PVE servers are fine with me

  • I have no problem with people wanting a PVE server.
    I run across a lot of players who don't fire on me and if they don't I
    don't fire on them. I have had players wave and say I won't
    fire on you then when we go hunt for treasure or
    what ever they sink our sloop.I think the biggest objecters
    are the griefers. How can they sink a ship without total surprise.
    If people want a PVE server why do you care so much.

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  • Wouldn't be much of a Sea of Thieves if it was PVE only.

  • Are you complaining about a dishonest thief in a pirate game? Not many thieves throughout history announce they are planning to steal something...

  • Why do we care so much? Creating two server types both split the community (bad), increases development time in both the long and short terms (bad), and removes the primary antagonist force of the game which is other players (bad). Basically, from a game design position, there is no reason to do this.

    Giving players the option to avoid conflict in the game would be like bug spray. Sure you know it is bad for you and will hurt you in the long run... but those bugs are really annoying.

    Removing the source of tension and conflict from the game destroys the game, but everyone will do it because in the short term it's to their benefit. Adding PVE servers would be one of the fastest ways to destroy the game.

  • @personalc0ffee said in PVE servers are fine with me:

    @strinder They would also have to balance all current and future changes to the games, around those two server types.

    It is just not feasible but people will see that when Skull & Bones launches later this year. It's going to have all that stuff and people will see first hand, it doesn't work in an Open PvP game.

    Nonsense. The PvP server could stay exactly how it is now. Pve server would need minor changes only. Since a player can log in for hours never see anyone. The mechanics are not affected at all just because you might have been attacked.

  • @TigerOmega123 Without pvp there is no risk in a risk/reward system. This would make the game a delivery service simulator, not a sea of thieves. The game is about gaining loot (in any way) and safely transporting it to the merchants to gain gold/reputation. Without people trying to steal things half the game is out the window. And can we please stop calling people who sink other ships or steals loot “griefers” this is not the correct term, the correct term is pirate. A griefer would be someone on ur own ship who constantly drops anchor or tries to run your boat into land WHILE BEING A MEMBER OF YOUR OWN CREW. Or someone who is using derogatory language towards other players or racial slurs. But Pirates are NOT griefers.

  • @tigeromega123 said in PVE servers are fine with me:

    I have no problem with people wanting a PVE server.
    I run across a lot of players who don't fire on me and if they don't I
    don't fire on them. I have had players wave and say I won't
    fire on you then when we go hunt for treasure or
    what ever they sink our sloop.I think the biggest objecters
    are the griefers. How can they sink a ship without total surprise.
    If people want a PVE server why do you care so much.

    They care because they find PvP fun. Its really fun when it annoys others. But mainly the find the game content boring and don't want to do it. So they need to steal it from others to progress.

  • @personalc0ffee said in PVE servers are fine with me:

    @dragonsire2016 Jokes on them, leveling through only PvP is the absolute slowest way to progress in this game.

    Probably why they farm forts.

  • @personalc0ffee said in PVE servers are fine with me:

    @dragonsire2016 Yes well I suspect that will be getting dealt with in time because it is ruining the meta and it is ruining LFG. Just like Athena speed running.

    Hope it does.

  • This game just doesn't work as a PVE game, the main threat is other players. The whole point of this is so you never know if they will leave you alone or be your friend or attack you or even be friendly then betray you. It's all part of what makes this a good game. PVE only takes away all of that.

  • I rarely engage in PvP without reason, and I do not farm forts. I also do not want to see PVE only servers as an option. This will cause multiple problems. The reasons for this have been spelled out multiple times in numerous ways. Anyone truly interested in why people object to it could easily educate themselves with a simple forum search. It is common to minimize and demonize people we do not agree with, but try not to fall into that trap. It is intellectually lazy and dishonest. Also, it is ludicrous to claim implementing PVE servers would be fairly trivial.

  • @personalc0ffee Exactly, there are so many places to go to get answers to this. And with the addition of the Kraken, Megaladon, and now a skeleton ship patrolling the waters, the argument that player-threats should be considered separate somehow from the rest of the game is losing any footing it may have had.

  • @tigeromega123 said in PVE servers are fine with me:

    I have no problem with people wanting a PVE server.
    I run across a lot of players who don't fire on me and if they don't I
    don't fire on them. I have had players wave and say I won't
    fire on you then when we go hunt for treasure or
    what ever they sink our sloop.I think the biggest objecters
    are the griefers. How can they sink a ship without total surprise.
    If people want a PVE server why do you care so much.

    First off, there are plenty of topics already about this topic. There even were megathreads about it.

    Second, the entire point of SoT is that the threat comes from other player. Yes, we have a kraken, megalodon, storm and soon AI ships. But the main threat will still be players, without that threat it will just be a sailing simulator.

    And towards the griefing aspect, players that sink your ship and steal your loot aren't griefers. Remember that the loot is yours when you've delivered it to the right faction.

    The only way PVE servers could even be considered is when you get rid of the rewards, so people can practice their sailing and stuff. No risk == No reward.

  • Again, PvP is not griefing. Attacking someone by surprise is not griefing either. I mean, why attack someone when he is prepared? You are a pirate, not an honorable knight.

    On topic though, as someone who is mainly a "PvE player", I don't think this is a good idea.
    Sure, you can split the servers to PvE and PvP. Once you do that however, you will have all the people that want to progress with the factions on the PvE servers.

    So basically anyone who plays on a PvP server will have empty ships, since everyone will just attack others without doing voyages (Why get gold on a PvP server when you can just grind it on a PvE server with no risks?).

    Right now we have a good balance. You have those that only want to do voyages, players that want to attack others and those that like both . Each time you play, you have different types of players on your server. This keeps the game fresh.
    The alternative is to have a grind server or a constant pvp server with no rewards.

    The whole point of the game is to have interactions with others, good or bad. The gold and levels are the rewards for completing your tasks and surviving to tell the tale.

    Being a pirate legend is supposed to show that you are a capable pirate, in both PvP and PvE. Reaching this rank means that you know how to handle yourself in all aspects of the game, and not just be an "expert" at farming gold.

  • The new "alliance system" sounds to me like it might help balance the game better for those with PvP issues. I like the idea of players having a choice to attack or team up. It seems more realistic.

    I never want to see PvE only servers, and I'm someone who mostly sticks to PvE. The sense of unease when you see another ship approaching is part of the whole SoT experience and the game would lack so much without that.

    I've sunk a fair few ships and been sunk a lot as well, it's all part of the game and I wouldn't want that to go away. But if I can team up with some chill/nice pirates as an option too, that'll be all the better.

  • I though we already had PvE servers. At least I've not been attacked in weeks.

    I had someone follow me for about 5 minutes last Friday before they gave up but practically everyone I see is busy doing their own thing.

    Just last night my sloop was loaded with about 20 loot items and I sailed directly across the path of a Galleon that completely ignored me as they were sailing for a skull fort.

    The "fear factor" has pretty much dried up for me!

  • I'd seriously love to see them do an aprils fools day PvE server where the seas are pink the sky is always blue, the Sharks are dolphins and the skeletons are carebears.

    If you don't see a problem with a PvE server I can understand it. But only if you're not familiar with game design.
    It's not about being a jerk or not. (did you notice how you put a label on around 90% of this forum's regular posters?) It's about having the freedom to choose. Everyone has his or her own MO. I'll scout out sloops to see if they have loot maybe even roleplay a bit with them and often I'll leave empty handed because
    A They don't have much or
    B Are generally cool people and I dont like shooting cool people.

    In your world I'm a griefer because yes I do attack people both on sloops and on Galleons because I sometimes do see gold glittering on board or they shoot me when I'm just scouting out (defending yourself is normal you know).

    A PvE server would split the community between people like me and Pure PvP people and people who don't know this game in any form. The latter will get bored and leave, now where did all that development cost go into? Yup, not content we all could enjoy.

  • I don't care if they go pve servers or not but I can't help but notice some of the hypocrisy in the pro-pvp camp arguments:

    "There would be no risk vs reward"
    In my encounters I would say 90% of the attackers out there have no treasure on their ship to risk during their attack.

    "It would remove half of the game"
    What about the pvp only people who aren't doing pve?

    "There are no threats"
    Not quite as bad on this one but with more and more AI threats being added that argument is also starting to fade away, let's see how much more so with AI ships in cursed sails.

    I think the pvp crowd might actually enjoy a split in the servers due to getting matched with more ships that are likely to engage than flee. I also think the pve crowd will get attacked by players less once there are AI ships for bored pvp crews to fight and those same AI ships are probably going to teach some of the pve only crowd how to fight better too.

    It's probably all going to wash out anyway so I wouldn't mind giving everybody options. Have a pvp server, a pve server and a "down for whatever" server. You only need 5 other ships that match your mentality to fill a server.

  • @jrago73

    "In my encounters I would say 90% of the attackers out there have no treasure on their ship to risk during their attack."

    And the winner gets the loot, if the attacker win. They now have the risk.
    The entire thought about Sea of Thieves is that the players are the threat, that's how the game is designed.

    "What about the pvp only people who aren't doing pve?"
    They are the thread, the way this game was designed. Players that only want PvP still get the PvE loot, altoough it's slower.
    You can also play PvE only, just know that there are multiple threads roaming around.

    The game has been designed in a certain way, an openworld where other players from the thread. That means with PvP, removing that will remove the part of the game that is was designed with.

  • Just get sailing simulator if you want to just sail around. The game is not designed to be PVE, its pointless and boring in this instance.
    If they did create PVE servers then all PVE players would start crying out that not enough is being done to please them and that PVP is getting priority.
    You may not feel that way but a lot of others would and its just creating issues for the Dev's that isnt needed. Just like worlds adrift, the game has been designed and built in a way that PVP is needed. Otherwise its just an exploring islands game which is fun...... for the first few hours and thats it. The game doesnt have much depth as it is (currently) taking away pvp would take away even more.

  • I would be fine with a PVE server.. as long as their progression would be cut by an 80% rate..

    This is not an attack on people that want to PVE only.. But since there are no risks in PVE only, it would only be fair, imo.. or am I totally wrong here, guys?

    No risk = Little reward

  • I do PVP but to me it's really pointless. 80% of the time I solo, so if I have loot I'll be chased to the nearest outpost, do a driveby, mermaid back, once everything is sold I'll either do a naval battle, till I get bored and then move along or watch the other boat chase mine from the dock and scuttle. What's the point of all that, it's just stupid and wasting everybody's time. Now don't even get me started on sinking a stationary boat with no one on it and then float away.

    I'm really on the fence with this topic tho, when PVP is welcomed by everyone involved it's blast, but when only one crew out of two wants it, its not fun and pretty annoying. I guess my issue is, if I'm solo this is how it goes, shoot 10 cannons, repair and pail, turn boat, rinse and repeat.

  • @tigeromega123 hello!

    It may be worth in future having a quick search of topics as, I am sure you have guessed from some of the reactions here, this is a VERY hotly discussed, at length, topic.

    As has been said multiple times PVP and PVE are an symbiotic part of the game, there has been a mega thread on the issue which can be found here:
    oh and here:

    Rare designed the game with PVP and PVE in mind, so it is going to be here to stay more than likely, the whole experience has attempted to be balanced around player interaction, not a single-player PVE experience without risk or reward.

    It might also be worth having a look here as well:
    As spamming the forum is classed as breaking the forum rules, which I would say is the case in the constant stream of PVP/PVE threads that we keep getting, it may be worth as I say having a quick look in future.

    Happy sailing.

  • @manifest7 The main problem is this exactly. People play solo and (unlike you) they assume the game is catered to this but it isnt, Rare even states it on this verry site:

    But people go solo and expect a fair fight. Whelp as stated it is challenging.
    Completely doable, I've rarly had something not go my way and never had it so fustrated that I wanted to quit or ask for PvE servers.

    The problem is that by the verry nature of this game one man on a sloop is going to have a hard time filling all the roles needed for sucessful PvP combat. And because They can't do it they want an enviroment where no-one can do it.

    There will always be people who are going to complain about things that they want to see changed for their benefit. I don't think developers should pay these people too much mind, especially if things to against core design principals.

    I bet WoW had it's fair share of people yelling they wanted an RTS, Dark souls was probably too hard for people and needed an easy mode, heck I bet there were people who wanted Sonic to have a gun and shoot.... oh dear..... See don't give in to people just posting random Ideas on the internet, see what does and doesnt work. But I trust Rare.

  • I'm sure the honest merchants of the 1600-1700's felt the same way.

    • Can't we please have an ocean free of pirates and privateers? :)
  • People ask a lot of things without thinking. And devs know it.

    This game would be extremly boring with only PVE.

  • #notapirate
    i dont mind PVE servers but at the long term that wouldn't save the game it would kill it even faster. whats realy needed is content so a consistent big enough player base is there. if u achieve that u can think about splitting into PvE PvP
    No PvP would kill the game for me and many others

  • @hynieth
    Oh yeah I know and knew earlier on when I load in I'm on super hard mode. I'm not down with a PVE server and I don't want to split the player base but I do see why ppl keep wanting both of those because they are one in the same. The only thing I've lost to another crew is two freakin spotted chickens a couple of days after launch and I was P***d lol, I got over it and got better, but most prob don't do that, they just quit.

    I will say that it does seem like new players are being chased away because of this mentality and that's the last thing I want is less players.

  • @manifest7 Correct, and we as a community should do something about this. Not by forcing people to choose a playstyle before they even start the game but by our actions.

    Maybe take time to explain to someone who you just sunk about the game. I often ask people who are trying to sink my galleon what they were expecting and one guy came on board and started explaining we were the big bad and needed to sink and that just because he Thought all galleons were PVP master gods.

    Edit: He attacked us ironicaly enough.

  • @hynieth This is exactly what I tell people, they might of given you the option to play solo but it's going to be a challenge, I play solo a lot and boy do I get my fair share of c##t's but that's what I signed up for when I go solo I already have the mindset of being at a big disadvantage, so to anyone that complains about pvp solo you're just doing it to yourself a 1v4 is an unfair fight to start with it only gets worse the longer the chase or fight goes on

  • @mcgimp I never said PVE only. Why not a PVE server for those who choose to play on it.

  • @strinder Not a chance. PVE servers would bring back the players that left because of all the griefing.

  • @tigeromega123 It is not possible to grief another crew in this game. Unless you think that PvE only would cause people to stop messing around with their own crew, but that's what the brig is for so I'm sure I don't understand your meaning.

  • Im not a griefer and I have always been against separate servers for PvE and PvP.

    What I am for though are servers which are private invite type where you can sail around to the different outpost with friends and not worry about others. Would be able to find random treasure on the island or coming across ship wrecks on this type of server also.

    For example the other night I was trying to show my friend how to sail and we were checking out the different outposts for the different clothing options, like we just wanted to sail and shop. Through out the night we were attacked by three sloops and one pirate legend galleon. It was just me to defend us because my friend had no clue what to do. We sunk two of the sloops but thePL ship sunk us however we did sneak onto their ship while they were sinking ours and once they took off we threw all their treasure overboard lol. Im usually against such waste of treasure but thats what they get for attacking a docked sloop.

    Anyways I got off point a bit. If there was a private server that we could log onto just to shop and sail I would have totally done it instead of having to deal with squeeking tryhard pirates.

    *oh by the way this new site layout sucks.

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