Still can't find good matches

  • The last dozen matches were people far above my skill level, and I don't know why as i keep losing. How am I supposed to get better at PvP if I keep sinking to people who can hit shots miles away?

  • 7
  • If you are using Xbox controller you need to make sure you are on Xbox servers. Beyond that this feature is really already over for people who are not PvP gurus, like me.

    I bought the skelly costume and called it done.

  • PvP in this game is very unforgiving for starters.
    Takes a while to know a lot of nuances for each ship type and on bigger ships, each role and how to synergise with your crew (Knowing how to talk to each other and what to do in X/Y/Z situations)
    Like any game that has a ''competitive'' side to it, it takes hours of play time and even looking up guides on how to PvP with your crew is essential.

    I feel like a lot of players jump into this game thinking that its a 2 Dimensional casual game when it comes to PvP with a low learning curve, low skill ceiling.
    (Raise sail here and there, shoot a few cannons on a drive by on the galleon, and sinking 30 seconds after because you don't have a dedicated bilge repairing lowers and not knowing how to grate bucket)
    When in reality theres a LOT of nuances and decision making that is needed in order to beat your opponents. Getting basics down and mastering them goes a long way.

    Its a bit hard to explain on a mundane post, but telling us what ship you sail on and what role you play is already a big start in knowing what you should do in getting the basics down.

    After a few months of the Hourglass being out, at least in my experience 80-90% of the fights I get on Galleons at least have been somewhat fair in skill level, (I fight against a lot of competitive sweat teams and streamers/players as my example due to having high winrates on average for everyone involved) with the occasional swabbie crew dipped in that are clearly not adept in high MMR matchmaking.

    If you are getting smashed, change your mindset in just learning and getting better. EXPECT to get sunk and honestly as annoying this might sound, have fun with it.
    Take your time re-supping into the next fight going over what you just experienced and how it could of been avoided, and what you could of done better.

    Easier said then done, but be aware that all us of started at the bottom, and only consistency and having fun in the process over time makes great players, great.

    Also if you like watching twitch, look at some SoT streamers that you like watching that are PvP hourglass focused and pay attention to their gameplay. (communication etc.) This will also boost your knowledge a lot, and you will learn a lot of nuances in gameplay, especially if they are playing against 'sweats'.

    This season is really a gem in that PvP is bringing a lot of good players and skills to learn from. Unfortunately some players expect quick results and entitlement when it comes to winning off the bat which just isn't going to happen. SO as stated, have fun with the grind.

    Or you won't enjoy the PvP side of the game.

    For reference it took me a good 500 hours or so back in the day to actually be decent on sloop with my duo back then, where we were starting to win over 50% of fights but still losing to good sloop crews. This season you have the luxury of fighting the same ship, back then you had to learn to fight sloop vs brig/gally as an example. It took me around the 1.5k hours of almost 90% PvP focusing to beat good competitive teams out there.

    Im currently sitting around 2.7k hours [main game for just over a year now] where Im in a very good crew/team for reference.

  • The last dozen matches were people far above my skill level, and I don't know why as i keep losing.

    Best way to swim, is jump into deep end. Maybe your not cut out for swimming just yet?

    How am I supposed to get better at PvP if I keep sinking to people who can hit shots miles away?

    Same way people get better at any other competitive game or final boss. Improve by finding out what you are doing wrong and improvise

  • At the very least, they should break the matchmaker into two leagues - those working towards the curses at 100 and those pushing onwards to 1000. The latter group is far too predatory and is acting as a gatekeeper for people far beneath them.

    I unsubscribed from a streamer today - they were doing the hourglass and came across a crew who were talkative - as they had faced other people with the curses and mistook the streamer for a crew who had already beaten them several times. They surrendered and that streamer then turned spiteful, i guess trying to provoke them into getting salty - shot them, camped them, threw them around with blunder bombs.

    That other crew stayed good natured and were eventually sunk - but it showed me a side to that streamer that i really didnt like. The hourglass mode is making them spiteful and frustrated, a lot are going back to adventure mode entirely - especially as they have all the curses and there is no excitement of conquering the mode and getting the shiny new reward. I felt really bad for that other crew, especially as they were clearly good people, they didnt get salty, they had been utterly dispirited to the point where all they could do was accept it.

    The terrible matchmaking is making skilled players cruel and driving them headfirst into everyone else. They have become the gatekeepers and it is, in turn, damaging their play experience and that of everyone they run into.

  • @burnbacon youre rationalizing no life 10 hours a day kids/failed adults getting matched with regular working adults with families/studies/careers taking up the majority of their time. I bought the game a week ago getting matched against golden-athena-blessing players after losing 6 times in a row. The reality is theyre getting burnt out from their very hard virtual lives and purposefully deranking because they cant compete at their own skill level.

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