Not that many will care but most of my friends have stopped playiing SOT & LFG post seem wayyyy down!

  • **I'd say easily 90% of my hardcore (those that played) a lot have quit & finding a game via lfg is a joke with decreased numbers a qestionable quality. Sad thing is those who have been willing to have a convo about thiss I've tried to support Rare & have said this game has potential & to give it another try/chance come tthe 19th. But who am i kidding, maybe just myself? Here's hopinb the 19th injects new hope, new blood & get some who have quit to come back! GG guys, GG!


  • 52
  • Agree man, forsaken shores is going to make or break this game for me.
    I played for the first time last night in two weeks... im glad they extended the dabloons so now i dont have to grind all the commendations out within the next few days...
    but yeah...
    after you hopped offline i went into the lfg posts and usually there are 180-190 active at night but it was down to about 70-80. big drop off.

    wish i had a ps4, if i did this game would be dead and id be all over spiderman.. this point im pretty much waiting for anthem to come out, doom eternal, etc and at that point this game will be dead for sure

  • @shuoink said in Not that many will care but most of my friends have stopped playiing SOT & LFG post seem wayyyy down!:

    Agree man, forsaken shores is going to make or break this game for me.
    I played for the first time last night in two weeks... im glad they extended the dabloons so now i dont have to grind all the commendations out within the next few days...
    but yeah...
    after you hopped offline i went into the lfg posts and usually there are 180-190 active at night but it was down to about 70-80. big drop off.

    wish i had a ps4, if i did this game would be dead and id be all over spiderman.. this point im pretty much waiting for anthem to come out, doom eternal, etc and at that point this game will be dead for sure

    Bolded textWe had sum gud times my brutha & yes the 19th will be a huge decider for alot of peeps. Yes there'll ALWAYS be other games but atm not other pirate games. Peace out i only relogged back in to reply to you

  • I always see LFGs in the 150+ or close to which is pretty much in line with what I've always seen them at since day 1, on pretty much any given day.

    Event and content drop days are even higher

  • @zodemere


    Sounds like an exhaustive study.

  • @zodemere make or break for me and my crew too. Sucks but ya what can ya do

  • It's sad to see people scurry off like rodents from what appears to be a sinking ship and nobody can blame them. We've certainly been patient in waiting for content and have weathered some rough waters with bugs and server errors.

    Since launch my regular helmsman has ventured off for days or weeks at a time to play other games and I have felt left behind to bail out water from a hull that is never fully repaired.
    It only takes one or two crew mates to abandon ship before the entire crew feels like doing the same.

    We grasp at hope that the next update, campaign or event will turn things around but within a week or two we're back to square one with little to nothing to do.

    One by one the brave defenders of the game slowly lower their voices and hang their heads in defeat. Pride is a big bitter pill to swallow.
    Nobody likes to admit to buying a lemon and that feeling is enhanced by seeing so much potential being excessively tweaked beyond comprehension or totally ignored.

    Last night was the first time we've seen more than one other ship on the server since the update last week. Whether it's a server population bug or a simple reflection of fewer numbers playing, it really makes no difference. The drop in numbers in the LFG would suggest the latter.
    It feels like we're playing co-op in a single player mode/game.

    To others reading this, maybe peak hours in your region don't reflect the same sense of emptiness just yet but some of us are feeling it.

    Nobody wants the game to die prematurely but Rare really needs to pull their finger out with content both prior to and beyond pirate legend status.
    New cosmetics isn't all there is to "content". Give some diversity to the quests. Be creative, use imagination. Go through all of the voyage suggestions offered on these forums and make it happen.

    Treat your game like a relationship. Don't just put a ring on her finger and sit on your hands. Spruce it up, take her to dinner for no apparent reason, buy her flowers, chocolates and jewellery every so often, pay her compliments, add a book on Kama Sutra to her Xmas stocking. :P

    Most importantly, don't take any of it back. You are building this relationship, not juggling it.

  • The Trifecta of stupidity ruined it for me.

    CCB's, the new UI and having my Skull Forts completions taken away is enough. I am surprised some of you are still hanging in there.

  • This isn't aimed at anyone in particular, or perhaps to all of you who are expressing your disappointment, frustration and impatience with Sea of Thieves....

    Your voices are heard and your concerns and opinions are as valid as those who support the changes, try to remain positive about the bugs and issues we've experienced during the last few months and are optimistic about the future of the game.

    I feel very much that this is the nature of the beast now, that on release the community expressed it's disappointment and Rare have responded as best they could as swiftly as they could, fixing issues and tweaking features and responding to our worries.

    The way I see it, it's a bit like putting together a puzzle when you don't see the final picture - there are gaps and problems along the way which are overcome and which make sense as part of the whole further down the road.

    The thing is, we're watching someone else put this puzzle together, and because we're only really back seat drivers, some of the changes don't sit well, don't make sense at the time or are plain wrong.

    Personally, I'm hoping that because Rare are pretty good puzzle solvers, we'll get to a point where things will settle down, make sense and we have one of those 'Eureka' moments where we finally see what they were on about all along. At that point, we might not agree with it, but I think we have as many differing visions for the game as we have members of the community - what I hope we all share is a sense of the potential this game has.

  • @katttruewalker said in Not that many will care but most of my friends have stopped playiing SOT & LFG post seem wayyyy down!:

    This isn't aimed at anyone in particular, or perhaps to all of you who are expressing your disappointment, frustration and impatience with Sea of Thieves....

    Your voices are heard and your concerns and opinions are as valid as those who support the changes, try to remain positive about the bugs and issues we've experienced during the last few months and are optimistic about the future of the game.

    I feel very much that this is the nature of the beast now, that on release the community expressed it's disappointment and Rare have responded as best they could as swiftly as they could, fixing issues and tweaking features and responding to our worries.

    The way I see it, it's a bit like putting together a puzzle when you don't see the final picture - there are gaps and problems along the way which are overcome and which make sense as part of the whole further along the way.

    The thing is, we're watching someone else put this puzzle together, and because we're only really back seat drivers, some of the changes don't sit well, don't make sense at the time or are plain wrong.

    Personally, I'm hoping that because Rare are pretty good puzzle solvers, we'll get to a point where things will settle down, make sense and we have one of those 'Eureka' moments where we finally see what they were on about all along. At that point, we might not agree with it, but I think we have as many differing visions for the game as we have members of the community - what I hope we all share is a sense of the potential this game has.

    Well said, well said. Last i'll say is i no longer desir a titlee buf i shall wear 1 after it's that sweet sweet hoarder of treasured tears that droppeddown to 100 so insteAd of grindig another 5 months i may

  • @trickrtreat01 said in Not that many will care but most of my friends have stopped playiing SOT & LFG post seem wayyyy down!:

    The Trifecta of stupidity ruined it for me.

    CCB's, the new UI and having my Skull Forts completions taken away is enough. I am surprised some of you are still hanging in there.

    Who did that? I still have as many completed forts as before. OK, I had to do another one for the commendations to trigger, but the actual number didn't change (respectively increased by 1).

    Edit: Reading other threads … What happend yesterday? I didn't play yesterday because servers were offline for too long.

  • @katttruewalker said in Not that many will care but most of my friends have stopped playiing SOT & LFG post seem wayyyy down!:

    This isn't aimed at anyone in particular, or perhaps to all of you who are expressing your disappointment, frustration and impatience with Sea of Thieves....

    Your voices are heard and your concerns and opinions are as valid as those who support the changes, try to remain positive about the bugs and issues we've experienced during the last few months and are optimistic about the future of the game.

    I feel very much that this is the nature of the beast now, that on release the community expressed it's disappointment and Rare have responded as best they could as swiftly as they could, fixing issues and tweaking features and responding to our worries.

    The way I see it, it's a bit like putting together a puzzle when you don't see the final picture - there are gaps and problems along the way which are overcome and which make sense as part of the whole further along the way.

    The thing is, we're watching someone else put this puzzle together, and because we're only really back seat drivers, some of the changes don't sit well, don't make sense at the time or are plain wrong.

    Personally, I'm hoping that because Rare are pretty good puzzle solvers, we'll get to a point where things will settle down, make sense and we have one of those 'Eureka' moments where we finally see what they were on about all along. At that point, we might not agree with it, but I think we have as many differing visions for the game as we have members of the community - what I hope we all share is a sense of the potential this game has.

    I wish I could have some optimism but it's all but gone. I just don't see how Rare can salvage this. The barrel UI....seems no matter what you are going to have to open some kind of menu and disrupt the flow of combat.

    The achievements getting do they fix that ? Roll it back to where it was ? Anything less than that is a deal breaker.

    The CCB's ? As long as they are in the game and in the hands of players combat will never be balanced.

    I want to believe but given their track record for fixing things it seems they will just keep rolling out more broken events and ideas instead of fixing what is already broken.

  • I have been playing since day one. Me and my crew are still playing every day we possibly can and loving it to bits. We were never bothered by accomodations anyway so it never bothered us that the stupidly high requirements were lowered or if it was kept the same.

    Bugs are bug and we have pretty thick skins to issues, every game has them. Its how they are dealt with that counts.

    Just wanted to put this here as many people remain in love with the game and cant wait to see what the future brings.

  • Just to say to me nothing is broken and the game keeps improving and gets better and better and more content, more options to play (reapers mark).

    What i want to add is:
    I play games!
    I dont work games, i dont game the mechanics, i'm no addicted gamer, i'm just a player having fun playing games.

    And i especially like the SoT philosophy about vertical progression.

    I feel sad for everybody who is angry about some pixels and virtual titles, achievements, or commendations.

    Serious? Even my 12y old child doesn't get it why people complain that much about a game.
    Just play another or wait, maybe first learn to play again, to loose, to play for playing and fun itself and not for questionable efforts you think you worked hard for.
    Maybe if you follow the effort=reward formula begin to realize that this striving and overestimation about meritocracy is allways a source to be unhappy in your life.

    It's a game for playing in your freetime.
    You may have too much freetime that isnt filled with fulfilling activities?
    Otherwise playing while freetime is only about having fun playing, isnt it?!

    Have Fun - Stun

  • Im still loving this fantastic game and I am excited every Day for new Informations and Announcements to enrich our Experience! Still hyped for Skeleton Lords, Forsaken Shores, Ship Captaincy and new Pirate Legend stuff.....and Pets!

    Who is hyped for the new Roadmap after Forsaken Shores? It’s Time :D

  • @katttruewalker said in Not that many will care but most of my friends have stopped playiing SOT & LFG post seem wayyyy down!:

    This isn't aimed at anyone in particular, or perhaps to all of you who are expressing your disappointment, frustration and impatience with Sea of Thieves....

    Your voices are heard and your concerns and opinions are as valid as those who support the changes, try to remain positive about the bugs and issues we've experienced during the last few months and are optimistic about the future of the game.

    I feel very much that this is the nature of the beast now, that on release the community expressed it's disappointment and Rare have responded as best they could as swiftly as they could, fixing issues and tweaking features and responding to our worries.

    The way I see it, it's a bit like putting together a puzzle when you don't see the final picture - there are gaps and problems along the way which are overcome and which make sense as part of the whole further down the road.

    The thing is, we're watching someone else put this puzzle together, and because we're only really back seat drivers, some of the changes don't sit well, don't make sense at the time or are plain wrong.

    Personally, I'm hoping that because Rare are pretty good puzzle solvers, we'll get to a point where things will settle down, make sense and we have one of those 'Eureka' moments where we finally see what they were on about all along. At that point, we might not agree with it, but I think we have as many differing visions for the game as we have members of the community - what I hope we all share is a sense of the potential this game has.

    Maybe rare should stop trying to put broken puzzle pieces into the picture or at the very least get other peoples opinions to see if it fits first rather than cramming in together, hoping for the best and then trying to tape it together afterwards

  • @stundorn it's the fact that we bought a $19.99 game for 60 bucks with very little content and an unfinished game.

  • Unfortunately i’m guilty myself of not playing as often as I used to. But let’s be honest when your on a server and see only one ship in two hours on a patch day...we’ll thats saying something. They say don’t get upset over something so small like the barrel UI. But when you introduce a major disruption , No a major train wreck to the foundation of the game play then say yeah we screwed up rushing and not listening to feedback, then come back and say bear with us through this. Seriously there is so many times gamers will forgive and start to forget. I have some hope left that Rate will pull through this and get back to how they were focused on not only polishing their patch builds. But to keep releasing dlc for everyone to enjoy

  • @e11evenbsouth Rubbish, despite recent changes I have to say this game owes me not one penny and was well worth it for the 60 quid I spent on it. The hours of entertainment I have had from this game means it is infact value for money.

  • @captain-fet Amen! This game es totally worth it! And it’s going to be worth more when the updates come!

  • @katttruewalker said in Not that many will care but most of my friends have stopped playiing SOT & LFG post seem wayyyy down!:

    This isn't aimed at anyone in particular, or perhaps to all of you who are expressing your disappointment, frustration and impatience with Sea of Thieves....

    Your voices are heard and your concerns and opinions are as valid as those who support the changes, try to remain positive about the bugs and issues we've experienced during the last few months and are optimistic about the future of the game.

    I feel very much that this is the nature of the beast now, that on release the community expressed it's disappointment and Rare have responded as best they could as swiftly as they could, fixing issues and tweaking features and responding to our worries.

    The way I see it, it's a bit like putting together a puzzle when you don't see the final picture - there are gaps and problems along the way which are overcome and which make sense as part of the whole further down the road.

    The thing is, we're watching someone else put this puzzle together, and because we're only really back seat drivers, some of the changes don't sit well, don't make sense at the time or are plain wrong.

    Personally, I'm hoping that because Rare are pretty good puzzle solvers, we'll get to a point where things will settle down, make sense and we have one of those 'Eureka' moments where we finally see what they were on about all along. At that point, we might not agree with it, but I think we have as many differing visions for the game as we have members of the community - what I hope we all share is a sense of the potential this game has.

    I want to defend Rare, and have many times. I do see that they are trying to please as many people as they can, and honestly I like many of the initiatives that they have had. The biggest issue I have, and one that is quite honestly wearing me out is, they are putting that puzzle together using us, the faithful, as the guinea pigs to test it and see if it works. They have a group of people, you are one of them, called pioneers. They should be giving you all ample time to vet the product before release, also allowing for time for feedback and implementation of any corrections that are needed.

    And honestly, while the new UI is annoying, I can live with it. It is the glitches that are wearing me down. Some of which have been known issues for months with little to no progress in fixing them. I truly think Rare should slow down on the new content releases some, take the time needed to properly vet the product and make sure that there are minimal issues once released.

    I still love the game, and still like the direction, I just don't like the way they introduce the new stuff with so many issues. I will agree that Rare is responsive, but honestly, they should have that figured out before us common folk ever see the product. I spend a lot of time on the game, I want that time spent making adventures, not dealing with glitches or worrying that the game could crash because it is unstable. I will continue to plow through this and play the game, as I honestly can say some of my best gaming experiences have happened in SoT. But I sincerely hope that Rare finally does what they have said they would start doing since the Skelly Ships were first introduced with so many server issues. The remarkable thing is, Joe made the same apology then as he made in this weeks update. They are sorry they didn't give ample time for testing. It really is quite simple, don't announce a date to release a new DLC until it is has been tested and ready.

    I know the big push is new content because the biggest complaint people made when the game was first introduced was the lack of content. Well, we have a lot of new content since then, and many new ways to have that adventure, so maybe taking stock in where they are and making sure they put in place policies to ensure that products are solid before releasing them is what is now needed most.

  • @admiral-rrrsole said in Not that many will care but most of my friends have stopped playiing SOT & LFG post seem wayyyy down!:

    Nobody wants the game to die prematurely but Rare really needs to pull their finger out with content both prior to and beyond pirate legend status.
    New cosmetics isn't all there is to "content". Give some diversity to the quests. Be creative, use imagination. Go through all of the voyage suggestions offered on these forums and make it happen.

    This is the main issue that has kept me from purchasing this game - the quest variety, the number one complaint from release day - an issue brought up during pioneer sessions repeatedly - has yet to be addressed. I had hopes that one of these "expansions" would deal with this issue and we are down to the last one which, as far as I can tell, only adds one voyage type to the Merchant line and doesn't revamp any of the existing voyages or merchants. Its disappointing.

    The potential for this game to be great is there but everything seems half-done. If something is supposed to be repeated, you need to make sure there is enough variety that keeps people interested and currently most of the game lacks that variety. The games numbers have probably been okay, if slowly dwindling, but it will probably take a huge drop once the next big XBox release comes out (probably COD and RDR2).

    It almost seems like they had no plans for post release features. Every expansion has included stuff suggested by the players, even if it goes against the core idea of the game (Cursed Cannonballs - Vertical Progression? Skeleton Ships - All ships on the sea are players?). Where are the ideas that expanded on the core game? Why is finding chairs and statues considered engaging content? They haven't really provided anything for beyond Forsaken Shores either have they? Isn't this game supposed to run "for years"?

    The current state kind of gives a bit of credence to this guy's post from just after release:

  • LFG posts may be way down but that could be because people have finally woken up and realised that LFG posts are a totally inadequate way of gaming.

    I've responded to dozens of SoT LFG posts over the last couple of months but less than a quarter of them have resulted in me joining a crew. Most of the time you get ignored for hours (by multiple posts) until you finally get a notification that the user has closed their post.

    One post last week looked good "Experienced sailors only, going GH voyages" but it turned out it was a noob looking for help but he knew that a post titled "noob looking for help" was going to get zero response.

    And that's the trouble with LFGs - there's no control, no comeback, no guarantee of a good game. The post may look good but it's being hosted by a racist bigot or a clueless fool. Or even worse a squeeker!

    And this is one of the main problems that this game has faced since day one. It's a multiplayer co-op experience with no in game system for getting like minded players together. It relies on LFGs, forums and discord rather than offering it's own solution. Where is the clan support? Where is the lobby? Many games have solutions to these problems but Rare figured none of that was needed.

  • @trickrtreat01 said in Not that many will care but most of my friends have stopped playiing SOT & LFG post seem wayyyy down!:

    @katttruewalker said in Not that many will care but most of my friends have stopped playiing SOT & LFG post seem wayyyy down!:

    This isn't aimed at anyone in particular, or perhaps to all of you who are expressing your disappointment, frustration and impatience with Sea of Thieves....

    Your voices are heard and your concerns and opinions are as valid as those who support the changes, try to remain positive about the bugs and issues we've experienced during the last few months and are optimistic about the future of the game.

    I feel very much that this is the nature of the beast now, that on release the community expressed it's disappointment and Rare have responded as best they could as swiftly as they could, fixing issues and tweaking features and responding to our worries.

    The way I see it, it's a bit like putting together a puzzle when you don't see the final picture - there are gaps and problems along the way which are overcome and which make sense as part of the whole further along the way.

    The thing is, we're watching someone else put this puzzle together, and because we're only really back seat drivers, some of the changes don't sit well, don't make sense at the time or are plain wrong.

    Personally, I'm hoping that because Rare are pretty good puzzle solvers, we'll get to a point where things will settle down, make sense and we have one of those 'Eureka' moments where we finally see what they were on about all along. At that point, we might not agree with it, but I think we have as many differing visions for the game as we have members of the community - what I hope we all share is a sense of the potential this game has.

    I wish I could have some optimism but it's all but gone. I just don't see how Rare can salvage this. The barrel UI....seems no matter what you are going to have to open some kind of menu and disrupt the flow of combat.

    The achievements getting do they fix that ? Roll it back to where it was ? Anything less than that is a deal breaker.

    The CCB's ? As long as they are in the game and in the hands of players combat will never be balanced.

    I want to believe but given their track record for fixing things it seems they will just keep rolling out more broken events and ideas instead of fixing what is already broken.

    For goodness sake, the new barrel UI might be a bit clunkier than the old one but think of all the potential it has.

    Not to mention, for the umpteenth time, that Rowboats will have a single resource change aboard, which makes the new UI necessary if you want to store anything on it.

    Finally, CCBs are going to climb in rarity after the event, just like Mermaid Statues.

  • @captain-fet game should have game out in xbox preview for 29.99

  • @blam320 said in Not that many will care but most of my friends have stopped playiing SOT & LFG post seem wayyyy down!:

    @trickrtreat01 said in Not that many will care but most of my friends have stopped playiing SOT & LFG post seem wayyyy down!:

    @katttruewalker said in Not that many will care but most of my friends have stopped playiing SOT & LFG post seem wayyyy down!:

    This isn't aimed at anyone in particular, or perhaps to all of you who are expressing your disappointment, frustration and impatience with Sea of Thieves....

    Your voices are heard and your concerns and opinions are as valid as those who support the changes, try to remain positive about the bugs and issues we've experienced during the last few months and are optimistic about the future of the game.

    I feel very much that this is the nature of the beast now, that on release the community expressed it's disappointment and Rare have responded as best they could as swiftly as they could, fixing issues and tweaking features and responding to our worries.

    The way I see it, it's a bit like putting together a puzzle when you don't see the final picture - there are gaps and problems along the way which are overcome and which make sense as part of the whole further along the way.

    The thing is, we're watching someone else put this puzzle together, and because we're only really back seat drivers, some of the changes don't sit well, don't make sense at the time or are plain wrong.

    Personally, I'm hoping that because Rare are pretty good puzzle solvers, we'll get to a point where things will settle down, make sense and we have one of those 'Eureka' moments where we finally see what they were on about all along. At that point, we might not agree with it, but I think we have as many differing visions for the game as we have members of the community - what I hope we all share is a sense of the potential this game has.

    I wish I could have some optimism but it's all but gone. I just don't see how Rare can salvage this. The barrel UI....seems no matter what you are going to have to open some kind of menu and disrupt the flow of combat.

    The achievements getting do they fix that ? Roll it back to where it was ? Anything less than that is a deal breaker.

    The CCB's ? As long as they are in the game and in the hands of players combat will never be balanced.

    I want to believe but given their track record for fixing things it seems they will just keep rolling out more broken events and ideas instead of fixing what is already broken.

    For goodness sake, the new barrel UI might be a bit clunkier than the old one but think of all the potential it has.

    Not to mention, for the umpteenth time, that Rowboats will have a single resource change aboard, which makes the new UI necessary if you want to store anything on it.

    Finally, CCBs are going to climb in rarity after the event, just like Mermaid Statues.

    You just don't get it. There is nothing they can add that makes dealing with this UI worth it. Who gives a flack about rowboats ? It has totally ruined combat.

  • @trickrtreat01 What if they added more commendations for chests? Like gather 1000000 Castaways? That's some good content and would bring people back by the hundreds...

  • @mattydove74 said in Not that many will care but most of my friends have stopped playiing SOT & LFG post seem wayyyy down!:

    @trickrtreat01 What if they added more commendations for chests? Like gather 1000000 Castaways? That's some good content and would bring people back by the hundreds...

    What if isnt good enough. What about what some of us had already accomplished that was stripped away ? You just don't get it.

  • @trickrtreat01 said in Not that many will care but most of my friends have stopped playiing SOT & LFG post seem wayyyy down!:

    @mattydove74 said in Not that many will care but most of my friends have stopped playiing SOT & LFG post seem wayyyy down!:

    @trickrtreat01 What if they added more commendations for chests? Like gather 1000000 Castaways? That's some good content and would bring people back by the hundreds...

    What if isnt good enough. What about what some of us had already accomplished that was stripped away ? You just don't get it.

    You lost the title?

  • @mattydove74 said in Not that many will care but most of my friends have stopped playiing SOT & LFG post seem wayyyy down!:

    @trickrtreat01 said in Not that many will care but most of my friends have stopped playiing SOT & LFG post seem wayyyy down!:

    @mattydove74 said in Not that many will care but most of my friends have stopped playiing SOT & LFG post seem wayyyy down!:

    @trickrtreat01 What if they added more commendations for chests? Like gather 1000000 Castaways? That's some good content and would bring people back by the hundreds...

    What if isnt good enough. What about what some of us had already accomplished that was stripped away ? You just don't get it.

    You lost the title?

    I had 150/250 Skull Forts completed. I logged in and it said I was 59/60....

    I was working on Raiders of Cursed Stronghold title and they gutted it.

  • @trickrtreat01 said in Not that many will care but most of my friends have stopped playiing SOT & LFG post seem wayyyy down!:

    You just don't get it.

    Yes, we do, but we just do not agree with you. Humble up. It is possible to fully understand your point and still not agree with your conclusions about the game.

    @Trickrtreat01 said in Not that many will care but most of my friends have stopped playiing SOT & LFG post seem wayyyy down!:

    There is nothing they can add that makes dealing with this UI worth it.

    ...for you. I am looking forward to more variety and depth. So many complaints from some about it being a shallow game. When Rare responds by changing their rollout plans to add more of what we asked for there is an endless stream of whining about the changes. It has turned into a bad habit for some to rush to the forums to gripe about every single change and then predict the game’s demise.

    @trickrtreat01 said in Not that many will care but most of my friends have stopped playiing SOT & LFG post seem wayyyy down!:

    Who gives a flack about rowboats ?

    I do. They are adding a significant amount of content that will necessitate using rowboats to keep the ship safe. I thought we wanted more content.

    @trickrtreat01 said in Not that many will care but most of my friends have stopped playiing SOT & LFG post seem wayyyy down!:

    It has totally ruined combat.

    ...for you. The combat system in the beginning was not very interesting. Like playing Battlefield with only a knife, a couple of guns, and cannons. Now we have choices. There are more interesting scenarios possible. I though people were upset that the game was shallow.

  • @kungfustu72 said in Not that many will care but most of my friends have stopped playiing SOT & LFG post seem wayyyy down!:

    The post may look good but it's being hosted by a racist bigot or a clueless fool. Or even worse a squeeker!

    I'll admit that I don't know exactly what a "squeaker" is; but I'm gonna go out on a limb and say it's probably not worse than a racist bigot. =P

  • @ghostpaw Rare dumped on the people that spend the most time in the game, the people that populate the servers every night for several hours. Does that really sound like a good idea ? And when we are gone then what ? But hey, enjoy rowboats, a clunky worthless UI and other things that the game doesn't really need.

    It's one thing to add things if it's seamless, but this is anything but that. Ever heard the saying "win the battle and lose the war"....
    You and Rare are winning the battle and losing in the long run.

  • @trickrtreat01 said in Not that many will care but most of my friends have stopped playiing SOT & LFG post seem wayyyy down!:

    @ghostpaw Rare dumped on the people that spend the most time in the game, the people that populate the servers every night for several hours. Does that really sound like a good idea ? And when we are gone then what ? But hey, enjoy rowboats, a clunky worthless UI and other things that the game doesn't really need.

    It's one thing to add things if it's seamless, but this is anything but that. Ever heard the saying "win the battle and lose the war"....
    You and Rare are winning the battle and losing in the long run.

    Does it sound like a good idea? It depends. If you cater to a small but devoted group, while ignoring a larger group, then you severely limit the audience. Would you rather please 1 percent or 99 percent? Which one will net you more income? People working for Rare depend on the leadership to make the game appealing to a wide audience. Designing a game for 5 very devoted players is not fiscally responsible. A very vocal group of players and reviewers have called for more content. Rare is doing what they need to do to respond to those demands. You played the game for a lot of hours, and I'd assume you enjoyed it (unless you are a [Mod edited]), so divide $60 by the number of hours you spent on the seas. Now compare that to other activities (movies, dinner, kayaking, etc) and see if you got your money's worth.

  • @trickrtreat01 said in Not that many will care but most of my friends have stopped playiing SOT & LFG post seem wayyyy down!:

    @blam320 said in Not that many will care but most of my friends have stopped playiing SOT & LFG post seem wayyyy down!:

    @trickrtreat01 said in Not that many will care but most of my friends have stopped playiing SOT & LFG post seem wayyyy down!:

    @katttruewalker said in Not that many will care but most of my friends have stopped playiing SOT & LFG post seem wayyyy down!:

    This isn't aimed at anyone in particular, or perhaps to all of you who are expressing your disappointment, frustration and impatience with Sea of Thieves....

    Your voices are heard and your concerns and opinions are as valid as those who support the changes, try to remain positive about the bugs and issues we've experienced during the last few months and are optimistic about the future of the game.

    I feel very much that this is the nature of the beast now, that on release the community expressed it's disappointment and Rare have responded as best they could as swiftly as they could, fixing issues and tweaking features and responding to our worries.

    The way I see it, it's a bit like putting together a puzzle when you don't see the final picture - there are gaps and problems along the way which are overcome and which make sense as part of the whole further along the way.

    The thing is, we're watching someone else put this puzzle together, and because we're only really back seat drivers, some of the changes don't sit well, don't make sense at the time or are plain wrong.

    Personally, I'm hoping that because Rare are pretty good puzzle solvers, we'll get to a point where things will settle down, make sense and we have one of those 'Eureka' moments where we finally see what they were on about all along. At that point, we might not agree with it, but I think we have as many differing visions for the game as we have members of the community - what I hope we all share is a sense of the potential this game has.

    I wish I could have some optimism but it's all but gone. I just don't see how Rare can salvage this. The barrel UI....seems no matter what you are going to have to open some kind of menu and disrupt the flow of combat.

    The achievements getting do they fix that ? Roll it back to where it was ? Anything less than that is a deal breaker.

    The CCB's ? As long as they are in the game and in the hands of players combat will never be balanced.

    I want to believe but given their track record for fixing things it seems they will just keep rolling out more broken events and ideas instead of fixing what is already broken.

    For goodness sake, the new barrel UI might be a bit clunkier than the old one but think of all the potential it has.

    Not to mention, for the umpteenth time, that Rowboats will have a single resource change aboard, which makes the new UI necessary if you want to store anything on it.

    Finally, CCBs are going to climb in rarity after the event, just like Mermaid Statues.

    You just don't get it. There is nothing they can add that makes dealing with this UI worth it. Who gives a flack about rowboats ? It has totally ruined combat.

    I don't care. Combat was a major, boring war of attrition anyways. It basically came down to "who can board and drop anchor" or "who runs out of planks" first.

    And that's when you're not ambushed at an island or trying to run someone down for upwards of a half hour.

32 out of 52