Option to turn off pet name tags in settings

  • I wish there was a way to turn off pet name tags in the same way you can turn off player name tags while still keeping HUD on because it’s a rather frustrating thing to have to find the right angle to take a screenshot with my pet where the name tag is out of frame

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  • If only we had some sort of screenshot or photo mode to just disable all this stuff in the photos.

  • I mean, I'd prefer a pets names off option regardless of taking screenshots and the like. I'd rather the pets just roam about the ship without the name tag kinda ruining the immersion. So I can get behind this sort of option.

  • But my boney dog ( Little Vessel ) likes to be noticed by others, especially the loud flamey dude in the sky.

  • Purposely named my pet same as me so when I'm on another Ship, or shoot him at another Ship they'll see the name tag and it will cause confusion.

    Not sure what it looks like from the other players POV. Guessing it's two white name tags that say "Glannigan"

  • @aerotsune this too

  • Yep, this is a fantastic idea, hope it comes as an option at some point.

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