Ship Naming

  • there is a super obvious empthy name plate on the ship, it would be a shame if we could not name or ship at some point, why even have the plate there then :)

  • @nivekbe said in Ship Naming:

    there is a super obvious empthy name plate on the ship, it would be a shame if we could not name or ship at some point, why even have the plate there then :)

    I could see them offering a big selection of random names sorta like the character creator.

  • @solemagician506 said in Ship Naming:

    @nivekbe said in Ship Naming:

    there is a super obvious empthy name plate on the ship, it would be a shame if we could not name or ship at some point, why even have the plate there then :)

    I could see them offering a big selection of random names sorta like the character creator.

    I would be okay with that, then again i would prefer if we could choose, and i dont see why not tbh; i mean people can see each others player names ingame, and that is something we could choose ourself, we can even change them (yes its via xbox and not the game, but still this means it can be pretty much anything)

  • @nivekbe yep, but why start at random? put in some time rare, and give us a list of 10000+ acceptable names to choose from. maybe make them unlockable (with in game gold) and limit the amount of times they can be used.

  • @dj-deadscope said in Ship Naming:

    As long as "HMS Boats N H**s" works.

    lol, awesome! but forget the hms part, his or her majesty can steal their own ship.

  • @squallycircle7 said in Ship Naming:

    @nivekbe yep, but why start at random? put in some time rare, and give us a list of 10000+ acceptable names to choose from. maybe make them unlockable (with in game gold) and limit the amount of times they can be used.

    Well, i'd even be happy to help chip in some names as I'm sure there a great many others who would like to do the same. Something simple like the monstrous ship naming contest, just 1 big thread and they can yay or nay on that for a week har har har!

  • @kashaarafall sticks and stones

  • Bumping this as i would like to see ship naming be a thing.
    The SS Jack-O-Lantern is coming for ya !

  • @capt-explodabob said in Ship Naming:

    This is actually supposed to be in the game. I'm not sure what happened to it.

    Yeah didn't Chapman say it would be a waste of space to have the name empty in one of those Reddit posts?

  • @kashaarafall said in Ship Naming:

    @enzym3 I think the reason they didn't do this is people find creative ways around filtering. You'd have obscene named ships offending people+the younger kids who play.

    Oooooh. All this time I've wanted to name my ship and somehow this never crossed my mind. d****t.

  • @solemagician506 said in Ship Naming:

    @nivekbe said in Ship Naming:

    there is a super obvious empthy name plate on the ship, it would be a shame if we could not name or ship at some point, why even have the plate there then :)

    I could see them offering a big selection of random names sorta like the character creator.

    YES. that fixes the obscene name problem anyway!

  • I would love to have some ship name from the pre-approved list of words on big bold letters on front hull. :)

  • @enzym3 Arrrrrrr!

  • People already have names and shout things unsuitable for young children, so why should they censor ship names? And if your child is to little to be able to see this anyways, then why is he or she playing and multiplayer game?

  • I just hope we can name all the ships and not just the galleon, which is the only one with the nameplate

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