Game closing on splash screen after going from 8 to 16 RAM

  • Hello,

    My game worked fine until I upgraded my RAM from 8gb (4x4) to 16gb (8x8). After this my game closes/crashes after the splash screen and I wonder why that is.

    I have already tried the following:

    • Uninstalled / Reïnstalled in different space disk/storage thing (so not C:/)
    • Logged out / Logged in
    • Reset Microsoft Store cache
    • Installing a random free app
    • Opened the game through Microsoft Store

    I'm currently in the process of making free space to reïnstall it on my local disk. Further help would be appreciated, thank you very much!

  • 19
  • I have tried emptying the space and reïnstalled it but it still won't open.

    My drivers seem to be up to date as well. I truly hope I can play this again, it would be a shame if Sea of Thieves will remain unplayable for me.

  • And other games work fine/better?

  • @zig-zag-ltu Yes, other games work just fine!

  • @mystiny That's weird then, thought maybe Sea of Thieves is your only demanding game and the ram is faulty.

    Here is a quick google search result: Hopefully something will help

  • @zig-zag-ltu
    It could be many things unfortunately...
    You could have 1 or 2 faulty sticks of ram
    You could have damage to one of your ram slots
    Your CPU cooler could be too tight, although I would have expected problems on your old ram too
    The timings on your ram could be too tight, and while it appears ok while doing light work, stressing the system causes these problems to show

    Try your ram one stick at a time, in just one slot at a time to find out if its a ram or ram slot problem
    Did you have to remove/replace the cooler to fit your new ram? It might just need the screws backing off half a turn. Make sure you know what ur doing before attempting this.
    Try entering your bios and resetting the ram to default speed, and go from there.

    What ram are you using, what is the model number? I'm assuming 8x8 was a typo unless you are on threadripper? Did you buy two matching kits or did u purchase individually?

    Edit: sorry @zig-zag-ltu this was supposed to be directed to @Mystiny

  • @mystiny Hello.
    Does the game display an error message upon crashing? Ive been having the same errors but manage to mitigate the issue. Game crashes saying my gpu drivers are not up to date, (Even when they were)

    1. Go into task manager and you want to set the game as a high priority, Open task manager , go to ''Details tab", find your game, and set it as ''high priority'' (Not realtime)

    2. You stated you upgraded your ram, are you sure both RAM sticks are the exact same in terms of brand, speed etc? You also might want to re-sit your ram back into the motherboard.
      You might want to diagnose ram, put one, boot up PC to see if its fine, take that one out and try the other. I know its annoying/tedious but you want to rule out RAM issues. Also if you have a 4 slot ram motherboard and ONLY TWO sticks of ram, make sure they are installed in the right ram slots. (Some motherboards you can put ram next to each other, others they have to separated with a free slot in the middle.)

    3. You can also look at what crashes the game by opening up the ''Event Viewer'' on Windows search bar to diagnose what is crashing your game.

  • @zig-zag-ltu Thank you very much, I'll try this soon and I'll let you know how this goes

  • @pomalotacusmk3

    The cooler is fine, It already happened before I replaced it. The RAM is the main issue I think. It's weird to me though, because other games work just fine. Sea of Thieves is the only game that doesn't work anymore. I will try to look at the RAM after I did the former solution. Someone gave an 8gb RAM stick to me and I bought another 8gb RAM myself. One is Adata and the other Crucial.

  • @mystiny You're welcome, but please don't thank me, I just use google to try and find solutions and if they seem logical I share them with people who are looking for information. I'm more like a pat on the back guy when it comes to real tech support.

    You might wanna have a look at what others have suggested as well, they seem to have really good IT knowledge and experience.

  • @ix-indi-xi
    Hello, your solutions are also worth considering! I'll try those too! The brand is different but everything else appears to be the same. My computer reegistered them properly and other games did as well. I'll let you know how it goes!

  • @zig-zag-ltu
    I'm thanking you because you put effort into trying to help me, I'm grateful for that! :)

    And don't worry, I was already going to 🤣

  • @mystiny :) I just hope you will find a solution and be able to return to the seas

  • Are you using XMP at all?
    Could set it to the default and see if that improves it.

  • @scheneighnay

    I have no idea what XMP is but I did run the Event Viewer and this is the result:

    "Access Denied"
    Event ID: 5961
    Level: Error

    I did do some research on it but a lot of the results talks about refreshing my PC, though I want this to be the last thing on my list to do.

  • Oh, it also says "ErrorCode -2147024891". I will look more into this as well.

  • @mystiny said in Game closing on splash screen after going from 8 to 16 RAM:


    I have no idea what XMP is but I did run the Event Viewer and this is the result:

    "Access Denied"
    Event ID: 5961
    Level: Error

    I did do some research on it but a lot of the results talks about refreshing my PC, though I want this to be the last thing on my list to do.

    XMP would be in your BIOS

  • @scheneighnay

    Please explain as if I'm a 5 year old 🤣

  • @mystiny said in Game closing on splash screen after going from 8 to 16 RAM:


    Please explain as if I'm a 5 year old 🤣

    It's a setting you would only be able to reach by mashing a specific key when your computer boots in order to change the settings on your motherboard. What key that is depends entirely on the manufacturer and model, there's normally a prompt but any F-key will usually be it

    XMP changes how your computer sees your RAM. If it's turned on and set to something which your RAM isn't capable of, it'll break things.

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