Cheaters and Valve

  • Search on Valve Cheaters :)

    40,000 bans, they put a trap in memory on one of their games for the purpose of tracking who accessed that memory.

    Good day fishing for them!

  • 9
  • If this was a ploy to get them, you probably shouldn't mention it.

  • @personalc0ffee said in Cheaters and Valve:

    If this was a ploy to get them, you probably shouldn't mention it.

    detect patch and ban and then transparency

    they know there will be more issues, this is just them trying to build confidence with their participants, which is a good thing

  • @personalc0ffee They published it, it served it's primary purpose and now it is both a warning, and an idea other developers can use.

    Are you listening Rare???

  • @foambreaker

    Steam is the primary source of cheaters. They should be putting effort in to curb it.

  • @pithyrumble said in Cheaters and Valve:


    Steam is the problem.

    Fixed it for you :)

  • @foambreaker said in Cheaters and Valve:

    @pithyrumble said in Cheaters and Valve:


    Steam is the problem.

    Fixed it for you :)

    Don't negate my verbosity.

  • Steam is the problem though. We did not have these problems until that version was released. A lot of the problems are from the Steam community.

  • A lot of ignorant opinions in this thread.

4 out of 9