Release Notes Discussion - 1.0.1

  • Nice update, but you guys need to serious think about adding new content to hold us in upgrade ships, guns much potential

    i dnt mind microtransactions with more content

  • How can I tell that I have it updated on Xbox one? I thought it was around a 10gb download? My Xbox shows that my SOT is like 9ishGB.

  • @magbastrd81s said in Release Notes Discussion - 1.0.1:

    How can I tell that I have it updated on Xbox one? I thought it was around a 10gb download? My Xbox shows that my SOT is like 9ishGB.

    Xbox One was 9 gig
    Xbox One X was 9.9 gig

  • Anyone got trouble with download game/update ? i have some error while download and i have to re-clic on it to continue ....

  • @nis4232 said in Release Notes Discussion - 1.0.1:

    The whole game needing to be reinstalled for an update is a problem with the Unreal Engine that the game runs on, not anything SoT does. This is true for games like PUBG, Fortnite, aHiT, and of course SoT.

    Things missing in this update that need some sort of attention:

    • Ships respawning too close to where they were sank. If you make this a PvP only scenario, make it so it cannot be abused (scuttling before getting sunk, terrain getting the "kill" despite a PVP encounter happening, etc)
    • Sinking an enemy ship needs to drop their supplies as barrels or something if the above bullet cannot be done. It takes planks, bananas, and cannonballs to defeat someone. It can be done before they use theirs and they'll simply keep coming back until i'm all out of them. If i can use their unused supplies then i don't get punished for winning 4 times in a row.
    • Private crews. Need the ability to create a crew that people cannot be matchmade into. Imagine needing to restart the game every time another one of your friends comes online/goes offline..

    I can attest to all these points. It is so fustrating fighing off other crews at a fort, just to have them come back with more supplies while mine diminish. All the while trying to get a 4th friend in, only to realise we made a "Small Galleon Crew" lobby.

  • Hey there Rare, thank you for all your hard work on the game! I can tell you all put a lot of love into this game, and my friends and I really have a blast on it. It's a treasure (pun intended).
    All I would like to really ask is for a better character creation system. I have OCD, and I spent at LEAST 20 hours over the course of 4 days just struggling with the character randomizer. I acknowledge that the goal with the current system was to give the player an incredibly unique, distinct pirate, but being unable to really pick what I want was incredibly time consuming and difficult, and I know that others have had the same exact problem.
    It would be awesome if there was some sort of "face sculptor" or someone you could pay 50k or some amount of gold to change your appearance without having to start a new character.
    Sorry for the spam, I just wanted to suggest it!
    Have a nice day, and thank you

  • @creo-the-pirate The pc version seems to be auto update with no way to change it. You don't need to reinstall.

  • @sir-klem I have always wanted private crews mostly because when I am waiting for someone to come online I would rather get started than wait in the lobby. Plus when someone crashes or has to restart the game because of a bug or infinite respawn we have to hope they can get back in before they're replaced. I have also always wanted ships to leave at least a bit of their supplies behind. maybe even just have the barrels on the ship still interact-able for longer while they sink.

  • @magbastrd81s You could tell by whether or not the game will let you play?

  • So far me and my group have enjoy the game at its current state still exploring and waiting to battle the kraken. Things that I would love to see in this game is bigger servers so we can run into more players and make new friends and foes. Also a world event where you get attack by a ghost ship and it’s crew where you try to get aboard and get plunder why trying to keep your ship from sinking. Also singing Sea shanties would be a welcome addition to the game.

  • @tekomine I agree with some of your points. The name tags being seen should atleast be visible only from short distance if they are under water.

    The skeleton gunners need serious fixing. it is annoying to be insta-killed because the gunners rarely miss and when they shoot they all shoot at the same time so you can't even heal between shots. It doesn't make the fights hard it just makes them annoying.

    I don't mind getting chests worth a small amount of gold but the experience they give needs to be better for higher levels. over level 25 the experience bar barely moves unless it's a tier 4 or raid variant.

    I don't agree with the attributes. Rare has always been clear that there will never be attributes and everything is cosmetic. It makes your battles more about your skill than what items you have. I do think there could be a halfway point in this though. for example maybe have different types of cannons, maybe only one type equipped at a time. for example long range cannons that maybe fire at slower rate than the standard ones. kind of like having a pistol or a sniper rifle. If there was a ramming upgrade it would be a ram horn which actually was put on ships. maybe it could cause less damage to the ramming ship but it's downside would be a slower maximum speed slower turn or something. But the ram is something I think isn't necessary. maybe people should just get better at shooting the cannons.

    There could also be more customisations but I think Rare already has plans for that. Naming this ship for example since the galleon does have a name plate. The flags on the mast are also always white regardless or customisations, in pre release they changed colour so I assume Rare will add that. Plus their is a large flag pole on the back of the galleon. I would also like to customise the wheel, cannons, anchor and possibly the interior. Though that last one wouldn't make much difference to the sloop.

    I would love to have guilds. Though I think in this game they would more be called fleets or flotillas.

  • The skeleton gunners need serious fixing. it is annoying to be insta-killed because the gunners rarely miss and when they shoot they all shoot at the same time so you can't even heal between shots. It doesn't make the fights hard it just makes them annoying.

    Pretty simple to fix them. Keep them as they are, but as you approach, there is a treshhold at which they will draw a sword and drop their gun. (Could also be used to refill ammo when not on the boat!)

  • Awesome job guys good to see things are getting worked on so early and quickly as well! arrrrr

  • I uninstalled Sea of Thieves on my PC, and now it wont reinstall...

    This is not Game pass version.

  • After the update I have even worse performance problems on the Xbox One X than before. Massive screen tearing everywhere, dropped frames making it look laggy, weird pop ins, and everything just looks off

  • Very very annoyed. I uninstalled Sea of Thieves and now I cant install it on Windows 10.

    Its downloaded completely, but refuses to install. Error Code: 0x80070005

  • Since this update I can't run the game due to "Sea of Thieves is currently not available in your account. Here’s the error code, in case you need it: 0x803F8001" I'm using the game pass, I heard that they may already know about this bug

  • I figured out how to fix Error Code: 0x80070005 on PC

    Sign out of the Windows Store and then sign back on.

  • Great work guys thanks for the update.

  • @khaleesibot is there anyone having issues with the achievements ? just had the first one at the start of the game and tried to sink the ship 4 times and still no titanic achievement :(

  • @khaleesibot Myself and a few other Xbox Pass users seem to be unable to reinstall the game after having uninstalled it for various reasons. Is this something that we can expect to see quickly addressed?

  • @la-optimuz I think the achievements are still turned off. They are under the known issue section not the fixed section.

  • I'm also getting the can't install error message after downloading. Signing out of MS store and re-signing in did not solve it.

  • Death penalty should be a thing. Dying and waiting for 30sec is not enough. When you die it should bring you back to outpost at least.

  • @classyarr Yes more content. If you guys went with cosmetics progress then at least give us a pirate hub or something. A neutral ground where all pirate gather and socialize. This will also let you brag that new shiny toys you have acquired. :)

  • I Love that you all are trying your best to fix the game, but so that people don't fall away to fast can you add small updates that add more BUYABLE weapons that do more damage to Skeletons, but the same normal damage to players, like the flint lock does so much to a player, but if it had a order of the souls upgrade that added the damage increase towards Skeletons but doesn't hinder pvp. or even add NPC ships like merchant ships that have 4 or so npc's that are built randomly from the pirate creation caring valuable crates, or even npc Skeleton ships that hunt pirates with lots of chests on board, and also add like a reward for killing the Kraken so its not just a obstacle but actually worth fighting. there's SOOO much you guys can add to this game and i want all of you to keep working on this and not give up the game is a perfect foundation now time to build apon it. =)

  • So I say great they are fixing some stuff... maintenance finished ... lets play .. Computer says "No" version mismatch. Ok well guess I had better go find out how to update a Windows store app ... should be simple ... Wait ...What ... Store shows 2 versions downloading, looks like its updating the currently installed game and the other one looks like a "New Install" .. Stupid me thinks ok go to bed let Microsoft/Rare do another 20GB download and sort itself out. Wake up this morning it did indeed update the installed game then apparently said to itself hey wouldn't it be MORE FUN if we deleted that and downloaded the game as if it was never installed back on C: instead of where it was on D: ..... F the customer they don't need bandwidth they have unlimited Fibre to the door internet like we do here at work where testing showed that it only took 10 minutes to update. WE HAVE THIER MONEY BEER TIME seems to be the motto.

    OK lesson learned, thank you Rare / Microsoft ... wont buy your games again at launch or from the Microsoft store.

    Where is the AAA in the current service?
    Where is the Customer Experience testing output
    Do Rare realise that bandwidth cost money ??

  • @khaleesibot I don't see a bug/glitch post so hopefully I can post this here. I've been getting a bug recently where I only spawn in with a sword and no gun. When I try to equip a gun it gets put in the sword slot and swaps out my sword. This means I end up having to choose between a sword OR a gun, not both. Just wondering if others have experienced this.

  • @classyarr Microtransactions only for Skins, but small updates for weapon upgrades in the coming weeks so its somthing to work towards besides just being a legend.

  • Looks like the game pass issue is fixed, I was able to launch the game as of this post.

  • So... I have had the weapon glitch maybe 2 times over the last week. Now, since the update, im 7 for 7 on logging in with the weapon glitch. Why does it seem the update made this problem worse? Am I the only one?

  • @wociscz said in Release Notes Discussion - 1.0.1:

    @lizalaroo Superb! It looks to me, the game after update skiped out from "game pass" subscription - on windows store there is only option to buy the game, not to play with game pass... So maybe some appid issues and previous version is not available and new version is not included in gamepass... I hope i will not have to redownload it again :-)
    Thanks for quick response.

    So i just woke up to see the problem was solved :) but unfortunately my hopes wasnt answered. Another error was 0x80070005. After some tweaking wsreseting, powershell license re-fetching relogining and b******g around I am able to see "Install" - but not update - i have already downloaded the 20GB update before and the windowsapp folder was 20GB big. So another 20GB try and if it works, im gona to update another 3 computers... We are having easter holidays in our country. I can't imagine what happens when it does not work. My kids maybe rip me off apart and i'll die with painfull death at least. Don't do kids, and if you do, don't buy them computers, and if you do, don't make them windows store/xbox live account and if you do, hide somewhere far away when there is some outage like this!

  • @ecgbauer your not the only one me and my friends have had the glitch still every game as well. So much for them fixing the problem

  • you guys should really look into adding the ability to make you ships private, I'm tired of having my friends lag out and then having a random person join just to be put in the brig, where they then sit there for hours(getting free loot), and making my friend who lagged out unable to rejoin. This is so frustrating along with the 10,000,000 problems this game has like flying ships when ships sink and the gun glitch where u spawn with no weapon that you guys said you patched but lied

  • The update does not remove the old version of the game ?

    C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.SeaofThieves_2.75.880.2_x64__censured\
    C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.SeaofThieves_2.74.9691.2_x64__censured\


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