COMPETITION - Loot yourself a Lizalaroo Ship's Sign!

  • The Wayfarer

  • The Mad Mariner

  • The Whydah - Based on an old ship legend @lizalaroo

  • What about :


  • The Plundering Galley :D

  • El Baño Del Diablos

  • @lizalaroo
    "The darkwood horror"
    IDK I like how it sounds

  • I can't even find my entry now lol

  • The Nautilus

    Thanks for the competition!!

  • Because I'm definitely not a pirate....I want the first words that come to your mind to be the name of my ship... "Completely Inconspicuous".

  • In honor of my most recent binge of "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" that has propelled me through some very tough 3D Modelling deadlines, I could only ever name my ship:

    "The Drowning Sailor"

    Let's just hope is doesn't end up burnt asunder and sent to the bottom of an endangered catfish - infested lagoon!

  • The Love Boat

  • Remember, tomorrow the 9th is the last day to pick your ships name!

  • @lizalaroo oeeeeeeeh cant wait! ^^

  • I would call my ship The Ocelot

  • @thor-von-blitz Ha ha ha what happened to unsinkable one! 😃

  • @a5hield said in COMPETITION - Loot yourself a Lizalaroo Ship's Sign!:

    @thor-von-blitz Ha ha ha what happened to unsinkable one! 😃

    You might confuse me for someone else, i don't recall ever owning a ship called "Unsinkable One". 😄

  • The Chicken Drummy!

  • The Golden Valkyrie*

  • @lizalaroo Mine would be The Salty Duck

  • In the 80's Glen Frey sang about Smuggler's Blues and it reminds me of the late 70's and my mispent youth in the Florida Keys fishing for Square Grouper (google it) aboard a friends boat that was named the Coral R****r. It's been a long time since the days of my youth and those fishing trips are but distant memories. I'll tell you this, it was scary yet at the same time it was a very exciting adventure where you just felt so alive never knowing what lies in the next inlet you slowly pull into or what you might find there. At the conclusion of our trips we always had a daylong feast with plenty of fun in the sun and at night there would be lot's of music and song along with plenty of wine, woman and rum and we'd party till dawn. It sure felt like we were living the "Pirate Life" back then. Like all good pirates I'm just telling you a tall tale..... or am I?

    In the game, Pirate Life will be the name emblazoned on my ship. As for the contest, if someone else has already chosen it then I would have to go with Kraken Skullz since we'll be battling the Kraken and our ships cannon balls will be cracking the skulls of skeletons in their forts and other pirates on their ships as we plunder many treasures on our epic voyages.

  • @lizalaroo It's December 9th and 8:30 PM in the UK, what's the official closing time of the competition?

  • @runic said in COMPETITION - Loot yourself a Lizalaroo Ship's Sign!:

    I would have to go with "The Last Great Bastion Of High Adventure and True Freedom From The Long Green Shores Between The Sea Of The Pale Fading Sun Of Victory And The Ocean Of The Twin Red Moons of Woe and Destruction, Second of Her Name As The First One Sunk In A Storm As I Wasn't Watching The Weather While Digging For Treasure And By The Time I Noticed The Hull Had Too Many Holes In It To Patch Up Before She Sunk", simply because if it won @lizalaroo would have to figure out how to fit that all on the ship sign. xD (and yes, I know I can't enter. But that doesn't mean I can't have some fun with it).

    i Laughed so hard to this i needed to get some paper to dry my eyes, oh my

  • @f-bombr I reckon NOW is as good a time as ever :D


    Thank you to all who entered! And keep yer eyes peeled as I will shortly be adding the top 3 for voting purposes! :D

397 out of 409