Pirate Crew Limits

  • I know this has probably been beaten to death several times before hand. But I honestly feel like the limit of pirate crews should be increased, at the very least, more than four people on the galleon because four people is not enough to run that ship efficiently. But on top of that, I really think it should increase purely because of something that happened to some friends and I last night playing;
    Last night, we took down a vault, a pirate ship captain, and the shark in one sitting, while capturing the last of the loot from the shark, little sharks spawned and killed us repeatedly in the water while we tried to get the supplies. And then a small skiff(1-2 person ship) showed up waving the good pirate flag and then proceeded to have more than 8 people on the ship who jumped our four person ship and overpowered us, not only as people on board attacking us, but as four people on a one person ship shot the ever loving heck out of our ship and people shot us with guns at the same time.
    Now I get how this game is mostly, I am not terribly mad because money only means cosmetics, so I don't care THAT much, but its kind of absurd how the four of us couldn't even fight against these people who overwhelmed us with double our people on a faster ship.

    I just honestly believe that there should be more people running that ship, and I am sure everyone has mentioned this before, I just think the game would be better that way(and also have more friends who would play the game with me, somewhere between 6-8) and peoples opinions of "More people means its going to be hectic and no one will hear each other talk or calling things out" or w.e I disagree, i think the hectic mess and the chaos would MAKE a pirate game more interesting.

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  • The galleon can be run efficiently with 4 people. The crew limits are set as they are for a reason, and adding more players just makes the ships unsinkable by crews that know what they are doing.

    It's kind of weird to argue that a ship should have more people and then provide an example of a ship with more people being impossible to deal with.

  • something new to me in so many years of playing, I've never seen an eight-player sloop sink a rookie galleon.
    Maybe you have a rich imagination?

  • If your experience is true, I assure you that it's an incredibly rare and isolated incident.

    By design, you're not supposed to be able to do everything perfectly on a ship - it'sju that being forced to pick and choose and coordinate that allows you to make mistakes and for your opponents to find holes in your gameplay. The more skilled you are, the fewer holes you'll have, but you will always have a weakness allowing others to outplay you.

    Asking Rare to break that design to better fight off those who already choose to circumvent said design is patently ridiculous.

    That's like asking a police officer to break the law to met out justice against those who break it. See the issue there?

  • 4 pirates on a Galleon works out.
    Proper placement and role is key to it. (Same with any ship)
    To make everyone happy, alternate and rotate is also best idea so nobody feels locked in a role they dislike.

    As well, if you feel you need extra crewmate to run the ship better is the right feeling. To know you are on a galleon and feel you need that one or two extra pirate to dominate is correct, but its meant to be that way.
    You are not 100%, but its for the best.

  • I would like to have a ship that has more people on it, 5 or 6 but i think it should be slow and very hard to sail and as many people have said before be locked with galleons on a special server. I just don't like having friends that can't play some nights because there are tio many. But at the same time i understand that it could cause many balancing issues.
    We regularly sail a galleon and you can definitely efficiently sail it with 4, as mentioned above having more than 4 would bw ridiculous and very overpowered. It sounds like you were just caught in a weird unfortunate circumstance if there were really 8 people on the attacking sloop.

  • 4 Person Galleon is fine, has worked since launch...

    Sloop with 8 people boarding you = an alliance on the server that decided to work together to overwhelm you. I assure you that had 2 Galleons with 4 people each had teamed up and rolled up and boarded you, you would have had the same experience.

    In this case, the Alliance used a sloop to approach you, capitalizing on the lack of a threat it appeared.

    but with 8 people and a sloop, you were up against at least half of the other boats on the server. Anyone would get wrecked by that.

    And increasing the number of crew on a Galleon would not have helped other than provide those that were attacking you more people that could have been with them, resulting in the same disparity.

  • Absolutely not. Just no. It can be difficult now if you’re a solo slooper 4VS1. Let alone 8VS1. That would be extremely unbalanced.

  • @unknown-largo lol you cant run a gal with 4 people?? i run it easily in war with 3 people.

  • I see people have a very specific remark of keeping the ship in less, I can in fact guarentee you we got overwhelmed and absolutely can say, having six people on my ship at that time would have saved our ship. I don't understand why people say having 4 on a galleon is efficient. Im now day three of playing this game and this ship is just clunky and there just isn't enough hands doing things when it comes to actually fighting.
    As far as people versing a single player, maybe don't be a 1 person hero and attack people, you can run, it is an effective tactic, and it happens ALL the time. MY four party group was raided by a two person group in a skiff today by them constantly shooting a person at us and bombing our ship suiciding over and over again, while the small ship out ran and out maneuvered us the ENTIRE time. Not to mention they were camping a quest spot waiting for people to go fight the skeleton lord and then sinking their ship with bombs and taking the skull to sell it. No matter how many times we stopped the guy, he just kept coming back. And you are telling me a single galleon can take on ANY 1 or 2 person skiff, absolutely not, its a player skill, and even if there were ten people on the galleon, a skiff could easily just run away and out maneuver it just like what happened to us tonight.
    I get people have their opinions, but I personally, and so all of my friends, especially a bunch of people literally brand new to the game getting hazed by cheesy moves and outplayed by players while we are just trying to learn the game. Four of us isn't enough to run this ship, plain and simple, we either have great time sailing, or we fight and get messed up during fights because we can't all balance every role.
    Seems like every night we play this game some other cheesy thing happens to us and makes us get off the game upset, three nights in a row already. I half regret getting the game in the first place if we cant even have ANY fun because we get attacked by one super experienced player, or jumped by an alliance taking over a server and hazing ANY players that come in the moment they hop in.

    I also love that no one seems to believe this idea, but thats totally what happened, ever had a skiff shooting off cannon rounds like a machine gun while two guys are on your ship cutting you down, while two guys are shooting guns at you at the same time? Yeah we got to experience that. It was cancerous, but the game totally allows it, but me thinking that the experience being more fun with more people on a ship to run it more efficiently is apparently a crazy notion. Makes sense to me I guess, I am sure tomorrow when we play and someone else does something game breaking thats totally allowed ill uninstall the game and move on to another game.

  • I would also like to point out, this is an opinion of someone three days into the game, Whatever has worked since launch, or might or might not game break with multiple people. Im just putting input in the game to show maybe someone who is new to the game, or something like that. I don't expect the devs to say "Well lets change this right now" Im more or less complaining about a stupid situation, and a lack of fun me and my friends have had now because this four person galleon just feels clunky to us. This is what new people to the game feel compared to people who have been playing for ages, and is input from a new persons perspective. Take it as you may, im sure a good majority of new players have this issue, and a vast majority of those end up quitting/uninstalling because there is no remedy for this aside from just 'keep trying and maybe you get better'

    Not here to ruffle feathers, here to drop input from the perspective of a new person, so take the criticism as you feel. If our fourth day of playing this game goes wrong, I can GUARENTEE that me and the six or so people that just got the game will be uninstalling and quitting since it just isn't fun getting killed by cheese tactics that veteran players know, and being unable to properly adjust to the mechanics of a game enough to actually have any fun.

  • @unknown-largo said in Pirate Crew Limits:

    little sharks spawned and killed us repeatedly in the water while we tried to get the supplies. And then a small skiff(1-2 person ship) showed up waving the good pirate flag and then proceeded to have more than 8 people on the ship who jumped our four person ship and overpowered us, not only as people on board attacking us, but as four people on a one person ship shot the ever loving heck out of our ship and people shot us with guns at the same time.

    Grappling hook bruv. Not sure why you were even in the water where the sharks could attack you in the first place, especially after fighting a Meg which is supposed to always spawn sharks when it dies.

    I hope you realize how much larger crew sizes would amplify the problem of being outnumbered. For all those groops of 1/2/3 on sloops/brigs who are already terrified of galleons for have a 4 person crew to be even more terrified when they now must expect that gally to have 5/6/whatever people, and they are still only the same 1/2/3 friends.

    That said whenever I get into combat I generally feel like my crew is smaller than it ought to be. Though when I say that it's less about ship size and more about the number of things that must be done vs the number of people doing things.
    Why do I hate fighting galleons when I'm on a sloop? It's not because they have a bigger ship, or more cannons. It's because they can steer, fire, repair, and board at the same time, while I at best can only do 2 of those things at once, and sometimes only 1. Indeed, every time I fight as a sloop, I'm thinking "I should really have at least 3 people on this ship, and there should be another smaller ship for playing solo."

    In short, larger crew = win regardless of which ship you're on.
    Basically, the point both you and I have unintentionally made in this thread is that all ships should be able to have the same crew size, but, well, there's reasons why they didn't make it that way.

  • @unknown-largo
    The problem is that you need to learn to play the game before you tackle a hard task.

    In other games, you don't charge to level 50 zones while you're still level 1, yeah? The galleon is a difficult ship to manage, with so many things that require attention, management and efficient, superb communication. The only way to learn what you really need to focus on is through the smallest ship.

    • Sloops (not skiffs, friend) teach you how you should maneuver, keep your distance to make cannon-shots from your enemy hard to hit you, and to keep your sail(s) safe. But, in other ways, how to do anything for your ship. Learn the sloop, you learn the other ships. (Level 0)
    • Brigantines are chasers, speedy bois, and have an extra matey to give you extra punch when it comes to boarding the enemy. Similar mechanics to sloop, but a bit slower on the turning. (Level 20)
    • Galleons are the tanky, weaponized war-machines that say, "Stay away, I'm armed and dangerous." But, with a slow turn rate and speed without the wind, the crew must be vigilant of all the factors that go into making the most of your strength. (Level 50)

    Yes, these numbers are arbitrary.
    Do I think that crew sizes should be increased? Yes.
    How should crew sizes be balanced with each other? I say +1 to every existing ship, with a new ship having 6-8 players.

    • Watch PhuzzyBond. ;)
  • @unknown-largo said in Pirate Crew Limits:

    I would also like to point out, this is an opinion of someone three days into the game, Whatever has worked since launch, or might or might not game break with multiple people. Im just putting input in the game to show maybe someone who is new to the game, or something like that. I don't expect the devs to say "Well lets change this right now" Im more or less complaining about a stupid situation, and a lack of fun me and my friends have had now because this four person galleon just feels clunky to us. This is what new people to the game feel compared to people who have been playing for ages, and is input from a new persons perspective. Take it as you may, im sure a good majority of new players have this issue, and a vast majority of those end up quitting/uninstalling because there is no remedy for this aside from just 'keep trying and maybe you get better'

    Not here to ruffle feathers, here to drop input from the perspective of a new person, so take the criticism as you feel. If our fourth day of playing this game goes wrong, I can GUARENTEE that me and the six or so people that just got the game will be uninstalling and quitting since it just isn't fun getting killed by cheese tactics that veteran players know, and being unable to properly adjust to the mechanics of a game enough to actually have any fun.

    you are asking this because you and your crew are not good enough to do a galleon. Gals are meant to be hard and not the easiest thing in the game.

9 out of 14