Looking for some people to sail with

  • Usually I am solo sloopin and would like some company. I love every aspect of the game and will defend myself if attacked, but I don't go looking to sink folks. PVP is not really my preferred play style. Hit me up if you are looking for someone to play with that isn't interested in sinking ships that are at port or doing tall tales etc.... Im Looking to find a community. Thanks for reading.


  • 6
  • @zaknafien2003 , where do you come from and how often do you play this game?

  • @t3nb3rg I play most days usually for a handful of hours, do a Lotta overnight sessions when I'm not working. Lately I haven't been on quite as much as it seems to be extra hostile on the game lately and I just get constantly jumped for nothing as It usually happens when I'm in port or fishing Xbox app says I have 25d 22h and 53Min and have 2535/5210 achievements. I started playing I guess its been 6 months or so? Maybe not so far back. I have 2 grown boys and they talked me into trying it. I fell in love with it and they didn't so its mostly been me lol. I have 2 friends that took me under their wing and have helped me get some stuff done and drug me thru some pvp things for the levels.

  • @zaknafien2003 ,

    thanks for your reply and giving me a good insight the way you played and want to play the game.
    I believe you would be a great memebr of our community.

    Where do you come from? As most of us live in Europe.

    I send you a chat on here with additional information. See the bell in the upper right of the screen to get there.

  • Hello I have read your post and if your still offering I would like to crew with you I’m am the same when it comes to sea of thieves I don’t look for ships to attack but if they hit me I hit them

    If your interested in inviting me please let me know

  • Hi same here trying to find company to enjoy and have fun at the game I'm on ps5 my psn is Mpiltas add whenever

4 out of 6