Lost Sands Adventure

  • @courtingnose1 said in Lost Sands Adventure:

    Or sail under Arena colours.
    For DeMarco!

    Lucky Clover?

  • @sshteeve
    Sure, want to sail with me on the adventure?

  • @courtingnose1 I'm happy to sail with any pirate who needs a crew matey, but will need to check if my regular crew are sailing. If not we can sort something out!

  • @realstyli said in Lost Sands Adventure:

    @cptnpotbeard said in Lost Sands Adventure:

    @tre-oni OH definitely. Amaranta definitely sided with Flameheart and the Reaper's. But she was once a sea dog.

    If we go with the theory that it was Amaranta who was the second masked figure standing behind Wanda in the Lost Forts trailer, then she sided with The Dark Brethren, not the Reapers.

    You would think. But I think she is only pretending to help Wanda. I think she's trying to get Wanda to teach her about cursed cannonballs so she can then take that information to flameheart.

  • I started playing the game when the “Haunted Shores” update was introduced. In fact the first event cloud I did was flameheart. Personally I want to side with him and sail my ship over to reapers hideout with the burning blade sails up. See how they like that!!

  • @courtingnose1 said in Lost Sands Adventure:

    Or sail under Arena colours.
    For DeMarco!

    Why? He failed his sister. He failed his father. He failed the Sea Dogs.

  • @captain-coel

    Who said he failed? Maybe he was gonna make something better until someone decided to kill him!

  • @capt-brookes he was killed after the arena closed. looks like failure to me

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