My first Book

  • Ahoy there, lads and lasses!

    I come to you with tears of happiness in my eyes! After over 3 years of sweat, unslept night and hours of bashing my head against the wall, I finally managed to finish my first book!

    The Dawn of Darkness is the first book of the series Wars of Eredhar. It is a fantasy novel, taking place in the fictional universe of Eredhar, a world full of secrets, mysteries and adventures.

    I would be so honored if you could grab your free e-book and give it a read.

    It matters not from where you are, for Wars of Eredhar: The Dawn of Darkness is available on all major Amazon websites.

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    Even if you don't get your free copy, I still want to thank you all for just being here for me.*/B07H4P4B26*/B07H4P4B26*/B07H4P4B26*/B07H4P4B26*/B07H4P4B26*/B07H4P4B26*/B07H4P4B26

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  • @eredhar Ahoy there matey!

    Awesome work... I will be tucking into this for tonight's bedtime read.

    The Amazon UK link didn't work for me, but searching for the book title did.

  • @eredhar I haven’t even began to read it, but I know how much dedication you have to have to self-publish a book. It must’ve taken a lot of time to piece together a story for an audience that can enjoy said story. Congratulations on getting it out to the public!

  • @eredhar congrats! gonna grab mine when i get home tonight.

  • The filters doesn't like the P after the D in the URL and stars it out

  • @eredhar congrats! Thats awesome, will definately have to give it a read ☺

  • @eredhar Downloaded ready to read! :D

  • Ahoy,

    My apologize for my late reply!

    Thank you all, @Musicmee , @haydensolo , @IceMan-0007, @stacky-a , @lizalaroo for the warm and amazing replies.
    @Musicmee it seams that I forgot about the interesting filter that our forums has haha. @triheadedmonkey was right on the URL problem.

    @haydensolo This version, that you have took me 3.5 years. The project as a whole, 5 years.

    Sadly, today is the last day of free copies.

  • Just downloaded it!

    Good on ya for writing a whole book btw! Mega impressed!

    Will be reading that tonight. :D

  • @triheadedmonkey I almost always need to P after the D.

    Don't know what the problem is. haha

  • @eredhar

    Congratulations on finishing this mighty feat, this tome, this tale worthy of the most legendary of heroes!!

    It must feel more than a little nervewracking, but you got this!

  • @eredhar love the cover. Oh to be able to create one like that...

  • Ahoy there Mr. @eredhar!

    Congratulations on finishing your first book! The world of Eredhar intrigues me, if it's anything related to the weird pirate that wrote it must an interesting and enjoyable place. I won't promise you that I'll immediately read it, however I'll put it on the backlog for future reads. I also shared it with a few friends and colleagues that enjoy reading fantasy novels.

    If I receive any feedback from them (as I know they read a whole lot more than I do), I'll let you know.

  • @eredhar i feel bad as i was tied up with work and didn't get a chance to download it . But to support a fellow pirate i have no problem with paying for it. Might have to run a couple gold hoarders missions

  • @iceman-0007
    You do know how Eredhar plans to be rich of his booksales right? The price of the book is $250.000, that way he doesn't have to sell that many of em to get rich :)

  • @eredhar
    Hello Mr Eredhar, if this was your first book ever and if you like Fantasy novels, may i advice you to read The Wheel of Time series made by Robert Jordan/ Sanderson ...If you had tears with Mr Andrei's world then i bet you will cry tears of Joy , Thrill , laughter and sadness when you read this series ...Now that you are bitten by the reading microbe ,i wonder wich will be yer next book to tackle?...
    Anyways , if you can draw the world and the characters before your eyes , then a good writer can surpass a videogame...But not SOT , that is only in it's kind.... :)

  • @fishst1ck hopefully that's in dubs hahah

  • @clumsy-george said in My first Book:

    Hello Mr Eredhar, if this was your first book ever and if you like Fantasy novels, may i advice you to read The Wheel of Time series made by Robert Jordan/ Sanderson ...If you had tears with Mr Andrei's world then i bet you will cry tears of Joy , Thrill , laughter and sadness when you read this series ...Now that you are bitten by the reading microbe ,i wonder wich will be yer next book to tackle?...
    Anyways , if you can draw the world and the characters before your eyes , then a good writer can surpass a videogame...But not SOT , that is only in it's kind.... :)

    Hahaha George, it's the first book he's ever WRITTEN, probably not the first one he read in 3.5 years. He's Mr Andrei :)

  • It's quite an achievement to write a book... um when is the secod part? :P Hurry up @eredhar :D

  • @dreadpirate9200
    Cheers, laddy! I hope you'll enjoy it hehe.

    @KattTruewalker Oh, you know exactly how I feel haha. Thank you once again for your support!

    @ScoobyWRX555 Oh mate... The pain and shouting that happened till this cover was made haha.

    @FishSt1ck Come on, that's so sweet of you haha. Cheers, lad! Also, the price will be 249.999 haha.

    @Clumsy-George This is the first book that I wrote. I've read fantasy novels before, my favorite being the all mighty Tolkien (love emote) . Mr. Andrei....i like the sound of that haha.

    @lizalaroo The second part.... why..why must you torment me so early?!

    @IceMan-0007 It's still free! Based on my amazin' math, it's free till the 13th, around 10am BST!

    So far, this free promotion that I had was a freaking blast! I am so happy, so excited and so overwhelmed! Even more when I saw this thing, on the UK Amazon. I love you all!
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  • @fishst1ck
    Oops, i think i made a little mistake ( * Whaahahaaaa, what a dumb yokel ,hey? ...You finally ,all see what i endure every freaking day with this plonker...Such a moron - All right , allright , he made a mistake , there is no need to pour some salt in his wound...* Who's gonna stop me , you ? You're also a dumb yokel...). My apolegies , Mr Eredhar ...i thought you had dyslexia and therefor took 3 years to finish a book....i didn't realize that with " finish " a book , you meant writing a book...Waw , i didn't knew we had a real professional writer in our midsts , but there is something i don't get...If you worked this long on your book, why do you give it away for free? Don't get me wrong , that is indeed a very nice gesture and very much appreciated but i don't think you have to feel fear to ask a price for your work...Will this book become published so in time it get's translated in other languages?
    Once again sorry for the missunderstanding, i fear "i was a bit onesidid in my inner translation, " finish " a book can mean more than one meaning ( * Jezus Kayrist, what a fool)

  • @clumsy-george
    Haha, no worries, lad! The book is free due to a special promotion. The goal was and is to generate exposure during such events.

  • @eredhar
    Its' maybe too early to ask but will you make more episodes in the world you created or will you make a total different story....No need to answer ,but i'm just curious and utterly happy that this Forum is hiding a real writer in it's shadow...

  • @clumsy-george
    To answer you curiosity and also Ms. @lizalaroo ,I'm brewing the ideas for the second book. So, see you in 3.5 years haha

  • Ahoy there, lads and lasses!

    I wanted to thank you all for the freaking amazing support that you've shown during the free week. I really hope that you enjoyed reading and if not... I shall meet you on the sea!

    I know that Amazon is a bit ... cruses a few times . You can't offer a review unless you've spent at least 50 dollars. That is really curses again. Thus, if you really want to offer some feedback, i invite you all over at If and when you guys have a minute to spare, i would be grateful if you would offer a little review on my book, over at :

    Once again, thank you so much for how amazing you've been!

  • Hi, I kinda know how difficult it is to work on something like this and I will see if I can get a copy of this. It just takes your blood and soul for writing a fiction based thing, it's just amazing to see that you have done it. I will read it and let you know of my feedback, that is if I get a copy. Also, just want to express my appreciation on the work you have done!

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