I actually have a few issues here. First, it seems like Rare is trying to make large islands, which should be
entertaining to explore, a massive pain in the neck where I steer clear of them at all costs? Is that what you want, Rare? I don't want to go on an island, get bitten by a snake, get attacked by ocean crawlers, phantoms, and keg skeletons. That's not fun. It doesn't make it challenging because they are easy to kill and just annoying, and there isn't much penalty for death because respawning is fast. It seems like Rare is trying to make islands as annoying as possible to the point where everyone hates them.
My second issue is how dead the game feels. I get that increases ship size messes with server stability, but there are still things you could add. For instance, animals on islands that don't try to kill you. For sailing add seagulls that can land on your ship, dolphins, and whales. You don't have to kill them for meat; they could just be there.
This is kind of like the second reason but I'm giving it its own paragraph because of how important it is. I find it really strange that there are no houses in the Sea of Thieves. ARE OUTPOSTS ONLY PLACES FOR NPCS TO STAND AROUND? Come on Rare, make the outposts towns, like in Captains of the Damned. Make the outposts bigger if needed. And for anyone saying that that would mess up lore, whatever. It's a video game being updated, you don't need explanations for everything. Are you prioritizing lore over gameplay? is that what you want? FOr goodness sake Rare, make the outposts towns and give them NPCS to live in them.