Amplification of Roleplay with a brand new huge port [SoT SUGGESTION]

  • So. I recently played the Captains of the Damned tall tales and got something like:

    "Dang, and if we get a huge outpost on Sea of Thieves ? But a completly different one"

    Here are my suggestions:

    1: The Outpost

    We should be able to get a huge outpost ! I don't know if you saw it but there is alot of space beetween Shark Bait Cove, Thieves Haven, lookout point.... and the red sea. I think we should get a huge outpost at this location ! The outpost would look better than the other ones with much more options I will suggest after this part. This outpost could be a place of MEETING where PvP wouldn't get his place (I'm not saying I hate PvP and prefer PvE) This could be the perfect spot to meet crew members and more !!! The outpost could look like Isla Tesoro but not in the sea of the damned.

    2: Player Business

    In this outpost, players could be able to make their own buisness. Among thoses buisnesses, you can choose the ones down this line:

    • Shipwright: Fix and restock a player's ship for gold (amount goes from 5 - 10K gold)

    • Tavern holder: Cook dishes (a new system of dishes maybe ?) & serve grogs, made with fresh ingredients from the Sea of Thieves !

    • Merchant Alliance Holder: You would be able to assign ships to missions and put crates on their ship. You receive 8K if the ship reaches the Outpost

    • Outpost Cleaner: You would have to clean trash on the ground (200 Gold / trash cleaned)

    • Hitman: You could hire someone to sink or steal from another player you want (10k to sink him, 11K to steal him)

    • Guard: You would need to make sure that nobody is engaging a fight. You can stop situations with basic weapons and handcuffs

    • Musician: You could play music on the outpost with current instruments and new ones such as Violin, Bagpipes and Guitar.

    3: Houses & Ship customization system

    In the outpost, you could be able to rent (1k / gold per Day) or buy (500K to 1m depends of the house sise) a house. In this house, you could make a Lock / Open house system, Whitelist and Blacklist system, and of course, custom furniture placement (Plants, tables, beds, TV'... oh wait not this one :), Paintings) etc... Each furniture piece would cost 10K gold.

    With the house sytem we could also get a improved shipwright guy. This shipwright could open a editor (Compatible with Computers & Consoles) where you can customize: Hull shape, Sails, Furniture in ship, and maybe (but could be a bad idea) custom flags !

    4: Companies & Activities

    On this outpost, you would find your dear companies you see every day:

    • Merchant Alliance
    • Order of Souls
    • Gold Hoarders
    • Athena's Fortune

    But, of course, We would get our loved Hunters and Reapers !!

    -Hunters: Hunters would be located on the deck with more possibilities !! For example. Hunter's Call would get their own emissary system (Only rises when a rare fish, a megalodon, a kraken, a shark, a manta, a whale) note: Yeah there would also be whales. With brand new missions (fishing zones, whale hunt, retrieve hunter's lost props) etc...

    • Reaper's Bones: The Reapers would be located on the sewers. Instead of selling chests to the Servant of the flame, you would need to drop them to the Warden of the Flame, that could be someone important in the lore

    5: Sail away to the horizon !

    When lowering the sails (with anchor raised) you would see a cutscene with pirates waving to your ship, that is getting away in the horison. There would actually be 6 ships slots.

    There would be a global tavern, where every pirate can meet a new crew with a payment system. For example, we could give 1 - 5 ancient coins (Flameheart Junior Lore Reference) to hire some players !!!

    I hope you liked this suggestion ! Sorry for the poor grammar. I hope Rare Developers will be able to make this one day and offer a new Roleplay possibility !!

    Have a good day and see yall on the seas dear sea dogs !!!

  • 10
  • It's a interesting idea, and i'm all for map expansion (and a new large outpost), but the amount of features you're suggesting would be very difficult to implement and would probably take years to finish. I also am not too sure about the whole rent a place thing. It'd be cool to have a personal hideout just to browse ship and character cosmetics, but this rendition of it makes it more like a piratey version Of Animal Crossing or the Sims

  • Rent is just a suggestion, but even just getting the outpost with working jobs could be extremly cool !

  • This outpost could be a place of MEETING where PvP wouldn't get his place (I'm not saying I hate PvP and prefer PvE)

    That alone is a no from me. Simple words like this where pvp is not allowed won’t work.
    Only place that is pve is on the ferry and as it should only be.

  • This idea is far from unique. Having a "port city" or "Tortuga" island that's a "Safe Zone" has been discussed since day 1, and it's been firmly established that this would be utterly anathema to the game's core design philosophy.

  • @blam320 it would. Until portal mechanics got added. Now you could have an instanced safe zone which does not impact the whole "loot not yours until you sell it" thing.

  • @blam320 said in Amplification of Roleplay with a brand new huge port [SoT SUGGESTION]:

    This idea is far from unique. Having a "port city" or "Tortuga" island that's a "Safe Zone" has been discussed since day 1, and it's been firmly established that this would be utterly anathema to the game's core design philosophy.

    Yes but Pirate's Life 1 & 3, and let's not forget Shrine Mermaids.

    Safe zones...

    Instance it. I don't like the suggestion but if it was going to be done it should be a portal location.

  • There cant be safe zones in SoT, period. For many reasons and i will name few of them:

    • Would be abused by runners, dont want to lose your loot from the chasers? Safe zone. HARD NO! flee fight or send my regards to the ferryman as I send you there but safe zones should NEVER be allowed.

    • Setting an ambush outside the safe zone would create annoying scenarios, or just messing around your ship tucking... you name it.

    • Adventure Mode is about adventures and should be focused solely on that, give players random rp things to do and the seas would feel even more empty. Its down to 5 ships and if some of them would be busy messing around that outpost the server would feel dead for the rest.

    My solution

    Said it many times the answer is simple, make a big outpost that can be reached only through the main menu like the Arena lobby.
    A big outpost with random crews, you can enter it by yourself or with your mates as well. Or screw that, Make one! Youll be able to party up with up to 4 players and from there sail to the main game servers.
    This big outpost would serve as a place to lay back have a good banter, meet random crews and enjoy fun activities.

    Things like gambling darts dueling and fun social things to do, and a good way to create a gold sink and a soft endgame would be your own hideout and a furniture shop, decorate your place and maybe an Achievment room can be added.

    I think it would be a great service to fans of roleplay and wont hurt the core gameplay of SoT, but there can never be safe zones in Adventure Mode and things that take the focus away from that.

  • This sounds like it could be worked into a sort of pre-game area, where a bunch of pirates load into a massive outpost where they can find a group, become a crew and sail off to the main game servers.

  • @pithyrumble hahaha they are absolutely not,these Tall Tales are not open world multiplayer anymore, its either single player or coop mode.
    And you cant keep your loot so its definately nothing alike, players flee normally when they have something to lose and portals dont help them with that.

9 out of 10