Sea of thieves pioneers available through Xbox insider hub.

  • Was just browsing the Xbox insider hub app as I’m awaiting a new update to my console OS and I noticed there was something new in the insider section. It’s to join the sea of thieves pioneers.

    This is the first I’ve seen anything about it since Joe Neate mentioned bringing the programme back. I’m not too sure if this is only available to alpha insiders or any one who downloads the app. Either way I’m looking forward to being a part of the programme 👍

    For those that don’t know the Xbox insider hub is an Xbox app that you let’s you enroll into rings for the latest console builds and can also try out new betas etc. It’s free to download and you don’t have to enroll into anything.

    Maybe this appeared earlier than intended and rare planned to announce it on inside Xbox later tonight...

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  • @hudson-rl Now I can't wait to get home to see if I can find it! Thanks for the tip!

  • @hudson-rl Well nothing escapes this bunch of beady-eyed pirates... but this is not to say this will be some sort of open club.

  • Ran across this eariler today. Wonder if it will be a stand alone version or built in to the base game....

  • @hudson-rl I'm looking at the Insider Hub and I can't find the section... Where is it exactly located?

  • @juggalosmokez 100% a new client to download. Just like the beta.

  • Just signed up on my account but my boyfriend's xbox doesn't have the option listed. I am thinking it is only for those that were in the alpha testing? Just a guess so far.

  • not there for me 💔

  • I was browsing the Game Pass last night looking for games for them and noticed 2 Sea of Thieves listed. This must have been what that was.
    Kids wouldn’t let me check it out they wanted their Portal Knights and Escapist game

  • not showing for me as well. That's very disappointing I really want to take part in this no idea why it's not showing.

  • @ve111a It's okay to believe!

  • @xcalypt0x said in Sea of thieves pioneers available through Xbox insider hub.:

    @ve111a It's okay to believe!

    hoping a @Rare-Employee or @Deckhands might be able to shed some light on this?

  • @ve111a the rare employee tag is disabled

  • @triheadedmonkey said in Sea of thieves pioneers available through Xbox insider hub.:

    @ve111a the rare employee tag is disabled

    lol I guess that would make sense it would be annoying if they got tagged in everything.

  • @ve111a Nah, not on the official forums xD. Better luck on twitter and or reddit. They don't like us over here.

  • @xcalypt0x said in Sea of thieves pioneers available through Xbox insider hub.:

    @ve111a Nah, not on the official forums xD. Better luck on twitter and or reddit. They don't like us over here.

    alt text

  • just signed in, yeah😎

  • Like @PersonalC0ffee said, probably stumbled upon something that hasn't been formally announced. However, I would expect that announcement soon.

  • @personalc0ffee meant The Escapists. Boy saw it on YouTube and we play tonight

  • @braxkedren You sure it isn't god of war? boy ;)

  • @xcalypt0x said in Sea of thieves pioneers available through Xbox insider hub.:

    @braxkedren You sure it isn't god of war? boy ;)

    Lol! I did get State if Decay on DL. He asked what that was and just said “Daddy Game”

  • I saw this earlier and signed up for it but now the option has disappeared :(. I’m guessing it was a Microsoft mess up and they put it on too early. Can we get an explanation from a dev about that?

  • @hudson-rl It has been available for a couple of days.

  • I am sad, did I miss out? It is not there currently.

  • Woe is me...I see it not :-(

  • I don't see it either

  • It's gone. I do still have the pioneer build, though, but it gives a Kiwibeard.

  • @hunting-4-fuzzz I joined earlier and now the option has disappeared for me as well!

  • any new news on this issue?

  • I got so happy when it said pending but I guess something went wrong and they had to pull it from the insider app. Waiting for an official response from someone at Rare.

  • I've got the red sea of thieves logo and it says pioneers but when i open it it says that its avalable on pc nowhere i can find the downlaod button excuse me for my bad english i be playing non stop from the closed beta and im a member of the insiders program a long time can anyone help me gamertag is zaate appriciate any kind of help

  • @zaate said in Sea of thieves pioneers available through Xbox insider hub.:

    I've got the red sea of thieves logo and it says pioneers but when i open it it says that its avalable on pc nowhere i can find the downlaod button excuse me for my bad english i be playing non stop from the closed beta and im a member of the insiders program a long time can anyone help me gamertag is zaate appriciate any kind of help

    It doesn't look like you're in the pioneer program at the moment.

    Pioneers are selected by Rare, and then provided access to the pioneer builds of the game.

    Perhaps when the next wave of invites go out they'll invite you in. Until then you won't really be able to do anything with the pioneer app or build of the game.

  • @tre-oni ok thank you me fellow pirat but in de xboxstore at the pioneers sot it says thats only for pc do you know something about that

  • @zaate said in Sea of thieves pioneers available through Xbox insider hub.:

    @tre-oni ok thank you me fellow pirat but in de xboxstore at the pioneers sot it says thats only for pc do you know something about that

    No I don't sorry.

    The pioneer build is definitely on Xbox as well as I only play on Xbox myself and am in the Pioneer program with no issue

  • @personalc0ffee I've just got the Xbox Insider Hub for Win 10.

    Where do you sign up?

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