Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.4

  • @skulliah hahaha I saw the short vid on your post with jack sparrow and this was my crew last night! So funny 😂😂

  • When are we to expect better rewards for riddle quests and a merchant drop after killing meg or kraken?

  • When will new ships come? I am very anxious

  • joinable toggle! I like making friends on sea of thieves but some days I don't actually want any! no more guiltily removing noobs from my friends list!

  • @gta5dude74 said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.4:

    @TheMilkman-VaEc Pumped lol

    you be dead if I see you with my barrel

    Pumped, as in excited :)

  • @specialadvisor said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.4:

    Argh Mateys! I just had a heart-stopping moment I thought I'd share in case others might see it. I just logged in and chatted with Duke...and low and behold 'all' my dubloons and all my gold was gone! Both at ZERO! That's right '0'! I kept me head and logged out and logged right back in...and they are back. So...keep a stout heart should it happen to you mateys and give the log-out and log-in a try. Worked for me ;-)

    That has actually happened to me before! I had around 2million saved up and then all of sudden big fat goose egg. I left and relogged and it was all back.

    I wasn't completely panicking because I had faith in Rare that if it was really lost I could message them and get it back when I raised a ticket, but it was still definitely heart-stopping at that moment.

  • @hugobomdetiro said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.4:

    When will new ships come? I am very anxious

    If the next dlc is anything like the hungering deep expect it on the last day of July.

  • @treefittymonsta Funny enough, July 31st is a Tuesday; Rare's most common day of the week for adding new content.

  • @mickfuzzy
    So do you mean placing waves of skellies but no end boss/captain, on the other forts?

  • @johnson-carl said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.4:

    @treefittymonsta Funny enough, July 31st is a Tuesday; Rare's most common day of the week for adding new content.

    I thought Thursday is the new Tuesday lately.

  • I would like to know if Sails, hull, and flag with jaws will be still available after the next event 'cursed sails' ? Thank you,

  • @treefittymonsta It is and it isn't. I think it's Thursday for the bi-weekly events because Skeleton Thrones was delayed to a Thursday, so all of the other events will be to keep consistent with exactly 14 days. Weekly patches and the "big" content DLCs I think are still planned for Tuesdays.

  • Did the color of the water in the wilds change? It seems different to me

  • I love the update! Dilly Dilly!

  • Awesome! Thanks for the patch notes Rare!!

  • Possibly one of your best patches ever. The Gunpowder Barrel updates are amazing and a blast (PUN PUN PUN).

    However, the only thing hurting this patch is your continued bad attempts at "Sea of Friends" events. If you make an event require cooperation it should be done in a way that is meaningful instead of just forcing a random player from another crew to help.

    If you want a cooperative event make it so two different crews get some kind of event map each with half a riddle. The two crews have to go around and find the meeting island shown on both maps and then hope a second crew arrives. If they do then they will be able to continue together and complete the event. However, there needs to be a considerable reward for doing so because once the initial people get it done, this, just like every other event, will be abused and used as bait for PvP ships like myself.

    The problem with how the current events are set up is the fact that the first day the event is out the dedicated players complete it. After that the casual players trickle in and hope that someone will help them. The dedicated players simply laugh it off or kill them on sight.

  • @Rare-Employee @khaleesibot Update 1.1.4 seems to be based on an older branch of the game code with many of the fixes and changes from previous updates missing (mainly based on playing the Windows PC version, since basic things like text chat via chat pad/USB keyboard and a push to talk button assignment are still missing for the Xbox One version which makes communication tedious on the console).

    I've noticed that the following previously fixed things have returned in 1.1.4:

    -The store animation of items like bananas, cannonballs, planks aren't playing for each item when storing them.

    -Ships now spawn close to where they sunk again instead of further away (which makes grief-zerging easy again).

    -Weapons seem to have old damage values with the blunderbuss being overpowered and the sniper being underpowered once again.

    -Same animal spawn issues for merchant quests that happened around game launch (animal locations are the same as early versions vs. the ones adjusted/fixed later in patches - no chicken on chicken isle, quest animals don't spawn, etc.).

    -Skeleton Aim (with weapons, not cannons, these are fine) seems to be too accurate again.

    -Servers are crashing again (often shortly after forts become active).

    -Bad connection issues and connection losses similar to how it has been in the first couple of weeks after launch.

    -After leaving the game and trying to join a new server, things get stuck at "Checking for Fake Coin". I have to exit the game and restart it to be able to get past it again (by the way, if we disconnect from the server, could you change it so that instead of landing at the start screen we land at the ship choice screen? Going through/having to skip the intro video every time we shwitch crews/servers is annoying and a waste of time - or even better, give us an option in Settings to skip the intro video altogether after seeing it the first time).

    -Performance is worse again, similar to how it was around release time.

    -The PC version crashes again after 15 Minutes or so when two people in the same household play together on two PCs (playing with PC & PC) via Windows Family Sharing (playing with PC & Xbox One or Xbox One X & Xbox One S via family sharing work fine).

    There may be more things, but I've noticed the above most prominently. It almost seems you have based this on an older code branch and forgot to merge back many of the fixes and changes you made in the past patches to the code base used up to 1.1.3.

  • @zherron-vorse said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.4:

    Possibly one of your best patches ever. The Gunpowder Barrel updates are amazing and a blast (PUN PUN PUN).

    However, the only thing hurting this patch is your continued bad attempts at "Sea of Friends" events. If you make an event require cooperation it should be done in a way that is meaningful instead of just forcing a random player from another crew to help.

    If you want a cooperative event make it so two different crews get some kind of event map each with half a riddle. The two crews have to go around and find the meeting island shown on both maps and then hope a second crew arrives. If they do then they will be able to continue together and complete the event. However, there needs to be a considerable reward for doing so because once the initial people get it done, this, just like every other event, will be abused and used as bait for PvP ships like myself.

    The problem with how the current events are set up is the fact that the first day the event is out the dedicated players complete it. After that the casual players trickle in and hope that someone will help them. The dedicated players simply laugh it off or kill them on sight.

    You don't actually need a player from another crew for the fort portion of the Skeleton Exploder event (yes, I first thought otherwise as well, but looking more closely at the wording and looking at the German translation wich makes it more clear we figured you just might have to have two players from the same crew on the island). Only another player from a crew (can be yours - should really be worded "any crew" to make it more clear) has to be present on the active Skeleton Fort island when you explode a barrel skeleton and kill 5 skeletons with it and it will count. So if you send two of your crew on the island to gather up the skeletons and shoot their barrels to explode five of them, it will count for the whole crew.

    That said, cooperative events are a great idea since this is a cooperative PVE game with PVP elements after all (I know - some people don't understand that) and things meant for cooperation between crews like Skeleton Forts aren't usually done cooperatively. However, it needs to be easier to find a crew to do cooperative events with and go to the same server as them and communicate (even if friends on different ships would land on the same server as crews of their friends (priority: Favorite friends, then friends) if there is room on the server would help). A hub on a special island where you could meet to form temporary, cooperative "Fleets" to do cooperative tasks would help (possibly no PVP would be possible on that island), as well as being able to specify to do cooperative crew play in the lobby when first connecting so you get put on servers with like-minded individuals (and possibly spawn on the aforementioned co-op island hub if you choose that option).

  • Since the update, my FPS halved to 15-20. Even switching to the lowest graphic settings doesnt make real difference :(

  • when will the DLC arrive Cursed Sails ?

  • @kamicron Ahoy matey!

    The only date we have is July... and given the Gunpowder Skeletons event is not due to finish until the 10th we can safely say it will be after that date.

    Cannot wait for this to come out though, it looks like its going to be epic!

  • @lady-allrin yes. That way crews can go to skull forts, meet other crews have a.... Blast.... Helping eachother. And not have to worry about the end result getting underhanded. That way the communtiy has a reason to not be toxic

  • Sadly for a reason or another I couldn't buy the game yet, but I keep following the updates, great work.

    Can't wait for the day I can return to sail those well known seas. ^^

  • @kamicron said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.4:

    when will the DLC arrive Cursed Sails ?

    July 31st

  • @cave-waverider said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.4:

    @zherron-vorse said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.4:

    Possibly one of your best patches ever. The Gunpowder Barrel updates are amazing and a blast (PUN PUN PUN).

    However, the only thing hurting this patch is your continued bad attempts at "Sea of Friends" events. If you make an event require cooperation it should be done in a way that is meaningful instead of just forcing a random player from another crew to help.

    If you want a cooperative event make it so two different crews get some kind of event map each with half a riddle. The two crews have to go around and find the meeting island shown on both maps and then hope a second crew arrives. If they do then they will be able to continue together and complete the event. However, there needs to be a considerable reward for doing so because once the initial people get it done, this, just like every other event, will be abused and used as bait for PvP ships like myself.

    The problem with how the current events are set up is the fact that the first day the event is out the dedicated players complete it. After that the casual players trickle in and hope that someone will help them. The dedicated players simply laugh it off or kill them on sight.

    You don't actually need a player from another crew for the fort portion of the Skeleton Exploder event (yes, I first thought otherwise as well, but looking more closely at the wording and looking at the German translation wich makes it more clear we figured you just might have to have two players from the same crew on the island). Only another player from a crew (can be yours - should really be worded "any crew" to make it more clear) has to be present on the active Skeleton Fort island when you explode a barrel skeleton and kill 5 skeletons with it and it will count. So if you send two of your crew on the island to gather up the skeletons and shoot their barrels to explode five of them, it will count for the whole crew.

    That said, cooperative events are a great idea since this is a cooperative PVE game with PVP elements after all (I know - some people don't understand that) and things meant for cooperation between crews like Skeleton Forts aren't usually done cooperatively. However, it needs to be easier to find a crew to do cooperative events with and go to the same server as them and communicate (even if friends on different ships would land on the same server as crews of their friends (priority: Favorite friends, then friends) if there is room on the server would help). A hub on a special island where you could meet to form temporary, cooperative "Fleets" to do cooperative tasks would help (possibly no PVP would be possible on that island), as well as being able to specify to do cooperative crew play in the lobby when first connecting so you get put on servers with like-minded individuals (and possibly spawn on the aforementioned co-op island hub if you choose that option).

    From what I gathered the not needing another crew for the fort commendation I believe it is a bug.

    Forts may be intended as Coop objectives but they are not hard enough in the slightest to accommodate this and their payouts aren't good enough either for splitting the loot. If you do things by how Rare intended it then it would take twice as long to hit Pirate Legend and crews would never really be afraid of other ships because of all this Sea of Friends content they keep trying to add.

    While they are still adding content the major content that is in this game is actually the PvP of it. You have to be on guard and watch out for players. You never know if you're about to be ambushed or tricked in some way and that is what makes things interesting. Nothing is more boring than being on a dead server and knowing you have the entire map to yourself, no threat, no cares. Just digging up chests and fighting skeletons.

    Everyone plays this game differently, however it simply doesn't have enough variety in the PvE in my opinion to count as a PvE focused game. Its called Sea of Thieves last I checked. Until they add skeletons that attempt to take treasure off your ship and steal it from under your nose, this will be a PvP game in my book because the players are the Thieves. Players are the threat in this game and always will be the primary threat. The Megalodon was toned back because of this and the Kraken has never been much of a threat because players are supposed to be what you're scared of.

  • commendation packages did not level me up one full level as was promised, waisted 120 bilge rat doubloons

  • @guepard4
    Well, it be pretty simple actually.

  • @zherron-vorse
    Perhaps there should be some sort of pfp event in the near feature to keep things balanced.

  • I hate OoS missions.

    However I LOVE the gunpowder skeletons.

    Excellent Bilge Rat Adventure

  • So is there going to be a patch tomorrow? Or downtime.

  • @treefittymonsta
    ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ SUMMON THE PIONEER ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

  • The gunpowder skeletons are a fantastic addition to the game! My buddies and I have been playing and hilarity has ensued as we’ve accidentally killed ourselves and each other with them! I’m not sure the plans for the future of gunpowder skeletons but I vote they stay after this event is over, maybe not spawn as frequently but still come up from time to time. Thanks for keeping things fresh Rare!

  • I love this new update so much fun.

220 out of 244