Forum login broken?

  • Just tried logging in on a PC browser and getting ERR_TUNNEL_CONNECTION_FAILED error.

    I’m logged in on my phone currently but double checked on a private browser on it and got a similar result - “this site can’t be reached” (my phone is on a different connection to the PC, so it’s not that).

    I can only assume when my cookies expire on my phone then I’ll be locked out!?

    If anyone else wants to check in an incognito window, and confirm the issue is server side, that would be appreciated!

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  • @realstyli I'm logged in right now on browser PC and it is working but I don't use incog mode.

  • @personalc0ffee

    You should be fine until your login session expires eventually, which it will do. The reason I specified incognito mode (or InPrivate on Edge) is that people could check without logging out, therefore getting locked out.

  • @Musicmee any word on this?

  • @personalc0ffee Yup!

    Ahoy maties...

    the login process for web services is currently broken, if you are signed in currently you should be good. but if you are needing to log in you currently won't be able to do so.

    It is being worked on as we speak!

  • Ah see, there you go.


  • Thanks for checking

  • @realstyli Haha, I just do what I always do. I ask Damien.

  • In hindsight, yes, but I’m sure Musicmee is a busy pirate and I like to make sure it’s not sea madness setting in on my side first!

  • @realstyli Hahaha, yeah... the business never stops.

    But sure, do feel free to tag me. We had just been briefed about the issues so thought I would pop along and let you know.

  • Well, it looks to be fixed... or at least on the mend... as I've managed to log in on PC now.

    Thanks again.

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