The Hungering Deep under lot of pressure?

  • Sea Of Thieves have had a rough start since the release, if they deserve all the bad feedback and reviews about a shallow game with no content, never ending bugs and rare not listerning to their alpha players etc.
    That discussion is not my goal to start wuth this thread.

    Im curious what you guys predictions with The Hungering Deep is.
    Rare is not in a easy spot right now. This expansion will show a lot of Rares transparency and reveal where they wanna take this game.

    Will the expansion blow peoples expectations or will it be a letdown, what's your guess?

    So far it's been a lot of empty promises from Rare. So i think it will be a disappointment, but i keep my hopes up...

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  • @kaptenfisk I think its gonna be a cant win if you do and cant win if you dont. Ultimately they have only had a few weeks to put this first drop together so its not going to be anything massive. But we do have the weekly events shortly after which should help also.

  • Whatever it may be in the update i'll be happy with to be honest, anything will be good at this point. The game needs it.

  • It will be a letdown for sure simply because they waited too long with that trailer our imaginations are already running wild and there is no way they can top that. Also I guarantee you the game won't be playable for at least a week after the update is released, tons of bugs, tons of server issues and so on. I understand that they want to keep that sense of mystery about that new content, but I think they are at a point where they just need to be as transparent as possible.
    I am almost a 100% sure it is gonna be a new faction probably in that locked house on every outpost.

  • @kaptenfisk said in The Hungering Deep under lot of pressure?:

    The Hungering Deep under lot of pressure?

    I see what you did there.

    alt text

  • Personally i think peoples expectations will be let down, not because of what they release but because peoples expectations are generally unrealistic.

    They stated they're gonna release a new threat into the world that players will have to band together to defeat, and thats all im expecting. A single encounter with a new sea creature, no great shakes. im hanging on for the cursed sail update, sounds alot more intriguing. 🤔

  • Now don't call me a White Knight in favour of Rare, purely for discussion, what promises have been broken? They gave us the game they said they would for the most part.

    Granted Pirate Legend is a bit of a letdown as it really isn't the start of the game and the end of the tutorial in any way, shape or form, but they are also being pretty open about plans and trying the best they can to fix things that we, the forum have pointed out.

    Yeah it's annoying that the servers have crashed today, head it's annoying private crews were such an oversight (from Alpha apparently too), sure it's annoying that there isn't more content and they haven't thought about text speak for xbox or kicking, but I'm sure it's coming.

    I'll keep plugging away (when i can) and see how things go in the coming months. I think by the summer this is going to be a very different game and I HOPE that The Hungering Deep will bring enough new content to keep folk (a little) happier.

  • @captainflintkin I agree with you. Im fairly sure a lot of people will be disappointed, just because they've not given us anything to anchor our imagination in. Its been spiraling out of control, and the reality will be a huge letdown.

  • @kaptenfisk
    My prediction is that lots of people will be let down because of totally unreasonable and unrealistic expectations.

    I hope though that it'll convince uncertain people about this being the game for them or not. Either way will clean up the forums.

  • @sshteeve said in The Hungering Deep under lot of pressure?:

    Now don't call me a White Knight in favour of Rare, purely for discussion, what promises have been broken? They gave us the game they said they would for the most part.

    Granted Pirate Legend is a bit of a letdown as it really isn't the start of the game and the end of the tutorial in any way, shape or form, but they are also being pretty open about plans and trying the best they can to fix things that we, the forum have pointed out.

    Yeah it's annoying that the servers have crashed today, head it's annoying private crews were such an oversight (from Alpha apparently too), sure it's annoying that there isn't more content and they haven't thought about text speak for xbox or kicking, but I'm sure it's coming.

    I'll keep plugging away (when i can) and see how things go in the coming months. I think by the summer this is going to be a very different game and I HOPE that The Hungering Deep will bring enough new content to keep folk (a little) happier.

    I think if they keep going like this there wont be a game by summer sadly. Mistake after mistake after mistake after mistake its sad really.
    They have some rotting apples in their team that they need to remove and fast.

  • @kaptenfisk said in The Hungering Deep under lot of pressure?:

    Will the expansion blow peoples expectations or will it be a letdown, what's your guess?

    The devs videos have answered this. They consistently try to kill any hype for the hungering deep and consistently mention the content team hasn't had much time to create it.

    @knifelife said in The Hungering Deep under lot of pressure?:

    @kaptenfisk I think its gonna be a cant win if you do and cant win if you dont. Ultimately they have only had a few weeks to put this first drop together so its not going to be anything massive.

    The devs argue this, but really it makes no sense. Content teams begin long before release. I think they've got some terrible planning 😵

  • I have a bad feeling about the hungering deep. I feel with all the issues going on lately, this is going to be a DLC too soon. But as they have announced it is coming early May, they have put a lot of pressure on themselves to deliver something extra.
    Me personally, i wouldn't mind if they held off on it and just focused on getting the core of the game running smoothly.
    What do i think is coming? My guess is an AI pirate captain/ship that will be 16/32 cannons and roam a certain part of the map. And to be able to defeat it, crews will have to work together to try to disable and board it.

  • Rare has said they intend to make SoT a 10-year game. That being said a few hiccups in the beginning are to be expected. I too am anxiously waiting for some new content but I don't want them to dump some c**p addition on either. Patience grasshoppers.

  • Here’s what I think it will be
    -mermaid enemies that will attack when too close to their lil mermaid homes.
    -some type of new loot/activity surrounding the multiple underwater environments. Perhaps puzzle based or loot must be sacrificed for something as others have mentioned.
    -that’s it

    I want to get on Rare for how the first couple months of launch have gone, but I guess that’s just how game development, especially explicitly online games go. That being said, wow man, they’re in the struggle. Can’t release dlc if you can’t release a successful patch or update. Im more upset with the bugs that haven’t been fixed that so many people reported during the alpha. I’m on Rares team, but the people defending their mistakes, that’s all they are mistakes. They don’t need to be defended. You liking them is a successful marketing strategy on their part. They want you to buy the game, nothing else. Straight capitalism meh lord.

  • @knifelife said in The Hungering Deep under lot of pressure?:

    But we do have the weekly events shortly after which should help also.

    This is what I am most excited for.

  • @player382145840 said in The Hungering Deep under lot of pressure?:

    Rare has said they intend to make SoT a 10-year game. That being said a few hiccups in the beginning are to be expected. I too am anxiously waiting for some new content but I don't want them to dump some c**p addition on either. Patience grasshoppers.

    I’m sure that will be the reason they will fall hard. And it won’t be easy to pick themselves up from there.
    They had the hype going. They should have delivered more with the release.
    If it so was to release 2 of the upcoming dlc’s from the start. Giving ALL players (Alfa/beta) a surprise.

  • @captainflintkin said in The Hungering Deep under lot of pressure?:

    @sshteeve said in The Hungering Deep under lot of pressure?:

    Now don't call me a White Knight in favour of Rare, purely for discussion, what promises have been broken? They gave us the game they said they would for the most part.

    Granted Pirate Legend is a bit of a letdown as it really isn't the start of the game and the end of the tutorial in any way, shape or form, but they are also being pretty open about plans and trying the best they can to fix things that we, the forum have pointed out.

    Yeah it's annoying that the servers have crashed today, head it's annoying private crews were such an oversight (from Alpha apparently too), sure it's annoying that there isn't more content and they haven't thought about text speak for xbox or kicking, but I'm sure it's coming.

    I'll keep plugging away (when i can) and see how things go in the coming months. I think by the summer this is going to be a very different game and I HOPE that The Hungering Deep will bring enough new content to keep folk (a little) happier.

    I think if they keep going like this there wont be a game by summer sadly. Mistake after mistake after mistake after mistake its sad really.
    They have some rotting apples in their team that they need to remove and fast.

    Get off your high horse mate, yea mistakes were made and it was fixed shortly after. Stop being sour for getting disconnected. Spouting nonsense that they won't make it till summer like this. The game sold great and they're part of Microsoft there's no chance this game will stop within the next few years.

    The only rotten apples Rare has is some extremely entitled players in my opinion that have no clue how development work and only show up to complain.

  • @fishst1ck said in The Hungering Deep under lot of pressure?:

    @captainflintkin said in The Hungering Deep under lot of pressure?:

    @sshteeve said in The Hungering Deep under lot of pressure?:

    Now don't call me a White Knight in favour of Rare, purely for discussion, what promises have been broken? They gave us the game they said they would for the most part.

    Granted Pirate Legend is a bit of a letdown as it really isn't the start of the game and the end of the tutorial in any way, shape or form, but they are also being pretty open about plans and trying the best they can to fix things that we, the forum have pointed out.

    Yeah it's annoying that the servers have crashed today, head it's annoying private crews were such an oversight (from Alpha apparently too), sure it's annoying that there isn't more content and they haven't thought about text speak for xbox or kicking, but I'm sure it's coming.

    I'll keep plugging away (when i can) and see how things go in the coming months. I think by the summer this is going to be a very different game and I HOPE that The Hungering Deep will bring enough new content to keep folk (a little) happier.

    I think if they keep going like this there wont be a game by summer sadly. Mistake after mistake after mistake after mistake its sad really.
    They have some rotting apples in their team that they need to remove and fast.

    Get off your high horse mate, yea mistakes were made and it was fixed shortly after. Stop being sour for getting disconnected. Spouting nonsense that they won't make it till summer like this.

    The only rotten apples Rare has is some extremely entitled players in my opinion that have no clue how development work and only show up to complain.

    I do have the knowledge mate and its ok for them to make a couple of mistakes from time to time the fact is that they are make mistakes with every single update. They need to change something or this game will die like many others before it. No matter how much you love RARE that is not the RARE with 30 years of experience behind it. Do you think people will keep playing it if they lose their loot after spending a couple of hours collecting it ? Or if they keep experiencing issues like vsync not working and countless other issues that are known since the betas I dont think they will and that is my opinion. You dont know me so dont assume that I am just sour I am actually a developer myself.

    • A new AI threat
    • New item
    • Timed event
    • New things to achieve
    • New things to unlock
    • A new way to communicate between crews
    • Goal to work with other crews to “almost uncover” this new threat

    That's what I am conscious of the new content patch adding.

    Is a new enemy type enough? If it's a whole new creature to face in the world applied globally, beyond skeletons, it will add more. If it's a new "Kraken Boss"... players will care for about five minutes.

    A new item, so what? From what I can tell this is the megaphone. If this is accurate it's just the form that the new communication measure will be implemented with. no value there.

    A new "timed event".... that'll be something for the time that it's there. Once it's passed the value adds literally nothing. Overall I despise timed events. It short changes players who might join far in the future. "What's wrong, you weren't there back in 1890 ? Well, no true absinthe for you!"

    The new things to achieve... if they literally mean achievements? I don't think Ill have enough tears of laughter to compensate for the joke that this is. If it's new commendation type bits, again, who cares - because that's more less expected with new content deliveries. So, the true definition of this addition will make all the difference.

    New things to unlock... Since I don't care about customization and usually buy one set of my favorites then forget about the rest, never buying the rest, this won't carry any true value for me. This feature could go both ways, really depends on what they are that they are discussing. New clothes? I feel those could be added weekly anyhow.... so waiting 2 months for new clothes to me in an insult. Don't even get me started on recolor's...

    A new way to communicate between crews? I can't tell, is this an implementation of a feature that took more work so didn't make it in the game at launch, or is it really "listening to the players" as they choose to take credit as. Wasn't the range to be heard farther than it is post launch? Didn't they purposefully nerf the range to satisfy players needs for VC privacy? It's taking them their first major patch to realize that it should've been a choice from the start? That worries me alot. This feature isn't a content add to me... it's fixing a failed choice. So it's value though high, isn't much IMO for "new content" so much as fixed mistake.

    That last bit about goals to work together...

    Whelp, hope players enjoy being griefed... or tag teamed to oblivion... because that's all i can predict here.

    "You want ants? That's how you get ants."

    So, as you can tell, I am not nearly as excited about The Hungering Deep as I should be. I am an obvious cynic. I do appreciate SoT, and don't plan on leaving it soon. I am anxious for the new content patch because I want to be proven wrong. Because I want there to be more than I am aware. But with so many fundamental things missing that I feel should have been present at launch, this does not feel like a new DLC to me... If feels like the delivery on content that should have always been in from the start.

    I just hope it changes the game enough that I can actually enjoy the additions for longer than a week. Like the Kraken, I'm glad it's part of the game and all, but I am not playing the game BECAUSE of it's addition. And I see nothing in the Hungering Deep that screams to me - play this game now if you haven't before because of XXXXX.

    edit to add I also worry, that this is labelled as a "medium" sized update. To me, this is small. From a design perspective this is likely a much bigger pain in the ascot than I will ever know and I appreciate that, but maybe it's the soldier in me... if you have a job to do, it's not about how "hard" the job is, it's about getting it done, right. I feel the same way here. If this thin offering is "medium" then large likely isn't going to be much to look at either, and small would be... a laugh.

    I think the REAL values for content delivery will live inside the "quality of life" updates. Those are, though delayed at least twice now, at least on the menu. And so far... hungering deep is more of a quality of life update than DLC, to me.

  • @blooddoll22 your post is to accurate for this forum

  • Feels like the s**t is hitting the fan today, with yesterday’s patch. Will they rush thd as a compensation

  • @kaptenfisk said in The Hungering Deep under lot of pressure?:

    Feels like the s**t is hitting the fan today, with yesterday’s patch. Will they rush thd as a compensation

    Nah, I think (and hope) they will keep on the course they have sailed so far and release it in the last week of May so they have had a good 2 and a bit months to work on it.

  • Content is not even online yet and the whining has already begun. I wish I had all the insight the whiners have about whats not going to work.

  • @leadpaladin0743 said in The Hungering Deep under lot of pressure?:

    Content is not even online yet and the whining has already begun. I wish I had all the insight the whiners have about whats not going to work.

    If you've seen the sun come up a bunch of mornings, you tend to assume that tomorrow will follow the same pattern right?

    What's the track record for smooth patches and rich content with sea of thieves so far?

    That's all the insight you need champ!

  • Huge letdown obviously there will be those that say it’s so much better!!!! just like they did from beta to 60$ title and look where that has us... They need to start working on things to make people want to play... once you hit legend there is nothing more to do...

  • @leadpaladin0743 said in The Hungering Deep under lot of pressure?:

    Content is not even online yet and the whining has already begun. I wish I had all the insight the whiners have about whats not going to work.

    To be fair not a lot of people was whining after beta just a lot of happy pirates saying how great the game will be when it releases. Well it released and it wasn’t much different than the beta.

  • @kaptenfisk it will be a letdown just because players have unrealistic expectations. No other raisin.

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