So commendations are meaningless now and so is this game

  • Rare literally took all the hard work I did and decided to ruin it. Thanks for throwing all that time I invested and ruining it I hope this game fails at this point.

  • 60
  • I seem to have lost lots of progress... yesterday I had completed over 50 forts now it's less than 10....

  • From the sounds of it if your commendations are displaying weirdly all you need to do is hand in one more of or complete one more of whatever it is and you'll still have it

  • @Rich223820 @tre-oni is correct, that's all there is to it... since the thresholds were changed you need to activate the commendation again for it to put your number back.

  • @blatantwalk4260 I mean, visual cues of completed progress aren’t why I play this game, and losing them doesn’t make me want the game to fail. But that’s your cup of tea, not mine.

  • @haydensolo this company spat in my face with that change way to take all the work Ive done and make it mean nothing those thousand captains I got meaningless why ruin someones hard wotk its not hard to get 1000 of anything beyond the 3 supply crates. This has to be the biggest middle finger of all time to actual dedicated players who put in the work with voyages and ship raids looking for these chests. Then take the commendations and rub them in the dirt.

  • @musicmee but it devalues everything Ive done I really hope microsoft ditchs Rare and let them burn.

  • @blatantwalk4260 they aren't still collected them didn't you?

  • @blatantwalk4260 Sea of Thieves Fun Fact 39882: The sea in SoT used to be fresh water till all this salt you brought...

  • @personalc0ffee the issue is that a 3 year old could drool on a controller and get these new commendation requirements. Commebdations should mark a sense of dedication its not suppose to be something you can do over night it disrespects anyone who actually managed to get them.

  • @personalc0ffee no its not and to anyone who actually did them they now have to see this change and realize the time they spent was a waste I turned in well over the amount need for half the commendations and was looking foreward to the sorrows grog hunt but rare completed for me.

  • @blatantwalk4260 said in So commendations are meaningless now and so is this game:

    Thanks for throwing all that time I invested and ruining it I hope this game fails at this point.

    This is probably one of the most dramatic tantrums I've seen on these forums in awhile (awhile meaning ~3 weeks)

  • @el-dunco because bad developers get stupid ideas in thier heads and take away the enjoyment from any completionist who actually put value into the commendations

  • @personalc0ffee so youre not good enough to get 1000 captains is what youre telling me and you have to ruin the accomplishments of others. Youre like the people who want to give loaing children on a soccer team a trophy so the kids who actually win can feel like they accomplished nothing.

  • Oh, my! That's terrible! Now practically anyone can have all the power and prestige of completing these game-changing commendations. What an outrage! You should uninstall the game immediately and never look back. That'll show 'em!

  • @personalc0ffee go ahead get the deckhands rare needs to put this back to the way it was and stop letting casuals ruin things

  • Hmmm...looks like ima need more popcorn.

  • @dutchyankee why so all the rest of the basic casuals can have everything handed to them because a little work is to hard. Commendations are meant to be earned bot handed out like soup at a homeless shelter.

  • @knifelife Make sure you get a big enough bag of it.

  • @blatantwalk4260 did they increase or decrease the amount it takes to get them?

  • @haydensolo decrease they literally completed every commendation besides foul skulls for me

  • @LIFEWCOKE One step ahead of you!

    It’s been a while since we pulled out the popcorn aha What flavour you got? Mine was sweet but it’s suddenly turned salted! XD

  • @blatantwalk4260 said in So commendations are meaningless now and so is this game:

    @haydensolo decrease they literally completed every commendation besides foul skulls for me

    Congrats on completing your commendations! You're a true legend ;)

  • @blatantwalk4260 said in So commendations are meaningless now and so is this game:

    @haydensolo decrease they literally completed every commendation besides foul skulls for me

    I can see why this would annoy you, but it’s not something you should despise a game for doing. Battlefield 4 did the same thing with the Phantom Bow (which I earned the hard way) and I don’t despise the game for it. Quite the contrary actually, it’s the game I have the most hours in.

    I don’t think the game itself should be represented by commendations you can unlock within it. I personally think that is a very ignorant statement.

    Please tell me why this bothers you so much to the point you want to curse a company to burn? They took away your bragging rights? What does it matter.

    You either like the gameplay of the game, or you don’t play it. I wouldn’t go off playing a Lego game because it had cool achievements in it, and I doubt you would either.

    Edit: And as much I probably uniwillingly insulted you in this post, you sill deserve the congrats for completing all the commendations. Good job.

  • Wait, we've gone from captains chests to children's soccer trophies, and now feeding the homeless is a problem? You might want to pick better issues to plant your flag in as you make your points. These are not going to garner much support. Or you could ignore me and compare this situation to all that free water, shelter, and health care we provide unemployed animals at the zoo.

  • @haydensolo I think the titles should go then. Cant really call yourself a hoarder of any gold with these requirements.

  • @ghostpaw its about giving things away to people who dont earn them its disrespectful and insulting to those who do earn them.

  • @blatantwalk4260 They did earn them, they just didn’t have to do what you did to earn it. Should we criticize disabled people because they’re given benefits they “didn’t earn”?

  • @BlatantWalk4260 I agree in principle that rolling back the requirements throws it in the face of those who exceeded them. Secondly, it appears if you reach the new "Adjusted" requirement, you don't get to show off your degree to which you exceeded this requirement.

    I don't agree that the game should fail because of it. Rare should show your total Chests, Crates, Skulls, crates delivered / taken etc in the factions proper so we can measure the size of our "accumplishment"

  • @blatantwalk4260 Who cares what other people do you will always know you did it the hard way. And The achievements haven’t change so you will still have them to make you feel superior over other peasants who don’t have as much time as you to play. :)

    The game is designed for a multitude of different people and play styles. Not just one and in all fairness considering the amount of sheer time and effort it takes to even get to pirate legend and then Athena’s 10 I would say that’s more then enough to make us casuals suffer lol.

  • @blatantwalk4260 I’m sorry rare offended your ancestry or something, but this is a video game where things like that don’t really matter in the real world. Calm down mate, for all of our sakes

  • @blatantwalk4260 I do get your point. You felt proud of your accomplishment and now you feel the value has been ripped away. I do not want to see PL get any easier, but I would not wish this game to fail if tomorrow they granted everyone the title. You are taking this to the extreme. I read that you are angry. And perhaps this game plays a more significant role in your life than it does for many of us. I am astounded and offended that you want to see the game fail and you would directly insult the development team because you do not agree with a simple threshold adjustment.

  • Having grinded and delivered my 1000th chicken this week, i'm pretty salted about this to be honest.
    I can understand maybe dropping them 50%...maybe. But this is a huge reduction, and they are cool titles, worth way more than 100 kegs.

  • @blatantwalk4260 welcome to sea of thieves where everyone gets the same thing. Here is you participation trophy!!

20 out of 60