Article #3 the pirate code

  • This is the most ignored article. This Article means that if a ship is anchored at an island or outpost of any kind then the ship is off limits to attack because all disputes should be settled on the waves. Those who attack or raid ships at an outpost or anchored at an island should be reported for abusing the pirate

    P.S. dont report people, really i was using this in as an extreme example

  • 47
  • @brudda-swakley

    that is the most absurd interpretation of that article i have ever seen.
    if you get sunk, you havent been paying attention to the horizon.

  • Sorry, I disagree. That's not the interpretation I took.

    I am of the opinion that this rule means players should not be "toxic" towards each other whether that be verbally hostile (in game or on the forums), or through some other medium (Xbox, YouTube, Twitch, Twitter, etc) and should instead settle all disputes with cannon fire and gun-powder.

  • @brudda-swakley said in Article #3 the pirate code:

    This is the most ignored article. This Article means that if a ship is anchored at an island or outpost of any kind then the ship is off limits to attack because all disputes should be settled on the waves. Those who attack or raid ships at an outpost or anchored at an island should be reported for abusing the pirate code.

    I absolutley agree.

  • @brudda-swakley article 3: None shall quarrel or overly dissent against another crew, but let every engagement be settled by sword, pistol and good seamanship.

    This is more for keeping disputes in game and not taking them to xbox messages etc. It literally says fight it out.

  • @tzeraph

    Article 3 "Disputes Are Settled upon the Waves"

  • @brudda-swakley I’m sorry, what?

  • This is although gonna turn out to be a contested thread from the PvP and the PvE community. This have happened in most games where they decide to mix the two. Some want unlimited freedom to attack others everywhere and anytime, some want freedom to roam the seas doing trade. The blend is problematic.

  • Totally agree!

    This happens too much. I don't really see the challenge in firing on an unmanned stationary target anyway. What's fun about shooting fish in a barell? Chasing a moving ship at sail is much more challenging and exciting.
    I'm a passive pirate and never fire first but many a pirate have been sorry that they did. Im always keen to make friends, have a quick chat and even help fellow pirates but Im finding it difficult to reassure others of this. Its a shame because meeting and making friends can be really rewarding in itself.

  • I think you are taking this a bit too literally.

    How I perceived the rule, is as such:
    Any and all fights should be between pirates doing battle. There should never be an instance where someone is personally attacked (verbal abuse) or abused outside of the game (social media, etc.) for any reason.
    If someone has broken the rules against you - go to the powers that be (Rare) and let them smite them.

    (Also, if I was being really pedantic, you could argue that the ship is always on the waves - due to it being a water sailing vessel - and therefore, it is fair game at any point within the game.)

    Now, do I agree that it is unbelievably frustrating for pirates to pilfer your goods / sink your ship while you're out exploring an island? 100%!! But that's also part of the game. You take risks.. otherwise everyone would just race to the nearest island, and anchor down at the first sight of trouble.

  • "Article 3Disputes Are Settled upon the Waves
    None shall quarrel or overly dissent against another crew, but let every engagement be settled by sword, pistol and good seamanship."

    No where does it say anything about attacking ships that are anchored or at port. So you asking for people to report those that attacked them on an island or port is just adding to the tons of reports the Rare team are already going through. And doing more harm than good.

  • Sorry, while I do think that the Pirate code should be honored and upheld even I (as a mainly PvE player) take this as "keep it in game and in character ... don't take it outside the game."

    I would say more are in danger over Article 6 "Respect New Pirates and their Voyage ahead." than over 3.....

  • Vague pirate codes lead to vague interpretations. If your out on the ocean or docked on land you shouldn't complain about being shot or bit. It's part of the game

  • @brudda-swakley If that was actually the case I am fairly certain Rare would have made players and ships impervious to damage when they are in those specific instances. The game and the game world is designated for open world pvp, and this article you're referencing is telling players to refrain from toxic behavior towards one another outside of the game and to settle disputes with the things available to you in the game. By all means though, you go ahead and report people for playing the game, and see how far it gets you.

  • @crusader-zorro They are more of guidelines :D

  • @brudda-swakley said in Article #3 the pirate code:

    This Article means that if a ship is anchored at an island or outpost of any kind then the ship is off limits to attack because all disputes should be settled on the waves.

    I am afraid not. I believe the article instead means that if people have a dispute don't needlessly yell at each other over a mic or keyboard, head out and battle each other. Ships docked at an outpost are fair game - Keep Your Eyes Peeled!

  • @brudda-swakley said in Article #3 the pirate code:

    This is the most ignored article. This Article means that if a ship is anchored at an island or outpost of any kind then the ship is off limits to attack because all disputes should be settled on the waves. Those who attack or raid ships at an outpost or anchored at an island should be reported for abusing the pirate code.

    huh? Is your ship dry docked then? No, because it is still in/on the water. On the waves.

    Arrr! There be no pirate police. Yarr harr!

    I get it. It sucks to have your ship sunk while you are on a island or at port. But there are no safe zones. Plot your course based on the info. Before you put into port or drop anchor at an island, scan your horizon for ships. If that one sailing toward you? Maybe you need to lose him before you make yourself vulnerable.

    A Sloop can out maneuver a Galleon. A Galleon can out run a Sloop. Two ships of the same type. Well hope you are the better sailor.

    Good luck and fair seas.

  • @klikhizz said in Article #3 the pirate code:

    Sorry, while I do think that the Pirate code should be honored and upheld even I (as a mainly PvE player) take this as "keep it in game and in character ... don't take it outside the game."

    I would say more are in danger over Article 6 "Respect New Pirates and their Voyage ahead." than over 3.....

    I would also say that it could be more broadly interpreted as "No Trash Talk ... Settle your disputes through skill not personal attacks (in game or out) and toxic behavior."

  • If this really was a serious and reportable offense, Rare would have just added safe zones around outposts. They are seriously against that, as they want any friendly interactions at outposts to not feel forced (like they would with a safe zone).

  • @tuxydoh Ah, but we be in the Sea of Thieves, not the Carribean.

  • @supersomething there is free will in this game thats why Rare made it possible to be attacked anywhere. i that they made the pirate code to be open to interpurtion for the community to set the standard for what they see it as. This is just how i feel it should be honored. Alsoi think they have a completely different set of rules for the fourm. Like a term and services page that relates to the fourm idk if you said anything abouy this i just read a bunch of peoples different comments

  • Interpretation can vary, but yours is a gigantic stretch.

  • @brudda-swakley said in Article #3 the pirate code:

    This is the most ignored article. This Article means that if a ship is anchored at an island or outpost of any kind then the ship is off limits to attack because all disputes should be settled on the waves. Those who attack or raid ships at an outpost or anchored at an island should be reported for abusing the pirate code.

    Thats actually not what it means. It means if we cant settle a dispute, that we fight to the death on the seas with our ships.

  • Absurd thinking of people in this game xD

  • @redshirt-r5 the free will in this game lets us as a community set the standard for how this codes are handle in actual game play. If the community as a whole respects the standard set by their fellow pirates this would allow for a better expirence for everyone. Also im good at the game so i have not problem fighting it out with who ever. Im just putting this out there because if more people thought likw this or like my idea then it make the see of thives more enjoy and challenging for everyone.

  • @xcalypt0x i can agree with this but i feel like their is a totally different set of actual terms and services that covers that. I feel the pirate code is for in game interpurtation on if i can find evidence of the terms and services that cover out of game behavior guildlines perhaps i can change your mind. I do agree with you how conduct should be done outside of thw game

  • HrHrHr...

    Even on a outpost there are waves. They are little and maybe you should look closer to see them but they are there.
    Is your ship on the water? Yes? Really, it is? Look again to be sure!

    If it is, so im free to do whatever a pirate is going to do.

    Hijack your ship, steal your cargo, steal more if there is, loot everything on your ship or in other words tear out my black, insidious soul!


  • Also thanks everyone for the feed back i also have a few posts in game tips and guides

  • @brudda-swakley said in Article #3 the pirate code:

    This is the most ignored article. This Article means that if a ship is anchored at an island or outpost of any kind then the ship is off limits to attack because all disputes should be settled on the waves. Those who attack or raid ships at an outpost or anchored at an island should be reported for abusing the pirate code.

    All of the "articles" are completely ignored what's your point?

  • So if someone attacks you and then jets off and anchors at the nearest island you can't touch them because of your interpretation of the code. That's not what it's saying. It saying keep it in game and don't bully outside of it. No finding their gamer tag and spamming them with insults. What happens in game is settled in game.

  • @shinbabo the game has free will i can not control anyones actions and never want to i have used some extreme terms such as report those abusing the Article but only to express the seriousness of how i feel about my intepurtaion of article 3. I also welcome an attack because i happen to be really great at this game.

  • While many historians argue about what led to the eventual death of pirate lifestyle and culture, in recent years growing evidence suggests that the decline correlates with the invention of Lawyers.

  • @brudda-swakley Obligatory

  • @brudda-swakley
    Me sinking your ship parked at an outpost is not a dispute it’s just me sinking your boat at an outpost. I have no issue with you I just want your booty and bananas. Now article 3 applies if you and I had an argument and we wanted to fight each other. Then we would have to take our differences to the sea.

  • @coyote4711 What is your take on the matter then or are you just an oak tree that throws shade and has no thoughts of its own? Clearly im an open minded person. Tell us all your personal interpertaion of Article #3. Maybe i will like yours better.😁

16 out of 47