💥 Will Sea Of Thieves be updated to Unreal Engine 5.1?

  • Recently Fortnite was the first game to update to Unreal Engine 5.1 (released on november 21), many visual and performance improvements.
    It would be really cool if Rare upgraded Sea Of Thieves to this version of the engine, better shadows, modeling, reflections, more stable fps, etc.

    alt text
    Fortnite with Unreal Engine 5.1

    RARE 🙏🏻

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  • @quietrobot doubtful. Also it's no surprise thag Fornite was 1st. Epic who develops Fornite also owns the Unreal Engine.

  • They discussed this during a podcast after UE5 was first revealed. Rare said they had no plan to do so, as SOT uses a lot of bespoke additional resources that they couldn't be sure would be supported.

  • @realstyli said in 💥 Will Sea Of Thieves be updated to Unreal Engine 5.1?:

    They discussed this during a podcast after UE5 was first revealed. Rare said they had no plan to do so, as SOT uses a lot of bespoke additional resources that they couldn't be sure would be supported.

    That destroys my expectations 😢

  • @captain-coel It may be, at least that's how they announced it.

  • Servers are already at the brink of exploding into a ball of fire all the time, pretty sure with a new engine they would straight not work....

  • @quietrobot like @RealStyli said, during the original development of sea of thieves had to stop updating the engine with even minor updates.

    This was due to the fact of additional and bespoke changes they had to make to the engine in order to get the game working as intended. And they noticed that alot of work was involved every time a engine update/upgrade was done.

    At release time there was a rare dev speaking about this at an event

  • @callmebackdraft thanks for sharing.
    I still have a little hope that in these years the situation has improved and they can integrate, at least part of the improvements of UE 5.1

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