Dark Adventurer sails should be nerfed/removed/retextured

  • Blurbs already made a great video about the topic, so go check it out. Nothing more to add here.

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  • Blurbs already made a great video


    And I don’t need a video to tell me that they are wrong on all accounts. It sad players think how a small cut makes a difference. Or Op over a sail.

    They are missing out on some cooler sails that don’t cost much and you can get the same affect by doing a curl on any sail. Any. Sail.

  • @krashman-sanjo The sails are kinda lame, if you need the help, you're not as good as you think you are.

    I've owned them for awhile, can't remember the last time I sailed with them.

  • @burnbacon said in Dark Adventurer sails should be nerfed/removed/retextured:

    you can get the same affect by doing a curl on any sail. Any. Sail.

    At the cost of speed, which DA sails don't sacrifice.

  • Oh, sweet! What a fresh new idea that hasn't just recently been beaten to death in these very forums!

    I'm most excited for the calm and measured discourse sure to follow, that will certainly bring new information to light that was not considered previously.


  • I say just take the cut out or make it not as prominent so we can all stop arguing about it.

  • @d3adst1ck said:

    I say just take the cut out or make it not as prominent so we can all stop arguing about it.

    Lol neither of those are a compromise to keeping the sails as is, and idk how it's gonna stop any arguing.

    I say add more v-cuts (and other cuts), with different designs and coloring. All with varying price tags, much less expensive than 8 mil. Maybe even a free vanilla v-cut. DA sails would still retain some value, for the name and price; but it wouldn't be the only sail available that offers a luxury to helms who are glued to their wheel, or crews who go full sail in a broadside for whatever reason.

    This would of course require Rare to add outpost shop cosmetics.

  • @theblackbellamy said in Dark Adventurer sails should be nerfed/removed/retextured:

    @d3adst1ck said:

    I say just take the cut out or make it not as prominent so we can all stop arguing about it.

    Lol neither of those are a compromise to keeping the sails as is, and idk how it's gonna stop any arguing.

    I say add more v-cuts (and other cuts), with different designs and coloring. All with varying price tags, much less expensive than 8 mil. Maybe even a free vanilla v-cut. DA sails would still retain some value, for the name and price; but it wouldn't be the only sail available that offers a luxury to helms who are glued to their wheel, or crews who go full sail in a broadside for whatever reason.

    This would of course require Rare to add outpost shop cosmetics.

    It wasn't intended to be a compromise. They are never going to add the cuts to other sails, because that would require duplicating the sail textures for every currently existing and future sails.

    Removing the cutout is the only way this argument is going to become a non-issue because it just won't exist any more.

  • Hell, at this point just make all sails to be made out of one-way mirrors. You can see perfectly through them from the helm position, but they are opaque from the front. We'll blame it on "Veil Magic" or "Ancient One Rituals" or "Siren Songs" or whatever. The cursed chests got too close to the sail fabric. Who cares. Then everyone will be "happy".

  • @d3adst1ck said:

    They are never going to add the cuts to other sails, because that would require duplicating the sail textures for every currently existing and future sails.

    Well yeah that'd be too much work, but wasn't what I suggested, which was that they add a few more original v-cuts, or other cuts. Not redo/duplicate all of them.

    Removing the cutout is the only way this argument is going to become a non-issue because it just won't exist any more.

    You sure we won't see forum posts and videos asking for them back? Apparently without them, some folks sail into rocks. Their words, not mine.

  • @theblackbellamy I think that would just result in players migrating to whatever similar cut is the cheapest, and we'd still get complaints about how they are OP or everyone is using this sail now. They'd need to add a ton of similarly cut sails for variety, and that would take forever at Rare's current cosmetic release schedule.

    There are other unique cuts, like the lunar sails or the ones with various tears, and they could just adjust this one sail design to make it less controversial. Just make the V shape less pronounced.

  • @d3adst1ck said:

    They'd need to add a ton of similarly cut sails for variety, and that would take forever at Rare's current cosmetic release schedule... Just make the V shape less pronounced.

    Yeah. You're right.

    Wouldn't bother me any. Still not convinced that it'll end the arguing though, as it'd probably give rise to the "I sail into rocks now" threads.

  • @scheneighnay negligible speed differences. If you use DA sails 9 times out of 10 you have a bad helm. All the good helms I’ve met (and seen) use whatever sails they want.

  • @krashman-sanjo that’s not what Blurbs said in the video though. He said we should be paying for the cutout to apply to different sails. Not to remove the cutout itself.

    I’m in the camp of removing the cutout personally but I’d be fine with adding the ability to tatter sails however you want. Tattered Overachiever sails is all I would use.

  • @theblackbellamy haha nerds! I sail into rocks no matter what I use!


  • @ninja-naranja said in Dark Adventurer sails should be nerfed/removed/retextured:

    @scheneighnay negligible speed differences. If you use DA sails 9 times out of 10 you have a bad helm. All the good helms I’ve met (and seen) use whatever sails they want.

    No such thing as a negligible speed difference in this game.
    It makes all the difference in who can control a fight.

  • the dark adventurer set is expensive. Therefore, I would consider it "designer" or more accurately, expensive. The difference between designer and everything else? Almost nothing. The only benefit designer stuff has over normal stuff is that it makes you look rich and cool.
    Dark adventurer sails is the opposite of what it's supposed to be: designer. It actually gives some sort of advantage, yet it doesn't make you look cool, it makes you look the opposite, as some people thing you are "lame" for relying on it's advantage.
    It also doesn't look good as most of the time you won't be using the full set with the sails. Using DA sails without the full set is like wearing a tophat with a t-shirt and shorts. It looks weird.
    Basically, DA sails actually have a use over normal everyday sails, and does not make people think you're cool, the exact opposite of what expensive stuff does.
    So either:
    1.Make the DA sails not so expensive so it is not "designer." (maybe gave it a new name too.)
    2.Make the DA sails look like a normal sail so it is now considered "designer".

    But hey, I don't wear designer, what do I know? Maybe it's more than a status symbol. Probably not though...

  • @scheneighnay in all my experience in naval fights it’s not mattered one bit if your sail is pulled up ever so slightly unless you’re actively running from your opponent.

    If your helm is good enough, it doesn’t matter what sail you’re using, or more importantly, if the sail is even pulled up or not. I very rarely move the sail up because I’m not glued to the helm like many who rely on cheap tactics.

  • This has turned into a bigger deal than it needs to be.

    Don't like the sails? Don't use them. Simple.

  • The way i see it, those sails have the most minimal benefit ever, if your just sitting on the wheel constantly to the point you need a giant cut out in front of you, then your doing something wrong. Any time your not actually turning the wheel, you can hop off of it, and if in the moment you need to see where to turn, it takes just about 2 seconds to step off, down and look around before grabbing the wheel again to react.

  • Yeah had the pleasure of sailing on a ship yesterday that had them....clearly no idea what people are trying to prove that they dont have an advantage, its like having full speed with normal sails half way rolled up....definitely my next big purchase:)

  • @zig-zag-ltu advantage when running or chasing...yeah, a bit
    In a fight, none at all, except if you fight with the sails all the way down the whole time

  • If people focused on naval improvement and didn't get complacent with easily board spamming/camping pvers they would be able to use whatever sails they wanted without excuses in actual competitive fights lol.

  • @schwammlgott said in Dark Adventurer sails should be nerfed/removed/retextured:

    @zig-zag-ltu advantage when running or chasing...yeah, a bit
    In a fight, none at all, except if you fight with the sails all the way down the whole time

    How about sailing from point A to B in a storm or wavy sea?

  • @zig-zag-ltu sagte in Dark Adventurer sails should be nerfed/removed/retextured:

    @schwammlgott said in Dark Adventurer sails should be nerfed/removed/retextured:

    @zig-zag-ltu advantage when running or chasing...yeah, a bit
    In a fight, none at all, except if you fight with the sails all the way down the whole time

    How about sailing from point A to B in a storm or wavy sea?

    In a storm you don’t see much/far anyway...
    Wavy sea? Em...it's always the same depending on region

    Are you talking about an advantage over the environment? 🙄🤣🤣

  • @schwammlgott Most certainly. Why do people wear glasses? You can see in general anyway.

    ok, now instead of trying to fight windmills and prove to me otherwise, would you mind elaborating why, as you cant argue that they give much better visibility, which is my point.
    also would like to see some sort of formula or explanation to when something can be classified as an advantage.

    all that being said...i need like 4m more for them xD

  • @zig-zag-ltu I don’t stick to the wheel, so I see where I go...

    For me personally, they don’t give me an advantage because I move on the ship and I almost know the whole map from memory, even single rocks...

    If anything they give me a disadvantage, me personally, as a big question runs up and down in my head the whole time when using them: "Why are these sails so ugly" 🤪😝

  • @schwammlgott ok i got it. Where our opinions dont align, is that not everyone is you. I like to see see the scenery instead of a square cut sails blocking the whole view. At the same time, do you by any chance have a dedicated crew? I personally dont, the only one in my crew who is regular is my girl who i wouldnt rely on spotting things ahead of us, she just loves the game and the experience.

  • @schwammlgott said in Dark Adventurer sails should be nerfed/removed/retextured:

    @zig-zag-ltu advantage when running or chasing...yeah, a bit
    In a fight, none at all, except if you fight with the sails all the way down the whole time

    Again, whoever has more speed controls the fight. You can open and close the gap at will.
    A fight isn't just 2 ships anchoring next to eachother.

  • @zig-zag-ltu said in Dark Adventurer sails should be nerfed/removed/retextured:

    clearly no idea what people are trying to prove that they dont have an advantage

    It's not complicated, they bought them and don't want to lose the advantage without admitting they have a crutch.

  • @scheneighnay sagte in Dark Adventurer sails should be nerfed/removed/retextured:

    @schwammlgott said in Dark Adventurer sails should be nerfed/removed/retextured:

    @zig-zag-ltu advantage when running or chasing...yeah, a bit
    In a fight, none at all, except if you fight with the sails all the way down the whole time

    Again, whoever has more speed controls the fight. You can open and close the gap at will.
    A fight isn't just 2 ships anchoring next to eachother.

    So when I stay and just turn to shoot I don’t have the control, becausr I have less speed? M'kay...not in my experience

  • @schwammlgott said in Dark Adventurer sails should be nerfed/removed/retextured:

    @scheneighnay sagte in Dark Adventurer sails should be nerfed/removed/retextured:

    @schwammlgott said in Dark Adventurer sails should be nerfed/removed/retextured:

    @zig-zag-ltu advantage when running or chasing...yeah, a bit
    In a fight, none at all, except if you fight with the sails all the way down the whole time

    Again, whoever has more speed controls the fight. You can open and close the gap at will.
    A fight isn't just 2 ships anchoring next to eachother.

    So when I stay and just turn to shoot I don’t have the control, becausr I have less speed? M'kay...not in my experience

    Considering the other ship can just sail away whenever they feel like it and reposition, obviously you have less control.

  • @zig-zag-ltu more or less dedicated...sometimes solo, most times duo sloop with the same person
    Brig and gally a mixture out of 4 people

  • @schwammlgott said in Dark Adventurer sails should be nerfed/removed/retextured:

    @zig-zag-ltu more or less dedicated...sometimes solo, most times duo sloop with the same person
    Brig and gally a mixture out of 4 people

    I'm honestly jelous bro, I wish I had a proper crew who play this game and that we all mesh together with, or at least a single soul who would stick to this game and would like to go on a sloop adventures.

    Not sure if I will ever use DA sails exclusively for my solo PVE voyages, due to the fact of extra attention.

    But you best believe that as soon as I am in a 'lfg' or a random crew of 3 or 4 that I will use them, to compensate for a disadvantage of teamwork or experience.
    Even if it will boost our chances of success by 10%, 1%,0.1% or 0.01%. The visibility cant be compared to any other sails, its like switcing from a big lamp tv to a thin modern one and watching it with your mouth wide open.

    I had a session of DA sails on an alliance server and the next session I was solo sloop with the cancer support sails (yellow ones with arrows). It felt like I was blind folded whilst sailing, and constantly needed to run up and down the deck to see whatever is ahead. Which is not exaclty a problem, but you can probably imagine situations yourself where this might become one

  • I've never understood the bellyaching about these sails. Scores of pirates had used/still use any/all other sails, and never had any issues with visibility or maneuvering.

    The literal exact same view point can be achieved with any other sail in game, by slightly raising up the sail, and it does not sacrifice sailing speed whatsoever...because that's literally what every player has done since they got their sea legs.

    If you want to use DA sails, because they look cool, that's fine. But anyone that says they give some sort of inherent advantage is delusional.

    Do they look neat? Sure. Does it give an advantage? Not in the slightest.

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