🏴‍☠️☠️Thieves And Beggars☠️🏴‍☠️ | BRAND NEW GUILD | 23 SPOTS LEFT | LVL 8 |

  • @sailor-dog5367 I didn’t get a invite how do I add you

  • @wqbdpw if you’re on windows, press Win + G - social widget - and you should see search people. Type in my gamer tag and from there you can add me. If you’re still having trouble here’s a link! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FTxt9jc6L_I

  • Hey If you still have space available I’d love to join your guild. I’m a pirate legend and I have one of each ship available. My gamertag is starkiller965

  • @starkiller965 hey! I am away right now and cannot invite you to the guild at this time, I will invite you to the guild as soon as I return home. I have already added you as a friend via Xbox, and I’m pretty sure you have to add me back or you won’t receive an invite.

  • hi im interested in joining the guild
    if I can join please let me know

  • Rumranger3255 I would like to join:)

  • @wolverine101887 @RumRanger3255 i am away from home at the moment but I will invite both of you into the guild when I return home. I have also added you as a friend via Xbox and in order to receive the invite, you must add me back.

  • If you still have a spot open i would like to join.

  • @gamingleisure I’m away from home at the moment but will invite you to the guild when I return home. Add me as a friend via Xbox because if you don’t you can’t receive the invite. That’s just how it is.

    Gamer tag: sailor dog5367

  • If there's still spots I would like to join I am pl my gamer is FusionXgamer401

  • @fusionxgamer401 I’m away from home at the moment but will invite you to the guild when I return home. Add me as a friend via Xbox because if you don’t you can’t receive the invite. That’s just how it is.

    Gamer tag: sailor dog5367

just for funeventsxbox onewindows 10general
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