Servers Ping Tickrate and Ghost hit registration as to be look at ASAP in this game the stability is sometime very off ...

  • Here a perfect exemple of broken server side Hit reg , you can see my ping in the upper left corner wich is around 60 mostly the best ping you seams able to achieve in this game , wich is very high compare to lets say BF4 with 64 players wich i can get east coast servers below 30 and even 20 ping ... and get around 70 ping on UK servers lol while in SOT i get anything from 150 to 200 on euro servers ...

    Thats said these issue of ghost hit happen way to frequently ... i am not sure if they are servers or exploits related but it seams they are mostly server side related and are truely a pain ... 5 sucessfull hit of pistol the guy isnt eating banana he as his gun in hand trying to fire back ... and yet swallow 1 sniper shot 5 pistols shot in a row and then 1 shotgun shot ... it as to be fix somewhat ...

    Increase the tickrate , reduce the ping and get the servers to roll better and register hit more properly ... in a game where each hit count and have 5 amo max ... even 1 ghost hit is unaceptable but 7 in a row is kinda unnacceptable ... in a game where you have 30 round mag and there could be 1 shot out of 30 who does not register its no big deal ... but in this game it is ...

  • 16
  • fix this

  • Had this happen to me 3 times last night. Got them recorded and will eventually post a video compilation of all of them. It's getting really aggrivating.

  • @stew360 I've had something very similar like this happen, I figured he was a hacker...
    It took him 3 pistol hits and 9 swordhits to die, and all of them in quick succession, all while he didn't even cronch down 1 banana...
    Same guy we saw again later as my teammate got onto his deck with a gunpowder barrel, he was standing away further from it then the guy he tried to blow up.
    My teammate dies while that dude was still alive...
    Might still have been a hacker, but seeying this... I'm doubting...
    How are you sure he is not using something like hacks though?

  • @mindarchitect Dude, it's not hacking. About half the playerbase is like this, where you shoot them, get a hitmarker, but it clearly did not damage them. I don't rely on guns at all anymore because in all my playtime it's fairly obvious that there's a good 1/3 chance you will get a ghost hitmarker in every encounter. Even the sword sometimes has this problem.

    Also, I have on numerous occasions heard people say in game-chat things like "I hit him, just shoot him one more time" while on my screen that guy's bullet flew past me.

    Also, this sort of thing happens to skeletons and sharks from time to time. I don't think the shark is hacking when it takes 5 hitmarkers from the eye of reach to kill it.

  • @natsu-v2 I never really have much issues with this that I noticed though, besides that one obvious encounter.
    Is it wrong to think "Hmmm... Maybe he's hacking?" when something like this happens, while this never happens or should happen?
    Don't compare me to half the playerbase because of that please, I'm not one of those people that cry hacker the moment I die... And I didn't even die in that encounter, he did though. =þ

    The reason I ask how does he know this isen't a hacker is because that dude should have died about 3 times within that 1 minute, people watching this would think hacker first and foremost.
    I'm just curious as to how he knows it's ping, so I can recognize that myself as well.

    Also, where do you live if you have this problem so often?
    I noticed people from lets say New Zealand and Australia having major issues when in my crew, as I'm from west Europe and it just doesn't seem to connect smoothly...

    Edit: I now actually do recall 1 more dude that seemed to get hitmarkers but didn't get stunned by my sword, so I guess it happened to me twice. (That I know about)

  • @mindarchitect I live in Texas. I've had encounters back in the pioneer sessions where I found friends on other crews in my same server, and this discrepancy between ghost hitmarkers still existed for them (or me), and we obviously know none of us are hacking.

    And like I said, almost half the playerbase receives hitmarkers that aren't actually registered, at least in my experience. It's not the players themselves, just about 1/3 to 1/2 the time I shoot a player, it won't register. My internet connection is wired, 12 up 200+ down. It actually boggles my mind that this isn't the norm for you. Literally everyone I have ever played with is constantly complaining about this issue going on in every gunfight.

  • @natsu-v2 Aye, so that's what you meant with half the playerbase is like this, thought you meant half the playerbase cries hacker the moment they die.
    My bad. ;)

    But that's a lot, I never knew this was such a big problem as I never witnessed it that much...
    I don't know why I don't have it that much, mostly when I shoot a guy twice with my pistol he's done for, unless he ate a banana.
    I'll keep my eyes open to see if it happens more often.
    I actually think I've seen it plenty times already, hearing this and now I'm thinking about it a bit more... But probably just thought pc people could munch banana's a lot faster then us xbox people... (Which I put down in the crossplay discussion, I should take that out...)

  • @natsu-v2 said in Servers Ping Tickrate and Ghost hit registration as to be look at ASAP in this game the stability is sometime very off ...:

    @mindarchitect Dude, it's not hacking. About half the playerbase is like this, where you shoot them, get a hitmarker, but it clearly did not damage them. I don't rely on guns at all anymore because in all my playtime it's fairly obvious that there's a good 1/3 chance you will get a ghost hitmarker in every encounter. Even the sword sometimes has this problem.

    Also, I have on numerous occasions heard people say in game-chat things like "I hit him, just shoot him one more time" while on my screen that guy's bullet flew past me.

    Also, this sort of thing happens to skeletons and sharks from time to time. I don't think the shark is hacking when it takes 5 hitmarkers from the eye of reach to kill it.

    actually it as happened to me more frequently on particular individuals but like i said , i dont know the true cause it can be servers side hit registration that is broken , it could also be exploited by some on purpose laggy players ... their confidence of not getting hit is sometime suspicious , thats said ... it also happen on very bad player that i have kill like 10 times and then they become god mode

    None the less this as to be fix in a game where the sword is utterely exploited and broken wich dosnt have any amo limits ... and guns that have so many hit not registering with a 5 amo capacity is unaceptable and need a solution ASAP

  • @mindarchitect said in Servers Ping Tickrate and Ghost hit registration as to be look at ASAP in this game the stability is sometime very off ...:

    @natsu-v2 Aye, so that's what you meant with half the playerbase is like this, thought you meant half the playerbase cries hacker the moment they die.
    My bad. ;)

    But that's a lot, I never knew this was such a big problem as I never witnessed it that much...
    I don't know why I don't have it that much, mostly when I shoot a guy twice with my pistol he's done for, unless he ate a banana.
    I'll keep my eyes open to see if it happens more often.
    I actually think I've seen it plenty times already, hearing this and now I'm thinking about it a bit more... But probably just thought pc people could munch banana's a lot faster then us xbox people... (Which I put down in the crossplay discussion, I should take that out...)

    when someone ate bananas you see them and they are not firering back at you mocking you while you hit them so hard ... it happen to me countless time and i could post countless videos of multiples hit that should have been kill wich were not ... there is no fall off damage in this game its plain and simple unless you eat a banana non stop you cannot be hit twice in a row by a pistol and not die , its 2 shot and you die and when the other player eat bananas you see them doing so and they are not firering and reloading in your face ...

    it as nothing to do with the silly PC vs xbox non sens ... PC as little to no advantage in a game like this compare to controlers xbox the FPS advantage is negate by the atrocious Ping wich is at its lowest 60 ms and on average 80 to 100 for most players ... the frame advantage only truely work on lower ping and " client side hit reg game " wich i doubt very much this game is ... well there is one thing for sure ... i have not the worst ping in this game neither a bad system so the silly excuses wont be found ...

    There is clearly a problem with hit reg ... my friend disconect play on XboneX and he as the same issue as i do on the same guys when we encounter such issue , we encounter the same guys in " god mode " for a while until we end up 1 shot the guy later on and both of us are on diferent platform so yeah ...

    This guy in the video you see Disconect as snipe him 1 time with sucessfull hit and i got 6 hit on him 5 pistol and 1 blunderbuss ... so yeah nothing to do with crossplay

  • @mindarchitect said in Servers Ping Tickrate and Ghost hit registration as to be look at ASAP in this game the stability is sometime very off ...:

    @natsu-v2 I never really have much issues with this that I noticed though, besides that one obvious encounter.
    Is it wrong to think "Hmmm... Maybe he's hacking?" when something like this happens, while this never happens or should happen?
    Don't compare me to half the playerbase because of that please, I'm not one of those people that cry hacker the moment I die... And I didn't even die in that encounter, he did though. =þ

    The reason I ask how does he know this isen't a hacker is because that dude should have died about 3 times within that 1 minute, people watching this would think hacker first and foremost.
    I'm just curious as to how he knows it's ping, so I can recognize that myself as well.

    Also, where do you live if you have this problem so often?
    I noticed people from lets say New Zealand and Australia having major issues when in my crew, as I'm from west Europe and it just doesn't seem to connect smoothly...

    Edit: I now actually do recall 1 more dude that seemed to get hitmarkers but didn't get stunned by my sword, so I guess it happened to me twice. (That I know about)

    i record almost all my sessions i have over 600gb of sea of thieves videos lol RAW thats said i know my ping because iam on PC and there is a option in the menu that show FPS and Ping to the servers this is how i know if you look at my video in the top left corner you will see it

  • @mindarchitect said in Servers Ping Tickrate and Ghost hit registration as to be look at ASAP in this game the stability is sometime very off ...:

    @stew360 I've had something very similar like this happen, I figured he was a hacker...
    It took him 3 pistol hits and 9 swordhits to die, and all of them in quick succession, all while he didn't even cronch down 1 banana...
    Same guy we saw again later as my teammate got onto his deck with a gunpowder barrel, he was standing away further from it then the guy he tried to blow up.
    My teammate dies while that dude was still alive...
    Might still have been a hacker, but seeying this... I'm doubting...
    How are you sure he is not using something like hacks though?

    i kill that guy multiples time with 1 shot or 2 shot kills multiples time prior to that incident ... so i doubt he would have decided to " Engage " his hack for a split few seconds and then desactivate it so i can kill him and steal his fort loot at few metres away from an outpost where we finally sunk them after chasing them for a while ?

  • @stew360 You already awnsered me with your 2nd to last post. =þ

  • As far as I understand Wireshark this games sends variable amounts of data to and from server.
    Max tickrates I saw across three different measure points were around 30ish updates per second to and from server.
    This should be enough for the gameplay we have in sea of thieves.

    IMHO huge problem with SOT is that you can be sent to US/EU datacenters even if you don't live near those datacenters.
    We could also use a list of used Azure datacenters and indication where we are connected when joining a server.

    RARE, What is the server tickrate and how does it work under the hood?

  • @veikkose here

  • @stew360 What is your point?

11 out of 16