Bug using for multiple captaincy supplies

  • I saw a streamer on twitch who bought captaincy supplies whith his whole crew after counting down from 3.

    Is it worth to report them and will they get a punishment?

  • 34
  • @theshreg did they all get the supplies and only 1 get charged the gold?
    Need more details..
    And if they are exploiting the game in a way that gives them an advantage..
    Yes, they qould likely be punished if evidence was provided.

    Its on Rare to make that call.

  • @li-jratt-li I think they get three times the supplies as they bought all 3 at the same time. Don't know if they all get charged the gold. But also if everybody has to pay for the supllies, they have more than they should have.

  • Does this ruin the gameplay for you?

    Not being condescending but this is minimal and you dont even know if they all pay or not its like 5K.

    Dont we have bigger problems with the game my fellow sailor? I couldnt imagine wanting to punish someone for something like this.

    Ill test in in about an hour but even then meh... theres already a bunch ways to get a ton of supplies.

  • jst need patch... no bann for that xd

  • @celuikilisaecon

    I mean, if they are doing this, it's not an accident. They are doing it with the express purpose of getting more supplies than the game intended from a certain source in a certain timeframe, as well as potentially doing so for less gold than the game intended (I don't know if that part has been made clear yet or not). That means they actionably attempted to subvert the game and its rules for an advantage. Players who would do this would absolutely exploit other glitches and whatnot, such as animation-canceling, the Veil shipwreck exploit, etc.

    It is best to nip that kind of behavior in the bud.

  • @maximusarael020 said in Bug using for multiple captaincy supplies:


    I mean, if they are doing this, it's not an accident. They are doing it with the express purpose of getting more supplies than the game intended from a certain source in a certain timeframe, as well as potentially doing so for less gold than the game intended (I don't know if that part has been made clear yet or not). That means they actionably attempted to subvert the game and its rules for an advantage. Players who would do this would absolutely exploit other glitches and whatnot, such as animation-canceling, the Veil shipwreck exploit, etc.

    It is best to nip that kind of behavior in the bud.

    By your logic anyone who commits a small crime would do any crime imaginable...

    is this really were we are at in this game guys really?

    id love to be a fly on the wall in your gameplay so I could ping you for every little thing like you have never TRIED an exploit ever.

    This is like giving someone 25 to life for smoking a joint.

    why are we so worried over minuscule things when there are way bigger problems to be dealt with.

    If there is a thread the mods should anchor its this lol.

      What ever floats your boat or sinks your ship sailors.

    EDIT: there are allready a ton of ways to get even more supplies than this and if breaks your game for you the:

    GET GUD, sorry i HadToDoIt.

  • @hadtodoit
    If you think enforcing terms of service rules by not allowing or temporarily suspending people who would break those rules is the same as throwing someone in prison for a quarter of a century for a "crime" that hurts no one, then I don't see any way to have a rational conversation with you about it.

    Yes, how dare Rare potentially enforce their rules to ensure people who would perform exploits get the message that's not ok? That's exactly like imprisoning someone in a 8x12 cell for a third of their life, denying them any freedom or liberty. MEGA EYE ROLL

  • @hadtodoit said in Bug using for multiple captaincy supplies:

    @maximusarael020 said in Bug using for multiple captaincy supplies:


    I mean, if they are doing this, it's not an accident. They are doing it with the express purpose of getting more supplies than the game intended from a certain source in a certain timeframe, as well as potentially doing so for less gold than the game intended (I don't know if that part has been made clear yet or not). That means they actionably attempted to subvert the game and its rules for an advantage. Players who would do this would absolutely exploit other glitches and whatnot, such as animation-canceling, the Veil shipwreck exploit, etc.

    It is best to nip that kind of behavior in the bud.

    By your logic anyone who commits a small crime would do any crime imaginable...

    is this really were we are at in this game guys really?

    id love to be a fly on the wall in your gameplay so I could ping you for every little thing like you have never TRIED an exploit ever.

    This is like giving someone 25 to life for smoking a joint.

    why are we so worried over minuscule things when there are way bigger problems to be dealt with.

    If there is a thread the mods should anchor its this lol.

      What ever floats your boat or sinks your ship sailors.

    EDIT: there are allready a ton of ways to get even more supplies than this and if breaks your game for you the:

    GET GUD, sorry i HadToDoIt.

    Any exploit that benefits one party over another is considerable as a cheat... Theres a reason why veil exploiters got in trouble and the sunken graveyard was removed from the quest for the time. Much like how theres a reason why they removed the unlimited supply exploit at the sea dogs tavern, they deemed it as an exploit. Fov bug... also a bannable exploit!

    Rare has zero tolerance for cheating in any form, they have stated so in the past, and continue to show that zero tolerance stance.

    Why defend an exploit when rare them selves have taken action against similar things?

  • It is a known bug and exploit.

    I say report them.

    Twitch streamers and ESPECIALLY partners are told to not use exploits as part of their contract.

  • Any update? 🫠

  • @theshreg everyone gets charged. If all players do it at the same time it gives however many players bought it. Is a confirmed exploit!

  • Bugs aside, I think it’d be neat if you could buy a second set of Captain’s Supplies using doubloons instead of gold. Give us a repeatable Doubloon sink!

  • @klutchxking518 said in Bug using for multiple captaincy supplies:

    Bugs aside, I think it’d be neat if you could buy a second set of Captain’s Supplies using doubloons instead of gold. Give us a repeatable Doubloon sink!

    I'm always up for a Doubloon sink!

  • @abjectarity said in Bug using for multiple captaincy supplies:

    I'm always up for a Doubloon sink!

    I think that blue color would make for a gorgeous sink, given the right color floor tile and wall paint.

  • You're immensely petty if you report them for this trying to get someone banned..

    Do you report all your favorite "tucc" streamers who use emotes to manipulate themselves into terrain, or floating out of view so that they can't reasonably be seen?

    It literally saves minutes on resources. Sure, it's an exploit.. but it'll absolutely be fixed sooner rather than later... as far as how damaging exploits can be too.. this is nothing really.. a crew could manage 700 planks, and cannonballs and still get absolutely junked by the first crew that sails up.. this requires a simple patch... and I feel like I can almost guarantee you, it'll be gone next patch.

    Imagine trying to ban someone for the system having a loophole that let you buy 30 extra cannonballs instead of having to run around the outpost and pick them up yourself. It charges every player, and then immediately locks each player out from re-purchasing. You aren't getting infinite resources, or stacks of resources for one purchase.

    They literally just need to make sure the shop does a check if one player buys the resources, and refresh the page to lock resource buying to every crewmember looking at it.

    This is nowhere close to as extreme as why they removed the sunken ships from Veils... people were literally crashing servers...

  • Doesn't much matter what we think imo

    that's your report tool and you get to go through the process if you so choose.

    You get to care about what you care about and get to not care about what you don't care about.

    It's an exploit and anyone that is partner or is super focused on trying to be one knows they shouldn't do it so they are making the decision to show that on stream. Isn't any pressure either way to report or to not report.

    Do what you think is right imo otherwise you will just get talked into what someone else believes.

    As long as it is a sincere concern and you are confident that you are doing it for reasons you believe in rather than just trying to mess with a specific public person for a personal reason you are within reason for a report.

  • @goldsmen nobody got in trouble for that. I can tell you that right now. It's not cheating if it's a bug they created. This should be a highlight of how they have low quality control. There are infinite bugs right now. We deserve one that actually benefits us.

  • @iloveponies15 Your post has been removed as it goes against the Forum Rules and Pirate Code.


    Be courteous. Don’t insult players you don’t know. If humour is the intent, remember that this can be lost or misinterpreted online, and words can very easily offend. Be mindful of what you’re saying and if someone asks a question, see if you can help them out as you’d appreciate being helped out yourself if the roles were reversed.

    Name calling, personal attacks and using derogatory language against Community Members, Rare Employees, Global Moderators or Deckhands is not acceptable. Using such language will result in a warning, then temporary ban from the Forums and a final warning. If the action is persistent or increasingly aggressive, a permanent ban from the Forums will be issued.

    Please read and abide by the Forum Rules and Pirate Code in future.

    Thank you.

  • Is it really that bad?
    There are the sort of exploits that don't really matter, especially without much context.
    How much extra supplies did they get really?
    And even if they got less supplies for less gold, who cares?
    Most people don't seem to care about gold usually anyway...
    Comparing to this to something like the veil exploit is unfair, as the veil exploit ACTIVELY STOPPED people from being to play, with no way around it.
    If everyone got banned for every exploit, there would be a lot of double gunners complaining...
    Should it be patched? Yeah.
    But is it really that fair to ban someone for something that seems, honestly, kinda petty?
    I don't know...

  • People ask if I want to do this all the time when we're first getting started and stocking up........no.....no I don't. Just play the game how it was intended. This is why we can't have nice things.

    p.s. you can tell the pirates that use this exploit based on their comments here :p

  • The streamer won't get banned for it...

  • By all means, clip and report. They shouldn't be using such exploits like that on stream if they are a Sea of Thieves Partner. It's unlikely they'll get anything more than a slap on the wrist, if even, but highlighting the issue will probably mean it gets patched sooner.

  • @iloveponies15 said in Bug using for multiple captaincy supplies:

    It's not cheating if it's a bug they created.

    This is a very minor bug...

    But that's not how cheating/exploiting works... lol

  • @iloveponies15 said in Bug using for multiple captaincy supplies:

    @goldsmen nobody got in trouble for that. I can tell you that right now. It's not cheating if it's a bug they created. This should be a highlight of how they have low quality control. There are infinite bugs right now. We deserve one that actually benefits us.

    Exploiting is bannable by the rules of the game, using a bug to benefit your self over others IS an exploit... Not to mention i dont think your going to get let off easy if you put serious strain on the games servers, exploiting is 1 thing, but causing servers to lag or even crash from your exploit absolutely will get you in trouble.

  • @tre-oni said in Bug using for multiple captaincy supplies:

    You're immensely petty if you report them for this trying to get someone banned..

    Oh, I very much disagree here. They are a SoT partner. They should know better than to record themselves using exploits that are considered unfair play. SoT partners are NOT allowed to use exploits that would be considered unfair play or cheating on stream.

    You can ABSOLUTELY report them for doing this and you should. They are leading a bad example to younger pirates and other members of the community who see this and then think it is OK. It is absolutely not OK.

    When you are a streamer and you have eyes, especially younger ones; you have a responsibility to do the right thing and teach the right thing and as far as I'm concerned if there is a SoT partner not actively doing this, than they need to be terminated from the program.

    Do you report all your favorite "tucc" streamers who use emotes to manipulate themselves into terrain, or floating out of view so that they can't reasonably be seen?

    Yes I do and yes you should be. It's cheating and exploiting.

    Should they be banned for it? No, absolutely not.

    Should they be reported for it? Yes, absolutely.

    People want to know why SoT is so toxic?

    It is because people do not report what they should be reporting and in the ways they need to report. Like providing proper evidence as an example.

  • Regardless of all the disclaimers and blah-blah-blahs, streaming partners are brand ambassadors for SoT and should be held accountable to the highest standards of conduct. Not higher than anyone else, but public bug exploits should not be tolerated in that part of the community. Not saying ban on first offense, but it really shouldn’t be happening, regardless of how minor.

  • Such a non issue. Costs everyone gold, saves everyone a little bit of time, and provides a small amount of resources. Doesn’t disadvantage anyone as anyone can stock up relatively quickly anyways.

    TLDR? ; don’t be such a grass.

  • Wouldn't be an issue if supplies weren't buyable... 🧜🏽‍♀️

  • @personalc0ffee said in Bug using for multiple captaincy supplies:

    @tre-oni said in Bug using for multiple captaincy supplies:

    You're immensely petty if you report them for this trying to get someone banned..

    Oh, I very much disagree here. They are a SoT partner. They should know better than to record themselves using exploits that are considered unfair play. SoT partners are NOT allowed to use exploits that would be considered unfair play or cheating on stream.

    You can ABSOLUTELY report them for doing this and you should. They are leading a bad example to younger pirates and other members of the community who see this and then think it is OK. It is absolutely not OK.

    When you are a streamer and you have eyes, especially younger ones; you have a responsibility to do the right thing and teach the right thing and as far as I'm concerned if there is a SoT partner not actively doing this, than they need to be terminated from the program.

    Do you report all your favorite "tucc" streamers who use emotes to manipulate themselves into terrain, or floating out of view so that they can't reasonably be seen?

    Yes I do and yes you should be. It's cheating and exploiting.

    Should they be banned for it? No, absolutely not.

    Should they be reported for it? Yes, absolutely.

    People want to know why SoT is so toxic?

    It is because people do not report what they should be reporting and in the ways they need to report. Like providing proper evidence as an example.

    Hey man, I agree with you there, and report away, but if anyone's trying to get someone banned over it, it's kinda just.. not even worth it.

    I'm just saying too though, some of these guys up in arms about cheating and exploiting are definitely the same types that goof their bodies into terrain to try and mimic their favorite "i tucced on a fort for 7 hours and stole 15k" streamers.. which to me.. is about the same level of jank, and minor as far as damage dealt goes.

    I hate it all, but.. I wouldn't be trying to get someone banned over it. Rare should just.. fix it.

  • This thread is hilarious, as I predicted earlier this is petty as hell if you want someone punished for this, nothing is going to happen.

    Bet some of yall did the veil glitch too.

    Lets all throw rocks from our glass house.

    Ban everybody ban them allllllll.

  • I don't personally care. However jmo it is an OP for a galleon, vs. brig and especially sloop. Just saw that play out on stream, galleon used glitch. 16 pineapples in one take and all of the blunderbombs etc, are OP jmo.

  • @hadtodoit said in Bug using for multiple captaincy supplies:

    This thread is hilarious, as I predicted earlier this is petty as hell if you want someone punished for this, nothing is going to happen.

    Bet some of yall did the veil glitch too.

    Lets all throw rocks from our glass house.

    Ban everybody ban them allllllll.

    I did and do neither.

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