Reapers V Athena

  • So uk how Rare said we will have another Golden Sands-type adventure, with players deciding the fate of smth. Some Youtubers have speculated that this will have something to do with Flameheart's resurrection. Now if this is the case, I feel like he should be resurrected, for the lore development and game purpose. Do you have any arguments against his resurrection?

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  • @guyrza I hope in the next big adventure-decision both ways change the world...
    I'm on the pirate lord side, but I wanted Golden Sands to be destroyed! After Dagger Tooth, the most annoying outpost imo. I would have loved to see where the NPC's of that outpost create the new one and what the destroyed golden sands would have become...but we will never know

    I don’t know, if the next decision will be Flamehearts resurrection or not...hope not, that would be actually pretty lame...
    Hope we get an adventure without a decision, where Flameheart WILL BE resurrected and after that one with a huge decision with or against Flameheart

    It's been such a big thing around Flameheart the past years, would be a shame, if players would decide to not resurrect him

  • I hope we get another decision soon. The longer adventures go without one, the more boring they feel, imo. The ‘enjoyment’ climaxes at the decision and slowly works it way down as the adventures go.
    I do want more Flameheart though, in any form.
    Who doesn’t like an orange shouty man? Oh, wait a second…

  • Man I just wanna do flameheart events, bring him back.

  • I am still wearing my tin foil hat over the whole golden sands thing. Rare loves to share data on player actions 100% they would have shared the data from the event IE how many wood/food crates were handed into golden sands, how many reaper rowboats blew up on golden sands.

    I am thinking 1 of 2 things... There was a bug so some reaper actions weren't correctly applying to the progress or the number of different actions each side could complete weren't balanced and the data showed how they goofed so presenting the data would show how lopsided the event was, or show that reapers should have won. So I don't think it was intentionally rigged but the end results turned out that way and they are just sweeping it under the rug because people still had fun with the illusion of battling it out over the outposts fate. All I know is if they have enough event like that I won't be trying to impact either side as this event seemed more like a PR stunt.

  • Flameheart “resurrection” seems to be a final end game idea. Like once they are 100% gone the game main story is finished. Besides the dark brethern side story, The sirens revenge, Mystery of “The Capt” which I’m sure in order will lead us all to the grand end.

    As for the “next season”
    Like last time, it won’t have much an impact. It be just like before, players fighting over a side and we have a meter that shows who is winning but of course. The winner has already been decided before it began, story wise. We’re just filling in the missing pages. (If there really is a winner)

    So whatever happens. Was already made before we step foot into it.
    Expecting? Another server wide fight against the reapers. Always the reapers. Until the dark brethern start making larger moves and become a thorn in the reapers side.

  • @burnbacon I don’t think that's the final end game idea...first he will be resurrected, then in a huge fight killed...maybe as a new world event then...or a tall tale
    That's what I think...

  • as long as it adds to the environment rather than just takes away

    one of the biggest issues with the "ever changing environment" adventures is that it kills off an outpost, or it kills of a sea post, or it bugs out skelly ships/fleets,messes with meg spawns, etc weeks/months of that just cuts into qol/production/productivity

    We have enough of a production issue as it is, we don't really benefit when it's just something that gets in the way of day to day activity.

  • @scheneighnay You can fight the burning blade at level 75 OOS, when you purchase the ghost ship voyage!

  • @schwammlgott said in Reapers V Athena:

    I'm on the pirate lord side, but I wanted Golden Sands to be destroyed! After Dagger Tooth, the most annoying outpost imo.

    Hold up, what? How? Golden Sands is amazing! It’s got the most barrels, all it’s vendors are right next to each other, there’s no ridiculous sandbars and overly long docks… what’s so bad about Golden Sands?

  • I would love to see him fully resurrected and have a physical body. He's been a teased SoT villain for a long time, and it's high time we see him make his return. That said, I hope his resurrection isn't tied to player choice, because if the results of Golden Sands are anything to show, it's that many don't want the Reapers/Flameheart to win. It would be a shame to simply not see such a historic, lore-important character not show up, because players didn't want it lol.

    Instead, I personally think the choice will be to side WITH Flameheart, or to side with the GMU/Sovereigns. It's very clear that the sovereigns are not who they say they are, and their lucrative service that they offer is 100% too good to be true/without some sort of unseen motive. I think they're spying on us pirates, and learning our tendencies, trade routes, the way we do things, and the general ins and outs of the Sea of Thieves, prepping for their eventual invasion. I think the eventual choice will be to side with the GMU, or band together with Flameheart to protect the pirate life. Now Flameheart has always been about ruling SoT, and the GMU also want to completely control it, as they do with the waters outside the shroud.

  • @klutchxking518 sagte in Reapers V Athena:

    @schwammlgott said in Reapers V Athena:

    I'm on the pirate lord side, but I wanted Golden Sands to be destroyed! After Dagger Tooth, the most annoying outpost imo.

    Hold up, what? How? Golden Sands is amazing! It’s got the most barrels, all it’s vendors are right next to each other, there’s no ridiculous sandbars and overly long docks… what’s so bad about Golden Sands?

    Everything is far away from the tavern, for example
    The most barrels? Maybe, but still very far away from each other...I even prefer the barrels from Dagger Tooth

  • @schwammlgott What does it matter about the tavern’s distance from everything?

    As for the barrels, I hate that dagger has like 11 barrels on the very back side of the island, behind the mountain.

  • @klutchxking518 sagte in Reapers V Athena:

    As for the barrels, I hate that dagger has like 11 barrels on the very back side of the island, behind the mountain. know, I don’t go through all the barrels...I almost know the whole map and it's barrels...except a few on some outposts, the ones you mentioned for example 😅

  • @schwammlgott I think I just like Golden Sands bc it’s one of the most accessible outposts. You can pull your ship right up to the tavern (albeit a tad bit shallow), the shops are all by the shore, the factions are easy to travel back and forth to, and the big boost of bonus supplies off the start is really nice if ya take advantage of it.

  • @klutchxking518 I clear the barrels least the ones I know, the ones I don’t know get emptied by my crew...
    "That's why they come from over there" 🤔

  • @valor-omega said in Reapers V Athena:

    @scheneighnay You can fight the burning blade at level 75 OOS, when you purchase the ghost ship voyage!

    But does it yell at you?

  • @scheneighnay Haha, bighead doesn't show up, sadly. Maybe Flamefart will yell obscenities at us, once he eventually gets/if he gets revived.

12 out of 18