Release Notes Discussion - 1.2.0

  • @armoredtrain553 My internet isn't the fastest in the world, so it didn't finish the download yesterday. But i started it up this morning, and it works again, yes. But i only had a look at the menu, didn't have the time to log in and check the connection.

  • I have to say I had a fantastic evening with 3 other crews battling the ghost ships and also encoutering a meg at the same time. I love it . These quests are more rewarding, take more time and that it cannot be done so easily. Great to receive loot and XP. That is how it should be. This way you also progresse within your journey to pirat legend. Maybe the legends should also earn athene XP? With the meg also coming in it made the whole thing just even better. I missed the encouters with the meg and kraken recently and was hoping that they would appear more often. This is great and has to stay to give more excitement to the game. Please also have the Kraken come more often. Alliances worked fine for us but there has to be a fix that loot is allways shared after for example Raids have been done together such as Ghost ships and Forts so that bad players cant just go into a alliance do the job with others and than sail off with all the loot and end the alliance to have all for themselves. I think this is very important as the current way opens doors to griefers and bad players and can end a great experience to a nightmare. Also nice would be receiving special loot and XP for defeating the Meg and Kraken to give more replayability. But thumbs up for this great update!

  • For me Skeleton Forts disabled are simply a consequence of the story. Instead of forts the skeletons now manning (b****g? :D) ships.

    As for the kraken: I have never seen one in person. I play since release. I never encountered one. Nor a megalodon.

  • @weststormborn said in Release Notes Discussion - 1.2.0:

    @natthou16 possible unintended bug. Or intenstional so people can’t cheese Athena by using other crews.

    But they can cheer Athena by using emotes or their mic.


  • @crimsonraziel you got me there.

  • There really needs to be an option to form an alliance at matchmaking and/or join your friends on the server with another ship to form the alliance. It's frustrating to have more than four friends online and only four can realistically be on the same server, unless luck strikes. We want to sail together, but the game won't let us!

  • @natthou16 said in Release Notes Discussion - 1.2.0:

    Hi, I'm wondering if it was a bug but, we made, in alliance with another ship an entire battle but when we came to sell all the tresaure we shared gold but absolutly no xp for reputation ????? Is it normal ? =(

    We were playing last night and wondered about this, we were mostly Legends so couldn't see what XP increases might have happened but someone on our crew said their XP was going up slightly with everything sold by our Alliance ship, looks like 50% of full amount just like the gold amount. Can anyone confirm?

    Also does Athena rep go by the same rules - you get 50% of an alliance chest sold (rep & xp)?

  • @waldopepper Ahoy matey!

    I can confirm the crew cashing in the loot gets 100% of the value in gold and XP and anyone else in the alliance gets 50% of the gold and XP.

    Not a bad deal really! And yes it works for every time of chest and XP in the game.

  • @musicmee said in Release Notes Discussion - 1.2.0:

    @waldopepper Ahoy matey!

    I can confirm the crew cashing in the loot gets 100% of the value in gold and XP and anyone else in the alliance gets 50% of the gold and XP.

    Not a bad deal really! And yes it works for every time of chest and XP in the game.

    Great, thanks! I see crews getting a lot more friendly now :) For serious horders, there's still the temptation to be proper pirates and go for 100% of reward vs slower progression but larger alliances all working on quests etc should rack up big gains together.

  • Just me hoping for some green or blues, or a real purple in the hair dyes?? Theres like 7 shades of blonde for one haha - Just a wee bit let down on that one.

  • Can we stop the megaldon spawns spawning with the ships? every time i have done waves, there is always a megaladon in one of the spawns

  • I wonder why the skeleton ships don't turn into shipwrecks upon sinking them. Rather than looting floating to the surface. Heck they could have birds flying above them to indicate where they sank.

  • @arcticwolf125 said in Release Notes Discussion - 1.2.0:

    Can we stop the megaldon spawns spawning with the ships? every time i have done waves, there is always a megaladon in one of the spawns

    The megaladon attacks the skelly ships also. I like the challenge and chaos the megaladon creates during the fights.

  • @khaleesibot

    This update is fantastic! I have been playing just over a month now and have loved most of my voyage, but the content in Cursed Sails is so incredibly fun! Thank you for not delaying it, regardless of what you had to temporarily halt.

    The Alliance system, Brigantine, and lore additions have been so great. I know I am gushing a bit, but you guys really have done something special with this. I cannot wait to get my keel wet again!

  • I feel dumb asking this question, but is this a limited time event or is it permanent content?

  • @justslyscout Ahoy matey!

    That's not a dumb question...

    The campaign has limited time cosmetics, doubloons and titles you can earn, but once this is all over the ships will remain as an emergent threat in the Sea of Thieves.

  • With the introduction of the Cursed Sails we have seen an increase in player co-op features and incentives. That said I wonder if there has been any consideration to adding the speaking trumpet to the "Item Shortcuts". I wish to be able to use the trumpet without having to go through two levels of the inventory wheel.

    The Eye of Reach.... on the skeleton spawns.. while this dose add a new dynamic to the skeleton encounters I think that the random skeleton spawns are generating to many eye of reach skeletons. With heavy damage, knock back, and long range these skeletons are presenting a greater threat then seems appropriate to vanilla spawns when there numbers exceed two or less. Throw mass exploding barrel spawns into the mix and things just get literally messy.

  • @aprovoked-mango said in Release Notes Discussion - 1.2.0:

    Just me hoping for some green or blues, or a real purple in the hair dyes?? Theres like 7 shades of blonde for one haha - Just a wee bit let down on that one.

    All of the hair colors that are dyable are actual, natural hair colors. I think that's what they were going for.

  • Fantastic! keep up the good work!!

  • My friends and I stumbled upon one of the skeleton ships up in the top left of the map, around Smugglers Bay, and got the purple words popping up telling us we were starting a battle with them. After a very fierce battle, we managed to sink their ship; but we didn't receive any commendations or doubloons. I believe we should have gotten the one for winning with a galleon, as well as the one for "Destroyer of..." (unfortunately we were surprised by it so we didn't see the name of which ship we were fighting). Has anyone else had issues with not getting the stuff for this?

  • My friends and I stumbled upon one of the skeleton ships up in the top left of the map, around Smugglers Bay, and got the purple words popping up telling us we were starting a battle with them. After a very fierce battle, we managed to sink their ship; but we didn't receive any commendations or doubloons. I believe we should have gotten the one for winning with a galleon, as well as the one for "Destroyer of..." (unfortunately we were surprised by it so we didn't see the name of which ship we were fighting). Has anyone else had issues with not getting the stuff for this?

  • @sadpanda284 We had kind of the same experience. We where joining an alliance when we saw a lone sloop battle TWO cursed ships. We where joining in with our brigantine. (BTW, what an excellent addition to the game that ship is!) The thing is, I am not sure you always really sink them. Is looks that they submerge into the water again. Time expired? We sailing out of the active area? Don't know. And what's more, they would after a few moment respawn. With no battle damage at all! But eventually we really did sink one of them. It floated belly upwards and dropped loot. And when that happened we got the commendation for winning with a sloop an defender of the wilds.

  • Luring the skeleton ships towards rocks look very strange, they are taking a wiggly route around those rocks. Hopefully the take a smoother line some day, the actual behaviour looks weird.
    Also their turning speed in general doesn't seem fitting for this ship size.
    But the firing rate felt just right. We were able to repair and fire back from our galleon, with teamwork and at least some basic skills.

  • @hntr-green For a game that is very colourful and stylised, I find that kinda boring tbh haha

  • @khaleesibot Just a small suggestion, I noticed when doing the quest line for Cursed Sails or even helping walk people through it they get confused by the dialog options and do not select the right ones to continue the quest line, maybe highlight the quest line related dialog purple and some form of color change or check mark to indicate that dialog has been completed...

  • @McEagle76 we definitely sank them, belly up and all. We didn't realize they dropped loot and we had a couple galleons heading our way so we didn't hang around. Maybe you have to grab the loot to get the commendation? I don't know, I guess we'll try again next time. Strange thing is that it DID count it toward our 50 ship count for "scourge of skeleton ships", so I'm not sure why it would count towards that but not the other commendations.

  • @sadpanda284 There are multiple waves you need to complete. I did not keep count but its something like 5 waves or somewhere around there. No need to pick up the loot to get the commendations. On the final wave you will notice a change in the music.

  • Made it to the final wave at marauders last night in a small alliance only to have a storm spawn and screw us over. The last two ships we were closing in on once we finally got the ship to go straight and the time expired leaving just us and the skellie ships despawned. Definately a mechanic that needs to be fixed.

  • I think one of the biggest things missing from this content is the ability to take control of the skeleton ship. Being able to interact with the ship this way should have been included.

    I am will end up having more feedback as I actually do the campaign and spend more time with the different mechanics but this one was a big stand out.

  • Feedback for 1.2.0

    I wanted to play through it for a few days before I posted any feedback

    Overall it was a really good update. I think you are getting better at giving us reasons to continue to do the content and giving us a variety of content.

    The AI ships are really fun, I think you did a really good job on this, my complaint's are I believe the skeletons use the cursed cannonballs to frequently. I've been stuck dancing until our boat sank because we keep getting hit by cursed cannonballs when I was trying to repair. I think I got hit by 3-4 in a row. Also while I was able to get all 3 done since I'm about to log onto the game a different times of the day I can see how for those that have a 9-5 job being able to do all 3 areas with how the events are structured now would be difficult. I suggest setting them on 12 hour rotations, so there is two events a day and everyday it would be a new event at the same time.

    Also I think the loot that they spawn on the non captain boats is fine but I feel there is not enough time between sinking the boat and the next boat spawning to give us time to loot the items as they float up.

    The questline about Wanda - I always enjoyed there immensely I loved the Merrick one and this Wanda one was even better. It wasn't spelled out for you completely so you had to figure out which islands to go to. These are great solo player content and while I understand these are tied to events I'd love to see you add in permanent ones into the game so new players can get in on the content well after it is released. Maybe have them as bilge rat adventures just with more story.

    I also appreciate that the bone crusher items and the bilge rat ship items are locked behind achievements, have us do the content before we earn the rewards. I would of loved it if the hunter items where locked behind a achievement to kill the kraken and megalodon. This would give players a reason to go out and hunt them. Maybe have it be kill 25 krakens and 25 megalodons to unlock it.

    Issues I've seen

    During one of the encounters we had 4-5 ships in the area (the plenty) plus the skeleton ships and me and my cremate where on a sloop. We'd ram a ship and one of us would jump on with a barrel and detonate inside the skeleton ship and try to keep them from repairing as long as we could. This worked great, but when the person that was on the skeleton ship finally died after appearing on the skeleton ship the game keep crashing as we tried to load in to our boat. This happened with both of us. I even had it where I loaded in and was stuck in the brig on the sloop, he had to vote me out. This also caused the old bug where I didn't have any items equipped but could pick up unlimited cannonballs, planks, and banana's.

    We didn't have this issue on any of the other fights, though in those fights we had 3 ships max in the area. Plus the two skeleton ships.

  • I'm not sure what happened in the last few days maybe more people in the game. I don't know... But the game is a laggy mess. Studders in the game, water lag, skelly lag... is this going to be fix anytime soon?

  • There is issues with random lag spikes once three or more ships are in the area with the skellie ships spawning. Players need to seriously read what is required to do these achievements and stop equipping the wrong sails for the region fights. Barrels need with the supplies need to stay up longer than 30 seconds for ships to grab supplies. The spawn rate time between the ship pairs is off in each region some are seconds apart others are sometimes minutes. Storms need to stop spawning during battles in the ancient isles cause it kills the ability to finish fights. As the skellie ships get stuck doing circles in the rain.

  • @iceman-0007 said in Release Notes Discussion - 1.2.0:

    There is issues with random lag spikes once three or more ships are in the area with the skellie ships spawning. Players need to seriously read what is required to do these achievements and stop equipping the wrong sails for the region fights. Barrels need with the supplies need to stay up longer than 30 seconds for ships to grab supplies. The spawn rate time between the ship pairs is off in each region some are seconds apart others are sometimes minutes. Storms need to stop spawning during battles in the ancient isles cause it kills the ability to finish fights. As the skellie ships get stuck doing circles in the rain.

    The game didn't used to lag like this prior to the latest patch. The game jitteryness is happening at the battles and in the world with no ships even around. It feels like rubberbanding.

    The lag can be so bad sometimes that I'm unable to pull out my weapon or bananas.

    I've left clicked to shoot my gun and then a second later it finally fires. Reinstalling the game to see if helps.

  • The problems I am having are that I can't seem to find people to ally with. And trying to do the skelly ships with a single ship is nigh impossible. Especially if you are in a sloop.

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