Flintlock Pistol ADS is Not Centred For Most Models

  • Preface

    I went ahead and grabbed a screenshot of every Flintlock with a unique model in my collection, and took a screenshot aiming at a target with each one.

    I then made a quick and dirty crosshair in Medibang Paint and set it to be in the exact centre of the screen to see which pistols were the most off. Every single one matched the fire test I did, so I'm pretty confident in the accuracy of the crosshair. You can overlay any two images you want to see the crosshair is always in the same place.

    However, that means many pistols are at a disadvantage compared to others, a problem that Blunderbusses (because random bullet spread will mess your shot up anyways + point blank), Eyes of Reach (they all use the same texture, though some have added shaders that give slight visibility advantages), and Cutlasses (they're swords) don't really have.

    Even many of the pistols players consider accurate aren't 100% centred (no, not even the Sailor Pistol). They're good enough, obviously, but they do have some deviation away from the centre, just not enough to matter in the pistol's effective range.

    I'm going to link the full image album here, as I don't want to spam every image here. However, I will point out 3 good, 3 bad, and 3 REALLY bad Flintlocks.

    The Good

    Most people know the good pistols, but I'm going to post them anyways, as they're good pistols to use if you feel like using a pistol over the (in my opinion) better rifle.

    Sailor Pistol
    Sailor Flintlock

    Ebon/Aristocrat Pistols
    Ebon Flintlock

    Sea Dog Pistols
    Sea Dog Flintlock

    The Bad

    Most people seem to consider the Hunter, Admiral, and Sovereign Flintlocks pretty accurate, but looking at these, they're all way off on the Y-axis. While not too terrible, as a lot of people aim for the centre of the body, it can still result in a miss when it feels like it should have hit.

    Sovereign Pistols
    Sovereign Flintlock

    Admiral Pistols
    Admiral Flintlock

    Hunter Pistols
    Hunter Flintlock

    The Ugly

    I feel like I should leave specific remarks for these three, as I feel they're the worst offenders.

    In the case of the Bone Crusher Pistols, the spine part feels like it should be what you aim with, but it's off centre. Otherwise, it's almost perfectly accurate.

    In the case of the Crimson Crypt Pistol, it's so far off on the y-axis that even at relatively short ranges, a shot aimed at the hip of an enemy may end up hitting the ground instead of them. This is made worse when you realise it's one that players pay money to get.

    And finally, in the case of the Ghost/Legendary Spirit Pistols, they are off on both the X- and Y-axes. I love the look of these, especially the Legendary Spirit Pistol, but it's so unusable as a result.

    Bone Crusher Pistols
    Bone Crusher Flintlock

    Crimson Crypt Pistol
    Crimson Crypt Flintlock

    Ghost/Legendary Spirit Pistols
    Legendary Spirit Flintlock

    In Conclusion

    Rare, please fix the pistols. I imagine it can't be that much work to just add an offset for each unique model so that the iron sights line up with the centre of the screen. It's easier than redoing the models at least. The Bone Crusher Pistols are the exception, but that's mostly just a mental block issue that I feel players who want to use it can overcome.

    I love using the pistol over the rifle in this game, but I sometimes feel incredibly limited on what pistols I can use if I want to still be able to remain somewhat effective with them in both PvP and PvE.

  • 23
    screenshotjust for funfeedback
  • My favorite pistols for aiming are the Sea Dog, Admiral, and Spirit variants...

    ...and I shoot, for the most part, just fine - I have adapted to their differences.

    Do you want to know why?

    ...because I shoot at center mass, and don't bother at longer ranges.

  • Bad fps player can't use Bone Crusher flinty is all this says. And no love for the Merc Pistol's iron sights either?

  • The legendary spirit pistol is really messed up.

  • Sure sounds like a concern to me, but I've learned to cope with it whenever I'd be playing pistol.
    It's all about getting used to your weapon, which in itself is a repetitive learning mechanic keeping your interest in the game up, in a way...
    But you shouldn't restrict yourselves to the good ones and regret your weapon of choice.

  • @pithyrumble said in Flintlock Pistol ADS is Not Centred For Most Models:

    Bad fps player can't use Bone Crusher flinty is all this says. And no love for the Merc Pistol's iron sights either?

    While it is fair to call players bad at FPS games, it's not an excuse for Rare to just make the ADS on pistols embarrassingly off center...and varying from model to model.

    My gaming monitor has a crosshair feature I use, so I'm not impacted by this...but for the average SoT player that doesn't otherwise live in the FPS world like some of us, some pistol models are borderline useless.

  • @galactic-geek The majority of the range where the Legendary Spirit pistol is accurate when aiming at centre mass, you would be better off with a blunderbuss.

    Is what I would say if the blunderbuss didn't have random bullet spread.

    But for real, most people shoot pistols at mid-range targets. I've had several shots that I've hit that I wouldn't have if I was using the Legendary Spirit pistol. In a fight, I don't have time to figure out where the actual centre of my screen is. I trust the iron sights to be accurate.

    Yes, I am a bad player. I'm not going to hide the fact I'm not. That doesn't mean that this isn't a problem that shouldn't be solved.

    @sweetsandman this this this, so much this. I've legitimately debated taping a crosshair to the centre of my screen just so I can trust that instead of the iron sights on many of the pistols, but I felt that may be considered cheating by Rare, so instead I just use the Sailor pistol or my Ebon pistol 'cause they're both accurate and look nice.

  • @camellias4465 said in Flintlock Pistol ADS is Not Centred For Most Models:

    @sweetsandman this this this, so much this. I've legitimately debated taping a crosshair to the centre of my screen just so I can trust that instead of the iron sights on many of the pistols, but I felt that may be considered cheating by Rare, so instead I just use the Sailor pistol or my Ebon pistol 'cause they're both accurate and look nice.

    I can't imagine this would be considered cheating. Taping crosshairs to monitors is nothing new...I remember doing that back in the OG Counter-Strike and Delta Force Blackhawk Down days LOL. Now, most modern gaming monitors have that as a settings option like mine. While it's an investment, I'd strongly encourage it if you play a lot of FPS games.

    All that said, I can't stress enough that this is no excuse for having an entire subset of weapons in this game be SO horribly implemented across the varying cosmetics.

  • Dudarinos. all weapons fire at the same spot across all cosmetics

    Cosmetic advantages are a lie that mediocre players sell to make you doubt yourself

  • @pithyrumble

    I'm not sure why you're trying to downplay how flawed this is by taking an elitist stance.

    Imagine if the Call of Duty or Battlefield franchises just had a host of weapons that had off-center iron sights when ADS...they would get ridiculed endlessly...so ya know what, they make sure they don't make that mistake.

    This is no different. I always knew the iron sights on the different flintlock models were inaccurate compared to my crosshairs...but seeing it is this bad across the different models is kind of embarrassing.

    True...any strong FPS player will likely overcome this flaw...but that's just making an excuse for Rare and simultaneously hurting the average/casual players that Rare caters to.

  • @sweetsandman

    I'm not downplaying it, I'm dismissing it. Just like a cut on a certain sail. Get the Himalayan Sea Salt right.

    I appreciate the effort but it's part of the charm. There really isn't a difference in performance of same class guns. They have different iron sights to make you feel cool for "mastering" different cosmetics so you look at all the cool stuff they made.

  • @pithyrumble


    Hey @Camellias4465 . Just Git Gud. The iron sights are all fine. They aren't even supposed to be centered or give players an accurate indication of where their shot will go. They're fine. Everything's fine.

  • @sweetsandman said:

    The iron sights are all fine. They aren't even supposed to be centered or give players an accurate indication of where their shot will go. They're fine. Everything's fine.

    I don't even know why we're discussing something as trivial as centering iron sights, when we should be talking about centering the capstan.

    Edit: /s

  • @theblackbellamy said in Flintlock Pistol ADS is Not Centred For Most Models:

    @sweetsandman said:

    The iron sights are all fine. They aren't even supposed to be centered or give players an accurate indication of where their shot will go. They're fine. Everything's fine.

    I don't even know why we're discussing something as trivial as centering iron sights, when we should be talking about centering the capstan.

    LOL that annoys you also?

  • @swimplatypus7

    I was jk lol. But I do think they should center the iron sights.

  • @theblackbellamy

    Oh absolutely, simply moving the model so that the sights align with the actual hit location at "near range" is not a complex or tedious process, and its not like they have but a hand full of pistols to actually fix here. .

    Just the darn capstan being off-center on the galleon and sloop irritates me.

  • Nerd stuff.

    Want to fix it?

    1 hole puncher

    1 piece of black electrical tape.

    Put it where the bullet hits

    Follow me for other life hacks.


  • Some interesting Sea of Science. It's mostly just a trick played on our minds by the cosmetics, as the weapons all aim at the center of the screen. That said, some are more "easy" to aim than others because they require less compensating for the designs.

    I'm lazy and mostly use EoR/Cutlass, so if I switch to a pistol it's going to be one of the Ebon Flintlock variants. If you use only a certain skin on a gun though, you will get used to the discrepancies over time.

  • @sweetsandman Darn, u right. I just gotta git gud and buy a gaming monitor that I set in my lap. That way I always have a crosshair in the centre of my screen.

    @glannigan Already mentioned that I feel like, depending on how strict the devs are, that it may be considered cheating. Plus, if I was going to do it, I wouldn't use tape. I would just create a program in Java or C# that renders a crosshair for me. Until the devs explicitly say that's okay, though, I'm not taking the risk.

    @realstyli That's why I placed the crosshair at the very centre of the screen (it's one of the first things in the post). The issue is that the iron sights don't line up with the centre.

  • @pithyrumble said in Flintlock Pistol ADS is Not Centred For Most Models:

    Dudarinos. all weapons fire at the same spot across all cosmetics

    Cosmetic advantages are a lie that mediocre players sell to make you doubt yourself

    Yes, they’re supposed to fire on the same spot across cosmetics but it doesn’t take much more than a set of eyes to notice that the Ghost pistol and Legendary Spirit pistol being recolors fire on different spots when aiming down. The Ghost on fires fine down the middle but the Spirit one is quite obviously broken and more difficult to use than intended beyond very close range.

  • @illbushido305 Oh the Ghost pistol is actually accurate? I don't own it so I wasn't able to test, but I assumed since they used the same model they were the same

  • @camellias4465 yes it shoots accurately down the middle. It does have the floating bit on it but when it floats down and you have a clear view, it shoots perfectly fine.

  • @camellias4465
    It's sad that so many pistols are off, but I don't know how a lot of this can be remedied without making an iron sight on many pistols that may/may not fit the aesthetic. The best fix I can think of is moving the pistol location while ADS so that it matches up with the center of the screen. The Crimson Crypt is a good example of a weapon that could use this treatment. But some, like the Forsaken Ashes pistol, is unrecoverable.
    In the end, Rare should fix weapons like the Crimson Crypt, and try to make more in the future be viable. But some will always be bad, just like cannons. It's a shame that the ledger reward cannons are bad in general, and I'm dreading seeing the ledger pistols at the end of this month, because they all look bad.

    Personally, I don't need much for pistol sights because I'm so used to visualizing the center of my screen and hipfiring for that area (if you hold the aim button while reloading and spam click, you can fire an aimed shot without ADS, shaving a fraction of a second off of your reload time). But the times when I do need to aim, the DA pistol works well enough for that . If you're an Insider you might know the situation with that pistol and Rare.

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13 out of 23