Shameful Tales

  • What down right despicable deeds have you done on the sea that left you feeling unwashably dirty and ridden with guilt?

    I have a few foul skulls in the closet that I'm not proud of, one of which just happened recently.

    Thought it would be amusing to use a Chest of Sorrow to sink an enemy sloop, so we found one at an island, and I instructed my crew mate to transport it aboard. I watched with an eager eye from distance through spy-glass.

    Upon the ship being half way gone, the occupant appeared instrument in hand. And then looked positively happy thinking we had gifted a chest.

    The realisation that they may be new to the seas really started to sink in when I witnessed their reaction to the sobbing treasure receptacle. Hitting it with shovel, picking it up and putting it down, returning to the bowsprit instrument still playing in gestures of friendship.

    My pirate is mischievous, but not heartless. I pleaded with my crew mate to change our course but my calls were silenced by gunshot and the groaning of a sunken ship.


  • 98
  • my first voyages of the day yesterday were just ridicoulos .
    at the outpost i loaded my ship with chicken coops,galleon passed the outpot,two shootin over,galleon moved on n made his way,two of them just griefed me griefing to the fullest^.i just changed the server cause i need an outpost for merchant voyages,got 3 golden chickens,brought them to the outpost,got a new voyage with 3 golden chickens again,loaded my boat n in this moment again,a sloop rammed me ,tried to told him im just wanna do merchant im friendly....he were also alone i killed him ,checked his sloop n he had sloop sunk,server change again.

  • Mine isn't all that 'shameful' depending on who you are but it was very on the fence for me.

    I'm a soloer by nature but on fridays my one friend joins in for some high seas shenanigans. We were coasting down for the night which means hes going to do something to drag me back in for 2 more hours...So I'm sitting on an outpost around midnight hoping we might actually call it a night on time for once when I foolishly muse over the fact that we managed a little bit of everything that night but no pvp. So he takes the ship out without me....

    Speed up this part but we take turns having our games freeze(so luckily our ship was in tact with one of us being online at all times) and by the time we are regrouped I am back on the ship from relogging and he has drifted us towards an active skull fort...and it just ends...with a single sloop at it.

    Now whether or not to attack said sloop depends on who you are but as a hardcore soloer and someone with little interest in skull forts I would normally never do this but somehow he has convinced me to go for it...

    So one attempted anchor drop on us and one successful anchor drop later(the guy had mouse and keyboard speed so he got the better of us) we respawn, kill him, and make for the outpost that they stopped out...really it's their own fault they should have kept going while we were out not stop at the outpost right next to where they anchor dropped us...

    As we approach the anchor dropper goes back into the water...not sure why we havent stopped, and his partner tries to pull out fast but we come up alongside him, open fire killing him...but the dang ship coast turns around Dagger Tooth and slames and wedges itself between the beach and the rocks perfectly setting itself to never sink...seeing this I sneak ashore(using a storm that just hit as cover...I'm talking the outpost was the center of the storm type rain). My friend distracts them with constant cannon fire I slip aboard and start throwing stuff on the beach and hiding it in the bushes and behind rocks. We dance off and on with the crew, I get about half of there stuff hidden before they find me. Eventually they get their ship unwedged and sink my friend cause I'm the sailor in our group. I let them do it so I can sell off some of the more expensive loot and that walk from the backside of the island is a pain.

    My friend abandons ship and we clash on the island a few more times before they finally kill us off and we respawn at our ship a distance away. We make are way back and see the sloop speeding from the outpost and avoiding our return. We find the rest of our loot in the bushes, they never found it, and cash in. I have heard that skull fort payouts aren't necessarily worth the time investment to solo...well they really aren't worth the time investment to steal either...

    While I admit to it being a rather epic story with combat, thievery, and hidden loot and should I take the time to flush it out with proper pirate narration would be an interesting read...part of me feels dirty. It may work for some people...but it wasn't the type of pirate I wanted to be...

  • I was at an outpost dropping off treasure and saw a ship inbound. I sent my ship adrift to make it appear id left. I waited behind a rock and here came the pirate. Clearly only had a seafarers and was naked with a normal ship. Probably hadnt even figured out how to change clothing yet. I shot him in the back and he turned to see me. he fumbled for his weapons but i was upon him and the chest was mine. His ship disappeared and I knew I had ended a pirate career before it even began. Sometimes its hard but the motto stands. Take what you can and give nothing back!

  • Nice tales

    Another time, I spotted a sloop parked at cannon cove, seeing the opportunity for some mischief, I let me sloop continue past as I jumped over board. I snuck up the crows nest and lay down. 2 minutes later I see the glare of a spy-glass from the island in a position where you'd easily see me. In a panic I slid down the ladder, spotted a powder keg, instinctively shot it and jumped into the water.

    Reached a mermaid and got back on my ship, I still have no idea why I did that and regret it fully. It was for no benefit of my own. In bird culture this is considered a D move.

    Sorry to that person, hope you recovered!

  • @macdoland I've done worse and will never feel shameful about it.

  • Last 3 nights I've killed some Galleon crews as they go to unload Fort loot and Outposts. Was lots of fun for me, probably not so much for them.

    Last night was me jumping off at an Outpost and sending the Sloop off on its own sailing trip. 5 minutes later a Galleon shows up, I kill 2 crew and get 2 Villainous Skulls off them and afterwards die. Miraculously I respawn on my ship that is still afloat and sailing.

    So I trail 2 other Sloops, drop myself off on an island I see a 3rd Sloop coming to while sending the Sloop off again. This time was just going to hide on their ship while playing Jaws theme through the mic...but these guys were just not good at sailing. They wrecked so I killed one of them, the other couldn't patch in time so their ship sank. Was messing with them by taking pot shots at them from the waterline as they swam around but a skeleton crew spawned behind me and killed me in that process.

  • @macdoland

    Reading the responses to your OP and the tactics of outpost camping make me wonder why pirates complain that the game is dying. You have to understand your the problem right? When you camp an outpost and make a player that’s turning in a seafarers chest rage quit, YOU are the problem.

    Keep it “at sea” and people will learn the game and continue to play.. keep up your griefer tactics “on land” and watch the game die a slow death where only your 1337 “git gud” crews roam a barren sea.

    This entire thread disgusts my core!

  • @boca-g I completely understand and agree with your point.

    The intention of this thread, is not to boast about some l33t play, but instead point out mistakes that you've made that have left you feeling regret. Own up to it.

    I offer no judgement on anybody's stories, if you don't feel shame or regret, that's fine, that's personal to you, you can be a ruthless pirate and that's up to you. I'm not ruthless, but I do engage in pvp like activities, and even with good intentions end up in scenarios that leave me with regret.

    I think just because of the nature of the game, it's bound to create such scenarios.

  • The handful of times I wasn't able to convince my crew to not attack a solo sloop has left me feeling pretty dirty. Just leave the solo guys alone folks lol.

  • @macdoland

    No I get it, why I did not shame you.. I’ve done one or two things I regret myself. I just found all the responses to your post as braggarts that want to revel in their evil deeds and not feel ashamed for their antics. Not all pirates are bad, but bad pirates are what will kill this game. When you revel in driving players from the game, you are in fact the problem.

  • We rolled up on a sloop, We were just around and he fired first so we went over hit him a few times and killed him. He was a solo so we kinda felt bad and all he had was chickens. I told him there has to be consequences to his action and attacks cannot go unpunished so we took a chicken as a mascot and I murdered one in front of him ( he had like 8) We were on our galleon looming over him when he says "please for the love of god just give me my chickens back" At this point my friend jumped off the mast with a barrel and set it off below his ship, killing all his chickens. I mean if he didn't attack in the first place he would have gotten to keep all those chickens, Examples need to be made.

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  • We were attacked by a Gally and we had nothing. I was ashamed for them. That count?

  • Didn't make me feel any guilt, but a dude I joined was saying racist stuff about Aussies and kiwis, so I chucked all his treasure overboard.
    Was about 10 captain's chests and a whole host of marauders.
    I stayed in game long enough for him to realise and lose his s***.
    Then gave him a big old "good onya maaaaate!" over voice chat, whilst dancing, and logged off.

    Felt good if anything, though it was a dirty thing to do.

  • @blackbeard-lufy said in Shameful Tales:

    The handful of times I wasn't able to convince my crew to not attack a solo sloop has left me feeling pretty dirty. Just leave the solo guys alone folks lol.

    I've had this a lot, especially in random crews, but even in my own. When one guy returns with just an empty chicken cage... ouch.

  • Arggg...
    Captain Karty and I were bad people...

    The poor sloop crew was just checking their map when it all happened.

  • @ve111a said in Shameful Tales:

    We rolled up on a sloop, We were just around and he fired first so we went over hit him a few times and killed him. He was a solo so we kinda felt bad and all he had was chickens. I told him there has to be consequences to his action and attacks cannot go unpunished so we took a chicken as a mascot and I murdered one in front of him ( he had like 8) We were on our galleon looming over him when he says "please for the love of god just give me my chickens back" At this point my friend jumped off the mast with a barrel and set it off below his ship, killing all his chickens. I mean if he didn't attack in the first place he would have gotten to keep all those chickens, Examples need to be made.

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    Case and point of a braggart that is not remorseful and just wants to share his deed, not his shame. You made an example all right, you and your crew ar examples of why this forum is ripe with merchants yelling for non PvP servers. You knew he was solo and chicken hunting yet you overwhelmed and killed him and blew up his ship and his stock. Not what a real pirate would do.

  • @boca-g
    Mine made for a great story but I hardly consider myself bragging...

    I avoid pvp like a plague most of the time and as a solo player understand the struggle of putting in hard work only to lose/almost lose it all...

    The actions I let my friend talk me in to may have made for some exciting pvp but it doesn't change the fact that this is not my comfort zone of gaming nor looking at the 'reward' could I say it was worth it.

    Some people like this sort of thing. I'll stick to my sketchbook while island exploring.

  • @john-hatter Do you sketch things from the game? If so, you should share them! :)

  • @endosku11 said in Shameful Tales:

    Captain Karty and I were bad people...

    The poor sloop crew was just checking their map when it all happened.

    Yet another for, of pathetic behavior, good on you. You blew yourself and his cargo up! And you consider this good pirating? Had you stolen his gear and swam away I would have congratulated you. But this is the worst form of griefing and again part and parcel to why the game is seeing a mass exodus of players. He was most likely on a free trial and now won’t purchase the game, thus killing revenu. But you don’t care about that. This is a first person shooter to you, not a mmrpg.

  • @boca-g said in Shameful Tales:

    @ve111a said in Shameful Tales:

    We rolled up on a sloop, We were just around and he fired first so we went over hit him a few times and killed him. He was a solo so we kinda felt bad and all he had was chickens. I told him there has to be consequences to his action and attacks cannot go unpunished so we took a chicken as a mascot and I murdered one in front of him ( he had like 8) We were on our galleon looming over him when he says "please for the love of god just give me my chickens back" At this point my friend jumped off the mast with a barrel and set it off below his ship, killing all his chickens. I mean if he didn't attack in the first place he would have gotten to keep all those chickens, Examples need to be made.

    alt text

    Case and point of a braggart that is not remorseful and just wants to share his deed, not his shame. You made an example all right, you and your crew ar examples of why this forum is ripe with merchants yelling for non PvP servers. You knew he was solo and chicken hunting yet you overwhelmed and killed him and blew up his ship and his stock. Not what a real pirate would do.

    You need to relax a bit I posted this in this thread because I felt bad for it and I didn't blow up the ship, This is a remorse post. I did what I had to do killing a chicken, We were sailing by and he shot first so I did exactly what A pirate does, This is a pvp game.....

    Why are you even here hating on everyone, Move on if this triggers you so much

    alt text

  • @macdoland
    Yeah I try to do a lot of sketches from the game. Skeletons make a great timer. I have used some sketches for some of the stories I've thrown together on here. Majority of them I am piecing together to form my 'Pirate Legend' for when I hit Pirate legend. That way while everyone else complains that there is no PL content I can actual Legend of how I got there.

  • @john-hatter said in Shameful Tales:

    Mine made for a great story but I hardly consider myself bragging...

    I avoid pvp like a plague most of the time and as a solo player understand the struggle of putting in hard work only to lose/almost lose it all...

    The actions I let my friend talk me in to may have made for some exciting pvp but it doesn't change the fact that this is not my comfort zone of gaming nor looking at the 'reward' could I say it was worth it.

    Some people like this sort of thing. I'll stick to my sketchbook while island exploring.

    You were at sea and ended up at the outpost, I don’t think you a braggart or a griefer and I enjoyed your story.. thumbs up, you sir are a pirate!

  • @john-hatter said in Shameful Tales:

    Yeah I try to do a lot of sketches from the game. Skeletons make a great timer. I have used some sketches for some of the stories I've thrown together on here. Majority of them I am piecing together to form my 'Pirate Legend' for when I hit Pirate legend. That way while everyone else complains that there is no PL content I can know...have an actual Legend of how I got there.

    Awesome matey, that is such a good idea! Look forward to seeing that, if you ever share it in future.

  • @macdoland
    The crawl of a lowly solo captain to legend is a long one but I'll share it when it's done for sure~

  • @ve111a said in Shameful Tales:

    @boca-g said in Shameful Tales:

    @ve111a said in Shameful Tales:

    We rolled up on a sloop, We were just around and he fired first so we went over hit him a few times and killed him. He was a solo so we kinda felt bad and all he had was chickens. I told him there has to be consequences to his action and attacks cannot go unpunished so we took a chicken as a mascot and I murdered one in front of him ( he had like 8) We were on our galleon looming over him when he says "please for the love of god just give me my chickens back" At this point my friend jumped off the mast with a barrel and set it off below his ship, killing all his chickens. I mean if he didn't attack in the first place he would have gotten to keep all those chickens, Examples need to be made.

    alt text

    Case and point of a braggart that is not remorseful and just wants to share his deed, not his shame. You made an example all right, you and your crew ar examples of why this forum is ripe with merchants yelling for non PvP servers. You knew he was solo and chicken hunting yet you overwhelmed and killed him and blew up his ship and his stock. Not what a real pirate would do.

    You need to relax a bit I posted this in this thread because I felt bad for it and I didn't blow up the ship, This is a remorse post. I did what I had to do killing a chicken, We were sailing by and he shot first so I did exactly what A pirate does, This is a pvp game.....

    Why are you even here hating on everyone, Move on if this triggers you so much

    alt text

    This is not a PvP, first person shooter. When you reslize that you will begin to learn and grow and become a true pirate. This is a PvPvE mmrpg, it’s a complex game with many playstyle. You can call me what you wish, but you expressed no Shame, tho you did say you “felt bad”.. but you sure don’t come off that way.

  • @boca-g said in Shameful Tales:

    @ve111a said in Shameful Tales:

    @boca-g said in Shameful Tales:

    @ve111a said in Shameful Tales:

    We rolled up on a sloop, We were just around and he fired first so we went over hit him a few times and killed him. He was a solo so we kinda felt bad and all he had was chickens. I told him there has to be consequences to his action and attacks cannot go unpunished so we took a chicken as a mascot and I murdered one in front of him ( he had like 8) We were on our galleon looming over him when he says "please for the love of god just give me my chickens back" At this point my friend jumped off the mast with a barrel and set it off below his ship, killing all his chickens. I mean if he didn't attack in the first place he would have gotten to keep all those chickens, Examples need to be made.

    alt text

    Case and point of a braggart that is not remorseful and just wants to share his deed, not his shame. You made an example all right, you and your crew ar examples of why this forum is ripe with merchants yelling for non PvP servers. You knew he was solo and chicken hunting yet you overwhelmed and killed him and blew up his ship and his stock. Not what a real pirate would do.

    You need to relax a bit I posted this in this thread because I felt bad for it and I didn't blow up the ship, This is a remorse post. I did what I had to do killing a chicken, We were sailing by and he shot first so I did exactly what A pirate does, This is a pvp game.....

    Why are you even here hating on everyone, Move on if this triggers you so much

    alt text

    This is not a PvP, first person shooter. When you reslize that you will begin to learn and grow and become a true pirate. This is a PvPvE mmrpg, it’s a complex game with many playstyle. You can call me what you wish, but you expressed no Shame, tho you did say you “felt bad”.. but you sure don’t come off that way.

    I did for sure, I just don't like white knights complaining and causing drama where there is none.... Who are you to judge people anyways? People can play this game how they want, And I don't judge anyones style. If you are an outpost camper or a griefer go nuts it just adds more variety to my world, and like real life its random and chaotic. I do my own thing and am nice and helpful on the seas but I don't let anyone disrespect me, If you shoot at me you will be made to regret it.

    TL:DR. It's easier to play the game when you aren't on a self imposed pedestal casting down judgement on those you don't agree with.

  • On a gally, with 3 friends, came across a solo sloop sitting in the middle of some rocks, boarded his ship, killed him, after killing him realized he was prob busy irl cuz he only jumped away once trying to avoid my attack. He had 6 empty chicken crates. I left all the crates there and brought him 2 seafarers chests we had on board n left them by his crates while he was on the ferry of the damned cuz i felt bad. We have alot of legendary pirates we sail with so the 2 seafarers chests were the least expensive things on board lol

  • @ve111a said in Shameful Tales:

    @boca-g said in Shameful Tales:

    @ve111a said in Shameful Tales:

    @boca-g said in Shameful Tales:

    @ve111a said in Shameful Tales:

    We rolled up on a sloop, We were just around and he fired first so we went over hit him a few times and killed him. He was a solo so we kinda felt bad and all he had was chickens. I told him there has to be consequences to his action and attacks cannot go unpunished so we took a chicken as a mascot and I murdered one in front of him ( he had like 8) We were on our galleon looming over him when he says "please for the love of god just give me my chickens back" At this point my friend jumped off the mast with a barrel and set it off below his ship, killing all his chickens. I mean if he didn't attack in the first place he would have gotten to keep all those chickens, Examples need to be made.

    alt text

    Case and point of a braggart that is not remorseful and just wants to share his deed, not his shame. You made an example all right, you and your crew ar examples of why this forum is ripe with merchants yelling for non PvP servers. You knew he was solo and chicken hunting yet you overwhelmed and killed him and blew up his ship and his stock. Not what a real pirate would do.

    You need to relax a bit I posted this in this thread because I felt bad for it and I didn't blow up the ship, This is a remorse post. I did what I had to do killing a chicken, We were sailing by and he shot first so I did exactly what A pirate does, This is a pvp game.....

    Why are you even here hating on everyone, Move on if this triggers you so much

    alt text

    This is not a PvP, first person shooter. When you reslize that you will begin to learn and grow and become a true pirate. This is a PvPvE mmrpg, it’s a complex game with many playstyle. You can call me what you wish, but you expressed no Shame, tho you did say you “felt bad”.. but you sure don’t come off that way.

    I did for sure, I just don't like white knights complaining and causing drama where there is none.... Who are you to judge people anyways? People can play this game how they want, And I don't judge anyones style. If you are an outpost camper or a griefer go nuts it just adds more variety to my world, and like real life its random and chaotic. I do my own thing and am nice and helpful on the seas but I don't let anyone disrespect me, If you shoot at me you will be made to regret it.

    TL:DR. It's easier to play the game when you aren't on a self imposed pedestal casting down judgement on those you don't agree with.

    You definitely are having trouble comprehending my points. It must be outside you scope of reasoning or skill in doing so. For that I will stop replying, no sense beating a dead horse and derailing his topic.

    Continue on, good travels. Enjoy your game while it exists.

  • @ve111a said in Shameful Tales:

    @boca-g said in Shameful Tales:

    @ve111a said in Shameful Tales:

    @boca-g said in Shameful Tales:

    @ve111a said in Shameful Tales:

    We rolled up on a sloop, We were just around and he fired first so we went over hit him a few times and killed him. He was a solo so we kinda felt bad and all he had was chickens. I told him there has to be consequences to his action and attacks cannot go unpunished so we took a chicken as a mascot and I murdered one in front of him ( he had like 8) We were on our galleon looming over him when he says "please for the love of god just give me my chickens back" At this point my friend jumped off the mast with a barrel and set it off below his ship, killing all his chickens. I mean if he didn't attack in the first place he would have gotten to keep all those chickens, Examples need to be made.

    alt text

    Case and point of a braggart that is not remorseful and just wants to share his deed, not his shame. You made an example all right, you and your crew ar examples of why this forum is ripe with merchants yelling for non PvP servers. You knew he was solo and chicken hunting yet you overwhelmed and killed him and blew up his ship and his stock. Not what a real pirate would do.

    You need to relax a bit I posted this in this thread because I felt bad for it and I didn't blow up the ship, This is a remorse post. I did what I had to do killing a chicken, We were sailing by and he shot first so I did exactly what A pirate does, This is a pvp game.....

    Why are you even here hating on everyone, Move on if this triggers you so much

    alt text

    This is not a PvP, first person shooter. When you reslize that you will begin to learn and grow and become a true pirate. This is a PvPvE mmrpg, it’s a complex game with many playstyle. You can call me what you wish, but you expressed no Shame, tho you did say you “felt bad”.. but you sure don’t come off that way.

    I did for sure, I just don't like white knights complaining and causing drama where there is none.... Who are you to judge people anyways? People can play this game how they want, And I don't judge anyones style. If you are an outpost camper or a griefer go nuts it just adds more variety to my world, and like real life its random and chaotic. I do my own thing and am nice and helpful on the seas but I don't let anyone disrespect me, If you shoot at me you will be made to regret it.

    TL:DR. It's easier to play the game when you aren't on a self imposed pedestal casting down judgement on those you don't agree with.

  • @boca-g said in Shameful Tales:


    No I get it, why I did not shame you.. I’ve done one or two things I regret myself. I just found all the responses to your post as braggarts that want to revel in their evil deeds and not feel ashamed for their antics. Not all pirates are bad, but bad pirates are what will kill this game. When you revel in driving players from the game, you are in fact the problem.

    You do realize that just a little "paying attention" will help you out if you roll up on an Outpost right?

    Merfolk in the water? probably a player on land.

    If in a group, send one person out to scout the Outpost before just running in to cash out?

    Drive around Outpost to check for possible campers?

    If Rare didn't want PvP stuff going on while on land, they'd take that ability out of the game. PvP is a part of the game, just like dying. You're not getting through this game without dying in some fashion to unexpected ways you never thought of.

  • I was a part of this crew during the emergency maintenance that happened after the botched private crew update. When Rare put out the "server shutting down in X minutes" notice we decided to camp the outpost. It worked out really well for us haha.

    WARNING: Video contains adult language.

  • @boca-g said in Shameful Tales:

    @ve111a said in Shameful Tales:

    @boca-g said in Shameful Tales:

    @ve111a said in Shameful Tales:

    @boca-g said in Shameful Tales:

    @ve111a said in Shameful Tales:

    We rolled up on a sloop, We were just around and he fired first so we went over hit him a few times and killed him. He was a solo so we kinda felt bad and all he had was chickens. I told him there has to be consequences to his action and attacks cannot go unpunished so we took a chicken as a mascot and I murdered one in front of him ( he had like 8) We were on our galleon looming over him when he says "please for the love of god just give me my chickens back" At this point my friend jumped off the mast with a barrel and set it off below his ship, killing all his chickens. I mean if he didn't attack in the first place he would have gotten to keep all those chickens, Examples need to be made.

    alt text

    Case and point of a braggart that is not remorseful and just wants to share his deed, not his shame. You made an example all right, you and your crew ar examples of why this forum is ripe with merchants yelling for non PvP servers. You knew he was solo and chicken hunting yet you overwhelmed and killed him and blew up his ship and his stock. Not what a real pirate would do.

    You need to relax a bit I posted this in this thread because I felt bad for it and I didn't blow up the ship, This is a remorse post. I did what I had to do killing a chicken, We were sailing by and he shot first so I did exactly what A pirate does, This is a pvp game.....

    Why are you even here hating on everyone, Move on if this triggers you so much

    alt text

    This is not a PvP, first person shooter. When you reslize that you will begin to learn and grow and become a true pirate. This is a PvPvE mmrpg, it’s a complex game with many playstyle. You can call me what you wish, but you expressed no Shame, tho you did say you “felt bad”.. but you sure don’t come off that way.

    I did for sure, I just don't like white knights complaining and causing drama where there is none.... Who are you to judge people anyways? People can play this game how they want, And I don't judge anyones style. If you are an outpost camper or a griefer go nuts it just adds more variety to my world, and like real life its random and chaotic. I do my own thing and am nice and helpful on the seas but I don't let anyone disrespect me, If you shoot at me you will be made to regret it.

    TL:DR. It's easier to play the game when you aren't on a self imposed pedestal casting down judgement on those you don't agree with.

    You definitely are having trouble comprehending my points. It must be outside you scope of reasoning or skill in doing so. For that I will stop replying, no sense beating a dead horse and derailing his topic.

    Continue on, good travels. Enjoy your game while it exists.

    You make zero sense. Classic white knight lol, When in doubt take the high road out. You offered nothing to the table to anyone here aside from judgement and condescension. You claim its a "complex game with many playstyles" but does that only apply to the ones you agree with? I did not hunt down a solo, A solo was stupid enough to fire on a friendly galleon passing by waving. That's on him not me and I would do it again. If he joined us in song he probably would have left with more chest then he came in with.

    Start reading and not just selective complaining about one part of the response. It will make a better forum experience for everyone! :)
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  • Thought of another one, which was the result of my poor sailing rather than ill intentions!

    We stormed a sloop, to find a solo player, dressed freshly from the pirate generator.

    We quickly noticed this in time and instead of killing him, we struck up conversation and he came aboard our galleon. Nice guy, he even gifted us a chest. I offered him an alliance, either on our ship or as a couple of ships sailing together. He gleefully accepted the later.

    Fast forward some time and we find ourselves locked into battle with another galleon, I completely misjudged it and shot far past the ship with full sails catching the wind.

    As I was turning around I could only look on to see our buddy being obliterated behind us. And he was never seen again.

    Such shame at not properly defending our ally.

23 out of 98