Found a Reaper 5 Flag In an Odd Place...

  • So I portal hopped to escape an unfavorable situation. Found a Lvl 5 Reaper flag at the Prison in TT3, ch2.

    It did not make it out. I tried lol. Guessing a glitch more than anything but maybe a R5 scuttle? But how did I find it since these are "instanced"?

    Tin foil hat me mateys lol

  • 4
  • that's weird

    I wonder if it's forever caught in between worlds now.

  • Probably a crash since those happen so often this build.

    Had a reaper mystery recently as well where I watched a reaper V brig go after a sloop anchored at a small island while I was tucking on Reaper's with a keg waiting for them to turn in.
    The sloop didn't move or fire at all, but I watched the reaper roll right next to the sloop before... both the reaper and the sloop sank at the same time.

    All I can think of is the sloop had someone waiting underwater with a stronghold keg.

  • found another one. this one grade 2...

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