'Making Our Mark' - Discussion/Hunt

  • @musicmee here's yours.
    Got a good picture.

    All thanks to my buddy @MrBroJangles87 for being my photography lighting.

    "Added to Official list now"

  • @pikaaroon Looks very moody! I LOVE it!!!!

    Thanks @MrBroJangles87 :D

  • Glad to see these screen caps! I took a million (well...a lot) of screen caps and videos yesterday in preparation for more 3D projects and none of them are showing on my XBox feed. Insert sobbing here ;-) Have to do a forum search and see if anyone else is missing their screencap swag! :-D

  • These are awesome! So if you do something unique you may be immortalised. Fantastic work. Off I go to do crazy [mod removed], if I don't return...well...lets just say I went knowing the risks.

  • @pikaaroon i got a couple of my ones id happily send on discord to you as uploading here is a pain for me! Also tell said snake loving buccaneer the lighting is off and revenge will be had...

  • @dumy2008 You may want to use imgur.com?

  • Update to the Official List,

    Pictures have now been added to all known Pirate Marks.
    Adding the newly discovered marks now.


  • @pikaaroon Awesome! Fantastic work :) The pictures I am sure were work but totally make it.

  • @pikaaroon Here is an image for @Tartansnake-8 's easter egg.

    link text

  • @hallower1980 said in 'Making Our Mark' - Discussion/Hunt:

    @pikaaroon Here is an image for @Tartansnake-8 's easter egg.

    link text

    Thank you! I forgot to take one for @Tartansnake-8 and you just saved me a special trip.

  • Nice hunt idea ! I found this one on the sandy Outpost. (Can't remember the name though)
    Diamyo Dorima ( image ) under a water tower.
    And I remember seeing a name on a target outside the armory at the Outpost with a sunken ship at the top of a peak ! Started with a C...

    I'll edit when I'll go back in the game with more screens and info !

  • @hallower1980 - Awesome pic matey.

    @Pikaaroon - Sorry I couldn't get you a pic, I was ... erm ... occupied ;-)

  • I found a riddle in a bottle! I wrote a poem and suggested it as an idea and I found one! I'm so happy!

  • Here's the image of the message in a bottle I found and it was in fact a riddle :D

  • Community List update:

    Sorry for being a little behind with updating these...

    You will be happy to know that I have now added the following Pirates to the Official List of Community Influence.


    Currently getting a picture prepared for @Taydoge-Swift

  • @pikaaroon Nothing to be worried about, you do an amazing job in this topic :D

  • @jcmdeadpool said in 'Making Our Mark' - Discussion/Hunt:

    @pikaaroon Nothing to be worried about, you do an amazing job in this topic :D

    Why thank you, and don't think I haven't noticed your amazing Red Circles... *wink

  • @pikaaroon You really did? blushes
    <irony>If you really want me to, I could draw them in the Screenshots.</irony>

  • @jcmdeadpool said in 'Making Our Mark' - Discussion/Hunt:

    @pikaaroon You really did? blushes
    <irony>If you really want me to, I could draw them in the Screenshots.</irony>

    Hahahaha appreciate the offer but your expertise is not necessary for this list.

    Speaking of lists, @Taydoge-Swift is now among legend with this official list of awesome but has always been legend.

    Welcome aboard the Official List of Community Influence ;)

  • @pikaaroon said in 'Making Our Mark' - Discussion/Hunt:

    Hahahaha appreciate the offer but your expertise is not necessary for this list.

    Jeah, I thougth this. I gonna cry now :'(

  • Was playing during the Scale Test and @Jangles87 asked if I had seen my Rare doubloons on the main menu.

    I'll be honest, I had seen the coins on the table but hadn't paid much mind to them.
    Looking a little closer and they look rather familiar. *wink

    Takes me back to the grind of printing, applying glue and painting 200+ of them haha
    It also makes me super happy that the doubloon asset is being used outside of 'TheAaronLeigh' pirate mark.

    Thank you to everyone at Rare for being the coolest people on the planet!

  • @pikaaroon

    For Twitch Streamer "lindsayelyse".

    What? - A Plaque that reads "LindsayElyse Mind Your Head"
    Bild Text
    Bild Text
    (Sorry, the pics are quite dark)

    Where? - Ancient Spire Outpost

    Why? -

    Game Build - Discovered: Final Beta

    Location: Above the door of the "THE UNICORN" Tavern on Ancient Spire Outpost

  • Nicely done! @thor-von-blitz

    Will jump into the game shortly and grab a picture to use for the list.

    Awesome work Pirate, didn't think to look this session but seems as if Rare has been busy adding people from the community.

  • @pikaaroon
    I found Kato's Easter Egg!

  • I spy with my little eye...

    What?: A tag reads 'Freya Katherine' on a violin at an Item Shop.

    Where? - Ancient Spire Outpost

    Why? - For her beautiful rendition to the shanty "Becalmed," using a violin. Check it out here:

    Game Build: Sea of Thieves (Full Game)

    Location: Just under the counter at the item shop of Ancient Spire Outpost.

  • @FreyaCatherine

    Added your violin Pirate Mark to the official list.

    Thanks to @AssassinsKing98 for bringing my attention to it.


  • Also finally added #CaptainKato (Sorry I've been slack in adding these haha)


  • @pikaaroon said in 'Making Our Mark' - Discussion/Hunt:


    Added your violin Pirate Mark to the official list.

    Thanks to @AssassinsKing98 for bringing my attention to it.


    Hey no problem! It's my pleasure to contribute to that awesome post you've made and add to the collection. Let me know when you find mine :P

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