Just read something not fair

  • So when i read the custom servers drop we have to pay for them then you need to make the pluder pass free to all since it not advertised that it reatartes just like another game i know the servers need to be free to use and small progression

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    xbox onecommunityfeedbackgeneral
  • @comparedfeline7 said in Just read something not fair:

    So when i read the custom servers drop we have to pay for them

    Name another game that you can have free dedicated server hosting

    then you need to make the pluder pass free to all since it not advertised that it reatartes just like another game i know

    Seasons restart and new items come every season, hard not to have resets.

    the servers need to be free to use and small progression

    Again, name another game with free dedicated server hosting. Also, no free farming in safety, this has been covered multiple times IN YOUR VERY OWN THREADS that get locked with the Dev's final decision the matter being no.

  • @kommodoreyenser if people actually read i stated if progression is a problem in a pay to play game anyway then slow it down and everywhere gtav hmm.... invite only and solo only with lots of progression more npcs and other stuff yall need to just open your minds to creativity and stop showing favortism......take away pvp from the game what do you have....... a game where you sail the seas gaining gold finding treasure and ejoying spending time with your friends.....interesting its the same game stop hating on ides that people everywher know will and can work

  • @kommodoreyenser

    Conan: Exiles does it. But also has 150$ pricetag with no free content updates...sooooo...

    Plunder Pass is fine because of all the free updates we get. @ComparedFeline7 you could also become a partner and get that favored treatment like early access to the private servers where as per the Development Team's vision: would still have no progression.

  • This is yet another attempt to demand PvE servers.
    After the devs, and others, told you 'No' and your previous thread was locked.

    @comparedfeline7 said in Just read something not fair:

    @kommodoreyenser yall need to just open your minds to creativity and stop showing favortism......

    Ah, the usual 'You're clearly biased if you don't like my idea' insults.

    You just need to open your mind and accept the devs make the game, not you.
    They don't need to make servers free, or give them progression, or anything else you're demanding because you want to change the game to suit your wants.

    Bottom line: The devs have said 'NO!' to PvE servers.
    Accept it or move on.

  • @pithyrumble said in Just read something not fair:


    Conan: Exiles does it. But also has 150$ pricetag with no free content updates...sooooo...

    Plunder Pass is fine because of all the free updates we get. @ComparedFeline7 you could also become a partner and get that favored treatment like early access to the private servers where as per the Development Team's vision: would still have no progression.

    That’s hosting on your own with your own hardware, not the company hosting it for you. Running servers costs the hardware to run them, the energy to run them and their cooling solution, and their web hosting connection with an ISP.

    Sea of Thieves custom servers are hosted directly on the Azure cloud network.

  • @comparedfeline7 said in Just read something not fair:

    @kommodoreyenser if people actually read i stated if progression is a problem in a pay to play game anyway then slow it down and everywhere gtav hmm.... invite only and solo only with lots of progression more npcs and other stuff yall need to just open your minds to creativity and stop showing favortism......take away pvp from the game what do you have....... a game where you sail the seas gaining gold finding treasure and ejoying spending time with your friends.....interesting its the same game stop hating on ides that people everywher know will and can work

    GTA Online only created the ability to do what you are taking about in like 2019. 6 years after release. That game is nearly 10 now. Maybe in a few years or more when SoT winds down with updates, and Rare switches it to just maintenance, you will get your wish.

    Also keep in mind, you want to drastically change the game to favor your playstyle. A game you were well aware of what goes on before buying it as it involves stealing loot. Now tell me if Rockstar backtracked passive mode and private servers because they wanted to have more player on player crime, wouldn’t you stop playing that game and be angry about it? Such a drastic change in the middle of the games life? Exactly what you are asking to happen here just the opposite.

  • @comparedfeline7 you can read the last update regarding custom servers here


    Although it has been a while, custom servers are still being worked on, but are not ready for general release yet.
    At EGX recently (Saturday 24 th September) Mike Chapman and Jo Neate did update us during their panel slot but you’ll have to wait to watch that on YouTube when it is released.

  • Going ahead and dropping anchor on this thread as it is just a continuation of previous threads that have also been on this topic and have been shut down due to the fact that it is to try and promote PvE servers. (Invite only with progression is still PvE servers.) Thanks all.

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