First Legend of the Veil went amazing

  • I've been seeing a lot of negativity lately on these forums- Some of it coming from me. So I wanted to share this positive story from today.

    My friend and I load up the game and decide to do a Legend of the Veil. Now, I've been Pirate Legend for a while but I haven't done a full Veil yet. We raise Reaper flag, and go find the sunken ships. We loot 'em, then begin heading for Crooked Masts to light some statues. Surprise- Theres a brigantine RIGHT THERE. We change course and go sell our small amount of loot at reapers.

    We head back to Crooked Masts, where the brigantine has gotten farther away from. We fight some phantoms (Seeing if we can damage the Ancient NPCs along the way) And insert the next Veil Stone! Now, for the final chapter...

    We head for the Not-Suspicous-At-All green tornado in the sky. We kill the 3 small forts, and blast the final fort for all but 1 tower. Suddenly- A Brigantine arrives! A guy boards and kills us. I respawn as our ship is sinking and try to fend him off, but my cutlass glitches and my sword block doesn't work, so I die. My friend boards 'em, and says they are almost sunk, but then dies.

    We respawn, and I'm pretty annoyed. We start heading back, hoping they at least left the veil stone so we could get the quest completion...

    And we see the final fort. Still standing with 1 tower. Brigantine nowhere in sight. My friend did an amazing job without even realizing it- They didn't come close to sinking, they actually did sink! We collect the loot, and although we have no emissary flag, sell at the outpost.

    What amazes me is that the brigantine was literally one cannon shot on the fort away from getting tons of loot... Anyway, I'm glad to finally get lucky after running into a lot of problems the past few sessions.

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  • the only good brigantine is a sunken brigantine

    good work

  • @wolfmanbush My friend did all of the work sinking it. I just kind of fumbled around on our boat spamming cutlass attack, and then I died

  • @gameglarb said in First Legend of the Veil went amazing:

    @wolfmanbush My friend did all of the work sinking it. I just kind of fumbled around on our boat spamming cutlass attack, and then I died

    That's about 10k of my hours in the game so I won't judge.

  • @wolfmanbush It can go either way for me, some days I’m a decent swordsman and some days I feel like a skeleton

  • Also, a bit off topic, but is it just me or are the Ancients during that voyage kinda OP? I mean they make short work of even the Soulflame Captain even without the players help

  • @gameglarb said in First Legend of the Veil went amazing:

    Also, a bit off topic, but is it just me or are the Ancients during that voyage kinda OP? I mean they make short work of even the Soulflame Captain even without the players help

    I've done a lot of veils overall but not many recently

    maybe things changed but when I did them it pretty much required the player to get involved.

    if they are taking out everything by themselves it didn't used to be that way

  • @wolfmanbush I mean from what I've seen the Ancients have infinite health and they absolutely destroy the reaper ghosts

    "Pirates for all ete- Gahhhh!:

  • @wolfmanbush ha detto in First Legend of the Veil went amazing:

    @gameglarb said in First Legend of the Veil went amazing:

    @wolfmanbush My friend did all of the work sinking it. I just kind of fumbled around on our boat spamming cutlass attack, and then I died

    That's about 10k of my hours in the game so I won't judge.

    same, but with less hours i think haha.

    However enjoy you veil missions, because you have to do 100 of them if you want to complete every accomendation of it

  • @gameglarb nice job! And sone advice for the future...if you are in the last chapter and a brig or galleon is sailing towards you, stop killing the forts, as they are an excellent help against them...brig and galleon get hit by ghost ships and the forts much more than a sloop, this can be pretty tough for those 2 ships

  • We raised Reaper and did another one today! Also went super smooth. In between doing the Veil we did a Fleet of Fortune and also formed an alliance with an Athena sloop. We tried to get a Merchant sloop to join us, but they attacked, so we sunk them and took their emissary flag. We went and did the final part of the Veil, then headed back to reapers. Another fleet had spawned, and we were passing by the old Sea Dog's Tavern, so we decided to nab another chest of fortune. Overrall went really well. Also- we left a storage crate absolutely packed with supplies at reapers, hope someone finds it!

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