played since launch and it'll be only a few days until pirate legend so overall i have no clue what pirate i am, just a goof doing whatever there is to do.

  • I play solo 99% of the time and try to avoid all other players. Would prefer to be left alone.

    • Keep your word (Let others betray their word for it gives purpose and cause to you sinking them).
    • If no contact is made with another vessel then anything goes.
    • We're pirates! We fight for only three reasons.... Protect our assets, profit and Revenge.
    • Have fun and make sure that your verbal interactions with other pirates promote positive play!
  • Pirate legend 8, dress like your average sailor, I like to join open crews 90% of the time I play, either I help with whatever they're doing or drop my own quests and get the ball rolling helping everyone make money, pvp is dependent on the crew I'm with and what their goals are, I've joined crews that want to hunt ships or ones that can't pvp and I do the killing for them while they sail away, Either way is cool by me, I just love playing the game and joining random open crews is awsome it's always different and I've ran into alot of awsome new friends this way, if I feel I want progression In athena I use xbox lfg or use a couple of my new friends I've met along the way, kinda hard to do with random crews 😂

  • I like to do soul voyages, love doing forts and sometimes partnering up to take one down.
    I love taking on skelly ship battles yet i find the prep rather grinding and boring...
    My main focus is not pvp however would not pass up the opportunity for a hearty brall!

  • @stundorn said in What sort of pirate are you? How do you approach the Sea of Thieves?:

    Feel free to share your way to play and approach the game, what goals you have or if no goals at all what are your incentives to login and play?

    My main goal is to become famous/infamous on the seas. I want my charactor to leave his mark on the Seaof Theives as we go out into the world and have a grand adventure accomplishisng incredible feats of daring and skill that will be remembered in stories players tell. To become a True Legend while making freinds along the way.

    What do you prefer doing, how do you treat other players, do you roleplay, do you have an immersive or rather rational gameplay style?

    I do it all. It depends on the day and who i play with. Everthing from a humble solo sloop merchant to a well organized and respected fleet commander. I have different crews i sail with some roleplay others don't. I day i could be out hunting for ship and other times i'm the one being hunted. But rather im a mercenary helping out a crw or captianing my vessel I always go all in. If it's time to goof off i don't stick around to long my time is precious and i want to enjoy every sec.

    How important is progression and how important is the sandbox aspect?

    Progression is an important aspect in any game it just depends how you do it. Unfortunatly this Progression system is poorly designed as it meaningless and serves no purpose other then to give players and poor arbtary reason to go out and collect loot. In a skill based game the progression should reflect on a players skills and mastery over the core mechanics of gamplay but instead we got a progression system that reflects time sunk into a pointless grind which may translate into experiance but not at all skill. Progression system are used to deliver certian experiances to player. A standered vertical progression system found in any rpg full fill the Power fantasy. While a horizontal progression system like what this tries to do is to give players a sense of mastery to the different elements in the game. Showing to both the player and everyone around him that players strength, weaknesses and play style.

    I seem to be rather special, because I would like it completely without levels and quests, but more things and mechanics like messages in a bottle for example.

    Your not that speacial there are others who don't care at all about the grind. The grind is only suppose to cater to certian types of players generaly what we call the Achievers.

    All-time I login I don't have any goal, I do what comes by or what comes to my mind spontaneously. I for sure do the commendations of events if possible , but I never strived for anything or grinded.

    You seem to be the kind of player the devs like the most. Those who enjoy the ramdomness and can make his own fun.

    I play the game and gold and rep comes by the way and then i maybe buy new cloth.

    This is what your supposed to do.

    I like doing forts when there is a little thrill of pvp around.

    Easily the best part of the game for me.

    I like pvp most of the time, i never get bored about digging out chests.

    Well you seem easily pleased.

    I also like to idle around sometimes and just sail or sneak up or run away and see how well the others play to catch me or what do they do if we attack, because they look "aggressive" :-)

    So goofing off and messing with people. Your definitly the targeted audiance for this game.

    I really like SoT, it's my absolute favorite and only online game since release, because of the horizontal progression is only about cosmetics, so to me this is completely optional and doesn't force me to play "efficiently" or restrict me in the way i cannot partake, because i lack a level, reputation or whatever?

    There is something to be admired about the philosphy of player freedom in this game.

    This is the key feature and core design i like the most, because imho other it only would separate people and make a job of it.

    It's funny how you said this as someplayers have the complete oppsite view. They fell as if this game is like a job.

    I like to interact sometimes and met all sort of people from all over the world from age 12 to 58, friendly, aggressive, neutral, griefing, but also respectable foes with honor. Very few toxic and immature players.

    Well you seem very lucky as it a rare chance i get to meet player with a mic that speak english or even cares to speak at all. But there are alot of diverse and interesting group of people that play this game. It would be so much better if there was a social hub area or better tools to socialize with these players.

  • @stundorn You're a unique and special kind of player, the kind that as long as they are playing the game; they are having fun. I'd say you are less than 1% of people on Earth, if this is really you. Anyone who can play something and just have fun with the fact that they are playing is rare to see. Trust e I've played games for a VERY long time.

    I play games to be the best. Doesn't matter what game I play, or what it is. I play to be the best. Why? I'll throw it to my competitive nature.

  • I play with my sister in law, and occasionally my brother. We have our play style pretty well worked out and work well together. We are usually following my leveling progress so if my Merchant Alliance rep is falling behind my other factions I'll suggest we spend the session doing those missions. Any bottles etc well try to circle to fit them in as we head from island to island. And we drop off loot pretty frequently, learnt that lesson a loooong time ago.

    We tend to avoid confrontation, though that seems to be really easy to do lately, we hardly ever see anyone for some reason anymore. Initially when the game came out we longed for private servers, but now it just wouldn't be the same if there wasn't some real sense of danger.

  • I'm most definitely a peaceful pirate, who other than a few mischievous moments, will not fire unless fired upon. Live and let live, right? What motivates me is the casual role/faction increases in general. I'm just generally a chill person, looking for my next adventures.

  • @stundorn alright time to bring my life story

    cracks knuckles

    Boom explosion treasure booty, whisper whisper whisper woo(reference to a certain Captain Falcore), the taste of blood but the kiss of first impressions, hippity hoppity your ship is now my property ( I have done this in game actually), ah, darn yah betrayed me!, sir I treated you like a brother and you choose to end me like this, “A true pirate legend takes me stinkin’ cursed cannonballs, and thhen takes the rest of my supplies. You make me pity you,” “time to play a game, a game of hide and seek!” What the Scallops! All me friends are pirate legends, except turtle cause we need him to be a lowly slave to give us the easy missions! Any further question must be summited in statement form.

    Edit: last note since it’s a huge one that I somehow forgot, start a cult around the Kraken using the kraken gear. Cheers! XD

  • @zaannox sagte in What sort of pirate are you? How do you approach the Sea of Thieves?:

    @stundorn You're a unique and special kind of player, the kind that as long as they are playing the game; they are having fun. I'd say you are less than 1% of people on Earth, if this is really you. Anyone who can play something and just have fun with the fact that they are playing is rare to see. Trust e I've played games for a VERY long time.

    I play games to be the best. Doesn't matter what game I play, or what it is. I play to be the best. Why? I'll throw it to my competitive nature.

    I'm 42, single parent, some things in life made me calm and simple. I love it to be that way. I'm minimalistic, I don't care for money or a big car or a house etc.
    Yes it's strange and not the norm, I know.
    Sorry if I argued too much about meritocracy in other threads, but the moment they are something that want me to grind because other I cannot partake anymore I need to stand up and call for the average :-)

  • Ooooh, i love this Topic. i really do. We always play Friendly, we appraoch people in a Friendly way, we keep somebody close to the canon since our Friendly hails don't always get replied in a Friendly way...We sometimes play a big Athena quest or we just set out at Sea and see where the random bottles or parchment in barrels is going to take us.
    The crew i play with has reached Legend status some time ago and we all come back to play SOT just because of the fun it gives us.
    i have to admit that i come back because i'm addicted to my Friends and i'm addicted to the whole Sea of Thieves concept...i absolutely adore to be part of a crew without being the leader. i can play purely for the fun of sailing , for hearing the water clutch against the bow , to see that water splash over the ship when bigger waves hit us...i can completely dream away by the sunsets or sundown that are so beautifully depicted on our screens...

    i don't roleplay , except as George Vane , the Brother of Charles appear...i like to play with accents too, and have pulled people leg's by telling them i come from Russia , India , South of USA and so on and on...But not to make them ridiculous , i gooff around and the only person i totally mock is myself...We have left many people behind with a smile because my sidekick Mr Jay4dio knows perfectly how he can guide me into Gooffmode...

    My utter joy comes from hearing other people laugh....SOT is a strange but very powerful game in regaining confidense in yerself...Many years have i said no words, because in many other games my heavy accent acted like red cloth on a bull. Ever since the first Alpha , SOT was different , it's like that people like ,or let my accent live along with their language...It's very rare that i get shot down for my accent or voice...Therefore i regained the dare to speak again...i can tell you one thing : This kind of acceptance is a healer for me, and it drags the real me finally out of a dark mental cave...It has also given me an inner task: i want that people ,Friend or " Enemy" have fun, i want to hear them laugh ...Sure they may say that i'm an idiot or silly, i don't care ,as long as they laugh then i'm the happiest pirate of many Seas...

    Even if we get attacked and we get sunk in an honest way then i simply don't care ...Becoming Legend liberates you from looking at yer levels , really ,i thought that if i would reach Legend ,then my gameplay would suffer because i have nothing " to look forward too". That was a real fear because i don't want to get fed up with this game...

    Well, i have said countless ( * Really, the nag is not excagurating , it was COUNTLESS times ...sigh...moron) times that there is Magic in this game and after becoming Legend ,with fear of losing the will to play , the game opened up a new layer for me...Total Freedom...i don't have to play anymore , i just play because i want to, maybe need to , because it simply makes me happy...

    What i also keep true is to play fair , i mean that if we get attacked and we beat the other ones ,we withdraw from spawncamping...There is nothing that spoils a person's game as hard as cheating or spawncamping...i like to give them an honest chance to come back from a lost position and since i'm an old fool ( * You got that right , dumbo) ,i mostly end up shot because the person was faster than me...And i don't care ...i feel somekind of hidden duty and respect that my "enemy" must have an honest chance...

    Now , am i the Saint of the Sea ? Hahahahah, no , sometimes ,very rarely , i feel the need to blow up a boat...i absolutely love diving under the surface with a boom boom in the hand and blow up a boat...The intense struggle to supress my gigling before the keg set's off is just such fun...The burst of laughter and childish prank fun is really a summit in unleasing pure joy...But , i don't follow the fight up, i mean i let people run towards the ship and repair it ...After that we are garanteed to become involved in a chase ,wich we adore ...But we do that rarely, mostly we set out to come across and help where we can , we throw alliances around like flyers and we hope we can get people closer towards their Legend status in the hope that they may experience the relief and beyond the Legend status...

    We just want that people can enjoy this game...We hardly steal a thing, and we rather help clean out a Fortress in company of an other crew then have to do it alone...The negotiations , if we decide to do that because sometimes we give away the whole loot, is something so educating...You learn so much from people by interacting with them....

    Most Xbox multiplayers are about shooting ,racing, or being constantly focussed ..Sea of Thieves has moments that pure tranquility take master of yer being...Those graphics , that Sea that lives and sometimes hypnotizes you, those funny cartoony characters and most importantly the individual traits a person has can bring me in an utmost happy state...

    i sometimes wonder , is there any game more beautiful than this one? i sit totally cosy in my sofa , my eyes are surrounded by a world i really would love to live in and i'm surrounded by Friends or friendly random crewmembers ...Is there any better game ? Yes ? And does it have a living Sea and great Sun up and downs? No? then you may keep it , i stay here in wich i never have been happier before...

  • What great answers!!!
    Really like it to read.
    The community is special in some way.
    I am happy to be part of it and that i was here from scratch, ok not really from scratch, but already partaked in Alpha.
    Great stuff, great Game, sometimes i'm annoyed about myself to be not that good in english and therefore often just don't understand players properly.
    Writing and speaking /listening is different.
    Rare need to do more about stuff we cooperate and compete amongst each other. Meg was a small Event, but one of the most exciting about players interaction and same for the Thrones.
    We had so much fun with variant Crews to shoot ourselves and fail so epic, but funny :-)))
    But same for PvP, as long as it's not toxic and players dont be too serious about it, it can be also a hell of fun to loose, if it was just a good fight.
    I often applaud them and it's not rare that it happens we then hunt together or that we end up friendly after i telled them they have earned that loot from me and need to keep it. I often try to make a joke about it. Keep it, you look like as you need it more than me :-)
    This is to lower hardened fronts.
    I like pvp, but the best is friendly pvp.
    Competing without taking it too serious. I approach all battles as friendly battles and allways hope they do the same.
    I never feel bullied, except they gank me for nothing at the Pier or after we talked and everybody know there is nothing. That's just rude and sensless killing.

  • @stundorn I pretty much play like the OP does. I have reached Athena 10 but it hasn't really changed how I play that much.

    I don't always have a goal when I play. I hop on sometimes and go PVP, or just collect treasure, or sail around to see who I can find, or make friends goof around, or make friends and steal their treasure out from under them, or hop in a rowboat and see who I can sneak up on. I like this game just for how simple and free roam it is.

  • @stundorn Friendly. I don't fire until fired upon... I give everyone a chance.

    If I am sailing with my fleet (Iron Fleet), then it is soup of the day. Whatever they are doing, I am doing.

  • I am a legend Athena 10 for quite some time but still play almost daily. 80% of the time with select friends and the other 20% with randoms. I find randoms can be frustrating, not because of their skill, but finding anyone with mic's or still actually having a crew once you actually load into the game. My main goals are just getting more gold, helping people and meeting new people. I was definately a more passive pirate but starting to get a little blood l**t. Not because I am a bored PL, but because I need to improve in PvP. I don't normally go looking for fights but if I happen to be in an alliance and you mess with one of them, we will seek them out.

  • @stundorn i'm nice until they attack my ship and my crew

  • Since the beginning of my pirating adventure, I've been the passive type. I would avoid fighting other players because I don't particularly like pvp, nor am I great at it. Whenever I encounter players and have to get within range of them, I always try to explain that I have no interest in fighting them and that I'm simply doing voyages. Usually this is enough to diffuse a would-be skirmish.

    Throughout my adventures, I've realized I have a knack for using the cannons, effectively salvaging loot from sunken ships, and have the capability of sailing a Sloop pretty well.

    Since hitting Pirate Legend, I'm a little less passive, and find myself more willing to enter combat since there's less for me to lose. I still try to avoid it during voyages, but if I'm just sailing, I'm a bit more likely to engage in naval combat without being provoked.

    My only real goal is to make back my millions of gold I spent during Forsaken Shores. Had 1.2 mil, and now I'm back down to 100k... Other than that, I'm shooting for Athena 10, so I can buy the figurehead and flag to complete my Athena ship.

  • and I only rob from sailors if we be sinking them.

  • I'm of the highly vigilant variety; always keeping my head on a swivel to spot the hazards. My attitude towards pvp is that "if you want some, come get some", so I'm friendly until fired upon. In pvp situations, I like to sail the ship. I enjoy trying to predict where my opponent is going to steer so that I can counter them, staying out of their line of fire while giving my crew the best chances to pummel the opposition with cannon balls.

  • I play in a simple yet repetitive manner. Join up, drop a voyage, complete the voyage while killing everyone else on the server. Once the voyage is complete I either get off or repeat.

12 out of 26