Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.2

  • @x1-two

    @x1-two said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.2:

    @zeo said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.2:

    It just dawned on me...

    How much SKILL is going to be needed to take a fort, now.

    Woot. Lit. 1337.


    Ahem ... no? If you camp out a crew that is doing the fort for you and kill their ship at the right time, they will spawn so far away that they can't get revenge. And the camper will succeed. This only helps against those griefers that just send ship after ship towards you, not the campers.

    All you have to do to not get camped is have one person stay on lookout. If the enemy ship can see you, you can also see it. I've successfully fought off plenty of people attempting to catch me off guard just because I saw them early. If you're getting caught by a "camper" what's actually happening is you're not paying enough attention to your surroundings.

  • @mistoes said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.2:

    get to the bottom of this Rare where is the f*****g content or road map ?

    And my punctuation Rare where are all of these things I want them where are they?

  • @gods-el-kimac said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.2:

    @baldmunkee but hey you will soon come to realize how boring this game is yourself some day soon probably(There is way more negative stuff beeing said about SoT then there is positive).

    I am trying to understand what is supposed to happen to cause me to suddenly "realize how boring the game is" myself. Am I waiting for some crucial experience you have had that I have not? Some arbitrary amount of game time at which point I, like you, will realize the game is boring? Do I need to read enough reviews or bathe myself in a certain number of other peoples' negative opinions that will help convince me that an experience I am enjoying is bad?

  • @lezbehonest1987 yea...dying works sometimes too. Still...its a bit anoyying..

  • I know im gonna get down voted on this but here goes.

    The spawn distance issue was never really a problem before but i feel like there is one now, sure it could be anoying having to fight off the same ship a few times but if you were good enough that was not an issue.

    The complications with the change is that you now have virtualy no chans of winning your loot back, and as a "mainly" sloop team player taking forts is almost impossible, even if you are insainly good with your aim and manuvering just the sheer logistic problem with a sloop vs a galleon is not going to work, especially since there's rarely any times that you only have to fend of 1 ship at a fort, I.E if you manage to sink one of them and another one swings by and sinks you they will most likely be done with the fort by the time you get back there.

    Earlier we managed to take fort after fort by just out playing the enemyteam even if they managed to sink our ship once or twice, we were at them to the point that they gave up due to sheer percistans from us, but now that is not possible. Sure i get that people complain about griefing and such but still. IT really makes everything even more in favor of a galleon than a sloop. Either you have to buff the sloop or make it 3 man to even the odds.

  • And still NO FIX for AMD video card crash.... and imagine that all xboxs got amd on them....

  • @duke-filbert I did checked my chests many times. Opened a ticket with support 3 times 2 times said it was solved with no fix. I don't know who to turn to or what to do I keep askin the devs. For their help in getting my items but it's all a 1 sided convo.

  • Something I have found with this latest update is that now that no mermaid spawns if you are holding treasure people can camp outposts without anyone being able to tell they are there. If you hop off of your ship with a chest and sit in the water, scuttle your ship and wait long enough someone will come by without any warning of you being there. I understand the idea of being cautious but now there is no warning what so ever that you are about to be jumped and have your loot stolen. Galleys are now spawning in and dropping players off on 3-4 outposts with a treasure in their hands and just waiting for some poor soul to try to turn their loot in.

  • Great work you guys!
    Loyal fan here! Keep it comin'!
    Bug fixes and game-play altercations for fairness are just as important as more "visible" content you guys.

    I would way rather see the game I loved improved on the experience itself more-so than to see a bunch more skins and pets.

    Don't get me wrong! Bring on that bling-content! I'm psyched to see more skins, pets, even ship models!

    But game-play comes number one and that's all about bugs and balance. ;)

    THANK YOU!!!!

  • @samohickey Correction: Love* not loved

  • Ship respawn distance... my thoughts are good and bad.. but mostly BAD.

    I know I'll get hate for it but first off the bad :- you can't contest a Fort effectively now. Many will be praising this fact but my personal opinion is "it's a joke!" My reason is that ALL activities outside a Fort give Meagher loot to gain rep or gold so a Fort is your go to..... and is also everyone else's! Yes they're made that way but it's not just a game about "you" it's a game to "work with others" but unfortunately everyone has the excuse of "we are pirate's" for some extremely nasty gameplay... you see people attacking so you pull up on the opposite shore get off and head to kill skellys so the fort can be done, shows you aren't trying to kill other players and your hopes are "I can get a share of the loot for helping" but this isn't what Forts are like..

    Instead opposing ship shoots at yours or moves to do so, pirates on land shoot you first skellys second, use gunpowder to b******u up and continue to sink your ship, then if on pc you get "This is our Fort" on chat, you try to talk and offer help only to receive" F you it's ours" which now becomes a fight for the full share so I and my crew continue to return to get the upper hand and win the loot.... can't do that now because of respawn distances, so therefore BAD. Plus even if you do pair up 95% of the time your temporary friends kill you and take it all anyway and excuse is "you can't trust a pirate". Extremely salty sea water on this ship and that's mostly because of your commendation system... hand in 10 Stronghold chests and skulls...

    Reason for it being Good is now you respawn further from griefers making you harder to find and gives more distance to get quests done =)

    All in all the update wasn't bad except this one... soooo many more problems that needed attention than ship respawns, like more quest content and quest loot amount increases, players abusing the brig and griefing, and invitation only crews... but you guys at Rare went with this based off your PvP fans.... Love the game, hate this change and if it keeps going this way and pandering to emphasise more PvP than player co operation (which creates more opportunities for griefing) then I'm sad to say it but your direction will make another masterpiece into a disasterpiece like "Destiny" when their focus became PvP it lost nearly all it's fans.... don't believe me then look me up on xbox live Destiny I had over 1200 hours and Destiny 2... I stopped playing before it's first content release and never going back to it... just some food for thought..

  • @diamondvp My game has been unplayable since the patch. Screen tearing is off the charts and my game goes down to .0025 FPS and that is not an exaggeration. The new patch has had a negative effect on gameplay.

  • Great work rare! Keep it up and don't let the naysayers get ya down! I trust you have big dreams for SoT like I do, thanks for fixing the important stuff first!

  • After this update my game has been having weird glitches with clouds and sky being super dark and the islands being the same color as the clouds, having them all be siloutte-like. I've tried reinstalling and worked the first time I launched the game afterwards. It then only worked a coup of times off and on. I have tried many things and it is still completely random whether it works or not.

  • Me and my crew had stopped playing until respawn distance was addressed. Not out of anger or rage, but just because combat had lost all gravity. I started back up in anticipation of the patch and look forward to actually taking some pirate forts now.

    As a 44 year old working dude, me and the crew had the skill to easily clear out the ships around a fort, but lacked the sheer will and endurance of younger gamers to smash our ships into each other for hours and hours.

    Huge fix. Huge. Thank you so much for addressing the most glaring need in the game first.

  • @cpt-mega-demo mine is exactly the same on my laptop, it did not happen before the most recent patch, the ships also appear as bright blue silhouettes which just looks really odd

  • on 1.0.3. please add more cosmetic skeletons we need it

  • @bloodfrenzy187 said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.2:

    What about bounty quests not spawning skeletons? Also why am I still getting a ton of castaway chests doing lvl 35 gold hoarders quests?

    If I had to make a potentially cynical viewpoint on that, I’d wager it’s to keep the existing economy balanced due to the lack of items currently available to purchase in-game. Can’t very well have you owning every existing item in the game already.

    Odds are pretty good that the individual drops are all procedural with increased thesholds for the higher tier chests.

  • @misswheat07 any fixes yet? I have tried messing with all the settings, I'm on pc. And I would like to add that every time it happens, the loading screen tears

  • tarda mucho en carga el juego cuando vas navegar pantalla de carga se rompe

    eso que in portante para que tarde 2 minutos entra cada partidas no es normal y eso que tengo un buen ordenador gamer

  • nice that all my gold is gone since the update. 30k just blown away yay. best patch in history

  • Seems to me the sloop should be faster than the galleon at all times. They have 4 times as many guns and cannonballs. Twice as many players.

    Give the sloop a 3rd person will at least give a good sloop a chance against a good galleon. Good sloop vs decent galleon is a win for the sloop, for me anyway. But if the galleon is also good, your only guaranteed chance is to run up wind.

  • Looking for a balance to the quests next. Like scaling loot or exp for completing higher level quests.

  • @yiagoulas said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.2:

    And still NO FIX for AMD video card crash.... and imagine that all xboxs got amd on them....

    Except Xboxes don't have any issues with video. Seems AMD needs to do some updating. AMD is economy line so that's not really likely. Trust me, I was unhappy to read Xbox went this way.

  • @jackthehammock said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.2:

    @dredpiratedski Maybe the games have been spoilt by DLC's and the kids have woken up to it?

    That's also a valid point; DLCs seem to have made for lazier developers now. Though, the blame isn't entirely theirs; a HUGE part of the problem is the publishers, who essentially hold the developers hostage because THEY are the ones that obtain all of the profits for the developers by putting the games out there for us; the publishers are often so greedy that they essentially blackmail the developers into putting out unfinished products so that they can start making money off of them, and if the developers refuse because they have standards, then the publishers often give them an ultimatum or abandon them altogether, putting them in a tight spot.

    The love of money is truly the root of all evil.

  • I've had times when i still can see peoples respawn and it doesen't stop people from coming back over and over. just had a galleon be back in less then 5 min. they are quite fast with full wind u know..

    Spawn distance fix doesen't fix shiet.

  • Really enjoying the game so far, have been following since it was announced and having great fun with it! Things are still a little bit buggy, like skeletons not spawning on Mystic voyages in places like Plunder Valley, which is just one example of the many bugs. But glitches can be fixed, hope Rare can take the time soon to put peoples minds at rest regarding future content releases.

  • after 2 patchs always many bug and not character edit !!

    Look this screen i strat the game .. and look my SHIP !!!!!!!! LOL

    Yes he will not touch the dock anymore. LOL

    text alternatif

  • I can't believe it. Despite this update shall be about 450 MB in size on all platforms, it's again(!) 10 GB on my XBox One. Hell, this is no big content update, so why should I download the whole game a third time? It was already really annoying and demotivating having a 10 GB update when I wanted to play in the evening after work two weeks ago. Then I read yesterday about the new update which should be much smaller. So I wanted to play the game with my friends this evening and yet again, I can't play the game due to the download size of a bit more than 10 GB.
    Why is that?

  • @professare is this in the US only as I am in the UK and I haven't been notified about an update? 🤔

  • @dredpiratedski I couldn't agree more though, Bethesda seems to work backwards... self developed = Skyrim (still has major quest breaking bugs after multiple releases and 0 fixes on console), FallOut 4 (Major quest breaking bugs and again 0 fixes on console) Note: I don't count MODS as they are community made fixes.

    3rd party developed but, published by Bethesda.. = Prey (2016)? (minor issues, patched by Arcane), Dishonored 1, 2 and DotO... (minor issues, patched by Arcane), Doom (2016) (practically perfect, patched by id Software), etc.

    EA and Activision... I have feel that the less said the better

    Did you hear what the guy who recently left EA BioWare said about EA not being the reason behind BioWare's epic failures?

    BioWare games before EA = awesome sayuce!
    BioWare games after EA = slowly devolving mess of games that are broken or full of Micro-transactions (I personally disagree with anything over €£$1.00 being called a "Micro-transaction" especially as they can go up to the full retail price of 2 or 3 full games!)

    As for Sea of Thieves, I personally feel that Rare were aiming for an MORPG and the development was rushed:

    No Character Customisation (in terms of a personalised Pirate Name, Body Type, Gender, etc. Just a rotating rack of randomised avatars... is this the 90's?)

    No Server Selection: PvP, PvE or RP servers would be nice

    No Quest Progression Tied to Character: In most online games, including Destiny, Quest progression is tied to your account/avatar however, when you are playing solo and you need the bathroom you return to a disconnect screen and all voyage progression is lost.

    SoT is undercooked which is why I am glad that I using Gamepass lol

  • @x1-two If you get killed by a camper, then you deserve it. Should take care of them before the fort. If they're "hiding" at a close-by island, then go take them out. It's a simple concept really.

  • @d382h They never even hinted at wanting this to be an MMORPG... PvE only servers wouldn't be fair to the concept of the game.. There would literally be ZERO challenge to get to pirate legend. You could do forts without contention and that DEFEATS THE WHOLE PURPOSE OF THIS GAME. If you don't like it, play something else. Stop trying to get them to turn this game into something it isn't.

  • @longbongsparrow I am glad you have found the game so easy and find it unchallenging to your skills as a pro L337 gamer, most of us aren't you.

    The addition of a PvE server alongside a PvP one would allow the the freedom of choice.

    Personally, I think that anyone who thinks it's remotely fair to own every small crew out there or argue that "I am so awesome, I have teammates and can tank Galleons" well hooray for you and the other L337 gamers but, if you're so great then surely you would enjoy a more challenging environment where there is more competition and maybe rewards for how well you do?

    Your only valid argument here is that you, 1 player, doesn't want the game to change because, again, you are enjoying the game as is.

    I am enjoying the game as is however, I have to routinely log out and in again to land on a less populated server to ensure that I can get a single voyage done.

    We both have our viewpoints but, adding a PvE server won't spoil your fun, it will just remove all the complaints you keep reading.

    Microsoft is a business and as a business, surprisingly, they want to make money and if they want to make a return on SoT, they are probably going to add a PvE server option so more people are inviting their friends and more copies or Gamepass subscriptions are sold.

  • @d382h sagte in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.2:

    @professare is this in the US only as I am in the UK and I haven't been notified about an update? 🤔

    I don't know about the US version but it happened to the German one. My friends who both play on PC toldm e the same, though. They didn't get notified about an update. I assume they got it in background.

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