Episode 6 the forums strike back.

  • @lackbarwastaken said in Episode 6 the forums strike back.:

    I would honestly accept "we aren't going to tell you and stop asking" as an answer. Just any answer.

    There are times where I think transparency and communication were lacking but you don't really achieve anything with prolonged approach you are rolling with.

    Dragging things on for the sake of the drama (I know you do not agree) just makes public justification for eventually tossing you out and that doesn't solve anything. They obviously don't want to do that because you made it to episode 6 so it doesn't benefit anyone by pushing it just to push it.

    You aren't a martyr for the truth in this situation you're just jabbing lightly to see what you can get away with. They won't rethink anything based on that, they won't change or adapt to anything based on that.

    Why not self preserve and just contribute your points on this in relevant threads as they come along? If you have strong points and articulate them in a way that is genuine and not focused on the beef (even if it's thinly veiled) eventually someone with some power might say "hey, this person is making some good points and others are agreeing with them, maybe we should take a look to see what we can improve here"

    Devs are just other humans at the end of the day. They will be more open to suggestions and criticisms with an approach that doesn't seem so mischievous.

  • @wolfmanbush I must disagree with your "thinly veiled" assertion. I have no beef, just an honest inquiry. There is no "gotcha" no grand reveal if I ever did get an answer. I'll keep refuting that assertion as long as you are willing to make it. I would use my support ticket evidence as a reason for why I'm so curious but discussing support tickets is apparently against the rules so I won't of course.

  • @lackbarwastaken said in Episode 6 the forums strike back.:

    @wolfmanbush I must disagree with your "thinly veiled" assertion. I have no beef, just an honest inquiry. There is no "gotcha" no grand reveal if I ever did get an answer. I'll keep refuting that assertion as long as you are willing to make it. I would use my support ticket evidence as a reason for why I'm so curious but discussing support tickets is apparently against the rules so I won't of course.

    Good luck in what you have going on here.

    I think the site benefits from having many different voices and opinions on the happenings around the game and community. I hope to see more of your views on other topics in the future.

  • @wolfmanbush Thank you for your kind words of encouragement.

  • hmm interesting, idk if they helped.

  • @jojo-buddy-v2 Yea idk if they did either man the search continues.

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