• I actually have a few issues here. First, it seems like Rare is trying to make large islands, which should be
    entertaining to explore, a massive pain in the neck where I steer clear of them at all costs? Is that what you want, Rare? I don't want to go on an island, get bitten by a snake, get attacked by ocean crawlers, phantoms, and keg skeletons. That's not fun. It doesn't make it challenging because they are easy to kill and just annoying, and there isn't much penalty for death because respawning is fast. It seems like Rare is trying to make islands as annoying as possible to the point where everyone hates them.

    My second issue is how dead the game feels. I get that increases ship size messes with server stability, but there are still things you could add. For instance, animals on islands that don't try to kill you. For sailing add seagulls that can land on your ship, dolphins, and whales. You don't have to kill them for meat; they could just be there.

    This is kind of like the second reason but I'm giving it its own paragraph because of how important it is. I find it really strange that there are no houses in the Sea of Thieves. ARE OUTPOSTS ONLY PLACES FOR NPCS TO STAND AROUND? Come on Rare, make the outposts towns, like in Captains of the Damned. Make the outposts bigger if needed. And for anyone saying that that would mess up lore, whatever. It's a video game being updated, you don't need explanations for everything. Are you prioritizing lore over gameplay? is that what you want? FOr goodness sake Rare, make the outposts towns and give them NPCS to live in them.

  • 22
  • Make up your mind. Do you want tons of NPCs, or do you not want tons of NPCs?

    Outposts are supposed to be places where we begin and end our adventures, not where we spend most of our time. They're where we initially stock up on supplies and buy our voyages. When we return to them it's to sell our hard-won loot and buy fancy new clothes with the gold we've earned. And yes, we are going to prioritize lore over ""gameplay."" Outposts are not supposed to be huge because the Sea of Thieves is an extremely inaccessible place. It just wouldn't make sense to have giant towns filled with people. Besides, what you're describing is ultimately a giant, empty, unused space with NPCs you can't interact with milling about aimlessly or worse, standing around. Outposts in their current iteration are simple and, most importantly, functional. Function beats form, always. It needs to work and do something before it can look pretty.

    As for NPC enemies on islands... tough. Rare isn't going to make the game any easier for you. What's extremely sad is how you're complaining about Snakes, which are probably the easiest "enemy" in the game to avoid.

    Also, we already have Seagulls. They congregate near shipwrecks and floating barrels.

    It sounds like you want a totally different game. Might I suggest New World or a similar title more akin to a traditional MMO if you want predictable monster spawns and large towns with lots of NPCs you can't talk to?

  • @blam320 said in MAKE THE GAME NOT FEEL LIKE A WASTELAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!:

    Make up your mind. Do you want tons of NPCs, or do you not want tons of NPCs?

    Outposts are supposed to be places where we begin and end our adventures, not where we spend most of our time. They're where we initially stock up on supplies and buy our voyages. When we return to them it's to sell our hard-won loot and buy fancy new clothes with the gold we've earned. And yes, we are going to prioritize lore over ""gameplay."" Outposts are not supposed to be huge because the Sea of Thieves is an extremely inaccessible place. It just wouldn't make sense to have giant towns filled with people. Besides, what you're describing is ultimately a giant, empty, unused space with NPCs you can't interact with milling about aimlessly or worse, standing around. Outposts in their current iteration are simple and, most importantly, functional. Function beats form, always. It needs to work and do something before it can look pretty.

    As for NPC enemies on islands... tough. Rare isn't going to make the game any easier for you. What's extremely sad is how you're complaining about Snakes, which are probably the easiest "enemy" in the game to avoid.

    Also, we already have Seagulls. They congregate near shipwrecks and floating barrels.

    It sounds like you want a totally different game. Might I suggest New World or a similar title more akin to a traditional MMO if you want predictable monster spawns and large towns with lots of NPCs you can't talk to?

    A: snakes are just annoying
    B: I know seagulls exist
    C: making ghosts less common just makes it less tedious, not annoying
    D: If there are supposed to be few people living in the Sea of Thieves why are there so many stores to buy stuff if no one buys them

  • I would like a few more NPC's in the game too, walk in around outposts, an island with a sugar plantation, another with a tea plantion etc to explain where the goods come from. It would be thematically better for immersion. HOWEVER, it would take away from more content creation in other areas and may cause strain not the servers.

    As for islands, I think they have the balance just right.

  • @boeing7876500 the problem with NPC's everywhere is if they have voices...

    That can be annoying, hell how many times have people heard about the guards being adventurers if they didn't take an arrow to the knee?

  • "As annoying as possible to the point where everyone hates them." That sounds like projection my friend, there are very few islands that everyone hates, infact, i can count those few on 1 single hand.

    This seems like more of personal issues than issues the average player has. I would say the game feels far from a wasteland, it feels quite vibrant and alive with a number of activities, especially in specific servers.

  • I made an alliance yesterday with 4 out of 5 ship crews then watched as the 5th slowly decimated that entire alliance, 1 by 1. Empty indeed! 🙄

  • It depends on the players. There is already so much content added (all the stories, tall tales and commendations to hunt) I genuinely can't call it a wasteland. If the server feels empty it's most likely inactive/afk/passive players. If at least one crew is actively looking to pvp, the game can be a shitshow in a good and bad meaning of this word.

    Try every type of voyage at least once and do every event or structure (each shrine is completely different, there is a lot of forts, both skeleton and spectre) at least once too.

  • @ancientbeast434 said in MAKE THE GAME NOT FEEL LIKE A WASTELAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!:

    @boeing7876500 the problem with NPC's everywhere is if they have voices...

    That can be annoying, hell how many times have people heard about the guards being adventurers if they didn't take an arrow to the knee?


  • I just find it weird that outposts have shops an taverns with no one using them. The merchant alliance is also really pointless if there are like 10 people on each island.

  • I actually have a few issues here

    Okie, what Issues

    First, it seems like Rare is trying to make large islands, which should be entertaining to explore

    They are if you understand the lore behind the skeleton bodies, paintings and ruins.

    a massive pain in the neck where I steer clear of them at all costs? Is that what you want, Rare?

    Seems to be a You problem, not Rare

    I don't want to go on an island, get bitten by a snake, get attacked by ocean crawlers, phantoms, and keg skeletons. That's not fun.

    ........what? so you wanna visit island with nothing to do? or Exciting things to happen?

    It doesn't make it challenging because they are easy to kill and just annoying, and there isn't much penalty for death because respawning is fast.

    Do some high lvl voyages, and those Skeletons will be harder to kill.
    Make it a challenge, only use a sword :p
    as for the quick Respawn, some players will beg to differ. Some have that bug or glitch where it takes them forever to respawn.

    It seems like Rare is trying to make islands as annoying as possible to the point where everyone hates them.

    ummmm...No? It only annoying if the player makes it so. Not just islands, Shrines & Forts. :/
    I think we can all agree tho...Old Faithful....big island...horrible place to get voyages.

    My second issue is how dead the game feels.

    Oh boy...where you been?

    For instance, animals on islands that don't try to kill you.

    Chickens & Pigs. Only Snakes "try" to kill you.

    For sailing add seagulls that can land on your ship, dolphins, and whales. You don't have to kill them for meat; they could just be there.

    Be a lot of work, and none of those suggestions helps "islands" you seem to dislike so far. Even with those added features, the game will still be "empty" as you claim.

    I find it really strange that there are no houses in the Sea of Thieves.

    Why do you need a Place that suppose to be Uncharted, Mysterious & once guarded by Ancient people who may have lived in trees or pre-made shelters....If you taken the time to explore the islands, you find Ruins...


    Yes. & No.
    Do some Cargo Runs, there Npc waiting on islands.

    It's a video game being updated, you don't need explanations for everything

    You kind of do, as just popping out content with no explanation but "it always been there" ruins the experience. Much like the Skeleton Ships first appear, Meg spawning, Phantoms, Fortresses, Shrines. All been explained

    Are you prioritizing lore over gameplay


    FOr goodness sake Rare, make the outposts towns and give them NPCS to live in them.

    What would a Outpost town add to the game? Make it look pretty? Still gonna be empty.

  • @boeing7876500 not a fan of Skyrim I see

  • Funny- speaking of large islands, I always wanted to see a very large island in the middle of the map, with a canal or river through it. An outpost/settlement in the center that pays out 1.5x more than other outposts as it is more difficult to access.
    This would add more risk-reward to selling, new interactions and interesting pvp scenarios (both naval and land). You could easily get trapped by a ship guarding the exit of the mouth of river, forced to turn around or sail into their broad. There would also be the risk of being boarded by anyone on the island since it's a narrow waterway.

  • @boeing7876500 it seems you might be better off going back to playing GTA 5? 😁👍🏻 Sea of thieves doesn’t seem to cater to the experience you are looking for? 😁

  • @burnbacon
    For your information I do cargo runs. Also an uncharted, mysterious once guarded by ancient people seems pretty civilized if they have everything from taverns to clothing shops. Where to people live???

  • After reading what you wrote it sounds like you only have 3 days in the game and according to your Xbox profile that is the case. I don't think you play sea of thieves often enough to understand what it is and admire what an incredible game it is, I recommend that you play a little longer and see all the unique things this game has to offer and you'd probably understand later on that some of the things you mentioned wouldn't really make sense. If you still don't like the game after a while I recommend you take @lizalaroo 's advice and find a game that better caters to your needs.

  • @boeing7876500 said in MAKE THE GAME NOT FEEL LIKE A WASTELAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!:

    For your information I do cargo runs. Also an uncharted, mysterious once guarded by ancient people seems pretty civilized if they have everything from taverns to clothing shops. Where to people live???

    GH Lives in there Tents
    OoS live where ever they want, we dont ask
    Merchant I'm sure sleep on own ship
    Mysterious Stranger, nobody knows
    Shop keepers sleep in there shops.
    Tavern lady sleeps backroom

    There, now you know where they sleep. if you wanna know where "You" sleep, Anywhere you want...have you never noticed all those campfires and Tree Cots?

  • @boeing7876500 said in MAKE THE GAME NOT FEEL LIKE A WASTELAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!:

    For your information I do cargo runs. Also an uncharted, mysterious once guarded by ancient people seems pretty civilized if they have everything from taverns to clothing shops. Where to people live???

    The Ancients are not the same as the people who populate the Outposts. Outposts are run by the handful of people who made it to the Sea of Thieves in search of adventure. They cater to the Pirates who pass by.

  • @cr7shankar123 said in MAKE THE GAME NOT FEEL LIKE A WASTELAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!:

    After reading what you wrote it sounds like you only have 3 days in the game and according to your Xbox profile that is the case. I don't think you play sea of thieves often enough to understand what it is and admire what an incredible game it is, I recommend that you play a little longer and see all the unique things this game has to offer and you'd probably understand later on that some of the things you mentioned wouldn't really make sense. If you still don't like the game after a while I recommend you take @lizalaroo 's advice and find a game that better caters to your needs.

    Confession to everyone: I do like the game. 38 GH, 22 MA, 22 OOS. I captain a sloop. I was just being nitpicky. I may have exaggerated with the title a bit. But I do think that large islands are annoying and stay away from them. I got the game a few months ago, but I only recently made a forums account. These aren't my biggest issues with the game.

  • I am going to assume this is a new account and not your main... Or you are new to the game? This game has an insane amount of content compared to the "wasteland" as you put it that it was 4 years ago. That being said they have talked a lot about wanting the world to feel like its constantly evolving. We have gotten that in very small bits. Sunken Kingdoms is a considerable amount of content but its all under water so kinda out of sight out of mind. The Devils Roar was the last really big update to the world adding a whole new zone. But considering the outposts were built when pirates started coming to SoT I kind of agree there should have been more development on them, they have very rarely changed with sovereigns being the biggest update to outposts. That being said what function would building up outposts serve? Like we could add more pointless buildings etc but for what? set dressing? They server their purpose for the trade companies etc. The only thing I could see being useful is due to the introduction or reapers and their recent assault on golden sands perhaps adding watch towers with some cannons to outposts could be interesting.

    Kinda of ironic to call the game a wasteland then complain about all the stuff in it which is the opposite of a wasteland. I do think the PvE spawns way too often. That would be acceptable on a PvE server where other players weren't a threat but when you're exploring a large island trying to do quests, especially when solo, having all the PvE get in the way of your objective and keep you away from your ship for longer can get very tedious especially when there really isn't (wasn't) any reward for killing the PvE. At least now there are long tedious milestones to work on but still the PvE happens way too often sometimes which can having a severe impact on your session in this PvP game. The argument against PvE servers is there isn't any threat so its just a safe place to play... Ok then stop spamming me with PvE spawns every 15 seconds.

  • @adara-haze said in MAKE THE GAME NOT FEEL LIKE A WASTELAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!:

    If at least one crew is actively looking to pvp, the game can be a shitshow in a good and bad meaning of this word.
    haha good meaning? Where is that threeheadedmonkey? He can be a stickler for perceived profanity.

  • I would definitely like the existing island NPCs to serve more of a purpose than they do now.

    As for spawn rates, my crew noticed as well with the last adventure that phantom spawn rates seem to be up to an obnoxious degree now.
    You can't take 3 steps without a new group of phantoms spawning.

9 out of 22