Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.6

  • @mrgrim67686
    You said in another thread you were waiting for them to return the money for the game.....

  • @nwo-azcrack Never was approved. So here we are.

  • @riz said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.6:

    Horrible screen tear on Xbox after this patch. Anyone else?

    Haven't noticed any whilst playing on the X - however, I've only played for about a half hour since the patch...

  • Please remove the brig from the sloop and open up more hiding spots for loot. This would also "fix" the rear left invulnerability of the sloop as no damage below deck or next to brig can be detected. Also fix the glitch where loot can be dropped overboard through the window or stuck against the wall behind the voting table of the Sloop.

  • I like how they “added” the Imperial Sovregn weapon set even though they’re the exact same Sovreign weapons we had before with a new name. Also good job on making yet another palette swap with the imperial sovreign pants instead of making something actually new.

  • @straifarer pallet swaps are fine, they work with mismatching sets and allows for better customization of your character look, this wasn't a huge content patch, this was a small patch to add the rest of the stuff that were missing from launch, as a few weeks ago we finally got the legend ship cosmetics we desperately needed, now only one item remains: the black hull and sails.

  • First wave of new stuff :3 yayyy

  • as always @khaleesibot thanks for the patch notes!


  • I can't find the imperial sovereign ship costimizations and the weapons, are they been forgotten and added later or maybe a bug which not allow them to be displayed on the shops?

    I've checked in both Plunder and Ancient spire and they aren't there, only the outfits.

    Also I've noticed a lower detail texture loading of the ship particulars (like the hull decorations) and the chest texture (and other things, like outfits details, objetcts, etc), they remain "foggy" even if you are very near to them

  • Great update but here are a few bugs i've encountered yesterday:

    • Players run around butt naked (no cosmetics whatsoever)
    • Game freezes while trying to render islands (could be server based / server switch helped)
    • I was able to do the sleeping-emote in the water without dying (was pretty funny though)
    • The anchor continuously makes noise (stopped after a couple of minutes)
    • Instruments / Shanties can't be heard by other players
    • Sharks seemed to be on steroids. Did you buff them?

    nighty night

  • There is no Imperial Sovereign ship all around the map and multiple players have the same problem. Did u forget to add it? It´s written down in the patchnotes.

  • @hntr-green said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.6:

    @reluctantdragon Your post was saying that you were going to trade the game in because there was only cosmetics, no content, with this patch. That's whining, in fact its quite childish in HOW you whined about it. It's the equivalent to saying you're going to take your ball and go home because the others aren't playing things the way you want to. As I pointed out, the content is coming this month. Your comment about there being no content on the first patch (on the first day, like I pointed out earlier) of the month in which we have been promised content is whining: Pure and Simple.

    Once again, I won't be sad to see people like you gone.

    Close your eyes, breathe slowly and count to ten and repeat " I'm ok, everything will get better"

  • @aarghmaargho To go private or with select crew on xbox. We login to xbox, start game get to point of selecting the boat and then use Normal Xbox Home button and invite friends in that precludes getting a random asigned. At least it does if we are a full crew (2) so far we haven't tried a 3 on a galleon.

    If you are PC based then I don't know if there is similar.

  • @stratcat51
    That is inviting friends before you start, we can do that as well on PC.
    But that still is not a private crew, as soon as somebody leaves or disconnects the game will search for players to fill your crew again.

    I know it is possible to invite people, do it everytime i play. But there still is no option to create a private crew, where only people that get invited can join.

  • @stratcat51

    You have to work in microsoft support team, to give some useful responses like -

    "Have you tried to power up your pc?" ;)

  • @khaleesibot Thank you for the good work!

    Keep them weekly updates coming!
    Really apreciated as a consumer! :)

  • @khaleesibot «Sneaky Climbing - The bell on the small ship has been moved to the other side of the ladder, to avoid accidental ringing. We're redecorating! With the Ammo Crate and Bell moved, what are we moving next?»

    The bell on the crows-nest. That one also gets in the way when trying to climb down.

  • Ty for the skins and bug fixes.

    Shame about the server migration fix for low population quite enjoyed that when I just wanted to enjoy quiet sailing or when tired and just wanting to explore or solo mission.

    Agree with some of the guys above the skeleton blunderbust and flint lock accuracy or quantity that spawn at one time should be reviewed. Its good fun when its a quiet server but not when you have to fight them every few seconds their aim is sending you to the ferry and ships are all over. A review should be necessary.

    A suggestion for ships may be a locker based on player count. 1 item per player for treasure that does not get lost in battle so if you find a cap, grog, sorrows, etc chest you can safely store even if you lose all other loot. Its not grwat to loose everything but at least you have that one item and the brig on the sloop is useless why not convert it.

    Thanks again guys for the awesome hours of fun. Looking forward to the new month and feeling less sick so I can play and chat.

  • Currently the Imperial Sovereign weapons and Imperial Sovereign ship customastion items arn't showing in the weaponsmith and shipwright vendors. Checked the patch notes and they said these items were added. Am I the only one missing them?

  • @slash-kaimei if you would've done your research/read the comments of other players, you would've known many people are missing

  • Beautiful patch notes overall, but I find the nerve of the skeletons cannons useless. It was good that way, it forced the crews to be coordinated a minimum.

    For cosmetics available in some outposts, it's fine, but we should still see the whole catalog although we are stuck with the purchase! More simple to compare.

    Thank you for warning that new cosmetics will land, I was able to save for these things.

  • Nice Work! Keep it coming!

    I love the fact you guys are listening to the player base and making changes based on feedback.

  • Hi Dear developers, it seems that you do not learn, do you? they cry out for players to leave the game, do not they? No offense but what they are doing so far is to pull back with the game, instead of advancing .... but nothing happens we are a few weeks away from the launch of state of decay. And it is not long before they lose most players ☺
    with a lot of love from a player about to be a legend based on raids and who knows some glich and bugs that I doubt they will correct, greetings

  • @aarghmaargho Ok. It was a suggestion thats all as you hadn't made clear it was for when people dropped out. If you had I missed it.

  • @symbioto .... for pc thats a s*d response to generalised fault issues unless MS G*****o (as named by Bill Bryson) for windows update does it on its own.... but thats something else :)

  • @stratcat51 said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.6:

    @aarghmaargho Ok. It was a suggestion thats all as you hadn't made clear it was for when people dropped out. If you had I missed it.

    Aah no problem, I wouldn't have read of it either if just joined this post.

    My post was directed at another person who claimed that there was already such thing in game to create a private crew where only friends can join on invite.

  • @khaleesibot we need variety in customization and am looking forward to the hungering deep in 2 weeks (my guess)

  • @snazzbox

    Never mind! I did a hard restart on my Xbox and that cleared it up 😁

  • Hey Rare! Just wanted to say “thanks” and tell you how impressed I am at how rapidly you’re getting these updates out. Much faster than other developers. Keep up the great work!

  • I've downloaded and installed the patch 1.0.6 on PC and I cannot play the game anymore.

    Everytime I start the application it takes a long time to load the intro animation. When it finally shows and I skip it get stuck on the next screen, which has my character on left and doesn't show any menu on right. No matter how many times I load the game again I still cannot play after this update.

    Anyone has experienced the same problem?

  • I am unable to find the Imperial Sovereign ship cosmetics even on the islands they are supposed to be on. Did I miss them?

  • @disthene: You can see all skins in the SoT Wiki once the new ones are added completely (hulls are already visible).

  • The bottom bell on the sloop now doesn't ring the same as the top bell on our two PC's. The sound is often much quieter than the top bell and the sound rapidly pops in and out during even a single ring.

    I think I noticed other audio issues with this patch but I wasn't able to recreate them to pin it down. The bell was glitchy the entire time though.

  • after this patch I can't buy anithing ...

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