[Mega Thread] - Death Cost

  • One or two gold pieces should be the most charged for death.

  • @maia said in [Mega Thread] - Death Cost:

    I don't see the death penalty mentioned on the update page anymore and they've moved this thread somewhere to die now so I think everyone's opinions were heard and heeded :)
    (correct me if I'm wrong of course)

    Nope, it's still on the Update page and the Megathread is still on top of the Community Megathreads forum. :(

  • Leaving this here for those who haven’t tried the Skull Fort. I posted a full post on page 1 of this thread...

    Current full ship skins, 210,000g minimum
    Skull Fort event gold reward = 15000g max
    Total Skull Fort events to get a set of Ship Skins is..

    210000/15000=14 Skull Fort events....if you never die and successfully get back all treasure each time.

    If you die only 10 times and the Death ferry charges 1000g per death...
    210000/(15000-10000)=42 Skull Fort events

    Anyone saving for Ship skins would never go back to Skull Fort if the death tax is too high.

  • I'm not sure I understand the benefits of this, PvE or otherwise.

    Dying in PvE is already kind of frustrating, because you don't have that many tools to fight against stronger skeletons, and it can sometimes feel quite unfair. If I have to make sure I don't die, I'll constantly be going back to my ship for ammo and bananas, and that's not going to be fun.

    And, what exactly defines a death from PvE? An explosive barrel can kill me in PvP or in PvE. Am I going to be charged in both scenarios?

    I've been looking around, and I can't seem to find the reason behind these changes. It honestly feels like it's happening because a vocal part of the community blindly demands it, and nobody thought it through...

  • "Rates are dependant on the cause of death, so the more avoidable the death, the less patience the Captain will have when we enable this feature!"

    To add to my prevous comment : The more avoidable the death, the more hilarious and fun it is! This will 100% go away if I see myself losing gold when it happens.

    I feel like the reason behind this change is to penalize the players more for doing stupid stuff. But that's half the fun of the game! Maybe there could be an alternative to paying the ferryman? For example, instead of paying him, I could repair the ferry of the damned, scrub the deck, or other silly things to "earn my life" back, without paying a cent? The penalty would then become a time-based one, for players who are not in a hurry and want to keep their gold.

  • @khaleesibot
    Why not force players to undertake tasks for the ferryman whilst dead.

    Things like pitching the sails, shooting lost souls with a cannon etc something fun but time wasting, the more avoidable the death the longer type of choir you would need to do.

    Sea of thieves is built around a fun, goofy style of gameplay. Adding a cost to death would take away from that style of gameplay in my opinion.

  • I have played the final game for an hour so far. I'm a newbie.

    I've been killed twice at the player outpost and lost my loot because other players stole it from me - at the outpost. It was always two against me alone.

    And now you say Death Cost ??

    Is that supposed to be a troll?

  • @khaleesibot more all @Rare-Employee

    Don't just go blindly forward with implementation of this feature. There is a lot of feedback good and bad to this announcement. Lets us know why you think a death cost is needed. Tells more about it what does this "more avoidable" even mean. Embrace some of the communities ideas as people have put forward some great ideas as an alternative to the death tax, would they work instead?

    Now, don't you go all quiet on us... Have a conversation with the community!

  • Now that Rare clarified, I don't care. A cost for PvE deaths is fine. I am opposed to charging for PvP deaths.

  • @courteous-crook said in [Mega Thread] - Death Cost:

    To add to my prevous comment : The more avoidable the death, the more hilarious and fun it is! This will 100% go away if I see myself losing gold when it happens.

    Not only that, but what about exploring underwater? What if a new player wants to see just how deep the ocean really goes? He dives and keeps going down, maybe he spots something interesting and he's checking it out, but he's never drowned before and he's spinning in circles on the ocean floor trying to see what's attacking him. He never thinks to swim up and inhale bananas because he is new...

    When he arrives on the ferry of the damned, perhaps for his very first death in the game, he is greeted with the loss of all of the gold he earned off his first and only successful voyage. Since the game never instructs him on the mechanics, he can only assume every death will set him back to zero. How will he ever afford that way-cool, 6000G, golden sword? Instead of walking through the door back to the land of the living, he shuts off his xbox and his drowned pirate is never again seen sailing the seven seas, captive forever to the ferryman of the new...

  • Not having it affect PvP doesn't change the fact that it stifles the fun you can have in SoT.

    My niece watches me play sometimes and I always like to climb to the top of Galleons Grave and jump to my death at least once every time. She finds it endlessly baffling, yet amusing.

    Kinda takes the joy outta it if I know I'm gonna have to pay a fee for my good time. Every skeleton fight would just be a boring loop of me kiting the group into the open and sniping from my boat. After all, why try something new when sticking with the safe, boring option means I won't lose money.

  • I would definitely love to hear the design decision behind this upcoming change. It doesn't make much sense at all, only thing I can see is it adds more weight to death. Really only newer players to the game will feel it especially in terms of PVE only.

    It somewhat effects skull forts, but I'd have to know the exact price to see to what extent. Like I mentioned before, it just makes taking things more serious and less fooling around.

    Won't be seeing my friends run into a crowd of skeletons holding an explosive barrel anymore ;)

  • @khaleesibot

    I have a couple questions which I don’t think i’ve seen answers to yet (apologies if I missed it, long thread)

    1. If you “never intended to charge players for PvP related deaths, as we understand the negative impact this would have on player experience.” what type of deaths do you plan on taxing? Exploration related deaths? Adventuring related deaths? Experimenting related deaths? Just having fun with friends related deaths?

    2. What are we trying to solve with this death tax? It’s difficult to understand if this is a good thing or not if we don’t know why it’s being implemented.

  • @dreadbeard-dave said in [Mega Thread] - Death Cost:

    @courteous-crook said in [Mega Thread] - Death Cost:

    To add to my prevous comment : The more avoidable the death, the more hilarious and fun it is! This will 100% go away if I see myself losing gold when it happens.

    Not only that, but what about exploring underwater? What if a new player wants to see just how deep the ocean really goes? He dives and keeps going down, maybe he spots something interesting and he's checking it out, but he's never drowned before and he's spinning in circles on the ocean floor trying to see what's attacking him. He never thinks to swim up and inhale bananas because he is new...

    When he arrives on the ferry of the damned, perhaps for his very first death in the game, he is greeted with the loss of all of the gold he earned off his first and only successful voyage. Since the game never instructs him on the mechanics, he can only assume every death will set him back to zero. How will he ever afford that way-cool, 6000G, golden sword? Instead of walking through the door back to the land of the living, he shuts off his xbox and his drowned pirate is never again seen sailing the seven seas, captive forever to the ferryman of the new...

    Great write-up. As someone else said, this will mostly affect new players who don't yet have a mastery of the game, nor the cosmetics that they want.

  • I'm fine with it and the fact you are not charging PvP deaths is good as a lot of people are scared of what will happen.

    I think you are addressing an issue with the game and I'm happy to see that, as you do need some more risk and punishment for death.

    However it's clear to see that you have say 60% hate you for this and 40% happy for this. (pulling stats from polls, posts and ,my a*s) . TBH you have had a million players I think you could offer both a easy style game as the 60% want and a more Risky Difficult Game as the others would like to see.
    Give the best of both worlds you have the player base for it.

  • Another point of view about this issue : I believe it is the team's intention to add potions down the road. I believe that while most potions will be there for fun, some might provide combat advantages against skeletons. These potions, by definitions, would clearly have no impact on PvP.

    But while in a challenging PvE situation, you might want to c**g some of those potions. Once that's done, you want to avoid dying : you just paid for these. This would mean that subconsciously, players would have two modes of playing :

    • The "silly" play, the one we have right now, with no penalty to death.
    • The "serious" play, where you're "trying for real". This is when you plan ahead, buy potions, and don't intend to die. Here, dying bears the penalty of causing you to lose the potion's effect; the one you paid for, essentially a gold penalty.

    I feel like this would be a much more elegant way to implement a death penalty exactly in the situation you want.

  • I believe that putting a cost to death is wrong
    You have always firmly argued that players can create content. You would lose players in this way and then content

    Please @Rare-Employee get back on your feet don't implement this thing
    Sincerely your satisfied Consumer,

  • My crew and I have had to kill ourselves intentionally before to fix a bug with our inventory items being unusable so I do not think this would be a good thing to implement. I shouldn't have to lose gold just because I couldn't stock/eat a banana. Try to stock and it thought I had 5, go to eat and it thought I had 0...

    Also traditionally before logging off, my crew gathers round a gunpowder keg and detonates it, sinking our marvelous ship, and signaling the end of our lovely session. Do we really have to pay gold for that now? Cmon....

  • I love it

  • Not so great for solo players. I soloed the fortress and probably died at least 20 times before I could beat it. Had I been with a team, the deaths would have been much less. Puts more harm/dissadvantage on the solo players than anyone else.

  • I have to agree with most of my fellow pirates; this is a bad idea.

    Adding monetary penalties to death does not blend well with the otherwise silly and fun nature of the game.

    Sometimes taking a break from voyages and making little games out of nothing can be a big part of the fun with this game.

    Games such as:
    Gunpowder Chicken - Everyone stands a desired distance from a gunpowder barrel, and whoever was the closest but didn't die wins.
    Felix Baumgartner - Who can jump from the highest without dying.

    And sometimes, dying from just being silly is desired, like running up to a group of skeletons while presenting a bounty letter, inquiring "Have you seen this man?" only to get murdered seconds later.

    These little things add humor, and adding a penalty to the fun just doesn't make sense for this game.

    I hope you guys will heed this feedback from the community, and thank you guys for listening to us!

  • I'll say the same thing I said in the other thread before this one was created: It's a horrible idea. But even if the majority thinks so as well you'll just do the same thing as you did with the character creation thread and take the easy way out by adding a "favorite button" to the IPG. Really? I'm pretty sure people wanted customization... But you obviously forgot your glasses that day. I don't even know why I bother posting my opinion anymore if RARE is just going to do what they want to do anyway.

  • @khaleesibot
    This is a NO from me.. Im constantly getting kill by those PC Blunderbuss addicted with one shot kill. I'd never make money for nothing.. and what about we reach 0coins?!

    Personally things this would be unfair for a lot of people

  • I think the fact that this thread hasn't devolved into a back and forth argument between two or three players bickering amongst themselves ought point to the increasingly obvious sentiment that most players do not want this change.

    If there were a great deal more players who agreed with this change, I imagine you would see a lot more vitriol between players singling eachother out.

    This whole thread makes me want to try some of the fun things that have been suggested in previous posts (gunpowder chicken, insanely high falls, etc) while I can still do so without a penalty for my fun.

    In the end, the true currency that the players spend in this game is our time, please don't punish us for using it in suboptimal ways. If there are people exploiting certain aspects of the game and you want to find ways to punish/dissuade them: I'd be happy to hear about specific issues and I'm sure there is a better solution than taking a share of everyone's hard earned coin, and it appears the player base is ready, willing, and able to help you all come up with the best possible solution. Utilize us!

    PS thanks for the awesome game

  • Player shsouldn't be penalized for dying, especially if its in PvP and they just lost all there gold.
    Instead there should be a bounty system. If you kill a player/crew/sink a ship you get money on your head. Players would then be insertivies to try and hunt down the bounties and you could even have a leader board to show who's the most wanted. This may also encourage players who don't PVP to try it and get a hefty bounty.
    This way no-one loses money and PvP players have something to show off for all there piracy.

  • Typically I'm all about penalties and costs for actions in games. Especially open-world.
    However, this is a session-based non-permanence focused game with the sole progression being aesthetics that have zero impact on other players.
    Penalizing the endless grind to look pretty is not a great plan to extend the life of the game.
    Before you worry about penalties for the so-called pve element of the game, perhaps you can make a pve element to the game.

  • No. Just no.

    Punishing death in a game like this will make it a griefer's paradise.

    I would rather some other cost - such as "do task A" or some such. Or maybe if you die, you have to wait 60 seconds - and if you want to avoid the wait you can pay. But a death tax is just obnoxious.

  • Wholeheartedly against this. Have I missed what this is supposed to remedy?
    Aside from the other responses, (most notably skull forts) two places where this will hurt me: I have no interest in griefing, but if I get bested, now there's a threat of losing even more gold if I go back and at least try to recoup some of my losses? That would make it more inviting for a well oiled crew to attack on sight- it's a safe zone of sorts for them. Also, I tend to spend alot of time solo, trying things out and sometimes dying in the process. Like diving for cave systems. That's completely "avoidable." Why should I get penalized for dying while exploring?
    Whatever you are trying to detur by this, there must be another solution. It seems to go against the grain of the entire premise of the game.
    If there's a mechanic in the game causing some kind of disfavored gameplay loop, fix the mechanic; don't penalize people for playing how they see fit.

  • Looking at the addition made to the OP of the thread RE not intending this penalty to apply to PvP, this just reinforces my belief that this is meant to address Brute-Forcing the Skeleton Forts.

    I suggested earlier that there should be a Player-Death threshold which causes the boss to despawn.

    Other ideas I have are that a Crew-Wipe could also cause the boss to despawn, or a more complicated idea is that when in the vicinity of Forts, dead Crewmates can only be summoned back by pouring Grog on the spot where they died, with the aforementioned Crew-Wipe = Fail mechanic. This means that kamikaze deaths are more likely to hamstring your Crew, so savvy play is advisable. This would also mean that PvE shenanigans in the rest of the game could occur without players essentially being punished for having fun.

    Please please please reconsider this change Rare. I honestly believe there are better ways to address Brute-Forcing.

  • @Sweltering-Nick I already spent the 210,000 on a full ship and have 200,000 on top of that it really won't effect me much you are right money is gone fast but is also earned twice as fast.

  • @khaleesibot I don't like the idea of limiting the ridiculous behaviors we are allowed. Make the ship loss the penalty. The ship should be the center of the game. Make it a percentage of your gold hoard or perhaps a function of your combined merchant levels, so that risk for more experienced players increases. But this game seriously needs the freedom to blast your friends with a gunpowder barrel or set snake traps for them on your ship. It's a buddy game, and a lot of us like F-ing with each other.

  • https://www.seaofthieves.com/forum/topic/40101/so-rare-is-going-to-be-adding-a-gold-fee-for-when-you-die-increasing-the-cost-at-the-stupidity-of-your-death

  • I understand the thinking behind this, because dying and respawning are currently not a huge issue, but I really don't think that the way Sea of Thieves mechanics work, make this a very good idea. It is already REALLY easy to die in Sea of Thieves, coupled with the fact that you can only carry a max of 5 bananas on your person at any given time, I believe you would only see more people getting frustrated and rage quitting. If this is something that Rare absolutely feels needs to be implemented I would wait a substantial amount of time and really assess how to do it before implementing it.

    That being said, it does make sense during the skeleton fort raids. Currently, if I really wanted to, I could just spend a few hours in my single person sloop (Assuming no other ships join in) and take down a skeleton fort on my own with no consequences to the hundreds of times I will die.

  • I think death by player related causes shouldn't be charged for, neither should it charge if you get killed in a fort but things such as Falling, Drowning or dying by anything that would be classed as PVE.

  • @khaleesibot This community from my first post has lifted my spirits in how well people come together here. I've never seen a community with such passion and wanting to preserve sea of thieves the way so many have and will remain doing. This is the time for good views and to celebrate what a nice experience the game is to play when following the pirate code there and here in the forums. Together we can all shape the features that will take this experience solidly from its launch to many great new features and many years onwards with new adventures and pirate stories.

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