Forced cross play: Is the fight against this evil, dead? Where are all my soldiers at?

  • It is simple, post here loud and proud if you hate forced cross play.

    It seems everyone who fights this issue finds themselves banned or drowned out by people spouting the same rhetoric, so let’s keep the fight alive. Rare has taken away our mega thread and despite the immense support for optional cross play, they have done nothing!

    This has nothing to do with which platform you play on, any decent person would support equality when gaming, as well as the need to only play against people using the same platform and controllers that you are using.

    I support cross play, it is wonderful. It should however be optional, forever and always.

    Whether I am playing on PC or Xbox, I do not care, I only want to fight people where the only advantage is personal skill. There is a giant contradiction with this game! You cannot level weapons, ships or armour because the only defining factor in whether you win or lose is your personal skill... This however is untrue! A gamer on a high end PC using a mouse and keyboard will have an advantage over anXbox One S controller user.

    Rare designs this game without pay to win or levelled gear because they want it to be equal, then they force cross play onto you... It appears there has been a major breakdown in the development process.

    There is pay to win, it is called mouse and keyboard on a PC.

    What’s that you say? Soon Xbox will support mouse and keyboard? So now I have to buy a keyboard for my Xbox? This is still pay to win.

    Rare are breaking one of the most fundamental contracts between developer and gaming consumer, which is the need for a fair, level playing field in any game containing PvP. Some games make it clear that as a reward for your time investment, they will shower you with powerful gear and levels, which is still fair because it can be obtained by all. However it is not fair that without paying to win, my controller thumbstick will never be a pointing device like a mouse.

    Show support for this thread or don’t, it is your choice. I would however like to make a sweeping statement in response to anyone who mentions splitting the player base:

    The evil of forced cross play is worse than splitting the players, so go ahead and let us be split because we do not want forced cross platform anyway. Not to mention, the servers are not big enough for a split to matter.

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  • Rare didn't force Crossplay. Microsoft did. It's their latest tactic to one-up Sony and bolster their decaying Console market.

    You're grossly exaggerating when you call it "evil." Cross-platform play isn't "evil." PC players aren't all cheats. We have an inherent advantage since PC is superior to Consoles in just about every way, but that's your own fault for falling into the trap that is buying a console.

  • @seedy-platypus hit the road bucko the mega threads are where your so called soldiers are.

  • @blam320

    First of all read my post, I said “forced” cross play is evil, not cross play in general, this is not an exaggeration as forcing cross play is an abuse of power by developers. Anyone abusing power is evil.

  • @blam320

    You are right about the console trap, I can see the way console is going and have learned the lesson you speak of. My next gaming platform will be a PC.

  • @seedy-platypus Reporting for duty, Sir!
    another well constructed post, Plenty of valid reasons why separation should be allowed. Even MS suggests separation based on input device, but Rare wants to bury their head in the sand and remain silent. Good work on separating players - those that quit forever and those that didnt.

    I know quite a few that have been banned on the forums, nearly always crossplay related bans. Unfortunately the bias shows, as posters fighting for forced crossplay get away with comments that the other side do not. Looks like the gameplay AND moderation is not well balanced :)

  • @seedy-platypus said in Forced cross play: Is the fight against this evil, dead? Where are all my soldiers at?:


    You are right about the console trap, I can see the way console is going and have learned the lesson you speak of. My next gaming platform will be a PC.

    PC is the future!

  • @seedy-platypus said in Forced cross play: Is the fight against this evil, dead? Where are all my soldiers at?:

    .... the same rhetoric

    Rare/Mircosoft have made their stance clear on this time & time again.
    I say this as a Xbox player.
    Nothing is going to change...
    ... but feel free to continue 'shouting at the wall ' :-)

    edit: Personally I have no issue with it. I just play the game.

  • So... yea... I'm serious. We practically need a form letter for these posts... lol but it's ok we all have opinions! Yet... for the sake of sharing my own perspective I'll beat this poor horse some more...

    Honestly, there's alot more going on than simple logistical concerns over the disparities between platforms. The primary notion relates to the direction Microsoft is moving and has been moving since back in 2013-14 when shareholders were making clear point of their desires to get rid of Xbox as a MS division.

    Ultimately its a simple matter of fact... Xbox sales are crud in the reported market. I say this even though even I must admit that it seems everyone I know plays on Xbox... but facts are facts and sales for the console simply do not measure up with the divisions needs. 14ish million at last open report with estimated 30 million now versus PS/Sony's 78.9 or so... not accounting for the practically uncountable PC base for gaming.

    The result?

    Unsurprisingly, Bill Gates back 4ish years ago saying this to the shareholders and fans about how things will change and now we start seeing the result of this sort of statement via the launching of gamepass and play-anywhere.

    Please realize, Xbox/MS decided they needed to do something fast or they'd lose the division.. the something in question? Play-Anywhere and gamepass not to mention other factors they likely have yet to report.

    Definitely notable in interviews such as this:

    Unfortunately, that's just scratching the surface. Notice that even Rare remarks on crossplay as thus:

    Do notice other specific remarks in videos like this:

    Essentially, yea.. no need to get into the issues of disparity that we all know exist and that Rare and MS do hope to close the windows on as best as they can... rather how about we understand why games such as the first two major Game Pass offerings include the play-anywhere and in SoT's case.. crossplay options in the first place.

    Point be made this isn't a matter of how Crossplay might suck that we're facing...

    Like I prefer to remark, it's a matter of what we might hope could be done to assure we see the gap between platforms narrowed even more and figure out how to adapt to the changes we're seeing in gaming from here on to forever, and getting over it.

    So, yea, I get it crossplay for now ticks people off... but with effort and patience it will get better as these factors come to pass that tech disparities close and game devs help tear down the potential disparities we do face regardless of how serious or minor they may be.

  • @seedy-platypus your soldiers are those dead horses you keep beating at...

    It's a daily annoyance this posts...
    Crossplay It's one of this game features, if you don't like then don't play it...

    The only people crying and complaining about this are people who are missing the whole point of crossplay and keep stuck at platform PvP differences..

    The only time I get mad at playing with PC players was the first week of the game... Then I saw the bigger picture. And it's wonderful!

    One example is our portuguese community of 500 SoT players. If crossplay didn't exist it wouldn't even be possible to play with the Majority of this persons. And I made some good friends here.
    Thanks to them I learned how to counter those slight advantages on PvP.
    And never got beaten again because of it.

    The only boring thing I still can find about the crossplay is the people using cheats. But that's just a small minority... In 6 months I only have faced potencial cheaters 3 times... I play daily and for extending hours! So it's really a small small smaaaaall problem...

    But anyway... I know this post will keep coming and people will keep ungrateful to this huge effort of devs for trying to connect players and break boundaries in a PERFECT CASUAL GAME!
    So yeah keep it coming, keep beating your Dead horses...

  • @seedy-platypus said in Forced cross play: Is the fight against this evil, dead? Where are all my soldiers at?:

    There is pay to win, it is called mouse and keyboard on a PC.

    Aah yes, let's make crossplay optional and have Xbox players with mouse and keyboards on the Xbox servers. And let PC players that want to use a controller sit with the issue. That will solve it...

    Either come up with actual suggestions or feedback or just stop spamming the forums.

    The only way to fairly split the servers, something that will not happen, is to do it based on input device not on hardware device.

  • @pomalotacusmk3 said in Forced cross play: Is the fight against this evil, dead? Where are all my soldiers at?:

    @seedy-platypus Reporting for duty, Sir!

    I know quite a few that have been banned on the forums, nearly always crossplay related bans. Unfortunately the bias shows, as posters fighting for forced crossplay get away with comments that the other side do not. Looks like the gameplay AND moderation is not well balanced :)

    Crossplay has nothing to do with bans, breaching of the forum rules has everything to do with bans.

  • Non-optional cross play I am against and for many reasons. Until this weekend, none of my personal experiences were because of cheating.

    However, for the first time since the game was released, I feel I played against cheaters, with their harassment forcing three alliance ships to give up on their resource full boats.

    Time after time the sloop they were on knew exactly who was coming and where from.

    I even swam from Marauders Arch to Shark Fin camp, only to see the sloop who was sinking brigs and galleons with ease, leave as I approached.

    This happened time and time again as I swam to their boat, which was hiding behind rocks as they slowly completed the fort. It was absolutely insane and the very arrogant Australian who joined our ship and told us were were a bunch of female cats for trying to avoid the sloop, left after getting killed for the forth time (we were on a galleon).

    I approached their stationary boat eight times and every time, despite me trying a variety of approaches, they left as I approached.
    I was shot so many times while deep underwater and from silly angles.

    Crossplay is the future for Xbox, because they need to make it seem as though they're competitive with Sony.

    They're not and for that reason not only am I shortly going to #BeLessPirate and #BeMoreCowboy. However, as I have a PS4 Pro, I'm going to buy all my multiplatform games on PS from now on. If MS don't care about reasoned views, perhaps they'll care about game sales.

  • I just felt a wave of energy like I was being summoned to duty! Well here i am chief! Ready and RAREing to go! ;) You have my controller!

  • Thank you all for your spirited discussion in this thread! Over the last few months, we have gathered feedback from the community over multiple mega-threads and in threads just like this. We are currently investigating the main feedback points surrounding this topic along with our internal data and when we have more information to share, we absolutely well!

    You can watch and read more about our reasoning behind why Sea of Thieves is a Cross Play title.

    As this thread has now become a place to argue, it is now being locked.

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